U' Vies with State over Building Funds C ontrol (First of a Series) By EDWARD HERSTEIN How much control can the state exercise over University building funds? University officials may go to court to find out. The issue centers around recent restrictions by the Legisla- ture on the capital outlay funds it appropriates for the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University. University President Harlan Hatcher said Monday that the University would "challenge" these restrictions-restrictions it believes may be unconstitutional. Wording Problem In particular, the University is concerned with wording in Gov. George Romney's 1964 capital outlay bill that says "the (state) comptroller . . . is hereby authorized and em- powered to award suitable . . . contracts . . . for all state agencies including the four-year colleges and universities." The bill, as presently written, covers "architectural, engi- neering and construction contracts to design, construct and equip all projects" . . . and makes the comptroller's ruling "subject to the approval of the State Administrative Board." Two other restrictions have also cropped up, though they have not as yet affected the University. The first restriction takes the form of a provision in the capital outlay appropriation bill that withholds funds from a university "except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a subsequent concurrent resolu- tion" passed by the Legislature. Such a clause was inserted in an MSU appropriation last year. Restriction The second restriction is in the form of a state constitutional provision. It is feared that the new constitution allows an ap- propriation already passed to be cut back if state revenues fail to meet expenditures. This provision is yet to be used. The University could contest these provisions in court on the grounds that they interfere with the autonomy of the University as guaranteed by the constitution. Article VIII, Section 4 provides that the University, MSU and Wayne State shall each have governing boards and "each board shall have general super- vision of its institution and the control and direction of all ex- penditures from the institution's funds." The State Supreme Court has rendered a number of deci- sions which further clarify the limits of legislative involvement with the University. Although these decisions were rendered under the old constitution, the'relevant part of the provision in the new one is virtually unchanged. These rulings have established that: 1) "Legislative appropriations become the 'property' of the University as soon as the appropriation acts become effective,... It is clear that once an appropriation is made it cannot there- after be subjected to any change by state administrative officers. It is possible that even the state Legislature cannot constitu- ionally subject the appropriation to change," according to "The University of Michigan: An Encyclopedic Survey." 2) While the Legislature may attach conditions to approp- riation acts with which the University must comply in order to receive funds, such conditions "will be deemed unconstitutional and unvalid if, by their effect, they take from the Board of Regents any substantial part of the board's discretionary power over the operation or educational policies of the University." Unsettled Thus the unsettled question is whether the restrictions men- tioned above infringe on the Regents' authority. Of special con- cern because of its immediate probable application is the pro- vision in the capital outlay bill providing that the state comp- troller award contracts whose funds are provided for in the bill. Is this restriction unconstitutional? Gene Krasicky, an attorney in the state attorney general's office who specializes in educational matters, says "no." He maintains that it is "permissible" for the comptroller to have this power. Krasicky holds that such a clause does not infringe on the University's freedom because the type of building to be con- sructed with the funds is still determined by the Regents and they still have the power to turn down an appropriation. Unlikely He further says that it is unlikely a contract would be let out to construct a building so designed that did not meet the desires of the University after they accepted the appropriation. However, Krasicky says it is "unclear" whether the state would be violating the constitution in such a case. A University official looks at the matter somewhat differ- ently, though. He says that the procedure the University might follow under the bill would be to let out bids for a project, decide which one to accept, and then ask for the release of the funds. They might be released even though it would be uncon- stitutional, he says. However, it is more likely that the funds would not be released and the University "could then ask the Supreme Court to rule this unconstitutional." i THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL See Editorial Page Stiri au A& 41P :43 a t tH COLDER High--26 Low-15 Cloudy, windy, flurries Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES INTERNATIONAL CENTER: PoroposeNew Facilities By MICHAEL SATTINGER The International Center, hav- ing outgrown its present location, is seeking new facilities. The cen- ter, now located in a wing of the Michigan Union, has submitted a proposal for the necessary funds to the Central Sesquicentennial Com- mittee, a faculty group whose pur- pose is to plan overall program- ming and building for the Univer- sity's sesquicentennial anniversary. "There seems now to be no oth- er possibility for expansion of oth- er University-provided program facilities," James M. Davis,,direc- tor of the International Center, said recently. "Current discussions concerning the possible merger of the Union and Michigan League, for example, do not envisage the creation of ad- ditional facilities." When the International Center was first located in the wing in 1938, there were 296 foreign stu- dents in a total enrollment of 11,- 475. "The center did not concern itself with the breadth of services which it now provides," Davis. added. Projection At present there are about 1400 foreign students on campus. There would be about 2000 foreign stu- dents on campus in 1970, based on a projected enrollment of 40,000. The basic justification for hav- ing the international center at all is to make possible improved learning situations for students from many nations, including the United States, Davis said. Because people gain a great deal from their associations with people from other nations, the University has a responsibility to provide the necessary facilities for group ac- tion. Special Needs Considering the special needs of the International Center, a new building should include a large multi-purpose room with stage and adjacent kitchen. This room, seating about 500 in chairs and 300 at tables, would be smaller than the Union or League ball- rooms. There is no place like this in Ann Arbor, except in similar rooms in a few churches, Davis commented. The center should also include two conference rooms seating 25 each and a meeting room seating about 200 which can be split in half with a sound-proof dividing wall and adjacent kitchenette. Also needed is a larger lounge, one which would seat about 50 stu- dents. "Several of the rooms needed are related to food-preparation areas because the service of re- freshments in general and of spe. cial national foods in particular are important adjuncts to success- ful international programming. Most graduate students in Ann Arbor live in small apartments or rented rooms which are barely adequate for the occupants and offer no possibility for entertain- ing," Davis said. The new building would alsoti - lude office facilities. Tax Bill Approved In House Senate To Take Final Vote Today WASHINGTON (P)-The House passed the compromise $11.5 bil- lion tax cut bill yesterday, push- ing the measure within one step of final enactment. Senate leaders said that body will vote today on the bill, the biggest single tax reduction ever voted. President Lyndon B. Johnson's quick signature is assured, per= mitting millions of Americans to start feeling the reductions with their first or second pay checks in March. Benefits The bill will bring tax cuts av- eraging about 19 per cent for in- dividuals but ranging from 15.5 per cent in some brackets to 100 per cent for some low incomes now taxed. Corporate rates will drop an average of about 10 per cent. The 326-83 House vote came after strong pleas for economy ex- pressed by Republicans and by Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark) of the House Ways and Means Commit- tee. Restraint "This legislation meets the re- quirements of fiscal responsibil- ity," Mills said, adidng that Con- gress must exercise all possible restraint on spending. "Even a one-year detour from reduction of federal expenditures can get us off this track," Mills cautioned. The ranking GOP member of Mills' committee, Rep. John W. Byrnes (R-Wis) said, 'If we don't hold the line this bill will haunt us." Republican Leader Charles A. Halleck (R-Ind) told his col- leagues, "We've really got to tight- en down our belts and hold down appropriations." The Senate decided to devote its afternoon session to final debate on the measure with a vote on certain passage today. Thus, this biggest tax cut in the nation's history-$11.5 billion-will finish its passage through Congress after a torturous year-long struggle and argument over a myraid of details. Romney Capitol Sources ...'~V.., Indicate Might Not Run, 4 . .. :v .: :. Y . . +...."."J" .Yv:r:} :r' :Yri ":^"E?>. y; R "?.:+ r' Dearborn Playvs Unique Role (Last of a Three-Part Series) By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM special To The Daily DEARBORN-Stumbling over the "beautiful but dumb" mis- conception has hampered the otherwise voluminous growth of the University's four-year old Dearborn Center. For the University and indus- trial officials who joined to en- gineer the $16.5 million Dear- born Center in the late fifties, the goal for their "product" was to unleash more competent, scientifically-current personnel for southeast Michigan indus- try. But selling this product to the local students -- although the enrollment has expanded from 37 to over 600 full-time pupils - has been hindered by what Vice-President and Director for the Dearborn Center William E. Stirton calls the either-or fal- lacy, known as the "beautiful but dumb" misconception. Translation Translated, these terms mean that citizens regarding educa- tion have come to. believe that a student can only be trained to earn a good living or to lead a good life-one or the other, but not both. But Stirton says it's not so. He has assigned himself gnd the institution the task of cross- fertilizing industrial training with liberal arts backgrounding to prepare an "industrial and aesthetic" citizenry intent upon better utilization of both the leisure and working time, he maintains. Achievement Achieving this cross-fertiliza- tion in the future will require the development and coordina- tion of the locally oriented schools, Stirton says. He notes that in Dearborn the progress will be not in the expansion to a four-year lib- eral arts oriented institution, but in the joint development of small, autonomous institutions within their locality. He draws specific contrast to the University's Flint College, its other two-year branch cam- pus. In that locality, a group of prominent citizens and Uni- versity administrators have framed a recommendation for expanding into a four-year op- eration. Officials have also expressed interest in trying to consumate a similar program in Dearborn. But Stirton maintains an em- phatic "no." He says that the Dearborn Henry Ford Community College -tailored specifically to meet local needs-is the proper car- rier for the unique cross-fertili- zation of industry and educa- tion during the first two under- graduate years. Too often these programs are not sufficiently advanced, he explained. Thus, when the Uni- versity opened its two-year sen- ior program, its aim was to cre- ate an industry-education bond at the more highly-skilled pro- fessional level. Built by local industry, co- ordinated with local education and advised by prominent lo- cal citizens, Dearborn Center has made its mark as a "partic- ular kind of institution," a demonstration that "good living and occupational living are two components of the same breed," Stirton explains. "They're happy with us-the way we are We'll lick that beautiful but dumb misconcep- tion, too." NEW HOME?-The International Center has submitted a propos- al for the funds necessary to establish a new facility in some other location than the one shown above, seen from Madison Street looking west. The major reason for the move is the center's need for more room. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: Faculty Body Deliberates Choice of Graduate Dean By LOUISE LIND Stephen H. Spurr, assistant to the vice-president for academic affairs, said yesterday that the faculty committee selected to advise the vice-president on the appointment of a new dean for the graduate school Is "working toward an early solution of the problem. "The committee would like to have its work completed by June 30 or earlier, if possible," he said. Ralph A. Sawyer, present dean of the graduate school and vice- National Slot Reportedly Has Priorit GOP Governor Could Seek Cabinet Post, Return to Industry By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily LANSING -Michigan Republi- :ans may hive to come up with a new gubernatorial candidate this year. Gov. George Romney reportedly has a six-point political program for himself, and running for re- election is fifth on the list. Sources close to the governor expect him to wait until the latest possible moment to announce his plans, creating uncertainty about his future. Those close to Romney refuse to be quoted and admit freely they do not know anything "for sure." In fact, they doubt the governor has made any decision at all. Observers see Romney's plans and the possibilities as follows: First, he would like to be the Republican party's candidate for president of the United States, but sources close to Romney admit that he is realistic about the pos- sibilities of this. Earlier, he al- lowed that he would accept a draft if it were offered him, but his aides say he calculates this as "very remote." Second, he would like to be the Republican candidate for vice- president. However, here again aides agree he is not optimistic about his chances. One source claimed that the governor believes he would only have a chance for the second spot if Gov. William W. Scranton of Pennsylvania were the nominee. Third, he would like to have an appointment as a cabinet officer, although there is widespread dis- agreement as to just which one. Yet, the governor reportedly full- well realizes this depends solely on GOP fortunes in November. Fourth, he would throw over his political career entirely and return to industry. Romney reportedly sees a serious possibility of this course, but many of his close asso- ciates discount it, saying he would not actually do so when put to the decision. Whether he would return to his old spot as president of American Motors Corp. Is also un- clear. Fifth, he would seek re-election as Michigan's governor on the .%J. r.MrrWh:e."O+ AV S:r .6",S.W 1:l .::}S':f:. . . f........., .. .. h"" . .. S. :;rr..:F,«..;}l.Yf":: ' PRIMARY BATTLE: Thayer To Fight Meader For House Nomination.: .. Thant Returns Cyprus Issue RTo UN Council NEW YORK oP) - Secretary- General U Thant admitted failure yesterday in his efforts to resolve the Cyprus crisis. He tossed the issue back into the laps of the United Nations Security Council. After almost four hours of de- bate-marked by one demonstra- tion in the public gallery-the council decided to postpone fur- ther consideration until Thursday. This was done obviously to per- mit tempers to cool and let pri- vate negotiations take over once more-this time with the six non- permanent members of the coun- cil assuming a chief role. On Cyprus, President Arch- bishop Makarios of Cyprus an- nounced he would increase his security forces to nearly four times present strength by creating a 5000-man police force. He said all Cypriots bearing arms ille- gally would be deprived of them. Taking this to mean an exclu- president for research, is sched- uled to retire July 1. Spurr explained that the com- mittee's deliberations are now in the "extremely confidential stage" of dealing with specific nominees suggested by the faculty for the job. "The committee is looking for the most outstanding man we can get. The committee has no precon- ceptionsbabout who or what he should be." The committee is considering a large list of nominees represent- ing every academic field in the University. "Next year's dean could come from any discipline," Spurr com- mented. Spurr assists Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns. SGC To Meet In South Quad Student Government Council will hold its meeting tonight in the East Main Lounge of South Quad- rangle, in compliance with a mo- tion, passed last fall, that at least one meeting a semester be held 'INTERNATIONAL IMAGES:' Israel Reacts to Ara By BRIAN BEACH The recent establishment of a unified Arab military command will mean that the Middle East will divert its resources to unpro- ductive roles, Yehezkel Barnea, consul for press and international services of the Israeli Consulate for the Midwestern area said last night. Speaking in the "International Images" series, jointly sponsored by the International Students As- sociation and the Michigan Un- ion International Affairs Commit- tee, Barnea observed that Israel will have to defend itself in re- sponse to this development. "Thirteen differing members of the Arab league met in Cairo and cause they didn't want to recog- nize Israel." Barnea indicated that it is not fruitful to discuss this dispute on a purely economic basis when there- are such great political over- tones. Commenting on the circum- LANSING -P)-Sen. Stanley Thayer, 40-year-old leader of the Senate Republican "moderates" and chief legislative spokesman for the Romney administration, yesterday announced his candidacy for Congress. Thayer said he willenter the Aug. 4 primary against incumbent United States Rep. George Meader (R-Ann Arbor) in the new 2nd aDistrict. Telling a press conference he believes Meader's record in Congress is one of "intellectual negativism," the Senate GOP cau- cus chairman said: G ro u p"I believe I have no other choice b G ro u pthan to offer the citizens of this district an alternative to their present representative." stances which allowed a Jewish Thayer, an attorney, said he nation to be established in this considers himself a member of a century, he noted that the first "new and dynamic group of Re- step in its establishment was the publicans" who are dedicated to fall of the Ottoman Empire. "leading the people of this coun- "The spread in an acceptance of try into an enlightened era of nationalism by the world was nec- world peace and individual ad- essary before the Jewish state vancement." could be established," he added. In addition, Thayer claimed Another factor aiding the estab- that he had "devoted special ef- lishment of Israel was the recog- forts in the Senate to matters nition that British rule in Israel which affect persons on both the. was based on the idea they would state and national level-the need establish a Jewish state, he said. for fiscal stabiilty, the concern Nationalism for growing problems of higher Barnea emphasized that the re- education in an expanding popu- Bnrnea eiphaiondtashm-was lation, the assurance of equality sulting Israeli nationalism sto all citizens, and proper support' an inner-directed nationalism. It for mental health programs and was applied to help ourselves, not facilities." ANOTHER BIRTHDAY To Celebrate Shakespeare The University is planning a number of programs in March and April to commemorate William Shakespeare's 400th anniversary. B. Iden Payne, Shakespearian director, actor and teacher, will discuss "Shakespeare as Stage Di- rector" March 18 in Rackham Aud. University harpsichordist Mari- lyn M. Brown, assisted by speech and music students, will present a program of Elizabethan music and Shakespearean sonnets and songs in Trueblood Aud., April 7. A concert of English and Italian Renaissance music will be offered by the Michigan Consort in Rack- ham Lecture Hall April 10. t E t Republican .ticket. Aides claim he would actually do this before go- ing back to private life, but Rom- ney apparently is not spoiling for another losing bout with the Legis- lature, and he would consider the success of his current legislative program before deciding on run- ning again. And that road may not be smooth. According to the new con-