'U' EXCELLENCE THREATENED See Editorial Page CJ r Sir t iogauT 47Iait~y PARTLY CLOUDY High--38 Low-12 Snow flurries and colder tomorrow Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Hear Complaints On New College Professors Question Feasibility, Desirability of LSA Residential Unit By ANN GWIRTZMAN Literary college faculty members yesterday aired their complaints about the proposed residential college at an open faculty meeting. The opinion session was called by a special =faculty committee headed by Prof. George E. Hay, chairman of the mathematics de- partment, to hear any controversy before making its final recom- mendations to the entire college faculty. Approximately 100 faculty members attended. A strong objection to the residential college was its undesir- ability from the student's point of view. "The best part of this Uni- PROF. GEORGE E. HAY RESEARCH: WageBattle Over Grants WASHINGTON - Some of the capital'srbitterest "porkhbarrel" battles are being waged these days. not over dams and highways but over high-energy accelerators, re- search centers and other multi- million-dollar accouterments of modern science, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday. Scientists, businessmen and uni- versity administrators are joining politicians in the fray. Their at- tack is being waged through mail appeals, personal pilgrimages to Washington and cries about fav- oritism to certain parts of the country. The fight is heating regional rivalries for Uncle Sam's research. and development dollar to the{ burning point: Midwest congress- men are threatening a major po- litical protest this session over the administration's failure to locate, any big new science facilities in+ their area. Federal officials are diligently seeking new ways to sat- isfy the pleas of science-slighted; areas, without sacrificing the quality of government-financed work. The Midwest's major bone ofj contention is the National Aero- nautics and Space Administra- tion's recent decision to locate a $50 million electronics center in Boston. At the request of Con-a gress, NASA patiently heard bids for the center from Michigan and 28 other localities, but chose to give the project once more to] Boston. - NASA officials are fully pre- pared for rough handling by Mid-j western congressmen on the site choice. However the electronics centers controversy comes out, regional rivalry over major federal science facilities and research funds is certain to grow. One appetite- whetter is simply the steep rise in federal research and development outlays from $9.3 billion as re- cently as the fiscal year ended in mid-1961 to an expected $15.3 billion in fiscal 1965, which starts this July. There are several juicy plums on the immediate horizon. A pro- posed $30 million-plus environ- mental health center to study air and water pollution has been hung up for three years in interstate struggling over its site. Another dispute swirls around government research grants, which admittedly flow unevenly to the nation's universities. In the last fiscal year, 10 of the nation's 2100 colleges and universities received 40 per cent of the $900 million in federal research funds awarded to higher education institutions. The remedy preferred to thisJ problem by the grant-giving Na- " ersity is a function of its size," Prof. Daniel N. Fader of the Eng- lish department said. Students have been "spoon-fed" In high school, he added, and the residential college will be "another hothouse environment where they will never learn to be students on their own." Applicable Results? Another d o u b t concerned whether the results of the experi- ment would be useful if applied to the literary college. Another drawback mentioned was that locating the college away' from central campus, uerhaps on North Campus, would limit the; a m o u n t of science - laboratory courses that could be offered. "This does involve a transpor-1 tation problem, but the solution is not essentially more difficult than on the regular campus," Prof. David M. Dennison, chairman of the physics department, replied. Residence halls would have to be financed and constructed and the problem of students living in apartments would have to be dealt with, some faculty members point- ed out. "Residence halls are not usually part of the appropriation," Prof. Hay said.a Autonomous? Another moot point concerned the degree of autonomy the pro-j posed residence college should have from the literary college. Giving it its own dean and budget would put the residence college in the "position of a beggar" as far as bidding for faculty is concerned, one participant commented. "It is not necessarily our plan that these experiments will pro-1 duce changes in the literary col-C lege," Prof. Hay replied. The ideaf rather is to create an atmosphere were innovation can be in- stituted. Other questions predicted-that the tremendous capital investmei~t will have an impact on what struc- ture already exists in the literary college, as well as adding prob- lems of maintenance. They point- ed out that experimentation al-1 ready has been under way for some time with regard to the honors3 college. The proposed college will face the problem of finding instructors, as well as that of financing the additional buildings. Diverting money from the literary college's budget could lead. to a gradual7 lowering of quality in its ranks, several faculty members warned. "We understand that funds will come from a separate and unfore- seeable source," Prof. Oleg Gra- bar of the history of art depart- ment replied for the Hay Com-, mittee.c Student-faculty contact would2 be as limited as presently, if the University's current student-fac-c ulty ratio were maintained and ift faculty lived away from the res-t idential college, a faculty membert remarked. Charges Kashmir Violation NEW DELHI (A'-India charged yesterday that Pakistani irregu- lars crossed the cease-fire line in disputed Kashmir and attacked a 25-man Indian police patrol. It said all but two of the In- dians were either killed or cap- tured. In Pakistan, the official gov- ernment radio said Pakistani forces, acting in self-defense, fired upon an Indian patrol that entered the Pakistani section of Kashmir. It made no mention of casualties. Files Complaint India filed a complaint with United Nations military observers along the cease-fire line and they set out for an investigation. The clash, latest in the 16-year- old Kashmir dispute, occurred Fri- day near Keran, a town on the Krishen Ganga River, 60 miles northwest of Sprinagar, capital of Indian Kashmir. It came at a time when Paki- stan, turning from its staunch pro-West policy, promised "friend- ly cooperation" with neighboring Red China. In return, Red China, switching its previous stand, gave support to Pakistan in the Kash-.. mir dispute. These developments grew out of three days of talks in Pakistan between Premier Chou En-lai of Red China and Presi- dent Mohammed Ayub Khan of1 Pakistan.; Deliberate Attack In New Delhi, a spokesman for Prime Minister Nehru's ruling Congress Party said Pakistan de- liberately may have staged an attack to impress Chou. Indian Defense Minister Y. B. Chavan told Parliament that the attack was made by Pakistani ir- regulars - not regular troops as previously announced by the de- fense ministry-on the Indian side of the cease-fire line, established in January 1949 after nearly two years of bloody fighting. "It is feared that some of the missing persons must have been killed and the others captured,"i Chavan said He added that the patrol consisted of 24 constables of the Uttar Pradesh provincialt armed constabularydand one sub- inspector. Judges Reject Ruby Appeal DALLAS (A) - The Texas Su-c preme court turned down yester-I day a defense request to hear ar- guments that persons who saw Leev Harvey Oswald shot to death on television could not qualify as jurors in the Jack Ruby murder trial. In effect, the nine-member courtc upheld an earlier courtroom rul-F ing by Dallas Dist. Judge Joe B.c Brown that seeing the shooting oft Oswald on television did not dis- qualify a prospective juror. Thet high court made no comment ins denying the defense request. I The action could set a legal pre-c cedent since it involves the firsts case in Texas in which televisionc audiences saw an actual killing. Ruby's attorneys have sought ar change of venue, contending thatt their client could not obtain a fairc trial in Dallas because of the in-v tensive news coverage of the slay-I ing of Oswald.s ew Budget quest of 'U' 4, * * * * * * * * * Announce New Flu Vaccine) i New Drug To Eliminate Side Effects Maintains Potency Without Any Fever By STEVEN HALLER University President H a r l a n Hatcher has announced a new influenza vaccine which will give the same protection as current vaccines but without "bothersome constitutional side effects." Prof. Albert V. Hennessy of the public health school explained that the new vaccine, developed by scientists under the direction of himself and Prof. Fred Davenport, eliminates the 101-102 degree fever experienced by many patients. He added that such a fever, if it occurs following the usual vac- cination, comes within the first 24 hours and hits children espe- cially hard. Reason Still Unknown Just why the new vaccine does not spark the same reaction as current treatments is still shroud- ed in mystery. Prof. Hennessy suggested that the answer might be found by investigating two groups of chemical substances which are removed from- the in- fluenza virus before it is injected in the new vaccine. These substances are lipopro- teins--proteins attached to fats- and nucleoproteins. "Our next step will involve look- ing into these substances to see why the new vaccine, from which they have been removed, should act differently without them," Prof. Hennessy said. The old and new vaccines differ considerably from one another in physical appearance. The stand- ard vaccine resembles raw egg- white, while the feverless vaccine is clear. Equal Protection However, carefully controlled tests on scores of Michigan chil- dren and adults show that the protective values of the new vac- cine are practically identical with the regular vaccine. Prof. Hennessy explained that the two vaccines have the same antibiotic level, and although all protection tests have not yet been completed "we expect identical re- sults from one vaccine to the other." Prof. Hennessy noted that it might be at least two years before the feverless vaccine will be put on the market. But when it is, it will be of "great benefit" and will be able to be used on a far wider scale than the vaccine now in use. -Daily-James House PANHEL OFFICERS-Newly elected Panhellenic Association officers discuss plans for relating the sorority system to University concerns such as trimester, the residential college and the liberaliza- tion of women's hours. They are (from left) executive vice-president Barbara Telfer, '65, of Colle- giate Sorosis; Panhel President-elect Ann Wickins, '65, of Sigma Kappa, and administrative vice- president Laura Fitch, '66, of Gamma Phi Beta. PanhelElects WickensPresident State Legislators Examine ---- I By GAIL EVANS Associate City Editor Sorority women elected Ann Wickins, '65, Panhellenic Associa- tion president last night. Other key officers chosen were Barbara Telfer, '65, executive vice- Court Seeks Oral Briefs LANSING (P) - The Michigan Supreme Court yesterday set forth two questions of timing and one of limitation, which it said must be considered in a decision on legislative reapportionment. The court asked that the argu- ments include: -Whether the court must con- sider "all constitutional require- ments, federal and state," or re- strict itself only to determining which plan complies with the state constitution. -Whether the court may act now "with due propriety," in view of the fact that the United States Supreme Court has yet to rule in a suit challenging the apportion- ment of the Senate under the old state constitution. -Whether it may properly act before, rather than after, a three- judge United States District Court renders a decision in another suit challenging Senate apportionment president and Laura Fitch, '66, ad- ministrative president. Miss Wickins will replace Pa- tricia Elkins, '64, as Panhel's chief officer, after a March 5 installa- tion. Panhel Outlook Panhel's outlook must take into account significant concerns of the University such as "trimester' the residential college and liberal- zation of women's hours as factors contributing to the internal con- cerns of the sorority system," Miss Wickins, who is a member of Sig- ma Kappa Sorority, said. Miss Telfer is a member of Col- legiate Sorosis and Miss Fitch is a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Other women elected to Panhel offices were Jean Upham, '66, of Pi Beta Phi, secretary; Mary Beth' Braden, '66 of Pi Beta Phi, trea- surer; Karen Boatman, '65, of Al- pha Omicron Pi, scholarship' chairman; Anne Smith, '66, of Kappa Delta, public relations chairman; Betty Cowden, '65, ofj Alpha Chi Omega, chairman of rush chairmen, and Karen Hub- bard, '65, of Alpha Delta Pi, chair- man of rush counselors. Miss Hub- bard was a write-in candidate. Future Concerns In discussing the future con- cerns of Panhel, Miss Wickins said that she thought faculty opinion and comments on the sorority sys- tem should be given careful con- sideration. She expressed an in- terest in possibly establishing a faculty associate program for each collegiate sorority chapter on campus. The biggest challenge facing the sororities in the next year centers around the rush system, Miss Wickins indicated. Panhel will be working toward the smooth imple- mentation of the new less-struc- tured rush plan which will go into effect next year. After election results were tal- lied, Miss Elkins said that she Was "quite pleased" with the out- come. Cyriot Head Muls Ties NICOSIA (A') - President Arch- bishop Makarios is considering recognition of Red China and may ask for a session of the UN Gen- eral Assembly, Greek Cypriot sources said yesterday. The Cyprus question has been taken up by the UN Security Council in New York but behind the scenes talks apparently have made little progress toward get- ting an accord. Recognition of the Peking re- gime would be aimed at what the Nicosia sources called United States-British opposition to Ma- karios' plea that the Security Council guarantee Cyprus' terri- torial integrity and independence. This in effect would override the 1960 treaty signed by Cyprus, Britain, Turkey and Greece. Neutral Support In a General Assembly session Makarios feels nonaligned Afri- can and Asian votes would give him the guarantee despite west- ern opposition, the sources said. They said Makarios is als(, dis- satisfied with the Nationalist Chi- nese stand on Cyprus in the Se- curity Council, where the Chinese are among the five nations with veto power. The sources said that as the re- sult of United States-British op- position to his goveenmernt's view- point, Makarios is considering switching his foreign pol.cy from a pro-Western stance to an anti- Western stance. They said this may result in recognition of Red China. Cyprus now hai iplomat- tc relat~ons with the Nehonalist Chinese government on Formosa. Lose Privileges If Makarios does decide on an anti-Western switch, the United Heyns Cites Last Year's Resignations Tells of 'Trouble After Lean Years As Resources Diminish By H. NEIL BERKSON One University vice-president revealed some alarming statistics on staff problems, and another re- ceived a grilling on the Univer- sity's building program, as state legislators camehere yesterday to examine next year's budget re- quest. Eighteen members of the key Senate Appropriations and House Ways and Means Committees were closeted with University officials for nearly three hours in a back- ground session aimed at explain- ing the Regents' $47.6 million and $12.6 million requests for operat- ing and capital outlay funds, re- spectively. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns told the legislators that the University is "in real trouble after some very lean years. Our resources are at; an end." Salary Situation Heyns said the salary-situation here is such that "90 per cent of our faculty could get a competi-: tive offer that we would have, trouble meeting." Resignations, he said, are rising: "We're losing peo- ple we want to keep." He ticked off the following statistics: -Resignations in the ranks of assistant, associate and full pro- fessor numbered 61 last year. The primary reason for the high nun- ber, Heyns said, was better offers from other universities, industry and government. -Other institutions were able to offer salaries which averaged $2500-3000 higher than the Uni- versity's saary range. -In the literary college alone, there were 31 resignations last year. This figure doubles that of 1962 and triples that of 1961. Losses included 16 tenure profes- sors (associate dr higher) and 1 others, from 13 different depart- ments. Not Matching Salaries The University, Heyns said, Is not matching salary movements in higher education. AAUP statistics show that the salary level here has dropped from fourth in the nation in 1958 to twentieth today, Replacement difficulties, Heyns added, increase the problem. "When we lose a man with a $7000-8000 salary, it costs at least $9000-10,000 to fill his job." Next year's budget request gives top priority to salary increases, al- locating $3.3 million toward that end. Slide Show Earlier, Vice-President for Busi- ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier- Pont gave his usual slide presenta- tion on the University's building plans. Legislators were disturbed about two aspects of the increase in federal support for construc- tion in recent years: -Who has to pay maintenance costs on buildings after the federal government builds them, and -Does the University spend federal funds on state-appropriat- ed projects "shifting" the state al- locations to unauthorized areas? Pierpont's answers left the legis- lators unsatisfied. Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair), chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said he thought costs for freshman-sophomore building -quoted by Pierpont as $22-25 per square foot-were out of line. Beadle also asked if the Univer- sity would consider a tuition in- crease to raise some of the funds the Legislature might not provide. University President Harlan Hatcher answered in the negative. "That's what I expected you to say," Beadle replied. He added later, "When I went to school we considered it proper to pay for something so important to us." .r" yv. ti. K n. "v:Y.": " r.4n ..,..,..w . .. ........., ..... ... ....... ............ ..... ",,.... ..... .......... _ .... ...................,... ,....,..«ww . .... x^r :csJr, .KL". r.<:vYis"fra"" r. J.rv:r.Y .K"rr.Y.... ::L ".".r."xrn14v."::vrr::" r. r -"vrr" ."asv. :YrJY K. :r .. L......Y.. ....,. f.... .K .. . "Vr .4 ....... ... ....... .. " . 4. F:. ... ...." V}.Y.............>. .h.1 ": .114". ... J... : ^.C r .1 . ... ... .......... . Y:. ... . ........ .. ......... h:... . 4f. ... ..... f..... r1 t........ ..t..4... . 1. .. 4. .l.r...............1 ....... JAJ:.4. f J r: fA ....... . ..... . . :. .r....{..,5............ n. .. J... r. ...... .. .. ,. : A..... ... .. . ...,... ... ..... c. .S ..1....... .. 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When it opened a four-building senior college in 1959 on a donated 212 acre site, University Vice-President and Director for the Dearborn Center William E. Stirton vowed community accept- ance as his top priority mission. Today, he traces with his hand a symbol of that acceptance- the ac of a long sidewalk projecting out towards the community where it is joined'several hundred yards out by the Henry Ford Community College. This "cement epitome," which physically bridges the state- supported and local-supported institutions represents only one of a series of Stirton's measures aimed at convincing Dearborn citizens that the University wasn't a "ruthless" educational over- lord coming to take over from Ann Arbor, he explains. as well as 600 full-time graduate students and several thousand part-time extension pupils to use its facilities. Expanding Population Cuurrently, an expanding full-time population surpassing 700 takes the last two years of baccalaureate training in pro- grams ranging from electrical engineering to public accounting to interdepartmental sociology-psychology. Both the business administration and engineering divisions offer graduate degrees and Stirton aims to Include shortly liberal arts within this category. As he has brought a Center to the community, so also has he endeavored to bring Dearborn to Ann Arbor. The walls of the classroom building are decorated in maize and blue stripes and the lunchroom chairs also give hail to the colors, Stirton points out. The community has not been unmindful of this two-way Dearborn-Ann Arbor association. The Zonta Club of Dearborn-an influential women's group-offers several scholarships for Dear- born students as well as loan assistance. Advisory Groups :? :.::.:*::. a