-+.."R ]rr- mr The Jitichiga tbvi4 MAGAZINE APPEARING TWICE MONTHLY REPRESENTATIVES of all three segments of the Universitycorn munity -- administration, faculty, and students - will gather at the Michigan Union next weekend, Feb. 21-22, for the second Conference on the University. The first Conference was held in May, 1962. IMAGE AND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 'U': OVERALL PHILOSOPHY By Peter Rosen-Runge ., .. Page 2- IMAGE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 'U' TO STATE AND NATION By Philip Sutin ...........Page 2 PROBLEMS OF EXTERNAL zEXPANSION ~ By Kenneth Winter........Page 3 PROBLEMS OF INTERNALr EXPANSION; By Michael Sattinger .......Page 4 FINANCIAL SUPPORT By Gerald Starch ..........Page 4r ACTIVITIES OR NO? (THE ROLE tOF THE STUDENT OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM) By Robert Pike ........... Page 4 ' { THE 'U' AND SOCIAL CHANGE' By Kenneth McEldowney ... Page 5 POLICY MAKING AT FTHE UNIVERSITY By David Marcus and Edwin Sasaki .......Pages 6 and 7 EFFECTIVE TEACHING, By Alan Grass and Daryl. Bern.............. Page 8 THE UNDERGRADUATE By Michael Rosen .........Page 9 THE GRADUATE AND COLLEGE ADMISSIONS By Michael Rosen ........Page 10 THE FACULTY OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM By George Allen.....Page 10 THE 'U' ENVIRONMENT AND EFFECT ON STUDENTS By Larry Phillips and Gail Evans ............ Page 11 MAGAZINE EDITOR: GLORIA BOWLES ARTIST: FRED HOROWITZ tImage aindI espolusibility, " art I An Overall 'U' Philosophy By PETER ROSEN-RUNGE IS IT, in fact, the case that the Univer- sity does or can have a general phil- osophy? First, consider three possible descrip- tions of the University, each to a varying extent inspired by the opening reference. (1) The Republic of Plato. By Univer- sity I mean an ideal: a community of scholars wherein resides the spirit of free inquiry into the nature of the world and the works of man. The dual aspects of this inquiry are teaching and learning; the common goals of teacher and learn- er are truth and the enrichment of ex- perience. (2) Alexander Michigander and the University of Michigan. By University I mean the image of a state university as it is publicized by the office of uni- versity relations. The university is "a public resource." It is a place where the wisdom of the past is treasured, where ideas for future progress are born, where the leadership for tomorrow is shaped. It trains the specialists our modern so- ciety needs. It aids and attracts industry and commerce, through research on products, processes and people. It pro- motes the physical health of the people through medical training and research. It trains the teachers of the state's chil- dren and the public administrators of our cities and state. Through military and space research it helps to protect our national security. It trains librarians, musicians, painters, writers, conservation officers and many more who contribute to the cultural and recreational life of the citizen. In short, the university is an active force for the public good. (3) The Academic Marketplace, (Theo- dore Caplow.) By university I mean a type of social institution, specifically the large private and state institutions which grant a doctoral degree. The members of such institutions fall into three general classes-students, fac- ulty and administrators. In return for cash payments, students receive instruc- tion in certain skills, which in turn re- quire the acquisition and organization of factual knowledge. After the student has taken the re- quired number of courses and maintained a certain level of competence, he receives a bachelor's degree. A large number of students leave the institution at this point and take up various occupations. In general, the manner in which the skills and knowledge acquired in college are applied in these professions is difficult to determine. THOSE students who remain in the in- stitution beyond the bachelor's degree either enter specialized training in a professional school, or begin a course of study directed toward the doctorate. The most obvious outcome of graduate schooling is that it enables the student to join the faculty, and by and large, this is the only way he can do so. The functions of the faculty are therefore mirrored in the training of the graduate Image and Responsibility, Part II The University, The State an Nation By PHILIP SUTIN THE UNIVERSITY receives an annual appropriation from the state legisla- ture to carry on the education of its students, and also receives vast sums of money for research from the federal and state governments, and from private industry. These divergent functions of the Uni- versity sometimes result in strange ano- malies. Sponsored research has boomed since World War II, doubling about once every four years. In contrast, undergrad- uate teaching and general University operations are stagnating from inadequ- ate legislative appropriation in recent years. University appropriations have inched up slightly since 1959 with increases barely sufficient to meet faculty pay demands. But this year, Gov. Romney's budget recommends $44 million for the University. If approved by the legislature, this would be a significant $5.8 million increase over this year's operating budget. THE UNIVERSITY maintains a full- time lobbyist in the state capital while the legislature is in session, and Execu- tive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss spends much of his time in lobbying activity. The main function of this lobby- ing is to maintain good communication with the legislature so that it understands wrat the University is doing, and why. The University is in a better position at appropriation time if it is known to have the interests of Michigan at heart. The Office of University Relations serves the communications need of a large and sometimes distant organiza- tion. It helps explain University actions as well as attempt to create public opin- ion favorable to it. Under Director Michael Radock, this agency has intensified its work on the University "image." Instead of conduct- ing mass public campaigns, the office is primarily interested in reaching the opin- ion leaders in the state. Its activities include a news service which relates the day-to-day happenings at the University, two FM radio stations, and various state services which handle the University's relations with Michigan groups. However, some students and faculty believe that public relations men are in- capable of selling a product as intangible as a good educational institution. These individuals are disturbed when they read pamphlets fro mthe Office of University relations depicting the University, as ser- vants of "Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mich- igander" typical middle class state resi- dents. It is significant that the Office of Uni- versity relations has tried to change the image of the University within the last year. In the past the University has em- phasized the need for more funds to meet expanding enrollment and internal pres- sure for faculty raises. But now the Uni- versity is stressing the role research can play in strengthening the state's economy. At least in one respect, this marks a de- emphasis on the purely educational func- tions of the University. The legislature's only hold over the University is its power to appropriate funds. It cannot dictate through legisla- tion to another constitutional body, the University. Nevertheless, this is an impor- tant power and the legislature can in- fluence University behavior. RELATIONS with the federal govern- ment are quite a difefrent matter and are handled by different people. The University is the fourth largest recipient of federal research funds among institu- tions of higher education." Vice-President Ralph Sawyer handles most of the University's Washington contacts, and a steady stream of Uni- versity officials and faculty commute be- tween Ann Arbor and Washington. The Office of Research Administration under Director Robert Burroughs does much of the technical work involved in both research contracts and grants. The relationship between the federal government and the University is largely defined by these contracts and grants. The detailed documents specify the pur- poses of sponsored research projects and accounting and fiscal restrictions im- posed on the University. The University has refused to become a manager for a federal research installa- tion, such as the University of Califor- nia's Los Alamos Laboratory. It attempts to limit projects to those which will aid the education of graduate students as. well as further knowledge in the physical sciences. It also has a strict policy against doing applied research. THE MOST pressing problem is failure to resolve the sometimes conflicting ends of defense sponsored research and academic research. The University has a firm basic policy, pragmatically applied, and combined with the high number of former academic scientists administering federal programs, the possibilities of con- flict have been mitigated as much as possible. The United States Congress has placed ceilings on overhead costs which the Uni- versity feels are too low. The University stopped accepting defense department grants last year after Congress set too low a ceiling. The move cost the Uni- versity $250,000. However, with the aid of other colleges and universities, the University is generally winning the bat- tle of indirect costs. Another University concern about Con- gressional actions in the research area is a House investigation of federal re- search policies. However, University offi- cials see no threat to the federal gov- ernment's basic policy on research, and are not particularly worried. In other areas, the University has been quick to take advantage of federal programs, beginning with the Works Progress Administration's funds to build West Quadrangle in the 1930's. A new windfall may come as the Senate passes a college construction aid bill. student. Faculty members teach, and so do many graduate students (although they are never given explicit instructions in the area). Faculty members usually engage in personal research or scholarly work; graduate students often assist in such work. Scholarly work (any activity leading to publication in books, articles or papers in academic journals) is an extremely important activity for the fac- ulty member, for his salary, rank, and prestige are all related to the quantity and quality of his output. (It is not surprising, therefore, that there is an in- creasing pressure to reduce faculty teach- ing loads and increase the time allotted for personal research.) The function of the university admin- istrator is to maintain the university as a stable and viable institution. Since uni- versities in this country are highly com- petitive, growth in a university does not normally mean change in structure or policy, but rather expansion in terms of facilities, personnel, and physical plant. HERE THEN, are three descriptions of a university. Symmetry, if nothing else, demands three views of the univer- sity's philosophy. (1) The general philosophy should be a theory of inquiry, which clarifies and illuminates the university's methods and purposes. It should relate these purposes to the highest purposes of human exist- ence-the search for beauty and truth. (2) The philosophy of the university is a public statement of its goals with regard to the community and state. In developing such a philosophy the Univer- sity must insure, through consultation with businessmen, legislators, alumni, etc., that it is meeting the real needs of the citizens of this state. It is then in a position actively to seek support from the citizen for its activities. (3) To give an account of the philoso- phy of a university, we must first con- sider the nature of institutional philoso- phies. The primary purpose of the phil- osophy of an institution is to explain, justify, and rationalize its decisions and policies. Initially, such philosophies may precede the decisions which they ex- plain; that is, they are genuine guides to action. However, as an institution such as the university endures and its future existence becomes secure, predetermined goals become replaced by tradition, and decisions tend to be made in terms of current pressures and conflicts within and without the institution. In this situ- ation the university's philosophy becomes an ex post facto means of making curent decisions appear reasonable and consist- ent with previous ones. In a sense, an in- stitutional philosophy is the conscious image of itself couched in socially accept- able cliches which serve to protect that image from attack. However, the university is not a homo- geneous group of individuals. Students, faculty, and administrators each have their own self-image and these are not at all times mutually compatible. Thus a student may feel that he is, after all, the raison d'etre of the university and is somewhat surprised at the limited time faculty members may have to help or advise him. A faculty member may feel that his research and administrative duties (e.g., committee meetings) are his most valuable contribution to the uni- versity and finds student demands on his time often unreasonable. From such considerations it follows that .any stated philosophy of a university is of little value in analyzing university policies. At best, the contradictions be- tween what the institution preaches and what its members do can serve as a guide to the underlying tensions and pressures which control the university's decision. One should bear in mind that as none of the parties are capable of raising all the questions, it is impossible that either singly or collectively they could have all the answers. I By GAIL EVANS Cam)pu4 Chnintent:.9t4e4(ecti'onI WHAT IS IT like to be a student at the University? This is a question which the University, as an administrative unit, should take pains to answer, but doesn't. The Uni- versity Committee on Student Counseling Services coordinates the present coun- seling agencies, but has not attempted an overview of the student environment. Counseling bodies here primarily seek to aid the student with a problem. They do not attempt to assess what is like to be just an ordinary student among the 27,000 encamped here. Clearly, the Uni- versity could improve the educational experience here if it knew what the Uni- versity environment is like and how the students react to it. The University environment is as di- verse as the student population. Yet, Michigan is not undertaking any study of its environmental nature to try to determine what the effects the campus culture has upon the student or the stu- dent upon the environment. However, an individual University professor is con- ducting such an environmental study along with a corps of University re- searchers. The current sociological research is being conducted under the direction of Prof. Theodore Newcomb. His chief re- search assistant, Dr. Gerald Gurin of the Institute of Social Research, says that the preliminary impressions derived from the study have shown that students create their own environment. Faculty and administrators have very little effect on the student's life. He cited several major environmental breakdowns or sub- cultures created solely by students: po- litical activist, artist, sorority, fraternity, dormitory men, and dorm women, and honors. These are the only sub-cultures clearly deliniated in the preliminary an- alyses. (The study includes freshmen questionnaires, examinations, including the Fricke test, and personal consulta- tions.) The University faces environmental problems primarily because of its size. Gurin notes that the University environ- ment is student-centered because the peer group is the only group which is close enough to exercise a great influence upon student attitudes and behavior. His study has also shown that students tend to join one sub-culture and not venture into others. The enrollment boom, trimester, in- creasing academic pressures, primacy of research and the spiraling cost of edu- cation are all factors which shape the campus environment. Student organiza- tions and student government have play- ed an important part in student life here in the past, but as academic pressures increase extra-curricular interest has decreased. The environment is effected by policies of the Office of Student Af- fairs. Women's hours, dorm living re- quirements, apartment permissions and many other factors shape the life of the student. STUDENTS REACT very differently to the various environmental stimuli. Newcomb's study has been trying to isolate causes for environmental and sub- culture development. The researchers have asked two basic questions in terms of the identified sub-cultures: 1) Why do students choose one en- vironment over another? 2) What effect does this choice have upon the student? THE BASIC purpose behind the Uni- versity counseling services as spelled out in a 1958 "Guide to the Resources for Student Counseling and Advising at the University," is that "the student's social, religious, personality and health problems are important with respect to the full yield of the academic experience. . . . Counseling or advising should be realized at the University. Many edu- academic community is best served by cators and psychologists agree that the creating small communities within the large University. The proposed residential college is this University's first step toward organizing these groups. But is the creation of such groups feasible? So- ciologists Christopher E. Jencks and David Riesman, reporting on Harvard's residential houses, raise some serious questions: 1. Students don't want to be patron- ized by their elders For their youth and inexperience. 2. Professors "distrust the dilettante and the ruminative person." They want "professional identities and would rath- er describe themselves as chemists or anthropologists or musicians than as mere professors, or-still worse-'intel- lectuals'." Thus, resident professors may be in scarce supply. 3. There is no "model for the kinds of relationships which the intellectual com- munity muust encourage." Bus Jencks and Riesman are optimistic. They conclude that ". . . the houses have done more to preserve intellectual and humane qualities In the academic com- munity than most educational ventures, and they suggest further experiments either at Harvard or elsewhere. Though the houses are unique institutions they suggest some of the problems and pos- an aid to, not a substitute for, decision From 30 t making on the part of the student. . . ." are self-refe Major counseling agencies available ment office to aid the student with a problem are halls and t the following: can refer sti 1) Counseling division of the Bu- The clinic c reau of Psychological Services. leave school 2) Bureau of Appointments and mental dist Occupational Information-The bu- ally pull a si reau's chief functions are to provide placement services for students and THE COU alumni and to make available career sionally c counseling. istration an 3) International Center - There and the en are three full-time counselors at the problems, c International Center to help foreign Broedel in students with inter-cultural adjust- that much ment problems. area and t the Univers rjHE MOST comprehensive counseling Certainly, agencies are the counseling division of an increaser the Bureau of Psychological Services and making is c the Mental Health Clinic. Confusion often arises concerning the functions of these tion quicke two agencies. The counseling division has under incre two main purposes: 1) to train psycholo- fects of th gists in clinical psychology techniques important c and 2) to aid the normal, healthy student answer. Dux with identity problems. The counseling mester, visi division can see a limited number of peo- increased b ple and consequently there is always a ment went waiting list. During Oct The Mental Health Clinic, on the other per cent o hand, is strictly a service agency. It must sons for thi find time to see every student seeking plex. Dr. D help. About 7.5 per cent of the student clinic, attr population is treated annually. This fig- more wides ure has remained fairly constant over ability of s the past few years. There is a certain extensive r amount of overlap between the two agen- explanation cies, but only the Mental Health Clinic Counselin gives temporary treatment to the ser- with indiv iously mentally disturbed. Staff members Newcomb's, of both groups are quick to emphasize ing the Un that they do not indulge in much long- demic area term counseling or intensive psycho-ther- for the Uni apy, which they consider outside the goals, it m bounds of the University's counseling re- and what t sponsibility. are upon t2 sibilities in that immensely complicated The cha undertaking, the creation of an intel- munity cai lectual community." the daily e their stude: THE BALANCE between research and sor may c: teaching exerts considerable influ- students, s ence on the academic community. Many subject ma of the University's departments, faced a way as with state funds which are inadequate broad a pi to support even normal growth, have ligations d turned to Federal support to build up academic their staffs. But much of this Federal from amor money is earmarked for research, not sibilities dc teaching, so that faculty members must Finally, divide their time between their depart- student h ments and the institutes, laboratories, munity? T or centers in which they conduct their exchange research. sororities, The divison of a faculty member's units? The time between teaching and research is ishingly fe' changing, however, and the trend is away primary a from teaching; research funding at the inquiry be University is increasing at a considerably Even at higher rate than support for teaching, or four suc although some of the research money has notable su been used indirectly to subsidize teach- Attempts t ing. But the trend cannot continue with- have typic out drastically affecting the whole struc- indifference ture of the academic community, for it cause the is clear that the University is gradually often made becoming an institution for the perform- pursuit of ance of federally-supported research. Do extends nc the administration and facuulty have an Yet respor obligation to encourage or discourage of an. aci this trend? What can be done? large part, II By LARRY PHILLIPS WHAT FACTOR transforms a school into an academic community? It is cooperative inquiry. Our discussion will assume that an academic community is characterized by intellectual exchange between faculty and students. What are the conditions which permit and encourage vigorous intellectual ex- change in the academic community? One of these is academic freedom. In com- menting on the plight of many state universities, Frank Pinner notes that, "It is not likely that an academic com- munity will come to exist so long as studuents, faculty, and administration feel that they are ruled by regulations not of their own making." He insists that "the academic community needs to be protected from the dictation of the multitude." Most of us would probably agree with Pinner. However, in insisting on this freedom, does not the academic com- munity accept the obligation to lead the people? To what extent is this Univer- sity free from external regulation? Is some amount of external regulation nec- essary and desirable? How is the Uni- versity meeting its obligations to the State? ANOTHER condition for vigorous co- oera inquiry is not presently THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964