Sewvty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAM UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ons Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 il Prevail" printed in The Michigan Daily eApress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must-be noted in at; reprints. ,FEBRUARY 19, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: EDWARD HERSTEIN Southern Totalitarian Web Threatens All Amnericans Improving Design of Ships "Folks. I Might Candidates To Be Able To Get Some Of The Drop By For A Few Words" By ROBERT JOHNSTON R ECENT reports emanating from the watery depths of the naval tank in the West En- gineering Bldg. indicate that the naval architecture and ma- rine engineering department of the engineering school has not been idle these past few years in its research work. The bulbous bow, which was discussed theoretically 10 years ago, has been brought to prac- tical fruition in the past year through the research of this department headed by Prof. Richard B. Couch. The new bow is one of the most singular new developments in ship de- sign in many years. It is now in use on some two dozen cargo future. Since ships are still basic to world transportation, such advances will have impor- tant effects. * * * THE BULBOUS bow design originated in Japan at the Uni- versity of Tokyo. However, little was done to put it on an actual ship. A year ago researchers at the University's naval tank decided to try out the new bow on their models. Under private company spon- sorship the large bulb-as op- posed to an older, well-known small one-was tried on several prototypes under full load con- ditions but without any star- tling results. But in experiments with the same models under LABAMA& has recently moved to the forefront of Southern police states by ta~bishingh a far-flung secret police net, ate officials and agents not only shadow vil rights leaders, but they also monitor i speeches and demonstrations about tegration, follow Justice Department des and dover newsmen who have enter- L the state to report on civil rights. This "political spy network," as the rminghai, Ala., News rightly terms it, the most extensive in an area of ates which actively practices police ate methods to harass the civil rights Cement. Mississippi, the State Sovereignty )mmissidn has long practiced thought ntrol, applying coercion against those ao deviate from the strict segregationist le. Louisiana's Plaquenines Parish has built virtual concentration camp in the mid- e of an alligator-infested swamp. The ison, miles from civilization, is designed house civil rights leaders who invade e strictly segregationist domain of Le- ider Perez. DD TO THESE recent events the long history of violence and terror in civil hts clashes and the South seems hard- a part of the United States at all, but totalitarian society which happens to within the borders of the United ates. The recent revelations of these Ala- .ma and Louisiana practices raises fears at the Southern totalitarian web is awing tighter as the rights struggle be- mes more intense. In this "land of the ee," a non-segregationist in Alabama is free from intimidation as a Soviet citi- n not totally for the Communist re- mae. EDERAL ACTION is long overdue. Ala- bama's secret police net clearly viol- es the spirit, if not the letter, of the rst Amendment. The violence against vil rights workers using their legal rights ,s long gone unchecked. Even in the Justice Department's self berest, action should be taken. Its at- rneys have been harrassed in Mississip- and Alabama and certainly some steps ould be expected to protect them. Action in defense of individual rights the South can take a variety of forms d severity. It should start with vigor- s enforcement of civil rights and civil erty laws now on the books. While rmingham has suffered the hundreds of mbings that make it known as "Bomb- gham," for example, the FBI has inves- tigated but four cases in the United States since a federal anti-bombing law was enacted in 1957. Justice Department efforts to speed voter registration of Negroes under the 1957 and 1960 civil rights acts has pro- ceeded much too slowly. Part of this foot- dragging is due to cumbersome legal ma- chinery, but part is the result of Justice Department slowness. BEYOND ENFORCEMENT of current laws, more drastic action may be need- ed. The civil rights bill now in the Senate, a first although inadequate step, must be passed intact and then vigorously enforc- ed. It is not enough to pass a law, as many Americans believe, to correct a so- cial wrong. Vigorous application and en- forcement is needed. The federal government should distri- bute its funds so that it does not aid seg- regation, but, at the same time, not hurt Southerners. This requires a difficult bal- ancing of needs and interests, but the segregation-supporting aspect of federal funds should not be ignored. Further, all military construction and expansion in the South, a huge federal pork barrel, should be halted pending some civil rights reforms. The South is already overpopulated with military bases and halting their expansion certainly will not endanger the national security. If drastic action is needed, the Supreme Court should apply that portion of the Fourteenth Amendment that reduces the -ongressional representation of states that discriminate against voters. This will re- duce Southern influence in Congress. But even the actively wielded threat of such action would serve as a deterrent. No state likes to go through chaos of forced reap- portionment and loss of influence. AS A FINAL STEP, federal troops should be used to protect the individual Southerner's rights. Since the bitterness such action would create would outweigh its helpful effects, this measure must be taken only as a last resort. Of immediate importance is the Ameri- can's realization of and outrage at South- ern police state methods. The rest of the country has been too complacent about these Southern attacks on fundamental American rights. It fails to realize that liberties undefended in one place will lead to the loss of its own liberties. The totali- tarian web in the South poses a threat to all Americans. -PHILIP SUTIN National Concerns Editor tensively studying the applica- tion to these of single screw propellers. The principal work with the barges has been to design theni for minimum drag on the tug towing them and maximum stability behind the towing ve- hicle. An extensive set-up is need- ed for these operations. Two shops build the models and equipment used in the tests. One is on one. side of the En- gin Arch-now you know what they're doing with all those boats in there. It works mainly in hand fashioning the wood- en hulls. The other houses mis- cellaneous equipment for the operations as well as a machine for making wax models. The department is also en- gaged in studies for the Navy of the recently developed marsh screw propulsion vehicle, and a design for offshore drilling rigs and offshore drilling boats. This weird amphibian is guaranteed to go anywhere. It is propelled by two long, round screws underneath it which turn and can dig their screw ribs into any sort of terrain, regardless of its wetness, and Irive the thing forward. The scientists hope to apply this principle to other designs be- sides the marsh buggy now de- veloped. Future plans include a second tank,x200 feet long, in the new annex to the Fluids Bldg. It will be run in conjunction with the civil engineering depart- ment. A propeller tunnel is also planned. It will be capable of simulat- ing dimensional as well as scale conditions, that is suiting such things as water pressure exactly to the dimension of the experi- ment. BUT ONE can almost say that the real future of the naval architecture and marine engineering departmenti e s with a still obscure professor toiling over the massive prob- lems connected with a strictly theoretical study of ships mov- ing through water. Prof. Finn C. Michelson will tell you en- thusiastically that the bulbous bow represents the first time in shipbuilding history that a concept forecast through the mathematical development of theoretical concepts - rather than empirical "observations of actual ships-has been success- fully applied to the actual de- sign of ships. Prof. Michelson emphasizes that only recently has it been possible to maze a concerted effort to understand mathemat- ically and theoretically the forces acting on a ship in water. This has come about by recent advances in mathematics cap- able of handling the great com- plexities and variables involved. Computers also enable re- searchers to use mathematics easily. Prof. Michelson looks forward to the time when theoreticians can design, with a computer, ship forms vastly more efficient than those now used. Ship building would then be freed from the trial and error meth- ods now used. The work of Prof. Michelson is an example of the continual search for balance between theory and practice in a disci- pline. It is one of the Univer- sity's many functions to bring them together in a meaningful and fruitful combination. LETTERS TO THE E DITOR: SGRU Sttes Aims, Hits SURGe .Beliefs- RESEARCH-The naval architecture pnd marine engineering department has made strides forward in discovering improved methods of ship design. ships and has effected fuel sav- ings up to 25 per cent, giving a literal boost to the world's shipping industry. IN LOOKS, the bulbous bow doesn't do much to enhance a ship's looks according to tra- ditional concepts. It is just a large, elongated bulb stuck out in front of the bow of a ship. usually just under the warter line. In spite of its basically simple design, the problem of finding the best shape, size and placement is a difficult o0n. This work has been the concern of James L. Moss, the chief re- searcher working with the tank. Objects traveling across the surface of the water have al- ways generated waves whicb retard the forward motion of the ship and thus use power. Until the bulbous bow, however. little could be done to eliminate the waves. Now, with the development and application of the bulbous design, great strides are being made in understanding the wave forces acting on a ship. Even greater changes in ship design can be expected in the ballast conditions, that is with- out a load in the ship, they discovered significant improve- ments in wave control. Today's work is an outgrowth of this original research. The naval tank, as it is call- ed, is the center for this re- search. It is an oversize swim- ming pool running 320 feet in length. The tank is 60 years old and one of the largest in- stallations of its kind in the United States. The heart of the facility is a towing carriage custom-built in Germany, in- stalled three years ago. This device resembles a giant water bug straddling the tank. Ship models are supported from it and hooked up to intricate measuring devices. For a test the whole apparatus moves down the length of the tank li k e a lumbering monster, carrying men and machines on board. BESIDES the bulbous bow, the faculty has been studying sea-going barges, has developed a series of standardized hull forms for the National Mari- time Administration and is ex- To the Editor: THE PRESENT structure of Stu- dent Government Council and the method of electing members is preventing the development of an effective student government. The Student Government Reform Union (SGRU) is working for the establishment of a student govern- ment where none exists now. SGRU is not an anarchist par- ty; SGRU is for the abolition of SGC but not for an end to gov- ernment. SGC is and has been controlled by a small group of fraternities. The candidates this power group elects (not always members of those fraternities) are not con- cerned with improving student government; but with maintaining their hold over SGC and becom- ing "campus leaders." The records of the three incumbents now run- ning for re-election speak for themselves. SGRU NOTES with satisfaction the recent formation of a rival politicai party with similar initials and a similar platform. Never be- fore have the "conservatives" on this campus been panicked enough to form an official party. Never before have they been so unsure of themselves as to adopt much of the platform of the opposition. Tht oraganization, known as SURGe, Students United for Re- sponsible Government,-eventual- ly-has agreed with SGRU that a study committee should be set up to probe student government, and adds that "it should study SGC in its present structure rather than a new form of student gov- ernment." This group is saying that it is afraid to study anything objec- tively and must impose certain restrictions on any study before it is begun. How does one "study SOC in its present structure?" The obvious reason for that group's re-. fusal to look at the entire problem is that the "present structure" in- sures the domination of certain fraternity groups. SGRU IS for reform; the other group uses the phrase "responsible government" and is running on the past record of SGC. If that is what it believes to be responsible government, then its statements are poorly disguised status-quo proposals, and responsible govern- ment means inaction. SGRU will offer the campus representation for all parts, not one small cliche. SGRU suggests as one alternative the establish- ment of a Constituent Assembly to serve in an advisory capacity to the student government. This body wouldrcontain direct representa- tives from all sections of the stu- dent body and give constituents a say in the government. SGRU strongly believes that all concepts of student government shouldbe thoroughly questioned, and no artificial restrictions be imposed on a student-faculty committee to study and question all basic concepts of student gov- ernment. -Richard Keller Simon, '66 Carl Cohen, '66 Co-Chairmen; Thomas Copi, '67, Ass't. Chairman Michael Sattinger, '65 Sec. -Treas. SGRU Political Party Congestion... To the Editor: CLOSING the Fishbowl to public displays by student organiza- tions will not only solve no prob- these activities bring to campus. In the quest to bring daylight be- tween student and faculty elbows, these faculty members shall cast a dark glow on the campus. Their action seems to have required little consideration. Very little consideration indeed. THIS ACTION will not solve the problem of congestion because the problem is not in the organiza- tions' activities in the Fishbowl but is the people who stand around and talk with their friends and instructors. I dare say that this congestion is not possible to solve. In the final analysis, the prob- lem of the congested Fishbowl is, not of the magnitude assigned to it and will not be solved by the proposal submitted by the faculty members. Its only outcome will be a less informed student and fac- ulty body. -Barry Bluestone, '66 Garbage... To the Editor: AFTER dinner today I used the editorial page of your news- paper to wrap the garbage. As I was doing this I happened to glance at David Andrew's review of Saturday night's Pro Musica concert. After further perusal of the article mentioned, I decided that the garbage was more intelli- gent and had more excuse for ex- .isting so I wrapped the review in garbage. Had Mr. Andrew said anything, I might have cast a different judg- ment upon the review. As it stands, it is an outstanding ex- ample of the writings of a critic who seems totally unfamiliar with bare facts of the style of the mu- sic and the subtleties of the style. Perhaps he was so bored with the concert that he went to sleep. This is the only explanation which I can think of why the reviewer failed to mention any of the real high points of the concert such as Dufay's "Bon jour, bon mois" and the anonymous Spanish song, "Riu, riu, chiu." A lack of sensitivity was dis- played by Mr. Andrew in failing to catch the strong Moorish influ- ence upon the rhymically exciting Spanish songs and to contrast this to the lucidity of the Northern European set. -David L. Austin, '64 Theft THE MANCHESTER Guardian writes: "In the last several years committee after committee has pointed to the shabby condi- tions of work in British universi- ties. Dons frequently have to write their letters in longhand. Techni- cal assistance is hard to come by. Up-to-date equipment may be considered a luxury. Laying hands on money for research may take endless time, even when there is money to be had . . THIS SAID, it would be wrong to expect the Government to halt the flow of emigrants (scholars leaving English for American uni- versities). The best to hope for is a slowing down. For the United States is able to support scholars on a much more lavish scale than would be reasonable to expect in Britain or anywhere else. Sheer wealth is a sufficient explanation ... The United States will remain a magnet for scientists, as it is for actors, for many years to come. So what is to be done? ... There is something to be said for sug- 'One1Man, One Vote' For House, Not Senate *RE THE SOCIETY for the Preven- of Representative Government oing again, perhaps it is time to ut a few things about the Supreme 't's latest pronouncement on reappor- mnent. Ze decision was not the beginning of end for geographical apportionment ie state senates. What it was, in fact, a perfectly straightforward and ob- s pronouncement: the United States se of Representatives should be ap- ioned, as nearly as possible, on the ; of population. The decision went no her. w will disagree with this. Even in dis- . Justice Harlan agreed that the theo- ' "one man, one vote" for the House just. States are delegated representa- according to strict population counts it is only right that the districts in the states should be carved up ac- ing to the same formula. T APPORTIONMENT of the state leg- latures is quite a different matter. ocratic leaders in Lansing have ex- ed jubilation over Monday's Supreme t ruling and confidently expect the Supreme Court to select an appor- nent of the state Senate which would w the same theory. wever, if the Michigan court makes a decision, it will be purely a politi- ne, based in no way on law or legal and three Republicans. Such a decision would make a folly out of justice and cer- tainly it would not be, as intended by the Supreme Court, a logical extension of Monday's case. I find it hard to believe that the Mich- igan court, for all its partisanship, would stoop so low as to disregard the law in a desperate effort to seize total political power. Democratic leaders in the Legisla- ture may have little integrity, but I doubt the same holds for their judicial counter- parts. They will realize, I am sure, that the one man, one vote concept has its limits. To be certain, the United States House should be apportioned on the basis of strict population. Likewise, the state House of Representatives should also be carved up in the same manner, for such is the intent of the federal Constitution as well as the various state constitutions. BUT STATE SENATES were never in- tended to be strict reflections of popu- lation, just as the United States Senate was never intended to mirror the head count of the nation. Political scientists can argue that the conception of the United States Senate is different from that of the state senates, but that will not eclipse reality. Of what use would a two-house Con- gress or legislature be if both houses were divided on the basis of population? It -77 A - s ' 4"- , & u I 'i ...1X\Ui\~ I