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February 21, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-21

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The Trimest
(Last of a Series)
They've been nicknamed "trimester babies," but the class of
'67 apparently grew up rather fast under last fall's revised cal-
Because the freshmen had no experience under the old se-
mester plan, The Daily sent them a separate questionnaire, pri-
marily asking for an evaluation of their first semester at the
University. The response was heavy: with over a 70 per cent re-
turn, the freshmen far out-distanced upperclassmen (56 per cent)
and faculty (48 per cent).
Eighty per cent of the respondents expressed some degree of
satisfaction with their first semester. Even more important, every
single respondent declared that he or she will be able to adjust to
the University's demands. The responses further conveyed the
following impressions:''
Lack of Time
-A majority of freshmen feel to some extent, that they did
not have enough time to master their courses, but very few of
them would want to extend the semester into January.
-Again, as with faculty and upperclassmen, elimination of
the lame-duck" session after Christmas was perhaps the most
popular feature of the new calendar.
-Ninety per cent of the freshmen like the current one-week
exam period with two-hour finals in some degree. A full 50 per
cent are "highly satisfied" with the nature of the exam week.
-The suggestion of a "reading week," which a number of
administrators are considering drew the widest range of opinion.
Sixty per cent of the freshmen expressed some degree of prefer-
ence for such a week.


Fresh Perspective

Although this question was not asked on the freshman survey,
many wrote comments criticizing the performance of the faculty
under the new calendar.
"The only problem I have noted is that faculty members are
not quite adjusted to the new schedule," Gail L. Abramson, '67,
said. "This results in a speeding up of the course toward the end
of the semester, when the faculty finds it has four weeks to cover
in two."

are too dry, and sometimes taught by incompetent people, espe-
cially in the French department."
Gary E. Beeker; '67E, blamed his difficulties last semester
for homework." Will Beeker do better this semester? "Sure, I
on the fact that "engineering graphics 101 took too much time
don't have engineering graphics."
Vicki A. Lassar, '67, suggested shifting the calendar ahead
to ease some of the pressures she felt. "I think that the main

preparation for finals. If these two weeks could be more of a
review and more relaxed, finals would be less pressure."
Many freshmen shared her view and added that some type of
reading period might solve their probelm.
Leading Period
"A reading period would have eased the last minute cram
feeling of last semester," Marcia J. Roeber, '67M, said. Steven D.
Conley, '67, asked for "some other system where more time is al-
lowed to review before exams." "Too short a preparation period
and exam period," Patrick J. Kenney, '67E, commented.
"Although I am satisfied with the way exams are run, it is
sometimes bad when you have two exams on one day," Miss
Nagels said. "That is why I support the idea of a reading week.
It is said that one should study for exams a little, but this is hard
to do when you have other classwork and more reading."
Strongly supporting a reading week, Thomas C. Kennedy, '67,
commented, "Many exams, language, for instance, are given on
the last regular day of class. This causes problems due to the as-
signments made for that last week."
Opposes Reading Period
Michael J. Wengroff, '67E, opposed the reading period be-
cause "there is enough time for studying and in this one week the
pressure would mount out of proportion." "The reading period
would not be good,' Jonathan A. Wooley, '67, insisted. "During.
that week one would do little studying he wouldn't do otherwse.
It would basically be a waste of time."
"The reading period would probably be wasted and would
probably result in having exams after Christmas," Louise I. Karle,
See STUDENTS, Page 2


Others went beyond the effects of the calendar in registering
"I had poor courses and poor teachers-the former was due
to the inadequacy of the catalogue and the latter could not be
helped," Barbara E. Nagels, '67, said. "I doubted the competence
of my psychology 101 recitation teacher," another girl wrote.
"Other than that' I was satisfied." Edward N. Robinson, '67, added:
"Some of the beginning courses aren't exactly stimulating. They

weakness of the trimester is the mad rush between Thanksgiving
and Christmas," she wrote. "If we were to start classes three days
sooner we could extend Thanksgiving to a full week's vacation
and be less rushed when we came back. We would then be ready to
attack exams immediately after a rest at home.
"The two weeks after Thanksgiving last semester were com-
bin' with frantic catching up of work which couldn't be com-
pleted in the four-day vacation," she continued, "and frantic

See Editorial Page

Ink i4au

E ai i

Mostly sunny and
slightly warmer

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXIV, No. 111





Grad School Sets
Enrollment Peak
To Hold Increase to Four Per Cent
Because of Larger Freshman Class
Effects of the World War II "baby boom" on higher education
has now reached the graduate school level.
According to Dean of the Graduate School Ralph Sawyer, in-
crease in, enrollment in graduate and graduate professional studies
this year will be held to four per cent over last year, due to the in-

*crease in Michigan graduating
high school seniors, the products
of the 1946 "baby boom."
Many of the college preparatory
graduates in the 1964 Michigan
high school classes must be ac-
commodated by Michigan colleges
and universities.
Priority to Freshmen
"For this reason, the University
has decided that it must now give
freshmen priority over graduate
students in the 1964-65 admis-
sions," Dean Sawyer said yester-
Holding the increase in grad-j
uate school enrollment to four per,
cent, or about 250 additional stu-
dents, means that the University
must know far in advance how
many students accepted by the
graduate school do, in fact, plan
to enroll at the University in the
$50 Deposit,

State CRC
Gets First
City Cases
Ann Arbor this week sent its
first complaints of alleged dis-
crimination to the new state Civil
Rights Commission.
The complaints deal with al-
leged hiring discrimination by
Thompson's Restaurant and dis-
crimination involving an apart-
ment rental.
Human Relations Director Da-
vid C. Cowley said that Ann Ar-
bor's Human Relations Commis-
sion will continue to work for set-
tlements in the cases.
"We are to notify the state com-
mission in the event we come to
a solution,' Cowley said.
Thomas Peloso of the state CRC
branch in Detroit said he has not
yet taken any action on Ann Ar-
bor's complaints.
"As soon as we receive the com-
plaints we will make sure the
cases are within our jurisdiction
and then assign them to a field
representative who will contact the
complainants and defendants in-
volved," Peloso reported.
The complaints are being
handled through the state CRC's
Detroit branch.
Cowley also noted that he, along
with four other human relations
directors from Michigan cities, will
meet with the new state CRC Di-
rector Burt Gordin after he takes
office April 1.
The other directors will be from
Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalama-
zoo and Saginaw.
Cowley also commented on two
amendments to the city's fair
housing ordinance concerning the
definition of "commercial space"
and enlarging coverage in room-
ing houses.
"I will be spending the next two
weeks making contacts through-
out the city to determine the sen-
timent connected with these
amendments," Cowley noted.





o f

Briton Says Forces Necessary

NICOSIA, Cyprus (P)-The new
commander of British truce forces
on Cyprus said yesterday rein-
forcements now flying in from
Britain are needed because an ear-
ly solution of the crisis seems un-
As Maj. Gen. R. M. Carver took
over his-new command, delegates
negotiated at the United Nations
in New York, seeking a formula
for an international force to re-
lieve the British on Cyprus.
There was a flareup of shooting
in eastern Cyprus between the
feuding Greek and Turkish Cyp-
riots, but Carver said he thought
tension had eased since the crisis
was laid before the United Na-
A ilift Troops
Despite hopes a UN force will,
help relieve Britain's truce bur-
den, Brita n was flying in 2,000
troops from home bases together
with their armored cars and oth-
er heavy equipment.
Carver, ,aid in all he will have
about 6,006 troops in his truce
command. This newly augmented
force will try to prevent trouble
by getting to the scene before
shooting starts, he said.
Carver admitted the situation
here "tends tc depress me each
day,' 'remaiking that "tensions
can build up anytime."
A shooting - either accidental
or otherwise-can produce 'thrust
and countei thrust" from optosing
sides "and the first thing you


know you have another Limassol,"
he said.
Limassol Fighting
Fighting in Limassol last week
killed 16 Turkish Cypriots, and
one Greek Cypriot. It was the
worst since fighting broke out last
At the United Nations, United
States Ambassador Adlai E. Ste-
venson called on Secretary-Gen-
Criser Se ts
Arena Plans
Sports Editor
Michigan's athletic department
is ready to go ahead with plans
to construct its long - awaited
basketball arena, Athletic Director
H. O. (Fritz) Crisler announced
All that stands in the way now
is the mere matter of financing
the multi-million dollar project
and getting the approval of the
This may not be asp much of a
roadblock as it sounds, however.
Informed sources have indicated
that the Regents' decision on the
arena will be forthcoming next
Thursday at their monthly meet-
If approved, the project would
call for floating a bond issue to
See $3-MILLION, Page 7


Red Premier1
Notes Bonds'
With Pakistan
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP) -
Communist China's Premier Choul
En-lai told Pakistan's President
Mohammad Ayub Khan last night
their countries must oppose imper-
ialism together.
Speaking at a banquet in his
honor, Chou said China and Pak-
istan are bound closely together
by "similar fighting tasks."
Friendly Ties
Chou, who arrived in Pakistan's
capital yesterday, said friendly ties
exist between the two nations and
are based partly on "mutual non-
aggression, noninterference in
each other's internal affairs."
This is the closest the Chinese
leader has come to publicly stat-
ing what is generally believed to
be the reason for his visit - at-
tempting to convince Ayub to sign
a nonaggression treaty with the
Communist regime and tear itself
away from United States-backed
military alliances.~
Supports Two Goals
Ayub did not refer to such a
pact but'did support two of Chou's
major goals, a seat in the United'
Nations and a conference of Af-
rican and Asian nations which the
Chinese say is necessary to halt
so-called: imperialism.a
In what was generally interpret-
ed as a slap at United States ef-
forts to keep Pakistan in Asian
military alliances. Ayub said

For this reason. the University
is, for the first time, requiring
students who have been admitted
to the graduate school for the fall
semester to file a $50 deposit by
May 1.
By mutual consent, universitie,
across the nation have set April
15 as. the deadline for accepting
grants and fellowships.
"Requiring the enrollment de-
posit will give us a fairly accu-
rate number of how many, stu
dents will be entering the gradu-
ate school in the fall," Dean Saw-
yer estimated.
See STUDENTS, Page 2

eral U Thant, who is at work on
the plan for sending an interna-
tional force to Cyprus. No one
objects to, the idea, but there is
disagreement on conditions.
Late last night Thant asked the
UN Security Council to give him
more time for private negotiations
to win agreement on his plan to
end the Cyprus conflict.
The Council was in recess from
Nw ednesday until today and Thant
asked postponement until Mon-
day. Tihe February Council Presi-
dent, Caros Alfredo Bernardes of
Brazil, said he would ptll the
members. They are expected to
Reporteys asked if Thant ex-
pectea agreement by then and he
replied, "I have to try."
Broad agreement was emerging
on the main lines of Thant's plan,
but some crucial details remained
at issue.
The United States insists the
composition of the force must be
approved by Cyprus, Britain,
Greece and Turkey. The last three
nations guarantee the independ-
ence of Cyprus under the treaty3
of 1960 that cut the eastern Med-
iterranean island loose from
Right to Intervene
All three have the right' to in-
tervene on Cyprus to prevent ag-
gression. So the Greek Cypriots
want the UN Security Council toj
furnish the independence guaran-
tees, fearful that Turkey will carry
out a threat to send in troops to
protect the Turkish Cypriots.
This has brought objections
from the West, which wants to
keep the Soviet Union outside the
dispute. The Russians, who have
sided with the Greek Cypriots,
have a veto in the Security Coun-
Outnumbered 4-1, the Turkish
Cypriots accuse the Greek Cyp-
ricts of trying to wipe out their'
minority rights under the 1960
constitution, They say partition of
the island is the answer, a solu-
tion held to be unacceptable by
the Greeks and the Greek Cyp-
'U' Conference
Begins Today
The Conference on the Univer-
sity will begin today at 3:10 p.m.
in Aud C. with opening remarks
by University President Harlan
Hatcher to be followed by the key-
r.,d'P. r.c.eh delive~red1 by Prof.W.


Economy Up
As Expected,
Gain of 5.5%
WASHINGTON (P) - Official
figures showed yesterday that the
United States economy hit the
$600-billion mark, as expected, in
late 1963.
Further gains were indicated in
the first few weeks of this year
The production increase of four
per cent for 1963 fell short of
boom proportions, but it was above
the long-term average, and slight-
ly higher than the official govern.
'ment production. With price in-
flation taken into account, the
gain was 5.5 per cent.
Gross National Product
The Commerce Department said
the gross national product -- the
sum of all goods' and services -
reached an annual rate of $600.1
billion in the final three months
of the year. For the year as a
whole, the figure was $585.1 bil-
lion. For 1962, it was $554.9 billion.
Since the low point- of the re-
cession in early 1961, the nation',
output has climbed 15.5 per cent,
after allowances for price, in.
Recent reports on personal in-'
come, housing, and durable-good.
orders indicate that the economy
is still humming along at the
same, or a higher, rate this year
Although the Federal Reserve
Board's index of industrial 'pro-
duction showed little increase it
January. other government figure;
showed significant gains in nev
orders for durable goods, housing
starts, and reta.il sales.
Private Surveys

Rule s
f t,
Majority Eye
See OSA Controlling
Housing Rules Only,
Students Set Others
University women prefer less
stringent rules, including more lib.
eral hours, extended apartment
permission, more late permissionk
and more liberal overnight per.
missions, the recently completed
Women's Conference CommitteE
survey indicates.
On the question of who shoul
set the rules, there was a defi
nite preference for the Office 'o
Student -Affairs in cases involvini
housing only, while for all othe
rules students were given the pow
Of the .3400 women polled lasi
fall, sorority women were general
ly more conservative than rec
e dence-hall women in their choices
Junior Apartments
The survey, given to every wom
an in a housing unit and mad
available to all who were noi
shows that more than 60 pe
r cent of dormitory women desir
f junior women apartment permis
e sion, but that sororities prefer th
- status quo-apartment permissioi
for women 21 or older or for thos
having senior standing.
e The survey was compiled an
tabulated by the Women's Con
ference Committee,' chaired b
Women's L e a g u e presiden
Gretchen Groth, '64.
The largest single vote for jun
i or hours ,although only 45 pe

Filipinos Evolve New Policy Approach

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Jeff Green-
field, editor of the Wisconsin Daily
Cardinal, has just completed a five-
week tour of Southeast Asia as a
member of a student delegation
sponsored by the United States Na-
tional Student Association and the"
Institute of International Education
under a grant from the United
States State Department. This is the
first of four articles on the trip.)
Collegiate Press Service
MANILA-"We are not Asian
westerners--we are Asians."
This comment by a Filipino stu-
dent typifies the state of confu-
sion in which the young Philippine
finds himself.
Freed by the United States after
more than 50 years of American
rule and 350 years of Spanish
domination, the Republic of the

movies-all are made in America.
Beneath the Western facade,
however, is a knowledge that the
turbulent politics of Southeast
Asia requires a new approach to
international diplomacy from the
Philippines; and the consistent
pro-American policy is undergoing
some revision.
The Philippines have refused to
recognize the new Federation of
Malaysia, which the United States
is supporting. The dispute, arising
over a Philippine claim to Malay-
sian territory, is frankly recog-
nized by many as a lever to ob-
tain influence in the area.
No Appnedage
"Finally the Philippines are be-
ing looked at as an independent
nation and not as an appendage

\ . .


Coffee Grounde
The coffee lounge in the U
dergraduate Library has be
closed temporarily because I
matron in charge resigned, a
cording to the supervisor of t
library. It will be reopened
soon as new personnel ha
been hired.
cent of the total, was for ju
key permission on Friday and E
urday nights. For Sunday nig
the largest single vote indica
a 30 per cent majority for ju
key permission.
Friday, Saturday Pers
Virtually all pollees agreed
senior key permission. Reside
halls prefer a 1:30 per on Fr

,.. .

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