PAGE . . . PERSONAL GE PORTABLE stereo with record stand. $70 or best offer. 665-2809. B41 ANTIQUE FOREIGN and domestic post- cards, including architecture and art. Phone Dexter, HA 6-8170. B39 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10. 3-5362. IRISH HARP FOR SALE. Goes to high- est bidder. Call V. Rees, day 3-1511, ext. 2971, night 2-5127. B35 CLASSICAL GUITAR, Gibson model C- O. Like new. Call Univ. Ext. 2238, 7- 9 p.m. B18 ENJOY! The benefits of perfect typewriting.' Smith-Corona electric portable for sale. Perfect condition; types neat and quick. Many extra features. Cost $175-sell $110. NO 5-7853 or NO 2- 3241. George White. B40 FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeis" mono- cular-binocular,texcellent cond. Ph. 542-6431, Detroit. B9 ALUMNUS has slightly used tuxedo and dinner jacket for sale. Size 42 long. Call M. Small, TO 6-8649 or WO '3- 4714. B37 HI-FI STEREO tape recorder. Concert tone, professional 510 series-3 motors, 4 heads, every deluxe feature includ- ing reverse-a-matic, self contained stereo speakers, 6 months old-like new. Cost $600. Sacrifice $500. May be seen at Hi-Fi and TV Center, 1301 S. University. B3 USED CARS '57 PONTIAC Starchief, radio, white- walls, excellent condition, $275. NO 5-0141. - N19 1957 FORD-Excel. mech. cond. Body and tires very good. $450. NO 2-1291 after 5:30 p.m. N4 '60 CHEVY IMPALA convt. Red, black P top, 4 new tires, radio and heater. Small V-8 automatic. NO 3-0338. N 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door. 6- cylinder, straight stick. Excellent con- dition. $350. Call HU 3-5973 after 6 p.m. 1939 CADILLAC LaSalle. Perfect, orig- inal condition, Very low mileage. Will sell or consider trade for BMW or other motorcycle. Call 665-5744. N18 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER-3-bdrm. ranch In Lake- wood sub. 2%-car garage. Aluminum storms and screens. Nicely landscap- ed with fenced-in backyard. Paneled rec. room. Den and extra bdrm. in basement. Carpeting, drapes and dry- er. Newly decorated in and out. 4% GI mortgage or FHA. $16,900. 216 Highiake. NO 3-3011. R38 LOST-KEY on chain with red plastic plate, initials "L.G." Sentimental value. Also dire necessity. Call Lynda G., 3-3384. A33 WOMAN'S brown glasses in red case lost Wed, between Stockwell and campus. Call Ext. 1310. A32 LOST-One pair girl's glasses around Oakland Street. Call 663-8161. A29 LOST-Ring, Fri. morning, Feb. 7, first floor Mason Hall. Write Box 10, Michigan Daily. Confidential. A27 FOUND-Man's glasses on corner of S. Univ. and Church. Call 3-1511, Ext. 449. A31 LOST-Heavy overcoat at D Phi E Open House Sun., Feb. 9. Baskins grey herringbone, gloves in pocket. Call 5-7711, Ext. 3113. A28 RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. LIKE NEW-GUILD GUITAR - Six string base with case. Cost $135. Will sacrifice for $95. Call 5-6607. X5 HI, F. RADIO and Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio and TV, NO 5-6644, 325 E. Hoover. X2 GUITARS, ETC. Make Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 209 S. STATE NO 5-8001 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR, 119 W. Washington BUSINESS SERVICES MANUSCRIPT TYPING and index pro- cessing. Phone Dexter, HA 6-8170. J38 EXPERIENCED spring cleaning and ironing. Mon.-Fri. mornings. NO 2- 9782. J39 EDITING AND PROOFREADING Manuscripts. NO 8-8905.~ J36 CONLIN TRAVEL BUREAU - The Agency developed to service the Uni- versity. NO 5-9151. J35 482-0191 Typing of manuscripts, theses, disser- tations and term papers. Duplicating done by mimeographing or offset printing. GRETZINGER BUSINESS SERVICES 320 S. Huron 665-8184 MANUSCRIPTtyping, transcription, medical, legal, technical confer- ences, mimeographing ,offset. Quick, Accurate, Experienced. ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine WANTED-Part-time serviceman. Music THE D PHI E's "fell in this weekend." Center, 1304 S. University. H38 Seems they're all "tied up." F40 DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 WANTED-For the school year 1964-65, Male teacher of high school algebra, geometry, physics. Call 665-6536 fter 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri. H41 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER Immediate vacancies for individuals with experience in teaching elemen- tary classes of mentally retarded children. Salary range $6013 to $9772 annually, depending on education and experience. Must have a bache- lor's degree in Special Education from an accredited school, and be eligible for approval by the Depart- ment of Public Instruction. All Michigan Civil Service benefits, in- cluding an outstanding state con- tributory insurance program and an excellent retirement plan, plus So- cial Security. For further informa- tion contact Mr. Andrews, Director of Adjunctive Therapies, Plymouth State Home and Training School, Northville, Michigan. Telephone: (Area code 313) GLenview 3-1500. An equal opportunity employer. H40 PORT HURON STUDENT Will pay for weekend ride to and from Port Huron once a month or oftener. Call Mrs. Hudson, et. 2689, '8 till noon. H40 RECREATION DIRECTOR I Immediate vacancy for individual with experience in recreation work with retarded children. Salary range $5,220 to $6,410 annually depending on education and experience. Ap- plicants must have a bachelor's de- gree in Physical Education. All Michigan Civil Service benefits, in- cluding an outstanding state con- tributory insurance program and an excellent retirement plan, plus So- cial Security. For further informa- tion contact Mr. Andrews, Director of Adjunctive Therapies, Plymouth State Home and Training School, Northville, Michigan. Telephone: (Area Code 313) GLenview 3-1500. An equal opportunity employer. H39 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore!. "WHITE LEVI'S" SLIM-FITS 4.49 FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, brown, loden, "white," cactus, light blueI SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington BIKES AND SCOOTERS ANY HONDA-$100 Will reserve the machine for you. Avoid the spring rush now or wait your turn later. Use our lay-away plan or bank financing now. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 Z44 NICHOLSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First St. 662-7409 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter - Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood- land Lake, Brighton, anytime after 5 p.m. Z29 A MESSAGE to the "hou." Beware Ahland's Raiders! F41 SLIDE RULES-New and used, $5-$18. NO 2-8312. F3 CY-To say you're remarkable would be putting it mildly. Then again- maybe remarkable is the wrong word. Your cohort. F42 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Hackett from her men. F39 TO SUE SANDS-A long distance Val- entine's Day greeting: Merry Christ- mas and a Happy. Happy New Year. F38 AFS NEWS! A note to those interested in AFS bus chaperon's job this summer. Open meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7:30 at the Alpha Phi Sorority House. In- formation at 8-6943. (Ask or leave name for Mike Wilson, Chairman). INTERMEDIATE DANCE Instruction- Excellent teacher, interesting people. League, Tuesday, 7 p.m. F37 COME TO the League and meet people over the bridge table, 7 p.m. Tues. WEINER SCHNITZEL with German potato salad-$1.35. German meat pat- ties-.30. ROMANOFF'S, 300 s Thayer HAPPY Belated Valentine's Day, Char- lie. I didn't get any Valentines, did you? F35 WILL THE real CHARLIE BROWN please stand up! F33 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. F73 CHARLIE BROWN! It's you and I now. But I didn't know there were two Lucy's-GOOD GRIEF. F34 IT DOWN, SIT DOWN, SIT DOWN You bubble-headed big black CHUCKLE FURN. MOD. APT, for 4-Available 2nd sem. No summer sub-lease. Good loc., 1 block from bus. ad. and law. Call NO 3-6237, F38 SGRU is really really a responsible or- ganization (despite the rumors) with the significant addition of a sense of humor. 'F31' PHI EP PLEDGES- Meeting in third room of Union Sun- day at 4. F30 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. of Ann Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- 1132. F18 MONOPOLY - Delta Kappa Epsilon would like to formally declare itself Interfraternity Monopoly Champions (four man monopoly). We will accept all challenges. Call Bill Lincoln, NO 3-3393. F 29 A REAL CLASSIC thank you to you, Dras. I felt good all day. You made my mailbox not empty. BBC. F28 STUDENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS available at- THE VILLAGE APOTHECARY 1112 So. University F Meet the Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others whose background and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN, SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE HEY SABERSK, happy un-birthday! Love, Methyl Ethyl. F27 CONGRATULATIONS JOANNE AND JULIE, but do you think you know each other well enough to get this serious? F26 ROOM AND BOARD PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY, newly remodeled house. GOOD COOK- GOOD FOOD. 1319 Cambridge, off Forest. NO 2-8312. E9, WHY TRAVEL all that way alone? When you can have 3 attractive, in- telligent, witty girls as companions, If you are going to Wisconsin the weekend of the game (Feb. 21) and wish to remove that void in your car, call 3-1561, Ext. 544. G46 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St. Call NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans FOR RENT LARGE 3-MAN APT. available immed- lately. Just off E. Univ. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. C29 ROOMS FOR MEN, Reserve now for summer and fall. 2 blocks from cam- pus. Linens, telephone, lounge, and maid service. Call 3-1460 or 2-0215. C24 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED Share a double Call 665-7976 for details SUMMER SUBLET-2-3 people; close to campus; large, comfortable; kitchen, one bedroom, huge living room; we pay $50 per man but will negotiate. 905 Oakland. 5-0839. C28 ONE ROOMMATE WANTED. 731 Pack- arrd, apt. 108B. 663-9269. $75 mo. C14' CAMPUS: Single room for student. Call 665-0430 after 5. 015 GIRLS-Dream Apt., 3-bdrm., fireplace, balcony, skylight, carpeted, full ap- pliances available June or Aug.- Reasonably priced. Call now-5-8330 or 8-8723. C25 ON CAMPUS-Apartment for 3 to 5. Available til May. NO 2-1443. C46 ON CAMPUS - Lot parking available. NO 2-1443. C44 SUBLET 1-BDRM. Apt., unfurn., stove, refrigerator, off-street parking. Call anytime, 662-4254. C27 SUMMER SUBLET-Modern apt, for 4, one block from campus, Phone 665- 9395. C16 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall rental. Several new buildings avail- able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. C12 AVAILABLE for June-New 3 bdrm. furn'd, apt. on campus. Call 5-8330. C36 WANTED-Male roommate to share apt. with two seniors. Close to campus. Reasonable, Call 2-6930. C18 SUMMER SUBLET-Available in May. Convenient to hospital and campus. New. Call NO 5-8952. C21 APARTMENT for rent-4 rooms, 1 bed- room. Stove and refrigerator only. $65 a month plus utilities, on S. Main. NO 3-1014 after 4. C22 226 PACKARD-2-room furn. with bath. Utilities inc. except gas for cooking. 5 min. from campus and downtown. $75. Call after 5:15, NO 2-0342. C8 SPENDING THE SUMMER IN A.A.? - Then why not rent a modern, air- conditioned apartment close to cam- pus. Will accommodate 4 or 5 people comfortably. Phone NO 5-2167 for further information. C53 TIFFANY APARTMENTS Showing now for summer and fall. Modern, fully furnished, air-con- ditioned. Efficiency, one, and two bedroom apts. Featuring new split- level design, offering the ultimate in luxury and privacy. Call 3-8866. SUMMER OR FALL Furnished new and remodeled apts. on campus. Unmarried students only. NO 5-9405 C4 SUMMER SUBLET? FALL RENTAL? What is your housing problem? 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. Furn. & unfurn. Call us to make appt. to see. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 662-7787 663-9064 Saturday I (Continued from Page 2) interview Fri., Feb. 28. beginning at 9 a.m. Melody Fair-Interviews on March 2' for singers for summer stock company. FOR RENT Tryouts for singers from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Mich. Union, Rm. 3C. Bring own CAMPUS, New Building, 1 bdrm. apt ,accompanist. Beautifully furn. $150. 3-0434. C18 Camp Lenni-Len-A-Pe, N.Y. - Coed camp has openings for men who are 21 FOR SUMMER-Air-conditioned, mod- or older & women who are at least 20. ern, two-bedroom apartment for four .Interviewing on Wed., March 4 from Bright, spacious, central location 9 a.m.-5 p.m. & on Thurs., March 5 electric kitchen. 662-8292. Co from 9 a.m. to noon, Camp Sequoia, N.Y.-Will interview for coed camp on Thurs. & Fri., March JUNE 5&6. OR ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please SEPTEMBER jign interview schedule at 128-H W. Engrg. for appointments with the fol- All types of close-in luxury apts 'FEB. 17- NO 3-7268 Abbot Laboratories, North Chicago, C34 111.-All Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: IE. BS: ME. R. & D., Des. & Prod. ARBOR FOREST APARTMENTS Applications being taken for fall apartments for graduate students only. See Resident Manager, Apt. 102. 721 S. Forest C23 ATT: DOCTORS & DENTISTS NOW LEASING PROFESSIONAL VILLAGE, JACKSON, MICHIGAN A new development of professional office suites which allows individual suite plans for various professional practices, Jackson's finest, location. Rate $3.75 per sq. ft. per year with 5 year lease Occupancy July 1964. For more information write Karl Schel- ling, 4848 McCain Rd., Jackson, Mich- igan. 783-3038. C20 CHARTER REALTY is now offering summer and fall rentals at Alpha Omega Fellowship, Weekly meeting. Welcome all University stu- dents to Alpha Omega Fellowship, week- ly lecture and discussion, intellectual examination of Biblical claims and their relevance to the campus situation. Sun., 10 a.m., Grace Bible Church, 110 N. State St. Unitarian Student Group, Discussion, Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw. Topic: "Scholarship as Cowardice.' ULLR Ski Club - Meeting, Tues., Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., 3rd floor Michigan Un- ion. Warren Miller movie; arrangements for trips to Thunder Mt. on Feb. 21- 23 and night skiing at Alpine Valley on Feb. 27. Questions of information, Bob Alexander, 8-9246. Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Feb. 16, 2 p.m., Rackham, HuronSt. Entrance. Muslim Students Association - ED Festival, Feb. 15, 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union, Anderson Room. Program: Din- ner-Oriental dishes, entertainment, music, songs, etc. University of Michigan Amateur Ra- dio Club, Membership meeting. A li- cense not necessary, Feb. 18, 7 p.m., 4505 East Engineering. Voice Political Party presents Maek Lane, Oswald's mother's attorney, speak- ing on the question "Was Oswald Guil- ty." Mr. Lane has submitted his brief to the Warren Commission and his brief has appeared in the National Guardian. Sat., Feb. 15, at 2 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room-UGLI. Free. Lutheran Student Center and Chapel, Hill St. at S. Forest Ave., Sun. worship services at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Dr. Krister Stendahl, Harvard University, guest preacher at both services. Sun. evening at 7 p.m., Universay Day of Prayer Service at the Memorial Christian Church, Tappan and Hill, Dr. Stendahl, speaker FEB. 17-19- Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc, 'Aircralt Div.-Long Beach, Calif.; Missile & Space Sys. Div.-Santa Monica, Calif.- All Degrees: AE & Astro., CE, EE, EM, ME. Prof.: Applied Mech's, MS-PhD: ChE, Commun. Sci., Instrumentation, Mat'ls., Met. & Nuclear. PhD: Meteo. BS: E Physics & Set. Engrg. May & Aug. grads. R. & D., Des. & Test. FEB. 17- Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc., Warren & Detroit, Mich., Lancaster, Pa.; Greensburg, Ind.-BS: EE, EM, IE & Met. BS-MS: ME. Des., Prod., Sales & Metallurgy. FEB. 17-18-- Flerstone Tire & Rubber Co., Priu- cipaily Akron, Ohio-.Home Office - However, consideration given to all lo- cations & International-BS: ChE, EE -(Power), Mat'ls. & ME. BS-MS: IE. May & Aug. grads. R. & D, Des., Prod,, Sales, Corporate Tech. on-the-job trng. prog. FEB. 17- General Radio Co., Des. & Dev. - W Concord Mass., Sales Eng.-Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Cleveland, Wash., D.C., Phila., Syracuse, Orlando, Dallas, Concord, Mass. - All Degrees: EE. MS-PhD: Instrumentation & Commun. Set. R. & D., Des., Sales. FEB. 17-18-- Monsanto Chemical Co., National - All Degrees: ChE, IE & ME. BS-MS: EE &Met. BS: Instrumentation. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. FEB. 17- Raytheon Company, Plants & Labs. located in Greater Boston area, Rhode Island & N.H.-All Degrees: EE & Physi- cal Chem. BS-MS: IE & ME. BS: E Physics. R. & D., Des., Prod. Texaco, Inc.-Al Degrees: ChE, EE & ME. Men & Women for Res. & Men only for Sales. R. & D. & Sales. Union Carbide Corp., Carbon Products Div., Facilities at Cleveland, O., Fos- toria, O., Niagara Falls, N.Y., Clarks- burg, W. Va., Columbia-Lawrenceburg, Tenn.-BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME, Met. BS: E Math, E Phys- ics & Set. Engrg. R. & D., Prod. Sales. Potomac River Naval Command, U.S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, Md.-A11 Degrees: ChE, CE, BE, IE, Mat'ls. All phases of Chem., Physics & Math. Des., R. & D. Potomac River Naval Command, U.S. Naval Research Lab., Wash., D.C.-All Degrees: SS, ME, Met., all phases of Chem., Physics, Math & Nuclear. MS: Construction. Des.," R, & D. David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Md.-All Degrees: AE & Astro., CE, EE, Marine, ME, NA, Physics & Math. BS: E Math & E Physics. Des., R. & D. U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab., Silver Spring, Md,-Ail Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE, EE, ME & Physics. BS: E Physics. MS-PhD: Chem.-(Inorg. & Phys.) & Math. Des., R. & D. U.S. Naval Weapons Lab., Dahlgren, Va.-All Degrees: EE, ME, Physics & Math: BS: E Math & E Physics. Des., R. & D. U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Suit- land, Md.-All Degrees: CE, BE, ME, Chem.-(Analyt. & Phys.), Physics, Geol. & Math. BS-MS: Meteor. BS: E Math & E Physics. Des., R. & D. U.S. Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River, Md.-AII Degrees: AE & Astro., CE, EE, & ME. Des., R. & D. THE CHALET 1364 Geddes For further information call Mr. Beyer CHARTER REALTY "Fine Campus Apartments" Washtenaw & South University, 665-8825 C6 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MAN 19 desires to share room. Call Ian Grossman, YMCA. L7 I Boston/London June 2 London/Boston August 5 Also Detroit Departure and Return $372.00 FOR ALL STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND EMPLOYEES Call Bob Spaley, NO 5-6885; Tom Steffe, NO 3-3845 .. ii I TOAST TO A MICHIGAN VICTORY with food and drink from RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard Open every night 'til 12 -1 a, NOW ACCEPTING FOR PUBLICATION {ePOETRY 0 ESSAYS § 9 FICTION ePHOTOGRAPHY § SPRING GENERATION § § Manuscripts may be left at the STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING § L' "1. A.Z' Detroit/Miami round trip . .*112.38 Detroit/San Juan ... ....... 179.00 New York/Bermuda ........10.00 New York/San Juan Miami/San Juan .. . Miami/Nassau ... Miami/Kingston and. Group flight Detroit/Hawai ... ..105.00 ........92.50 ........ 38.00 Montego 69.00 ...... 395.80 Tour: New York/SanJuan ..158.00 includes all air, hotels, sightseeing, and other features. "v New Testament" (1957), "The School of Matthew and Its Use of the Old Testa- ment" (1954), and numerous articles and essays in scholarly journals and encyclo- &$ r hpedias; editor of the "Harvard Theological Review. Krister Stendahl, born in Stock- holm, did his undergraduate, B.D., 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., worship services at licentiate of theology, and Th.D. the Lutheran Student Center and Chapel, at Uppsala University. In 1951 he studied in Cambridge and in Paris, Hill Street at S. Forest Ave. and then was instructor in Exegesis at Uppsala until 1954, at which 7:00 p.m., speaker for Universial Day,,of time he was also President of the Prayer for Students," Memorial Christian Student Christian Movement in Church, 730 Tappan Street. Sweden. From 1954 until the pres- ent, he has been Assistant, Asso- ttAuvilt tvula if I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I