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February 25, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-25

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Seventy-Third' Year
"Where OpItions Are Free STUDENT PmULCATas DUG., Amn Ammo, MicH., PHONE xo 2-3241
Truth wiln Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noled in al reprints.


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Y FEBRUARY 25, 1964



A Superior University
Must Not Be Sacrificed

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HE UNIVEISITY is not like any other
in the state. But Gov. George Romney
doesn't see it that way.
The fact that Gov.' Romney doesn't
consider this university a superior institu-
tion is clear from his recommended budg-
et for higher education. It gave the Uni-
versity a smaller increase in operating
funds than the other major university to
the north.
However, the powers-that-be in Lansing
must recognize that this university has a
unique status and pattern of responsibili-
ties. The claim that the University is
unique is not merely a bias. It is based on
the University's long history of pursuit of
excellence. This institution is presently on
an instructional plane with the outstand-
ing private universities of the East Coast.
The University is a superior one because
of the intangibles of faculty, administra-
tive and student commitment to excel-
For those who need more practical ex-
amples of the University's merits, its role
in graduate-professional education, its
contributions in quality and quantity of
basic and applied research and its
achievements in terms of public services
set it off from any other institution in
the state, or for that matter, in the Mid-
THE PEOPLE of this state face two al-
ternatives in piloting the future of
higher education in Michigan. They can
elect to preserve a superior institution like
the University, and at the same time seek
ways to improve- the general level of high-
er education in the state. Or they can
scrap the idea of a superior university un-
til they can better the other state institu-
tions. Gov. Romney has obviously chosen
the latter course of action. Hopefully,
the Legislature will take a different stand.

Although Gov. Romney must be com-
mended for his striking support for edu-
cation in general, his desire to smooth in-
stitutional differences and to level qual-
ity are unfortunate.
The governor justified strengthening
financial support to Michigan State Uni-
versity by saying that it "is a reflection
of the increase in students at MSU." Cer-
tainly, it is true that State's undergradu-
ate enrollment will increase during the
next few years by more than the Univer-
sity's. But an institution's overall excel-
lence cannot be equated with raw enroll-
ment figures. The fact that MSU will have
a greater undergraduate population can-
not be used as the primary rationale for
recommending that State receive a great-
er percentage than the University of the
education appropriation.
Financial support must be based on to-
tal performance-on the quality of in-
struction, ratio of graduates to under-
graduates, contributions of research and
the institution's role in adult education,
public health and other services. In these
terms the University's needs far out dis-
tance those of other state schools.
THE JOINT legislative appropriations
committee visited here yesterday. Ad-
ministrators tried to explain to the leg-
islators just why the University is and
should continue to be a superior institu-
tion. Hopefully, the senators and repre-
sentatives got the message. This univer-
sity doesn't need a disproportionate
amount of the education budget, but it
does need a healthy share to maintain its
standard of excellence. It cannot wait for
really adequate appropriations until the
other state schools catch up.
Associate City Editor

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Halt 'Irresponsible Unionism'

Uniting Isolated Britain
with the Continent



Ani-Renaisance ManDiJ-or
.4 David Marcus, Editorial Director7A S,7


HERE IS A convenient mythology that
divides the University into three dis-
tinct groups: the bungling bureaucrats
in the Administration Bldg., the disen-
franchised students wallowing in apathy
and the courageous, intellectually alive
faculty. In the last few years, I have per-
sonally had to modify all these images,
but none so radically as my stereotype
of the faculty.
It seems to me today that a great many
faculty members are every bit as much
bureaucratic as administrators at their
very worst. To me, a bureaucrat has al-
ways been one who takes a very narrow
view of his place in a large organization
much as the proverbial blind men trying
to figure out what an elephant is like.
THE CHARGE generally brought against
the administration is that it views the
University as a business or as a mere or-
ganization to be administered. Yet fac-
ulty members who think of the University
as a place solely designed for the study of
the erotic poetry of Catullus or 18th cen-
tury approaches to the id are certainly
guilty of being petty, small and narrow;
in other words, bureaucrats.
The problem of narrow attitudes of
course extends to more than faculty mem-
bers' dogmas about the, individual, disci-
plines. There are faculty members who
will say that students ought to do noth-
ing but bury themselves in books with
little regard for a University education as
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor j
BARBARA LAZARUS ......"....Personnel Director
PHILIP SUTIN ...........National Concerns Editor
GAIL EVANS........ ...Associate City Editor
MARJORIE BRAHMS .... Associate Editorial Director
GLORIA BOWLES ... .......... Magazine Editor
MALINDA BERRY... .....Contributing Editor
DAVE GOOD ..............sports Editor
JIM BERGER~.... .....Associate Sports Editor
MIKE BLOCK ............Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: H. Neil Berkson, Steven Haler,
Edward Herstein, Marilyn Koral, Louise Lind, An-
drew Orlin, Michael Sattinger, Kenneth Winter.

a period of total self-development. There
are still others who have probably never
seen any other floor of Haven Hall except
the one their offices are on.
I have no complaint against these pro-
fessors except when they start complain-
ing and outlining grandiose schemes of
how they would run the University. Gen-
erally, I have disturbing visions of 27,000
students slaving away at old Saxon gram-
mar which is-according to the scholar-
ly member of that hypothetical discipline
-the most significant field ever known to
man and from which the source of all
our present day woes and triumphs
spring. Or I see a campus populated by
bleary-eyed students to whom a benefi-
cent administration allows-perhaps-one
night a week for non-academic social life.
THESE VISIONS are, of course, exagger-
ated. But the basic point of some fac-
ulty members wanting to remake the Uni-
versity in their own image stands. One
professor, long involved in committee
work and projects of University-wide con-
cern, told me that he had not encountered
more than a handful of faculty members
who had a concept of or cared much
about the problems of the total Univer-
In many cases some of these narrower
faculty members recognize their own lim-
ited viewpoint and confine themselves to
their own fields from which they gain
great personal satisfaction. I cannot deny
anybody the right to apathy about the
problems of the University or the right to
confine himself only to those areas that
interest him.
I am only against the narrow man who,
thinking that his narrow concepts rep-
resent the whole, tries to remake the
whole to the detriment of the interests of
others. It generally winds up as an at-
tempt to promote a highly artificial
scheme of one sort or another with over-
tones of hypocrisy.
I will always remember the long lecture
I once received from a full professor on
how extensive participation in extra-cur-
ricular activities is useless and in contra-
diction to the high ideals of scholarship.

To the Editor:
TEREFUSAL by the Interna-
tionl Lngshrem ,'sAso
tion to load grain for Russia and
other Iron Curtain countries is an-
other example of irresponsible and
dangerous usurpation of power by
big labor which puts its own in-
terests ahead of all others, includ-
ing the people of the United
States. The decision to use foreign
vessels was thoroughly debated
and duly approved by the Presi-
dent and Congress. Yet, the long-
shoremen have pre-empted the
authority of the federal govern-
ment in one grand display of re-
bellion against the democratic
The longshoremen contend that
wheat shipped in other than
American vessels deprives Ameri-
can seamen of employment to
which they are entitled. Yet it is
well known that American ship-
ping is much more expensive than
most foreign fleets. Fundamental
economics dictates that the Rus-
sian importers and American ex-
porters choose the cheapest trans-
portation available.
* * *
MOST alarming, though, is the
knowledge that one labor organi-
zation hassuch unrestrained pow-
er. The danger is made apparent
when we realize that a single la-
bor organization has the power to
undermine the law and subvert
the constitutional authority of the
federal government. Our alarm is
compounded by the fact that the
Teamsters, the United Auto Work-
ers, the Steelworkers, and the rail-
road unions each have similar
power to shut down major com-
ponents of the economy and to
trample on public policy.
We are as much opposed to the
sale of wheat to-Russia as anyone.
We feel it is another example of
this Administration's willingness
to aid and abet the enemy. But as
disgusted as we are at this unwise
and foolish action by the Kenne-
dy-Johnson administration, we are
outraged at the lawless and unre-
strained audacity of the Maritime
* * *
THE AMERICAN people cannot
allow single unions to dictate pub-
lic policy to the federal govern-
ment. We offer the following mea-
sures to control monopoly union-
-Make unions subject to the
Sherman Anti-Tust Act allowing
unions to be approximately no big-
ger than the companies they rep-
resent, instead of growing to the
size of the entire industry.
-Institute national right-to-
work laws which will give each
worker the right to decide wheth-
er he chooses to join a union.
-Extend federal authority to
limit those strikes and boycotts
that substantially harm the pub-
lic welfare and subvert public pol-
How long will the American
people allow the unions to sabo-
tage our country? The time to halt
irresponsible unionism is now.
-Thomas H. Bissell, '65L
-David Croysdale, '66L
Staeber«. . .
To the Editor:
EIL STAEBLER, Michigan's
Democratic Congressman-at-
large and candidate for governor,
is a working politician with a
lengthy record of dedication to
public service and good govern-
Staebler served as Democratic
State Chairman for more than ten
years before being unanimously
chosen National Committeeman.
At 7:30 p.m. tomorrow there
will be a formative meeting for an
organization of Student for Staeb-
ler for those people who wish to
see Staebler. This meeting will

I think it is worthwhile to note
that in the current controversy of
whether or not to withdraw mili-
tary assistance from South Viet
Nam, our present half-hearted aid
is in contradiction to the spirit,
and a withdrawal would be a vio-
lation of the letter, of our Manila
Pact agreements outlined in the
SEATO treaty of 1954.
Doubtless the pragmatic sdiplo-
macy of the ANZUS powers will
ignore our ignominious bad faith.
Can the same be said of Cambo-
dia, Laos, Thailand and the other
affected populations of southeast
--Fred L. Pierce, '65
Repertory.. .
To the Editor:
IN THE interview 'with actor Rob-
ert Harris in the Feb. 16 Daily,
the following statement aroused
my curiosity:
. . it (repertory theatre) is
only a training ground, and the
actor shouldn't stay any longer
than he has to."
In these days when repertory
theatre is being talked of as the
salvation of the American theatre
and of the art of acting (and the
Association of Producing Artists,
we fervently hope, is proving the
value of repertory in its own way),
Mr. Harris' words would appear
to need challenging and elucida-
Unless you know anything to
the contrary, I should like to sug-
gest that he was referring to rep-
ertory theatre in the English
sense, that is, what we call "stock"
(summer and winter) in this
ENGLISH "Rep" or American
"stock" do not necessarily imply
that the plays selected are not of
good quality; rather it is that the
short preparation period and the
dropping of the play after a short
run does not allow the actor time
to grow in his role. In a repertory
schedule as we understand and
practice it, the actor's preparation
has a longer gestation period, and
he has the opportunity to keep
returning to a role, bringing to it
the experience gained in playing
other roles in other plays (or even
in the same play, for repertory can

allow not only the rotation of
plays, but the rotation of parts
within the company).
Besides the benefits which ac-
crue to the theatre and its audi-
ence from the improved quality of
the acting achieved through rep-
ertory scheduling, there is the
added value that good productions
are kept alive and livelier longer,
since the actors return to the per-
formances with constantly re-
newed interest, and the repertory
company by definition and prac-
tice maintains an active "reper-
toire" of its best productions for
presentation to its audience.
-Robert Alan Gold,
Association of
Producing Artists
General Manager
(Editor's Note: In The Daily in-
terview, Mr. Harris made the follow-
ing comment: Repertory theater is a
form which has definite advantage
for an actor in training. It stretches
his imagination and gives discipline
in role study and siage move-nent.
But, Harris said, it is only a training
ground, and the actorshouldn't stay
any longer than. he has to.)
To the Editor:
THE JANUARY 30th edition of
The Daily features an inter-
view with Associate Director of
Admissions Gayle Wilson.
In this article, Mr. Wilson at-
tacks a proposal that would make
some aspects of freshman admis-
sions more mechanical by use of a
"College Qualification Rank" to
determine clearly qualified or
clearly unqualified candidates.
Mr. Wilson argues that such a
procedure overlooks four factors
"which Wilson claims are relevant
to the decision on an applicant,
even in the case of obvious qualifi-
cation or rejection."
The second factor he lists is
"The student or his parents might
be able to make a contribution of
worth to the University in the
areas of public relations or finan-
cial support."
What the hell is .happening to
the University?
--Michael Olinick, '63
Daily Editor, '62-'63
-Judith Oppenheim Olinick, '63
Editorial Director, '62-'63
Madison, Wis.

Daily correspondent
BI L T H O V E N, Holland-The
dream of connecting the tra-
ditionally isolated Great Britain
with the continent by a tunnel or
bridge is an old one. But not until
this month did the governments of
both countries involved, France
and England, finally agree to
sponsor one of the two or three
major projects.
Their joint announcement was
short but historic. The four para-
graph communique stated that it
was found that a train tunnel un-
der the English Channel was tech-
nically possible and economically
profitable. Therefore, both coun-
tries now would decide jointly up-
on the judicial and financial prob-
lems. It was made clear that the
governments will be in control of
the operations and that means of
financing the tunnel still had to be
In Britain, this announcement
came somewhat unexpectedly. One
thought that it would be deferred
until after the forthcoming elec-
tions. Both major parties are ex-
pected to discuss increased gov-
ernment as one of the major
points of their platforms. An
added burden, such as a $42 mil-
lion a year expenditure for the
tunnel, will not necessarily repre-
sent an improvement of election
chances for Sir Alec Home, it was
reasoned. But perhaps he reasoned,
differently; he could be inclined
to display his ability to get stalled
projects moving.
* * *
IN 1802, the French engineer
Matieu- Favier confronted Napo-
leon with his primitive plans for
a tunnel. In 1876 that project be-
came technically feasible in the
form of a plan developed by a so-
called ' Tncorporate society for the
submaritime railroad b e t w e e n
France and England." That proj-
ect, promoting a railroad link be-
tween London and Paris, was es-
sentially the program which now,
90 years later, is to be undertaken.
Because of this extensive delay,
promoters of a tunnel or bridge
have often referred to it as "the
tunnel of grand papa." Their proj-
ect would have called for a "so-

lution for the 21st century," a
giant railroad-automobile bridge.
This imposing project, especially
popular in France, was dropped by
a group of 12 experts from Eng-
land and France, mainly because
there were additional problems in
volved in it such as weather influ
ences on road conditions and
hindrance to international naviga-
tion on the Channel.
SEVERAL important decisions
will have to be taken before De-
troit will be deprived of its boast
of having the "only international
tunnel in the world." One key de-
cision besides those of financial
investments and control, is wheth-
er to use a prefabricated tunnel.
The prefabricated sections as-
sembled to a tunnel below the sur-
face insure relatively fast progress
under any geological circum-
stances. The alternative, the con-
ventional digging principle, is only
practical if the greater part of the
sea ground consists of chalk, such
as it does around Dover.
Further scientific tests about
the natureof the sea ground will
decide which project is to be used.
Out of the question is a tunnel
for automobile traffic because of
the problems which ventilation
would pose. Under the projects
considered today, cars would be
transported piggy-back on fast,
electric trains between Dover and
With its agreement to build a
channel-spanning tunnel, Great
Britain quietly acknowledged a
new step toward renouncing her
insularity. She wishes to tie her
economical and human relations
more closely to the Continent. And
as the French newspaper Figaro
notes, in choosing the unspectac-
ular tunnel rather than the bridge,
seh is expressing her renunciation
of her island status and what's
more, she wishes to control the
appearances of this change.
At the State Theatre
"WHO'S BEEN Sleeping In My
Bed?" is, believe me, a movie
which you don't want to see. Ever.
You don't even want to know the
plot, though to retell it is to im-,
prove it (since it certainly cannot
be made any worse),
It is no Laff-Riot; it's not even
a laff. It is, to quote Bosley Crow-
them, "Horrifying, Weird, Hideous,
Bizarre, Voracious and Frank."
Now, of course, Bosley Crowther
said that about "Mondo Cane,"
but,, except for the Frank, no one
can improve upon Mr. Crowther's
use of the English language -to
describe Dean Martin in a V-neck
T-shirt doing the Bossa Nova.
Some social psychologist may be
glad to learn that here, at last, is
the complete (and surely defini-
tive) collection of old psychiatrist
jokes. But the rest of us can only
steer clear of the State Theatre
for the next few days.
* * *
WHO CAN ever know the small-
ness of mind necessary to conceive
of a film so devoid of substance?
Who can ever know the shallow-
ness of conscience sufficient ac-
tually to make and release such an
unplucked turkey? Who, indeed,
can ever know what moves men to
spend a dollar on this shabby bird
of paradise?
Whosoever it is (and I suspect
that it is someone named Jack
Rose, who wrote and produced the
movie), ought to betied up and
mad to seeaPP"Taranos Tn In..

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