t Seventy-Third Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UlvIERSrrY oF MicHIGAN UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PTBLICATIONs "Where Opinions Are rree STUDENT PUBLCATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth winl Prevai"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH P'icketing Newspapers: Is it Justifiable? Safeguard .. Threat. ., EAST LANSING chapters of civil rights PICKETING IN ITSELF is a neutral de- groups have recently picketed the vice: it is used by groups with varied Michigan State News in protest of an objectives against groups, individuals or editorial which they felt was favorable to institutions. Alabama Gov. George Wallace. However, the act of picketing is infused The editorial itself said very little out- with ethical connotations; these depend side of the empty opinion of the writer on how and why the picket is used. Gen- that Wallace is a gentleman and sincere erally, picketing is ethical when used to in his beliefs. The opposing opinion is further basic civil freedoms or in collec- that he has profited from the consensus tive action by workers for economic equi- in his state by adopting hard segregation- ty. Generally, it is unethical when used ist views and that sincerity, if practiced against these basic freedoms or used to long enough, can fool young girls from promote a narrow, selfish interest. student newspapers. These guidelines are, however, not hard and many pickets fall into an ethical grey WHETHER OR NOT the gripe of the civil area. But because of the important con- rights groups was legitimate, these notations and effects of picketing, it is groups had a right to express themselves necessary to consider the ethicality of by picketing. any picket. Letters - to - the - editor columns, al- Unfortunately, in the enthusiasm for though open to members of the civil rights direct action by many civil rights groups, organizations, can hardly convey the distinctions are not drawn and useless or weight of opinions that the rest of the unethical pickets occur. newspaper can. It is merely upholding the accepted freedoms of expression to allow ONE SUCH UNETHICAL picket occurred any group to express further their views Wednesday in East Lansing when two by picketing in a peaceful manner. local civil rights groups picketed the of- fice of the Michigan State News, MSU's Moreover, this expression should not be tuentnewspape.T ew sting student newspaper. They were protesting viewed as unfair coercion or pressure. an article and editorial that tried to por- Certainly a paper must be free of political ardyeAitomil . G aorgedtocpos- .or economic control if its columns are tray Alabama Gov. George Wallace as a man affected by his environment, rather to express an accurate and clear view of a ,,l the day's events; but this argument ha"devil." should not be distorted to the point at This picket struck at the heart of free- which newspapers are allowed to operate dom of expression-the same freedom on which the picket itself was based. If A newspaper, whether a member of the the newspaper is to serve as a forum for commercial or the student press, should the exchange of information and ideas in be subjected to the opinions of the mem- a free, democratic society, it should not bers of the population which it serves. If be subject to economic or social pressure a group feels that a picket or similar for the news or editorial opinion it seeks method is necessary to express its opin- to present. Picketing prevents the ideas tons, then it should not be condemned for from being weighed on their own merit. trying to influence the press. It is ironic that picketing-founded As long as such actions do not impede on freedom of expression-is used to publication, attempts to influence the hamper the very thing upon which it is press should be tolerated. based. --PHILIP SUTIN -MICHAEL SATTINGER National Concerns Editor TODAY AND TOMORROW: Talking Out Loud < by Walter Lippmann NIL EFFECT ON EDUCATION: Campus Gives Trimester A ' Rating I r. By H. NEIL BERKSON 7 and KENNETH WINTER THE UNIVERSITY'S new calen- dar was launched last fall amid widespread prophecies of disaster. Many people-students, faculty1 and even some administrators -1 sincerely concerned with the course of education here felt the University was trading intellectual excellence for mass production. It was a reasonable prediction. The shortened term, the loss of Christmas vacation and the halved exam period seemed destined to maximize tensions and replacei ,hinking with cramming. Whatever the predictivea theories, the acid test of the newa calendar is its effect on the mem- bers of the University community -those who must live with it. No amount of efficiency achieved can justify a measure which under- mines education itself. * * * WE NOW have it from theser people themselves: the trimester passed this acid test with flying colors.< If The Daily's survey of campusi opinion, as reported in the last1 four issues, is valid, the new cal- endar is extremely popular. Fully 99 per cent of the freshmen, al-R most 90 per cent of other students1 and more than 75 per cent of the faculty members polled prefer theI new calendar. A substantial per- centage of all groups say they; "strongly prefer" it to the old se-, mester plan. I Moreover, University officialsI have insisted all along that theI discontent which did occur simply1 Show Iiz THE FOLLOWING took place at an interview: John Lennon, 23, George Har- rison, 21, Paul McCartney, 21, and Ringo Starr, 23, appeared chew- ing gum. The following exchange between them and the press took place with McCartney doing most of the talking. Where did you get the name Beatles? I thought of it. Why? Why not? To John Lennon: What is your wife's reaction to your popularity? She likes it. Do the boys fight among them- selves? Only in the mornings. Did' you come to America in a spirit of revenge? No, we just came to make money. How long will the Beatles last? As long as you keep coming. 1 What do you think of President Johnson? We have not met him. What do you think of criticisms that you are not very good. We're not. Is one disc jockey more im- portant t h a n another? Disc jockeys are all as important as1 each other. Is there any chance of your being knighted? No. What are you going to do in Washing-1 ton? Sleep. Are you afraid ofj mobs? No, we enjoy them. What1 is your most exciting experience? Meeting the Queen Mother. * * * A BRITISH correspondent re- calls that he is unable to leave his London television studios Fri-, day nights because of densel crowds of moaning women outside waiting for the Beatles, and he recalls the words of a doctor who said this sort of activity was im- portant for young women because; it made the pains of pregnancy easier for them when they grew up and got married. -The New Republic reflected problems inherent in any change, and that complaints will disappear once the transition is complete. A comparison of the above fig- ures seems to support this view: those who had lived longest under the old calendar, the faculty, were least enthusiastic in backing the trimester; the freshmen, never having known a college semester and therefore feeling no change- over pains, united almost unani- mously behind the new schedule. * * * ALL OF WHICH is very neat- if the survey is valid. But do the opinions of the approximately 350 people answering the three ques- tionnaires really reflect those of the campus? No statistical attempts were made to test the accuracy of our cross-section of the University. But there are several points in its favor: -Responses to mail question- naires usually are around 50 per cent. The only Daily survey below this level was that of the faculty, at 48 per cent; the student and freshman polls drew 56 and 73 per cent, respectively. -The wide range of written comments from respondents in- cluded virtually no criticism of the questions themselves, indicat- ing they were well-understood and acurately answered. -People who are unhappy with a particular measure generally are more likely to respond to question- nalres about it. This means that most surveys of this sort are biased toward the "con" side. If this happened in The Daily's sur- vey, the campus favors trimester even more strongly than our re- sults indicate. --Finally, the lopsided vote fa- voring the trimester leaves a wide margin for error. Even if The Daily's sample somehow hit a dis- proportionate number of optimists, it would have had to be pretty far off to invalidate such a strong ex- pression of opinion. IT'S ALMOST certain, then, that the campus likes the new cal- endar. But, again, the real criter- ion is not trimester's popularity but what it does to education at the University. Here the simple semester-vs- trimester preferences are not con- clusive; they don't tell why people like the new system. Answers to other questions, however, do shed some light. The most popular features of the new calendar-with students Especially - are the "convenience" items, particularly the study-free Christmas break and the prospect of getting out early this spring. On educationally - oriented questions ("How well do you feel you mas- tered your courses last fall?"), both students and faculty gave mixed responses. In fact, the tim- ing of the survey - right after vacation, when people are fairly relaxed and refreshed - may ac- count for some of the applause the trimester received. On educationally-oriented ques- tions, both students and faculty gave mixed responses. Grades stayed roughly the same, as did incompletes. More importantly for actual education, both students and faculty feel that courses were mastered about as well under the new calendar as previously. * * * MOST LIKELY, then, the net effect of the new calendar on Uni- versity education was virtually nil. Thus, we may reply to the proph- ets of intellectual doom: the Uni- versity has succeeded in setting the stage for more efficient use of its facilities -- without selling its educational soul to the devil. We can never be sure, and should nevernbe smug. From a longer perspective, the new calen- dar may indeed be another al- most-imperceptible step toward an even more impersonal, assem- bly line University. If this per- spective is correct, trimester is in- deed a disaster. But from any perspective, The Daily survey's facts are too strik- ing to ignore. Those who still would defend the campus from trimester must now be prepared to defend the campus from itself. I "They Have This Wild Idea That Tho- Hous.Of Representatives Should Be Representative" a -_ _ 20-80 FORMULA Michigan Reapportionment: The Facts By MICHAEL HARRAH PERHAPS half the current argu- ment over the apportionment of the state Legislature stems from the fact that very few peo- ple understand it yet everyone has an opinion on it. First of all, a definition: appor- tionment is the name for the di- vision of a unit into representative districts. In the case of Michigan, there are three current apportion- ments: the 19 Congressional dis- tricts; the 38 state senatorial dis-' tricts; the 110 state representative districts. In the case of the Congressional districts, the total number allot- ted to Michigan is determined by the federal census every ten years. In Congress, the House of Repre- sentatives has 435 members. This total is unchanging, fixed in the federal Constitution. Thus, every ten years, Congress divides up these 435 seats between the 50 states, giving one seat for every sd many people. (That number is currently about 425,000.) The states themselves are then left with the task of determining how the seats shall be filled with- in their own borders. In most states, the Legislature divides the state .nto districts, each having a roughly equal number of people, and each district elects one rep- resentative. The recent Supreme Court decision has assured that all states will be divided up into equal districts population-wise. THE apportionment of state legislatures, however, is another matter. First of all, it is not a problem which concerns the fed- eral government. Congress has no jurisdiction over the size, the di- vision or the selection of the legis- latures and as yet the federal courts have made no move to in- tervene in matters concerning state legislatures directly. (A Supreme Court case several years ago, Baker v. Carr, ordered Tennessee to reapportion its state house of representatives, but the high court made no attempt to tell it how to do so or actually to do the reapportioning. Moreover, the court was simply enforcing a clause in the state constitution which required the state to be re- apportioned every ten years, and Tennessee had not done so since 1901.) The matter of apportioning the state legislatures, then, is left to Lectures PEOPLE HAVE now-a-days got a strange opinion thatevery- thing should be taught by lec- tures. Now, I cannot see that lec- tures can do so much good as reading the books from which the lectures are taken. I know nothing that can be best taught by lec- tures, except where experiments are to be shown. --Samuel Johnson THERE IS INCREASING complaint among newspapermen in Washington about the fact that they do not have ade- quate opportunity to question President Johnson about foreign affairs. Naturally enough, they do not feel that irregular press conferences on two hours' notice give them the opportunity that they need to do their job. This is a legiti- mate complaint, and the White House will have to work out some better arrange- ment. I must confess, however, that having attended presidential press conferences since the days of Woodrow Wilson, I am sure of only one thing-that there is no one wholly satisfactory way of conducting a presidential press conference. The format of the press conference has to be tailored to the personality of the president and to the general expecta- tions of the time. A Kennedy press con- ference was quite different from an Eisen- lower, a Truman or a Roosevelt press con- ference, and there is no reason at all why President Johnson should feel any com- pulsion to revive the Kennedy sort of press conference.' FOR MYSELF, I have always thought, though almost none of my newspaper colleagues agrees with me, that some con- siderable part of a press conference-per- haps as much as a third of it-should be devoted to carefully-prepared answers to written questions submitted in advance. I do not think that the presidential press conference should be set up as a quiz show in which a lot of the fun is to see whether the president has done his home- work or is quick on the uptake or has a thin skin. Even under President Kennedy, who was a master of the quiz-show tech- nique, the amount of hard information was meager though the virtuosity of the performance was dazzling. It is that we are in the midst of a transi- tion from the postwar period to another period of which we can see only thedim beginnings. The philosophy, the doctrine, the ideology and the policies which were created after the end of World War II are now shaken by the changing condition of the world. Some very serious thinking will have to be done in this country. Most of it will probably have to be done first outside of official circles. But there will have to be continually some rethinking inside official circles. THE CONDITION of world affairs which compels us to reexamine our policies was developed under President Eisenhow- er, and it became increasingly pressing under President Kennedy. This was quite evident before the President's assassina- tion. Had President Kennedy lived, he would be facing the same problems we read about every day. They originate in the fact that the United States is no long- er the manifest leader of the non-Com- munist world as a whole, nor even the ef- fective and acknowledged leader of the Western alliance. We can be reasonably sure that the re- examination will not and cannot be made willingly by any administration which does not feel itself so strong as to be politically invulnerable. Thus, in 1953, it was possible for General Eisenhower to make a truce without victory in Korea be- cause he, and he alone,. had the political strength to prevail over General MacAr- thur. President Kennedy never had that kind of personal authority and political power. He was always acutely aware of how narrowly he had been elected. PRESIDENT JOHNSON, who has not yet been elected, is in no position to start thinking out loud about the policies he has inherited from his predecessors. So I ~-3--.4.- -,..4LL. h i.. ...:-i the several states themselves. The great bulk of states apportion their their legislatures in two houses, based on the federal Con- gress. The lower house is divided roughly into equal population dis- tricts and the upper house is split up into districts determined through some combination of land area and population. However, this is by no means universal. Nebraska has only one house; Georgia makes no pre- tense of dividing its legislature on any population factor. Yet, how the states divide their legislatures is a purely internal matter. MICHIGAN then becomes a case in point. According to the new state constitution, the Legis- lature is composed of two cham- bers: the Senate, which is split up on an 80 per cent population-- 20 per cent area formula, and the House of Representatives, which is divided fairly closely on a theory of equal population. In Michigan, however, the Leg- islature is not responsible for ap- portioning itself. A special, bi- partisan commission, appointed by the governor, is responsible for this activity and in the event it is unable to do so, the state Su- preme Court must do it. The for- mula for apportioning the state Legislature is set down in the con- stitution and both the commission and the court must follow it. * * * AT THIS point, controversy rages in Michigan over the appor- tionment formula itself. Michigan AFL-CIO President August Scholle charges that it violates, the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution, and he has filed a suit in federal court on this theory. His position is sup- ported by Michigan's Attorney General Frank Kelley, but as yet the court has not ruled onsthis. So, for all intents and purposes, Michigan's apportionment formula remains legal until such time as it is proven otherwise. Under the present situation, Michigan is without an official apportionment for the November elections. The apportionment commission was unable to agree upon a plan, and the problem now awaits action by the Supreme Court. * * * THE QUESTION now becomes, how will the court decide? How it should decide is obvious,as soon will be shown; how it will decide, of course, remains to be seen. Under the apportionment of the state House of Representatives which has existed in Michigan since 1952, the size of populations ranges from 188,478 in the 21st district of Wayne County, a seat held by Rep. Paul M. Chandler (R-Livonia), to 34,954 in an Upper Peninsula district composed of Gogebic and Ontonagon counties, a seat held by Rep. Joseph S. Mack (D-Ironwood). In 1960, the federal census de- termined Michigan's population to be 7,823.998. Dividing this into while 54 districts have quite low populations. (The criteria here is districts which vary more than about 10,000 people from the mean of 71,000.) Of the 24 crowded districts, Democrats and Republicans each hold 12 apiece. Of the 54 sparsely populated districts, Democrats hold 35, while Republicans hold 19. Most of the low population Democrat seats are located in metropolitan Detroit. In the Senate, under present apportionment, there -are only 34 seats, ranging from 690,583 peo- ple in the 12th district, represent- ed by Sen. Farrell E. Roberts (R- Pontiac) to 55,806 people in the 32nd district, represented by Sen. Charles. O. McManiman (D- Houghton). In compliance with the new constitution, four more seats will be added to the Senate total, mak- ing 38 districts in all. According to the 80-20 formula, the size of Senate districts legally can vary as much as 20 per cent between the largest and the smallest in the state. In, other words, the popula- tion in the largest can be no more than 20 per cent greater than 206,000, the mean figure if all 38 senate districts were to be split up evenly. By the same token, no district may be more than 20 per cent smaller than 206,000 people. Thus, the population of the largest district may not exceed 247,000 people, while the popula- tion of the smallest district may not be less than 165,000 people. * * * WHICH OF the present districts do, in fact, meet the new re- quirements and which do not? Of the 34 now existing seats, 13 would satisfy the new requirements. Re- publicans hold 12 of these satis- factory seats, Democrats only one. Nine districts have too many peo- ple: Democrats hold eight of them, Republicans one. Twelve districts have too few people: Republicans hold nine. Democrats three. Yet it is impossible to say how the new apportionment, when it is decided upon, will come out. It is now in the hands of the state Supreme Court, which is con- trolled 5-3 by Democrats, yet this could mean nothing or everything. The 20 per cent factor on either side of the median population of 206,000 leaves a lot of room for variation, unlike the apportion- ment of the house which must hew fairly close to the mean of 71,000. How the apportionment problem in Michigan will be resolved is un- clear, to say the least. The for- mula for apportionment is itself quite straightforward, but the lee- way it allows the men who inter- pret it could easily mean a shift- ing of political fortunes for Mich- igan. LETTERS to the EDITOR Half Slave And Half Free