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February 20, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-20

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Se've ty-T bird Year
Truth Will Prevail~
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at, reprints.

U', MSU Dispute Medical School Issue

Lane's Speech Biases
Assassination Events

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of a two-part series analyzing the
current medical school controversy
in Michigan.)
T HAT FORMERLY subtle rivalry
between the University and
Michigan State University, dis-
guised as "institutional in-fight-
ing," has erupted into open guer-
rilla warfare in Southeast Michi-
gan over-the issue of what State
plans to do with its two-year med-
ical program.
From battle camps at Ann Ar-
bor and East Lansing, high admin-
istration officials have flooded the
press with their charges and
counter-accusations as to who has
the state's "educational interest"
at heart.
For MSU, backed by "alarming"
statistics of spreading populations
and diminishing doctors, the quest
Hatcher, Hannah

NEW YORK'S MARK LANE, the attorney
defending the late Lee H. Oswald's in-
terests before the Warren Commission,
blew into town Saturday to make a speech
impugning the activities of the Dallas
police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and the Warren Commission.
Lane presented his speech as a clear,
detailed and documented examination of
the happenings on and since November 22,
of the entire history of the John F. Ken-
nedy assassination and its aftermath. One
might have expected Lane to slant the
case in his defendant's direction to a cer-
tain degree. But he exceeded all expecta-
LANE BEGAN by relating the well-known
inconsistencies of the immediate ac-
counts of the assassination, of the first
erroneous police reports and of the faulty
precautions of the Dallas police.
But then he went on a rampage, pre-
senting selected facts and throwing out
blanket statements, insulting remarks and
unfounded accusations. The net result
was a viciously partisan speech which
gave a narrow and partially unfounded
view of the case. If taken at face value
and not put in context and closely exam-
ined, his speech clearly establishes the in-
nocence of Lee H. Oswald. It is only a
coincidence, of course, that the speech
was part of a nationwide tour by Lane to
raise funds in Oswald's interest.
ANE REMARKED that any, lawyer
would wince at having to prosecute Os-
wald in court, and that there is no case
against him. He here overlooked the fact
that nobody today in any responsible po-
sition contends that there necessarily is or
has to be a case against Oswald and that
nobody is trying to prosecute him. Since
Oswald is dead, he is legally beyond prose-
The Warren Commission, contended
Lane, is assuming from the start the guilt
of Lee H. Oswald. He sought support by
pointing out that half of the commission's
activities are directed toward examining
Oswald's background.
Lane gave no indication of whom he
thought the commission should examine
except the prime and only suspect. He
chose not to emphasize that the FBI in-
vestigation of the assassination, which
considers all possibilities, is being sub-
mitted to the Warren Commission for ref-
erence and examination.

LANE SAID that the FBI, in keeping
Marina Oswald in protective custody
since the assassination and not allowing
her to see her mother-in-law, was "brain-
washing" her. He dismissed these facts:
Marina Oswald does not want to see her
mother-in-law; she thinks that the
alleged murder weapon was her hus-
band's; she says that her husband told
her of a previous assassination attempt
on Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker; she believes
that her husband killed the President.
Lane apparently thought that all these
things were explained by his unfounded
charge of FBI "brainwashing."
The government autopsy conducted
in Bethesda, Maryland, on the day of the
assassination was either inaccurate or de-
ceptive, said Lane. He pointed to the tes-
timony of three doctors at Parkland Me-
morial Hospital in Dallas that the wound
in President Kennedy's throat, contrary
to the autopsy report, was an entrance
wound. He put no stock in the fact that
the three doctors saw Kennedy for a very
short time in their vain attempt to save
his life, while the exhaustive government
autopsy examined in detail all wounds in
Kennedy's body.
LANE WAVED signed affidavits from the
five witnesses who thought the fatal
shots came from various places other than
the Book Depository Building. He ignored
the fact that the majority of witnesses
still believe that the shots came from one
and only one place-the Book Depository
Building. Lane further contended that a
total of five bullets were found near the
presidential car, in the area of the as-
sassination, and on Kennedy's stretcher.
He accounted for what he said was one
of them with a photograph, and left it to
the listener to fathom the exact location
of the other four.
It became apparent that this was a
case where everybody-Marina Oswald,
the FBI, the autopsy report, the majority
of witnesses to the assassination, the
Warren Commission-was "out of step
with Johnny," in this case, Mark Lane.
Lane concluded his speech by saying
he was bothered that only one major
magazine in the entire country would
consent to publish his written report on
the assassination. Maybe part of the rea-
son was that most magazines recognized
Lane's position for what it was: a colored,
partisan, only partially substantiated,
fund-raising effort which is not to be
taken seriously. -ROBERT HIPPLER

In the ensuing bitterness over
the past week, into which politicos
have injected their own constit-
uent - oriented comments, both
schools have inadvertently created
and suffered what one official
termed a "mutually smearing im-
AS THE MEDICAL school issue
has evaporated in this cross-cur-
rent, the controversies of higher
education generally-and medical
education specifically-are also re-
ceding, one MSU official lament-
ed. Instead, he said, the state is
now presenting a picture of two
jealous and self-motivated institu-
tions haggling over money and se-
Lost in the fray has been recog-
nition of the more selfless service
of men like the University Medi-
cal School Dean William N. Hub-
bard or MSU Board of Trustee
member Warren Huff. They have
tried to put aside, when possible,
the institutional politics and de-
velop comprehensive plans for
medical education.
And particularly bothered by
the political reverberations of what
he regards as a "crucial medical
problem" is MSU's William Knise-
ly, who has been called upon to
head State's exciting educational
experiment-the institute of Sci-
ence and Biology. This is the ad-
ministrative overlord of the two-
year medical program.
It is ironic that Knisely, who
shuns open controversy, was call-
ed in last year to head up what
East Lansing officials called the
state's "hottest potato."
CREATED in November of 1961
by action of the Board of Trus-
tees, the Institute was designed
to fulfill a multiplicity of scien-
tific needs-all in one administra-
tive unit:
1) The need for more physi-
2) The requirement for more
teachers in medicine and biologi-
cal sciences; and
3) The industrial need, for ex-
ample, in the pharmaceutical in-
dustry, for more people trained in
biological sciences.
But even more importantly, the
Institute was designed to be an
educational experiment in restruc-
turing scientific training to allow
the student a more general orien-
tation while avoiding duplication
of courses.
As Knisely explains, the Institute
is divided into three colleges or
sub-units: the College of Veterin-
ary Medicine, the College of Hu-
man Medicine and the College of
Biological Sciences.
The biological science "college"
is actually a division of the Col-
lege of Natural Sciences.
The key to the set-up is the
grouping together of similar aca-
demic divisions from each college
in one department, offering some
introductory courses which stu-
dents in each college could elect
and then branching off into spe-
cific course offerings.
* * *
FOR EXAMPLE, the depart-
ments of anatomy, physiology and
pharmacology, microbiology and
public health, and pathology offer
courses for students in both the
human medicine college and the
veterinary medicine unit.
The departments will be con-
tralized within the institute and
offer one introductory course for
both colleges in gross anatomy.
As the student advances and spe-
cializes, he will then take courses
geared to his special interest -
human or veterinary medicine or

'U's Medical Complex: Will There Be Another?

Due to the heavy scientific orien-
tation in the first two years, Knise-
ly said that the MSU undergrad-
uate will be able, starting in his
third year, to begin concentration
in biological sciences without com-
mitting himself to his final orien-
Careful arrangement of curricu-
lum will permit each student some
decision-making latitude in inte-
grating diversified sciences - such
as zoology, anatomy and veterin-
ary medicine-all under a single
* * *
stitute is increased by its latitude
of allowing students to enter at
different times, Knisely said. By
offering survey courses to fresh-
men and sophomore undergradu-
ates-who must enroll in MSU's

General College program for two
years-some students will be pre-
pared to start their medical train-
ing in their junior years.
Once they are grounded in a
strong biological science back-
ground, the choice of specialization
whether toward medical school de-
gree, or toward a doctorate will
be an easy progression, he explains.
The MSU College of Human
Medicine has its own unique de-
partment of medicine which will
be the center of work for medical
degree students. The veterinary
college offers its own hospital and
clinic facilities while the biological
sciences portion of the natural sci-
ences college has a school of nurs-
novel, the criticism has been high-

ly vocal, one official revealed.
Center of controversy was the
two-year medical college, which is
now manned by its own dean
Prof. Alfred Hunt, formerly of
Stanford University.
As set up by the Trustees, its
duration would be only two years
at the pre-clinical graduate level,
preparing students to transfer for
the more clinically-oriented final
two-years at another medical
school in the country.
But before and since' this college
was organized within the Insti-
tute of Medicine and Biology pro-
gram, statewide skeptics and crit-
ics have viewed the Institute and
the two-year format as guises
from which to sprout a thriving
multi-million dollar four-year
medical complex.

Scranton: GOP Saviour?

has been to enter the medical ed-
ucation picture in the state. For
the University, the struggle has
been to keep State from horning in
too far, thus obliterating over $30
million in legislative commitments
to the University and Wayne State
University medical schools.
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher, unconvinced that State
would be satisfied with just a two-
year medical program opening in
1965, opened fire last week in a
Lansing speech. He, in effect, ac-
cused State of trying to convert its
two-year plan into a four-year
gold mine medical complex at costs
surpassing $100 million.
MSU President John Hannah
counter-attacked that Hatcher had
"deliberately misrepresented the
facts" and thus the open conflict
took shape.

WATCHING Gov. Scranton on
"Meet the Press" I was beset
by the feeling that I had seen
someone else in the same predica-
ment. That other man was Gov.
Adlai Stevenson of Illinois in 1952
when he was being cajoled and
compelled to run for President
against the victorious general of
the second world war.
Stevenson then, like Scranton
today, was a highly-successful
governor of a big state and a man
of great charm and distinction. He
had, like Scranton, a normal quota
of ambition, and he was not a
tricky man being coy.
His trouble, like Scranton's, was
the apparently u n b e a t a b l e
strength of the opposition party
and of its candidate. Governor
Stevenson tried to beg off. He
pleaded to be allowed to run for
a second term as governor of Il-
linois. But he was overridden by
President Truman and the ruling
personages of the Democratic

Tired of Yost Field House?

issue in the March 4 election, is sorely
needed on the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics.
The Board seats two students, one each
year, to present the opinions and
viewpoints of the entire student body to
the nine faculty members, three alumni
and athletic director, H. O. (Fritz)
Crisler. Yet, in the past, the student mem-
bers of the Board have shown little or no
interest in what the students want. No
widespread effort has ever been made to
reflect any point of view other than that
of a select group of athletes.
This is no accident.
It is the line of least resistance for the
thne Freeze
it appears we have frozen the Fish-
Thanks to an abhorrence of inconven-
ience on the part of a few faculty mem-
bers, the literary college's faculty is now
seeking to ban student organizations' ta-
bles, signs and leaflets from this bustling
academic intersection.
For organizations not affluent enough
to afford lavish mailings, this would cut
off an important-sometimes critical-
point of communication with the campus.
It seems a rather stiff price to pay for
Order in a place where there really is no
need for tranquility.
But if Order is to prevail, its defenders
will have to strike at the basic evil. In
keeping with the philosophy of the cur-

Athletic Department to have the least re-
sistant students on the Board. Who would
better fit this description than the ath-
letes, many of whose educational future
rests entirely with the Board?
THE WAY the Athletic Department orig-
inally set up the election in the Re-
gents Bylaws is indicative of the depart-
ment's desire for these unrepresentative
Anyone who wishes to run for the Board
can do so by going through the regular
Student Government Council petitioning
process, gaining 250 signatures. But, an
athlete can be put on the ballot by the
recommendation of the Managers' Coun-
cil, a closely-controlled organ of the Ath-
letic Department, without his ever ex-
pressing any interest in the Board or the
Two such candidates are chosen each
year by the Council and it has been tra-
ditional that the one who is the more
famous athlete walks away with the elec-
tion. The all-important question of how
intelligently or how competently the ath-
lete would represent the entire student
body has never been a serious considera-
tion in previous elections.
But this election should be different.
sity who has suffered through watch-
ing a basketball game at Yost Field House
should stop to consider if the Athletic
Board has his interests in mind. When
Crisler and the Board stall for nearly an
entire year before announcing any head-
way on a new field house, toward which
14,000 students begrudgingly shelled out

; ,

GOV. SCRANTON'S reluctance
to commit himself to run seemed
to me, as I watched him on Sun-
day night, to be quite genuine.
The reluctance is wholly under-
standable. Barring a dramatic
change in the situation, Gov.
Scranton's chances of defeating
President Johnson are no better
than were Stevenson's at the same
time in the 1952 campaign.
On the other hand, Gov. Scran-
ton labors under two disadvan-
tages which did not exist for Ste-
venson. Gov. Scranton's term in
Pennsylvania ends in January,
1967, and under Pennsylvania law
he cannot run again. Thus, he will
have no elective office when the
1968 campaign comes along. Gov.
Stevenson, on the other hand,
could have run for another four-
year term in 1952 and could have
been in 1956 the undefeated twice-
elected governor of a pivotal state.
Gov. Scranton's other disadvan-
tage is that, to judge by the polls.
he is still not well known. Gov.
Stevenst n, on the other hand, was
already a national figure in 1952,
and he had the gift of eloquence
which Gov. Scranton does not
have. It is a good argument in
favor of his running that Gov.
Scranton would benefit by the
national exposure of a Presiden-
tial campaign even if he did not
win it.
I do not know whether these
considerations are in fact in his
mind. But they are bound to be
in the minds of his well-wishers,
among whom I count myself.
IF WE continue with candid
ccaLsideration, I think we would
have to say that Gov. Scranton's
real 7ccation in this year's elec-
tion would be to save the Repub-
lican Party. The majorities whic~h
President Johnson is receiving mn
the Gallup and tne Louis Harris
Polls are greater than the real
strength of the Democratic Party
or the personal appeal of Presi-
dent Jol nson. They zefiect, I be-
lieve, the desperate condition of
the Republican Party as a result
Sof its allowing itself to become
alienated from the great central
mass of the American voters.
The massive Johnson majorities
have their origin in the political
strategy shaped by Franklin
Roosevelt and continued under
Kennedy. The objective of this
strategy is the capture of the vital
center which in this country is the
only political base of national po-
litical power.
The fact is, however, that the
leaders of the RepublicanhParty
in Cc rgress have surrendered the
center to the Democrats. The can-
didacy of Senator Goldwater is a
wild and reckless abandonment of
the center.

dealing but healing, is bringing
about a vast reconciliation and re-
unification of the vital center.
That is why, if nothing catastro-
phic happens to the peace, the
p r o s p e r i t y and progressivism
which are his campaign issues, he
is a hard man for any Republican
to beat.
(c), 1964, The Washington Post Co.
to the
To the Editor:
WHILE WE sponsors of last
week's National Negro History
Week observance -- Alpha Kappa
Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta sor-
orities and Alpha Phi Alpha and
Kappa Alpha Psi fraternities-are
most appreciative of the splendid
news coverage which you gave to
our various events, we regret very
much that you did not mention
the citation which was persented
to University Medical School Prof.
Albert H. Wheeler.
The "in appreciation" citation
to Ann Arbor's long-time civil
rights leader reads as follows:
"Because he has labored
long in Ann Arbor in behalf of
equal human rights and be-
cause he combines so well his
career as a successful Univer-
sity professor with enlightened
civil-rights leadership, t h e
University of Michigan chap-
ters of Alpha Kappa Alpha
and Delta Sigma Theta soror-
ities and Alpha Phi Alpha and
Kappa Alpha Psi farternities,
in their joint observance of
National Negro History Week,
express their deep apprecia-
tion to Dr. Albert H. Wheeler
for his untiring efforts, con-
stant inspiration and out-
standing example of concern-
ed citizenship and professional
-Emmett Hagood, Jr., '65E
Chairman, Steering
Negro History Week
Hypocrisy ...
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I am very much be-
hind the civil rights movement,
my participation is largely pas-
sive. However, I cannot allow this
hypocrisy to go unnoticed. All the
sororities' on campus have filed
their "nondiscriminatory" mem-
bership statements with the Of-
fice of Student Affairs and much
lip service has been paid to their
heroic actions.
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