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February 15, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-15

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FEBRUARY 15-196-4




~EUAEY 15 1561-TH --C --- DAIL


West Germans
Spurn all Offer
Accuse Reds of Using Berlin Issue
As Political Tool To Split Germany
BONN - West Germany yesterday rejected an East German
offer to reopen the Berlin Wall for Easter and Whitsun holiday visits
and accused the Communists of using the issue as a political tool to
keep Germany divided.
The West German government and the West Berlin senate an-
nounced jointly they had turned down a proposal for temporary re-
newal of the agreement that allowed about 500,000 West Berliners to

Seek BipartisanAgreement

visit relatives in East Berlin on
one-day passes at Christmas time.
East Germany had offered
Thursday night to reopen the wall
on the same basis on Easter.
March 29, and Whitsun. seven
weeks later. It would be the sec-
ond chance for families in the di-
vided city to get together since
Communists built the wall in Aug-
ust of 1961.
Agreement Misused
Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's
government and the West Berlin
sate, charging the East German
regime with misusing the Christ-
mas pass agreement for political
puiroses, said in their announce-
"The administrative agreement
on visits to East Berlin during the
past Christmas resulted exclu-
sively from humantarhanconsid-
edations. Despite this, the Com-
munist side, after the conclusion
of the agreement,. sought with all
means to make political capital
out of it.
"The East German Communist
Politburo made demands in this
connection that. if they were fu:l-
flled.would 1have interfered deep-
tthe political life of Berlin
and the freedom of its citizens.
The government and the senate of
Berlin object energetically against
such political misuse..'
The statement referred to East
German efforts to use the Christ-
mas agreement to support its
three-Germanys theory: that
West Germany. East Germany
and West Berlin should be regard-
ed as separate political entities.

LANSD EG :~-P-_.House mem-
bers have submitted a package of
proposed constitutional amend-
mrents to a six-man "negotitn
committee"to determine if tier
can be bipartisan agr eemen.
Partisan differences over what
the package should and should not3
contain emerged Thursday as Re-
publicans and Democrats met sep-
arately .
Neither party took a poll of its
members on the proposed changes
in election provisions of the state
constitution, but agreed to send
them to the special committee for
further talks
Great Expectations+
House Speaker Allison Green
(R-Kingston), said he expects
"something" in the way of a pack-
age to result from negotiations by
Tuesday, when the parties will
meet privately again.
"We need to find out if we have'
enough leeway to come up with
something. We recognize the is-
sue is orderly government. Thats
the reason for the negotiating
committee." Green said.
Republicans are not in accord
on the contents of the amend-
ments to be submitted to voters in
a special April 28 election, said
Green. He added that they might
supply "60 per cent" of the votes
needed to get them through the
House, however.
Among Democrats. coolness to-
ward the proposed amendments
was more apparent than at any
previous time.

Democratic sttae chairman Zol-
ton Ferency told his party's cau-
cus that the Democratic policyv
committee. made up of key par
leadters, isopposed to legislators
sending_ self-serving"_ amend-
ments to a v'ote of the1 people.
Democrats. it was reported. were
split over whether to endorse
amendments that would allow,
lawmakers to hold down either
government jobs and to give
House members four-year terms.x
Frozen Districts
Both of these changes are part
of the key resolution, the purpose
of which is to freeze existing legis-
lative districts for this year's elec-
tion unless a new apportionment
plan is in effect as of June 1.
One Democrat said he didn't
expect the amendment-origin-
ally put together by a bi-partisan
House group-to receive much
support in the Democratic caucus,
If the proposals eventually are
rejected by Democrats, he said, it-
probably will be because of ob-
jections to freezing te dimstrits.
Publicity Stunt
"The Democrats are willing to
let this campaign go on for a
while just for the publicity about
the new constitution needing
amendments." he said.
"But when the chips are down,
they're not going to support any
plan that would allow the Repub-
licans to keep control of the Legis-
lature, he added.

1ritains ell
lTo Russians
LP - Plans to sell
Brit ih road bulding equipment
to Cuba and to extend a huge'
credit to the Soviet Union for
massive purchases of factories"
were reported yesterday.
The disclosures came as Prime
Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home
headed home from Washington
after making clear to President
Lyndon B. Johnson that Britain
intends to continue trade with
Cuba and the Communist bloc. He
says Britain must trade to sur-
Three Cuban government offi-
cials arrived to negotiate for the
purchase of road rollers and
earth-moving equipment. said to
total $1.4 million.
Nonstrategic Purchase
At the same time, a group of
London banks was reported pre-
paring a credit to finance a deal{
with the Soviet Union for up to
$448-million worth of British fer-
tilizer and other nonstrategic
chemical plants.
The credit deal for the Soviet
Union also runs counter to United
States policy if it provides easye
terms over a long period. The
terms of the deal were not dis-
The Russians already have
signed an agreement covering 95
million pounds (266 million)
worth of factories, plant and
know-how, it was reported. Con-
tracts would call for down pay-'
ments of 20 per cent. :
Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev announced last De-
cember that the Russians will:i-
vest X3.92 billion annually to ex-
pand their chemical industry.

Cite Self-Isolation


Self-isolation of the two nation-
alities in Panama''s one of the
predominant"factors militating
against co-existence b e t w e e n
Americans and Panamanians. Di-
ana Gail Hoeneke, '64, of the
Canal Zone, and Gladys Oro. grad,
of Panama, said in a recent imter-
'If Americans living in the
Canal Zone want to make friends
with the people in Panama," Miss
Hoeneke commented, "that's their
own choice. Most of my own con-
tacts consist of shopping and
movies. You're away from home
friends. Some of mine are Pana-
and have people you like as
manians lving in the Zone."
Miss Oro affirmed that people
in the Canal Zone are completely
separated from Panamanians and
don't meet them socialy. Ameri-
cans tend to keep to themselves"
Poverty is another factor. Both
women emphasized the contrast
in living standards between the
Canal Zone and bordering Pana-3
ma City.
"Panama is intolerably poverty-
stricken. Zonians live as they
would in the United States and
have a right to. In the city, people
live in compounds and go bare-
footed. The noise and smell are
unbearable," Miss Hoeneke said.
"There are so many poor people
that in spite of the increasing
education trend. not too many
can afford to go to college. The
majority of those who do work
during the day and go to school
at night," Miss Oro noted.
"The Canal Zone is very nice
looking. almost as though it had


In Panama

been part of the United States
which was placed in Panama,"
she added.
Mss Hoeneke hasn't observed
any personal hostility toward
Americans. "When we go into the
city we go to buy; we support
them. The people are quite friend-
ly: children look at you with curi-
"Impersonal anti-Americanism,
on the other hand, is characteris-
tic of Latin American people," she
'There has been quite a bit of
resentment for a long time," Mi~s
Oro said. "I. myself, have never
felt such antagonism. When we
were in Panama City and saw an
American, we wouldn't talk about
him as though he were a strange
"The dislike is something gener-
al,. not stemming purely from the
lower classes. Strongest feeling
comes from the students."
Voting Proposal
Gains in Support
LANSING .P--An effort to
lower the voting age from 21 to
18 picked up momentum Thursday
as four Republican senators added
their sponsorship to that of two
Democrats who initiated it.
Senators John Fitzgerald (R-
Grand Rapids) and Lester Begic
(R-Bay City) added their names
to Senators John Bowman (D-
Roseville) and William Ford (D-
Taylor, who Wednesday intro-
duced the proposed constitutional

Grant Asylum
To Defector
cret Police defector Yuri I. Nos-
senko told Russian and Swiss rep-
resentatives in Washington yes-
terday that he wants political asy-
lum in the United States, the
State Department announced.
Press officer Richard I. Phillips
said Nossenko's request will be

Democrats Set Platform;
Em1phasize Righits, Finances
The Ann Arbor City Democratic Party platform,. recently revealed,
includes a stand on a master plan for the city. a study of city finances,
and more action on civil rights.
The finance study is due to be composed of council members,

Sn aiin to te resolution
freezing legislative districts, the
proposals include changes to per-
mit township oficers to run in
sprmg elections and to allow
county oFicers to run this year
for two-year terms. and four years
beginning in 1966.
Still More Changes
House minority leader Josep
Kowalski D-Detroitb c said some
Democrats want-to add other
changes to the list-among them
restoring the elective offices of
some administrative board mem.-
Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroita
has said that, despite Democratic
objections to the package, he ex-
pects it to be approved by the cau-
cus and to pass the House witl
better than the two-thirds (7
votes> required.
The attorney general's off ice
advised both party caucuse
Thursday that there are no appar.
en~t legal obstacles to the plan foi
freezinglegislative districts tem-
porarily if n~o n~ew apportionmeni
plan is approved.
The drive to amend the new
constitution stems from legisla.
tive dissatisfaction with the docu.
ment. O'Brien's and Handy's com-
mittee began last fall with a long
list of changes, but these hava
been 'hit tled down in the drive
towar'd agreement.

304'r and Un verst e-so .. b+
business representatives. In the
I Nationa


* We are planning


run a

PLEMENT in the Sunday,
March 1 issue of The Daily.


IRoundup I
don B. Johnson administration
has drafted plans to carry out a
congressional directive halting aid
to any nation whose ships or
planes carry:. goods to Commun-
ist Cuba, informed sources said
yesterday. But government offi-
cials indicated they are under
'orders not to disu-ssdetails.
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department said yesterday It has
sent the Justice Department the
results of an investigation of what
it said were irregularities in the
handling of accounts in the office
of the Secretary of Defense. The
Pentagon said in response to a
reporter's question that the irreg-
ularities occurred in the budget
and finance branch in the office
of the administrative assistant to
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
WASHINGTON - The nation's
industrial production remained at
a high level in January, with in-
creased output of household goods
offsetting a slight lag in automo-
bile assemblies. the Federal Re-
serve Board said yesterday.
* * *
NEW YORK - Former Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon yes-
terday urged President Lyndon B.
Johnson to call a summit confer-
ence of Western leaders to deal
with the problem of trading with
Communist countries, He said the
meeting should be called "as
quickly as possible" to bring this
matter of trade forcibly to the
attention of the free world."
DENTON. Tex. - About 100
federal employes will begin mov-
ing tomorrow into a $2.7 million
underground office building that
could serve as an alternate na-
tional capital in case of enemy at-
tack. It is the first of its kind in
the nation.
NEW YORK - The stock mar-
ket went through another irregu-
lar session yesterday. Closing
Dow-Jones Averages showed 30
industrials up .14. 20 rails up .62,
15 utilities down .24 and 65 stocks
up .16.

oard of education members. and
field of civil rights, the platform
notes that "public morality de-
mands an end to racial discrimin-
It states that "there is discrim-
ination in Ann Arbor in housing,
employment, public accomoda-
tions and in relations between
the city government and the pub-
The platform proposes
strengthening the present inade-
quate fair housing ordinance and
driving to eliminate discrimina-
tion through all the means avail-
able to governm^ent. - . t isure
tht allcitizen, regardles*of race
or economic status, will be treat-
ed fairly, equally and courteously
by thepolce and oh-er city off i-
cials and em ployees."
In the section on "the future of
Ann Arbor," the platform notes
that the city "still has no master
development plan and no sense
of direction. Instead there are sev-
eral area studies and specialized
reports without coordinat:on.
One at a Time
'As a result, major polic': de-
cisions, which ought to be gov-
erned by a master plan, are made
on a piecemeal basis. No one is
satisfied, confidence in city gov-
enment is undermined and the
cicy deteriorates."
The platform also notes the
need for a study into the possibil-
ity of combining the fire and po-
lice departments. It states that
preliminary studies on this reveal
that such a merger would "provide
better leadership, better protec-
tion and economy, while allowing
higher pay. and shorter hours for
The Democratic platform also
proposes a community college "to
equip for useful work, persons now
unemployable through lack of ed-
ucation or training."
Objection to Injection
The platform reveals Democrat-
ic opposition to 'injection of mul-
ti-family housing into established
single-family residential areas, in
the absence of a master plan
which alerts purchasers of resi-
dential property to the develop-
ment projected for their neigh-
A bond issue to finance the
Parks and Open Spaces Program-
adopted by the city council but
never implemented-is also sup-
The platform further promises
to work "to secure legislation
which will enable Huron River
communities to create a water
conservancy district" to provide
up-stream facilities.



Al Are Welcome

Zwerdnlig-Cohn Hel

1429 Hill Street

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re ~r r -


TOMORROW, Feb. 16, at 7 PM.
HI LLEL presents
Dr. Max Kapustin, Hillel Director, WSU

Prof. George E. Mndenhall, Near Eastern Studies, U-M
in a Dialogue on
"Jesus the Man and His Teachinos"
Rabbi Kapustin-"The Jewish Heritage of Jesus'
Dr. Mendenhall-"The New Testament Sources in the
Perspective of the Old Testament'
This Dialogue, with one to follow on Sundav evening,
Feb. 23, are part of the series: "The JEWS and JESUS"


This supplement will also
be distributed throughout
the campus area March 2
* We will be running a spe-
cial "CLASSY-FIND" sec-
tion in which your ad can
get campus - wide circula-
* Sound good .
* For Further Information

306 North Division
Phone NO 2-4097
9:0A. oliCmuon and Sermon
Breafas atCanterbury House
100 A.M. Mcm in Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary.,
9:15 A.M. Holy Communn
7:00 A M. Holy Communn
.2' P ~.M..H.lCommunion.


Ca 2 -3241


1 917 Washrnaw Ave.
Rev. Erwin A. Goede, Minister
5gnon C-est Secer Re7 ar .Rd
Co'are,"sc E.us serxc vilbe
Se:::,o~ E'.e "g or- 8.0 m Dr W Iam
;eses w I sea onfdrlpogost
co:noat c'.er" Tb's s te first of four
proagroms on "Te F gt Agnost Poverty."
W. Stod'um ot Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
7:30 P.M. Bible Study
Transportat'on furnished far all servies-
Call NO 2-2 756

Meeting in the Ann Arbor Y.M.-Y.W.C.A
at 5th and Wiliams
Rev. Jesse Northweather, Pastor
Phone 668-9894
9:5 - -t Sunday Schoo.
7:0pm EvTecning Wshp
n Sel
Meeting in Room 528D
in basement of S.AB.
Weanesaay-7 :30 p.m. Devotios'
I National Lutheran Council
Hil Street at South Forest Avenue
Dr Hry0. Ycder, Pastor.
9:30 .m. Worsip Serv'ce 3oen
da i, gepreache, e,
Christian Memorial Church Dr. Stendah
WEDNESDAY. 71 5, p mn Studes in the Chr's
tian Fa r: "The Nature of Mon-Who
1432 Woshtenaw Ave.
NO 2-4466 ~
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen.
Stff JaIck Borck at and Patricia Pickett

S'tete and Huron Streets
Minister-Hoover Rupert
Campus Minister-Eugene Ranso
Associate Campus Minister-Jean Robe
Morin Wosi t 9:00 and 11:15 ...
C'T Commission-Dr. Rupert.
10:1 a~.-S ut Seminr Mr .Religions
6:45 p.m.-Worship and Program: Meet in
Lounge and attend Universal Day of Prayer
far Students at Memorial Christian Church.
5:00 p m.-Curch Related Vocations Group:
Super n~ Seaker, Mr. DeWitalwin,
Cnurch and Interreligious Work," Green
7:00 p.m.-Study Group: Religious Issues in
Drama, p oyreading. Jean Robe's aport-
8'30-1 1:00 p.m.-Open House: Jean Robe's
7.00 a m -Hly Communion, Chapel, fol-
o'aed oy breakfast, Pine Room.
5:10 pam-Holy Communion, ChapeL.
6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads: Supper and Pro-
gram. Issues Raised in "Honest to God,"
Patrick Murray, Office of Relg'ous Affairs.
7,00 p m.-Coss: Christian Dating, Court-
ship and Marriage, Green Room,
6:0 m-Cas o~ e leaving Wes'ey *'
W'te Reret t rke Houe. iTic,

3-5 P.M., Mon.-Wed.)
Ask for Syd
* All Copy Must Be In By
Wednesday, Feb. 19

1416 HlS.

Sun., Feb. 16

3-5 P.M.

1 1


Opesings for romers and borders
for Summer and Fall Semesters

this Sunday I

1501 WestL Le-t Street
Rap B. P'r- avid Bracklein,
F-ed Hcltfreter Pas~ors
Worsb'p Serv ces-8:30 and 1 ':00 a i..

Corer Ste'e a d WiIcm
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister
Comnmunion Servces at 9:30 and 11,15 o.rn.
-Why Go It Alone? ,D. Fred E. Luchs. -
Bidle Forum: 10:30 a m. Mrs. Harriet Cram~
ton. ,e a e a
Church School ages crico9th grade, 9:30 ad
Student Gul 802 Monroe telephone 2-3189.

IThe Lutheran Church-Missouri Synodi
15 1 1 Woshtenaw Avenue
A'dred T. Scheips, Pastor
John Kenig Vicar
Sunday Seruces at 9:45 and 11:-15 acm Ser-
mon Toic: "The Royal Sacrifice.
Gama Delta Cost Supper, Sunday at 6:00
pm Program at 6:45. Open forum con-
docted by Pastor Scheips.



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