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January 16, 1964 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-16

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,. E T OT E M I H G N D I YT T T ~ n V J 7

JL AA I JLIW JLP', 1..1 }. J 1&11 V IA"

Bonnies Star Back on Court.

Michigan Progresses
In AP Basketball Poll

'M' Statistics Rate Among Best

BUFFALO, N.Y. (P)-St. Bona-
venture's Fred Crawford, whose
basketball- career appeared to be
ended by tuberculosis about three
years ago, is achieving rare feats
these days.
He is. averaging .30.5 points a
game, grabbed 143 rebounds in 11
games, played the. full 40 minutes
in each of the Donnies last six
I.-M Refs
There will be a meeting for
those interested. in officiating
intra-mural basketball games
Monday, Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Intra-Mural Building.
games, and is the key to his
club's fast-break offense.
As a result, St. Bonaventure
has a 10-1 record and is gunning
for a berth in a post-season tour-
Feels Good
"I feel pretty good now," Craw
ford said this week in a telephone
interview from the St. Bonaven-
ture campus in Olean, N.Y.
The last time the future was

rosy for Crawford and the Bon-
nies was his sophomore year,
Led by All-America Tom Stith
and Crawford, the team rolled to
a 24-4 record and was ranked
third nationally. Crawford aver-
aged 21.9 points a game.
But the Bonnies were eliminat-
ed in the Eastern semifinals of
the National Collegiate Athletic
Association tournament. A short
time later, it was learned that
both Stith and Crawford had tu-
'Sounded Bad'
"I didn't know exactly what to
think," Crawford recalled. "It
sounded bad."
He and Stith went to Mount
Morris, N.Y. Tuberculosis Hospi-
tal. They were released about five
months later.
Stith did not play the next
year. He was with the New York
Knickerbockers of the National
Basketball Association last season
but did not make the team this
Crawford also sat out the 1961-
62 season. He was sometimes on

the Bonnies' bench, but always
in street clothes.
Slow Return
Then last season he returned
to action, but slowly. He would
play a few minutes, then he rest-
ed a few.
"It's a precautionary measure to
guarantee that I wouldn't hurt
myself," Crawford said.
Because of the lengthy rests, he
said, "I could never get in real
good shape."
Crawford averaged 12 points a
game for the first two-thirds of
the season. He was given the go-
ahead to play full-time from
there on, and he finished the year
with an average of 19 a game.
No Stopping Him
This year, he's been unstop-
pable. He scored 40 points, a ca-
reer high, as the Bonnies tram-
pled Niagara Saturday..
Crawford, 23, is a native of New
York City.
Asked if he wanted to play pro-
fessional basketball, Crawford re-
"I'd love to if the opportunity
presented itself."

: ?----

By The Associated Press
Michigan's Wolverines used last
Saturday's 77-70 victory over Pur-
due to climb past Kentucky to
third place in this week's Asso-
ciated Press poll of the nation's
broadcasters and sportswriters.
Meanwhile, unbeaten UCLA, the
only team to have defeated the
Wolverines, increased their lead


UCLA (35)
Chicago Loyola (1)
Michigan (2)
Davidson (2)
Oregon State (1)


L Pts.
0 404
1 312
1 298
2 242
0 217
1 205
2 107
3 100
1 91
3 72

with back-to-back victories over
Southern California.
Michigan coach Dave Strack,
whose team absorbed a 98-80
beating in the Los Angeles Classic
last month from the Bruins, said:
"They walloped us. I sure don't
know who's better."
The Bruins beat USC, 79-59 and
78-71, last week and lifted their
record to 13-0. Kentucky, runner-
up a week ago, was defeated by
Vanderbilt in its first of three
games last week and tumbled to
UCLA drew 35 first place votes
and 404 points in the latest vote
by a special panel of 41 regional
selectors. Loyola of Chicago
moved up one place to second
with 312 points while Michigan
also advanced one place to third
with 298 points. Kentucky had
242. Points were awarded on a
basis of 10 for a first place vote,
9 for second etc.

Now that all the facts and
figures of holiday basketball ac-
tion have been collected and sort-
ed, the third-ranked Wolverines
find themselves listed among the
leading major colleges in the
country in the departments of re-
bounding, field goal percentage,
and game point average.
In the individual honors, guard
Cazzie Russell placed in the free
throw percentage category as well
as scoring average.
According to the official basket-
ball statistics released by the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Bureau
complete through games of Jan.
4, Michigan's 88.2 points per game
was sufficient for 15th place.
Detroit Scores
Detroit, victims on New Year's
Eve to the Wolverine five, are
fourth nationally in this depart-
ment with an average of 95.4.
Immediately behind the Titans
in the fifth position is top-rank-
ed UCLA, the only team to de-
feat Michigan thus far, at 94.3.
Another former 'M' opponent,
Western Michigan, came in 11th
with 89.4 points per game.

Others receiving votes in alpha-
betical order: Brigham Young,
Creighton, DePaul, Illinois, La-
Salle, New Mexico, NYU, Ohio
State, Oklahoma State, St. Bona-
venture, St. Louis, Stanford, Ten-
nessee, Texas Western, Utah, Utah
State, Wichita.

Other Big Ten teams in the top'
20 are Michigan State, eighth with
92.1, and Wisconsin, 16th with
The 'M' cagers placed tenth in
field goal percentage with an
accuracy quotient of .485.
'M' Rebounds
Michigan's big men under the
basket, Russell, Bill Buntin and
Oliver Darden, each with over 100
rebounds this season, helped to
secure the 15th spot in rebound-
ing percentage, recovering 5951
boards out of 1035 for a average
of .575. A hair ahead are the De-
troit Titans in the 13th position-
also with .575.
The fact that Buntin's name is
missing from the list of the na-
tion's top rebounders, where he
occupied the 11th spot last sea-
son, is readily explainable by the
added depth which sophomores
Russell and Darden have supplied
under the boards.
Similarly, the All-Big Ten cen-
ter's disappearance from the lead-
ers in scoring is attributable to
the more balanced attack which
Dave Strack's squad has fea-
tured this season. Buntin was 24th
last year with a 22.7 average. His
mark thus far this season is a
shade under last year as he has
posted 21.7 with 435 points in the
11 games in which he has played.
Buntin and Russell combined
have totalled 43.7 points per game.
This total places them among the
top pairs in the nation. The lead-,
ing pair in the nation is Loyola of
Chicago's two jumping jacks, Les-
lie Hunter and John Miller who
manage to put in 46.8 between
Many players which Michigan
has seen or will see during the
year appear on the list of the top
50 individual scoring leaders.
M a n n y Newsome, Western
Michigan star, is second in the
nation, scoring 32.8 points per
game. Ohio State's Gary Bradds
ranks 17th with 26.6, and North-
western's Richie Falk is 20th with
25.7. Also ranked are Dick Dzik
of Detroit, Harold Hairston of
NYU, and Jeff Mullins of Duke.
Besides Bradds, the Wolverines

are yet to encounter Pete Gent of
MSU, listed 32nd at 24.0, and
Dick VanArsdale of Indiana, in
the number 39 spot with an aver-
age of 23.0 points per game.
Russell No. 41
Michigan's Russell is in the 41s't
position with his game average
of 22.7.
Russell's 50 for 58 free throw
percentage .862 secured the num-
ber 20 listing in that department.
Ahead of him in eighth place is
Newsome of Western Michigan,
Detroit's Dzik came in third in
individual rebounding, grabbing
20.3 per game.
Former opponents Jay Buckley
of Duke and Ray Bennett of NYU
placed in the field goal percent-
age department.
IBradds Top
In Big Ten
Ohio State's Gary Bradds, who
emerged as the Big Ten's leading
scorer last season after spend-
ing his sophomore year as a re-
serve, is at it again.
The 6'8" Bradds is averaging
29.5 points for two games to hold
a narrow lead over Illinois' Tal
Brody, Purdue's Dave Schellhase
and Minnesota's Lou Hudson.
Michigan's Bill Buntin, the con-
ference's best sophomore last year
and the second-best returning
scorer, holds down seventh place
with a 22.5 average. Sophomore
Cazzie Russell has a 20.0 average
in a tie for tenwh.




Bradds, OSU 2
Brody, Illinois 2
Schelihase, Purdue 2
Hudson, Minnesota 2
Lopossa, Northwestern 3
T. Van Arsdale, Indiana 3
Falk, Northwestern 3
Ricketts, OSU 2
D. Van alrsdale, Indiana 3








On twnpu AL
(Author of Rally Round the Flag, Boys!"
and "Barefoot Boy With Cheek.")


Well sir, here we go into 1964, which shows every sign of being
quite a distinguished year.First off, it is the only year since
1954 which ends with the Figure 4. Of course, when it comes
to Figure 4's, 1964, though distinguished, can hardly compare
with 1444 which, most people agree, had not just one, not just
two, but three Figure 4's! This, I'll wager, is a record that will
stand for at least a thousand years!
1444 was, incidentally, notable for many other things. It
was, for example, the year in which the New York Giants
played the Philadelphia Athletics in the World Series. As we
all know, the New York Giants have since moved to San 1an-
cisco and the Philadelphia Athletics to Kansas City. These is
a movement afoot at present to move Chicago to Phoevix-
the city, not the baseball team. Phoenix, in turn, would of
course move to Chicago. It is felt that the change would be
broadening for residents of both cities. Many Chicago folks,
for example, have never seen an iguana. Many Phoenix folks,
on the other hand, have never seen a frostbite.
iii WoW V geyaNTO- d !
There are, of course, certain difficulties connected with a
municipal shift of this size. For instance, to move Chicago
you also have to move Lake Michigan. This, in itself, presents
no great problem, what with modern scientific advances like
electronics and the French cuff. But if you will look at your
map, you will find Lake Michigan is attached to all the other
Great Lakes, which in turn are attached to the St. Lawrence
Seaway, which in turn is attached to the Atlantic Ocean. You
start dragging Lake Michigan to Phoenix and, willy-nilly, you'll
be dragging all that other stuff too. This would make our
British allies terribly cross, and I can't say as I blame them.
Put yourself in their place. What if, for example, you were a
British costermonger who had been saving and scrimping all
year for a summer holiday at Brighton Beach, and then when
you got to Brighton Beach there wasn't any ocean? There you'd
be with your inner tube and snorkel and nothing to do all day
but dance the Lambeth Walk. This, you must agree, would not
help make you NATO-minded !
I appeal most earnestly to the residents of Chicago and
Phoenix to reconsider. I know it's no bowl of cherries going
through life without ever seeing an iguana or a frostbite, but
I ask you-Chicagoans, Phoenicians-is it too big a price to
pay for preserving the unity of the free world?
I feel sure that if you search your hearts, you will make the
right decision, for all of us-whether we live in frostbitten
Chicago, iguana-infested Phoenix, or narrow-lapelled New
Haven-are first and foremost Americans!
But I digress. We were speaking of 1964, our new year. And
new it is! There is, for one thing, new pleasure in Marlboro
Cigarettes. How, you ask, can there be new pleasure in
Marlboros when that fine flavorful blend of tobaccos, that clean
efficient Selectrate filter, have not been altered? The answer is
simple: each time you light a Marlboro, it is like the first time.

; I


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