17; TWO TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ATT1RDAY.. FERRYTARY 1~ ioa& LOU% t t ;00 NEW MEMBERS: Fraternities Complete Rush, List Pledges DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN {1 ...Fx.i ..R.,h . ...r,..rdv{a.. :}..'. : " .^. r.". v .. ..t"v": ,' DIAL 2-6264 IND~ Shows at 1 :20 3:45-6:10 and 8:45 Inter-Fraternity Council recent- ly released the following list of new pledges for the 1964 spring rush: ACACIA Michael Krauff, '67; Donald Morelli, '67; Douglas Stetson, 66; Walter Zemke, '68 ALPHA DELTA PHI Alexander Bragdon, '67; William Cha- pin, '68; Richard Crockett, '67; Robert Culver, '67; Ernest Dunn, '67; John Esch, '66; Alexander Griswold, '67; Charles Harley, '67; John Hartwig, '67; N'eill Hollenshead, '66; James MacBain, '67; Robert Wilder, Jr., '66. ALPHA EPSILON PI Harvey Bellman, '67: Harry Bloch, 67; David Gassman, '66; Richard Gehl, '67; Lawrence Horwitz, '67; Neal Kulick, '68; Joseph Sobel, '68; Raymond Weitz-] man, '67; Michael Wengroff, '68; Steven Zarit, '67. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Roger' Blain, '67; Thomas Frederick, '67; Carroll Haas, '67; Jon Ladd, '67; Jon Miller, '66; Benjamin Perry, '67; Ronald Raczkowski, '66; Charles Suth- erland, '67; James Wright, Jr., '66. ALPHA TAU OMEGA Harold Burroughs, '67; William How- ard. '66; Ernest Humphreys, '67; John Judge, '67; Thomas Kramer, '65; James Macember, '68; Lucius McKelvey, '67; Eric Nelson, '67; Allen Parsley, '67; Stephen Ramsy, '67; Robert Riley, '67; Van Roy Sandstrom, '67; Garyl Van der Voort, '67; Joseph Williamson, '67; James Yeakley, '67; Stanley Zientek, '67; John Surprenant, '68; Neil Watkins, '67. BETA THETA PI 'Richard Fortlage, '67; Frank Nunley, '67; William Waterman, '67; Douglas Eschtruth, '67; Michael Peregon, '67; John Ross, '67; Robert Brown, '67; Wil- liam Fette, '66; Mark McGuire, '67; Robert Heitzman, '66; Julian Tyler, '67; Joseph Dayton, '68; James SeIber, '67; Dean Arfstrong, '67; Donald Palmer, '67. CHI PHI Richard Anderson, '66; John Finkel- mann, '67; Robert Hawley, '68; Tom Ittner, '68; Stephen Krentzky, '67; Rob- ert Lewis, Jr., '68; Ross Mahachek, '67; Francis Miller, '67; James Rozsypal, '68; John Saveland, '67; Edmund ThaI, '67; Jay Wiley, '67. CHI PSI John Buzynski, '67; Wallace Gabler, '66; Steven 1landlos, '66; Scott Marston, '67; Roger Vanko, '67. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON Robert Anthony, '67; George Boyd, '67; John Bullington, '67; William Gil- bach, '67; David Gould, '67; Kreekle Green, '67; Richard Greene, '67; Miles King, '67; David White, '67; Thomas Wiseley, '67; Edward Yesser, '66. DELTA SIGMA PHI Owen Breed, '67; Bruce Carr, '67; Mi- chael Casselman, '67; Gerald Foster, '67; Lynn Furman, '66; Robert Kovacs, '66; Pro Musica Set To Give Programs The New York Pro Musica, con- ducted by Noah Greenberg, will Present a program of "Music of Burgundy,. Flanders and Spain" at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Aud. Bruce Larva, '67;,Carl Meier, '67; Gil- bert Premo, '67; Mark Ryan, '65. DELTA TAU DELTA Thomas Brooks, '67; Joseph Cutro, '67; David DeFouw, '67; James Freier, '67; Merrill Gilfillan, '67; William Gray, '67; William Groft, '67; Richard Havelka, 66; Robert Hildreth, '67; David Mc- Laughlin, '66; Darrell Milburn, '67; Marc Mulholland, '67; Kurt Neumann, '67; Terrence O'Connell, '67; John Parisian, 67; John Patterson, '67; Thomas Tilley, '67; John Vry. '67; Montgomery Welch, '67; Thomas White, '67. DELTA UPSILON William Abbott, '67; Harlan Bloomer, '66; Robert Butterfield, '67; James Caist- er, '66; Gregory Curtner, '67; Paul Duem- Ier, '66; Richard Greenough, '67; Jack Hanover, '67; Nathan Higbie, '67; Rob- ert Jackson, '67; John Kazmierzak, '67; William Kokko, '67: Jerry Lohla, '67; Kenneth MacKenzie, '67; Richard Mc- Intyre, '67; Michael Mincher, '67; John Mulhern, '67; John Murray, '67; James Odle, '65; Norman Otto, '67; J. Douglas Phillips. '67: Steven Piehl, '66; Stephen Robertson, '67; Theodore Rose, '67; Rich- ard Seligman, '67; Stephen Smithson, 67; Mark Sokoloff. '67; Robert Souter, Jr., '68; Richard Stitt, '67; Roger Wal- lace, '66; Robert Winkel, '67. KAPPA SIGMA James Alexander, '66; Edward Car- ter, '66; Dale Ehresman, '67; Wilfred Feige, '66; Geoffrey Jarpe, '67; Joseph Lawrence, '66; James Lawson, '67; Stev- an Myhra, '67; Kerry O'Tool, '68; Serge Rivard II, '66; Anthony Sirna, '66; James Shurka, '67; James Tindall, '67; Richard Von Luhrte, '68. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Gary Ackerman, '67; Michael Bequette, 67; Thomas Cecchini, '66; Charles Deh- lin, '66; Craig Dill, '67; Edward Downs, '66; John Eckert, '66; Lawrence Grace, '67; David Jepson, '66; Keith .LaFer- riere, '67; John Lindholm, '67; Yynn LoPucki, '66; Don Mateer, '67; John Mc- Peak, '67; Daniel Meyer, '67; Jack Mur- chie, '68; Frank Richardson, '67; Kim Stertzbach, '67; Christopher Tompkins, '67; Gary Trepod, '66; Richard Van House, '67; Peter Vlisides, '67; Lewis Walton, '67; Gordon Weeks, '67; Rich- ard Wells, '66; Hugh Whiting, '67; Ivars Zadvinskis, '66. PHI EPSILON PI Michael Adams, '66; Richard Bohn, '67; Carl Cohen, '66; Thomas Copi, '67; Marvin Freedman, '67; Larry Goldman, '67; Robert Grody, '66; Richard Holber, '67; Jay Kleiman, '67; Jeffrey Leeds, '67; Steven Levenburg, '67; Steven Lynn, 67; Mark Rogow, '67; Robert Wittie, '67. PHI GAMMA DELTA Richard Baird, '66; Darryl Bell, '67; Robert Bodkin, '67; Robert Boeke, '66; Robert Chapel, '67; Russell Dejong, Jr., 67; Ralph Duffy, '66; Andrew Falendar, '67; Alan Greenleaf, '67; George Henry, 66; William Irwin, '65; Stephen Mel- gaard, '67; David Nash, '67; Charles O'Dell, '67; Tel Poulton, '67; Darrell Schwalm, '66; Jay Shutt, '67; Peter Van de Walker, '67; Michael Wyman, '67; Jay Zulauf, '67. PHI KAPPA PSI Max Pitlosh, '67; James Howell, '67; Edward Wagenvelt, '66; James Konicki, '66; Richard Fortlage, '67; Dan Herst, '67; John Manske, '67; Wallace Lyon, '66; Richard Savery, '67; Richard May, '67; Dennis Smith, '67; Michael Haines, 67; David Arch, '67; David Downs, '67. PHI KAPPA TAU Robert Alexander, '66; Ronald Alley, '67; Charles Case, '66; John Ekin, '66; John English, '66; Alan Heminger, '66; Stephen Hershey, '65; Charles Kossack, WORK BEGINS-With fraternity rush completed, the new pledges will soon begin their traditional work sessions for the houses. The fraternities listed more .than 500 new members, many more than were in last year's spring pledge class. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Build- ing before 2 p.m. of the day pre- ceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Day Calendar Basketball-U-M vs. Indiana: Yost Field House, 2 p.m. Wrestling-U-M vs. Iowa: Intramural Bldg., 4 p.m. Cinema Guild-Hitchcock's {The Thir- ty-Nine Steps," plus short, George Grosz' 'Between the Wars": Architecture Aud., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Hockey-U-M vs. Michigan State: Michigan Coliseum, 8 p.m. University Musical Society Chamber Music Festival-New York Pro Musica, Noah Greenberg, conductor, in Music of Burgundy, Flanders, and Spain: Rack- ham Aud., 8:30 p.m. 3rd Annual "Sounds from the Sum- mit": today, Hill Aud. at 8:30 p.m. General Notices Nursing 101: Will meet on Mon., Feb. 17, at 3:30 p.m. in Room M5330 Medi- cal Science Bldg. Spea/er-Dr. Hub- bard, Dean of the Medical School. Sub- ject-"Responsibility for the Patient." Ushers Are Most Urgently Needed for the "Sounds from the Summit" concert in Hill Aud. on Sat., Feb. 15. Anyone who may be interested in helping to usher for this event will please report to the east door of Hill Aud. not later than 7:30 p.m., Sat., Feb. 15. See Mr. Warner at the door. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: The Foxboro Co., Detroit, Mich. - Seeking young Engineer to begin as a trainee for Field Sales Organization. Location: Cleveland, Ohio. BS in EE, ME or ChE. Pref. 2-4 yrs. of indust. exper. after graduation. Others considered. Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., Findlay, Ohio-Openings include: 1) Training Ass't. Mtkg. oriented bkgd. & interests. 2) Scheduling & Distribution Analyst- Math & stat. bkgd. & interest. 3) Mar- ket & Sales Analyst-Math & stat. bkgd. & marketing oriented interests. 4) Retail Store Manager Trainees-Ag- gressive interests in retailing & store mgmt. Kordite Corp., Macedon, N.Y. - 1) Industrial Engnr.-BS in IE. Minimum 5 yrs. plant exper. in IE. National Sales Mgr.-BS or BA with emphasis on mktg. if possible. Minimum 7 yrs. in sales mgmt. * * .* For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. EDUCATION DIVISION: INTERVIEW SCHEDULE- On Tues.. Feb. 18, Medinah, Ill. (Lake Pake High School) will be at the Bu- reau of Appointments to interview pros- pective teachers. The fields they are interested in have not'yet been an- nouned. If you are interested in mak- ing an appointment contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 663- 1511, Ext. 3547. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- American Friends Service Committee (Quaker)-Summer work & study proj- ects for undergrads & grads: 1) Work Camps-manual labor & community service in USA, Latin Amer., Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia. 2) Institu- tional Service Units-rec., etc. in men- tal hospitals. homes for mentally re- tarded or emoltonally disturbed chil- dren & juvenile detention homes. 3) Civil Rights & Community Relations Projects-oVter registration & citizen- ship educ. in South & Internes in Elem. Educ. in Noi'th. 4) Peace Caravans - speak on peace issues from various view- points. 5) Internes in Community Serv- ice-special agencies. Students earn very little or pay to participate. Mr.s R. Kerman will interview at Summer Placement Mon.-Wed., Feb. 24-26, from 1:30-5 p.m. Camp Gulliver, N.Y.-Will Interview Tues. & Wed., Feb. 25 &= 26. Positions open for seniors, grads or instructors as group leaders or specialists who can teach expertly: athletics, photography, nature, journ., drama, music & fine arts. Coed camp. Camp Lawrence Corey, N.Y.-Will in terview for this YMCA camp on Thurs. & Fri., Feb. 27 & 28. Chicago White Sox Boys Camp - Will (Continued on Page 5) ,f1: !,. '66; Bruce Roberts, '67; Harold Taylor, 66; David Trinkaus, '67; Carl Wick- strom, '66. PHI SIGMA DELTA David Aronow, '67; Jay Bielfield, '67; David Chait, '67; Robert Dale, '67; Paul Dekker, '67; Richard Firestone, '67; Mi- chael Goodman, '67; Dennis Herold, '67; Douglas Miller, '67; Joel Morganroth, '67; Howard Mullin, '67; Joey Silvian, '67; Bernard Stern, '67. PHI SIGMA KAPPA Charles Guenzer, '66; William Henry, '67; Robert MacDougall, '66; Timothy Parrish, '67; Robert Rader, '67; Kenneth Rasmussen, '67; Ralph Schweigert, '67; Samuel Sias, '67; Richard Weiss, '66. PI LAMBDA PHI Hal Berman, '66; Dounglas Cash, '67;1 Oren Conway, '67; Thomas Fohman, '67; Bruce Frankel, '67; Gary Friedman, '67; Jeffrey Herman, '67; Leslie Kashdan, '67; Michael Levy, '67; Joseph Litven. '67; Michael Meyers, '67; Stevan Phillips, '67; Lee Schutzman, '67; Mark Simons, '67; Mark Singer, '67. DELTA CHI Gerald Konarske, '67; John Neil, '67; Keith Plossl, '67; Carl Rohrbach, Jr., 67. PSI UPSILON James Dunn, '67; Robert Golden, '67; Thomas Kennedy, '67; John Middleton, 67; Timothy Mousseau, '67; David Pitch- er, '67; Jorge Polo, '65; Stanley Roe, '67; Lee Rulis, '67; John Shaw, '67; Roger Turner, Jr., '67. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Charles Aumack, '66; Darrell Balmer, '66; Allan Bara, '66; Floyd Day, '66; Thomas Evans, '66; Thomas Haverstock, '66; Allan Olson, '66; Richard Ott, '66; Robert Reed, '67; Charles Ruzicka, '66; Gary Schick, '66; Richard Schryer, '67; Roger Shaw, '67; Ted Sizemore, '67; Merle Smith III, '67; Ronald Smith, '66; Frank Stagg, '66; Richard Stonely, '67; Leslie Tanona, '67; Byron Tennant, '67; Perry Tenney, '67; William Western, '67; William Zepp, '67. SIGMA ALPHA MU I Jacques Abrams, '67; Robert Berger, '67; Howard Bittman, '67; David Coop- er, '67; William Eisman, '67; Mark Fish- man, '67; Martin Katz, '67; Martin Miller. '67; Peter Nemkov, '67; Howard Shulman, '67; Miles Stone, '67; Charles Tobias, '67; Jon Unger, '67; Howard Warshaw, '67; Jay Weill, '67; Laurence Winukur, '67. SIGMA NU Alfred Dart, '67; Richard Friedenberg, '67; Eric Hall, '65; Gregg Hanson, '67; Russell Haslev, '67; Frank Liebgott, '67; John Nagy, '66; Robert-Rice, '66; Myron Serbay, '67; William Shenk, '67. SIGMA PHI Richard Dymond, ,67; Jeffrey Gri- mord, '67; Ray Ketcham, '67; Frederick Lynch, '67; Stanley McKay, '67; David Paulns, '67; Arthur Sherman, '67; Ran- dall Snow, '67; Alan Tate, '66; Fred Thomas, '67; Daniel Warden, '67. SIGMA PHI EPSILON Nicholas Dehaas, '67; Scott Lash, William Patch, '65; John Sapienza, Fred Smith, '67; Fred G. Smith, Jeffery Walker, '67. '67; '67; '67; Walt Dlsne y .bnt, S.AIsd by SUEMVW~A istdubioon Ca, frco1lst lOt,,e ft j~u TAU DELTA PHI David Berson, '67; Steven Blatt, '67; Howard Bolnick, '67; Ira Dury, '67; Ross Fridson, '67; Fred Gruber, '66; Jeffery Joseph, '67; Gary Krochmal, '67; Steven Loewenthal, '67; Arthur Marks, '67; Lance Mermell, '65; David Saltman, '67; Charles Troy, '66; Melvin Weinert, '67. TAU KAPPA EPSILON Peter Fodor, '67; Rodney Lockwood, '67. THETA CHI Marek Bozdech, '67; Anthony Halat, 66; Richard Louvet, '66; Matthew Plaw- chan, '67; Kent Rakas, '67; James Schelter, '67; David Servis, '67; Scott Woodison, '67. THETA DELTA CHI Robert Aepli, '67; Ned Anschuetz, '67; James Ball, '67; Rory Fjeldstad, '67; Robert Kimball, '67; Charles Meeske, '67; Gary Sasaki, '66; Larry Snoddon, '67; Thomas Trimmer, '67. THETA XI John Baldwin, '68; Lee Benz, '67; Adrian DeGroot III, '66; Richard Dob- bins, '67; William Donehoo, '67; George Dunham, '67; Joseph Gartner, '67; Tim- othy Hansen, '67; Robert Haupt, '66; Samuel Hinckley, '67; George Hutch- ings, '67; Michael Hochim, '67;Clyde Johnson . III, '67; John Kelley, '66; Melbourne Livernois, '67; Douglas Mac- Carthy, '67; David Moss, '66; Wayne Poyer, '67; Michael Seitz, '67; Charles Smith, Jr., '67; Evart Stevens, '67; Thomas Wagamon, '67; Stephen Wash- ilew, '65. TRIANGLE Richard Beaubien, '67; Aobert Podd, 67; Thomas Sladek, '66. ZETA BETA TAU Brian Bilzin, '67; David Grekin, '67; Richard Herzog, '67; Daniel Linger, '67; Costis Michalopoulos, '65; Samuel Os- nowitz, '67; Richard Pomp, '67; Leon- ard Pratt, '67; Joel Schwab, '67; Robert Steinert, '67; David Summer, '67. ZETA PSI Richard Bierma, '67; William Brass- field, '67; Lawrence Bohner, '67; Michael Donnelly '67; Timothy Fox, '66; George Henry, '67; Douglas Norland, '67; Paul Pavlik, '66; Douglas Schryver, '67; Peter Sharp, '67; Dennis Vatsis, '66. Lane To Speak On Oswald Case Mark Lane, a New York attor- ney representing Lee Oswald's in- terests at the Warren Commission hearings will speak today at 2 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the UGLI. I 4 q bock to Page 5 for MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS i I U Join The Da'ily 4 U ON ' E A FESTIVAL OF NEW MUSIC 7 CONERT VFW BALLROOM, 314 E. Liberty Series 7.50; Single 2.25, on sale now: Marshall's Bookshop-Record Center-Disc Shop and from Dramatic Arts Center, P.O. Box 179 Tues., Feb. 25 8:30 ONCE Festival Orchestra Wed., Feb. 26 8:30 Robert Ashley & Gordon Mumma Thur., Feb. 27 7:00 & 10:00 Judson Dance Theatre Fri., Feb. 28 8:30 Brandeis Chorus/electronic music Sat., Feb. 29 8:30 Chorus/ensemble/opera j FORESTER'S CLUB presents the And See The World! stop in any afternoon ask for Judy or Call NO 2-3241 ,1 III PAUL BUNION BALL Sun., Mar. 1 3:00 Sun., Mar. 1 8:30 Illinois Percussion Ensemble Bob James Trio & Eric Dolphy Saturday, Feb. 22 8:00 p.m.-1 :00 a.m.-2.50 per couple SQUARE DANCING BALLROOM DANCING I -presented by The Dramatic Arts Center- I I InI At 5AL0 5-6290 Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:05 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT strictly informal relax and enjoy yourself "May emerge as the biggest sleeper hit since 'Marty and 'Casablanca' !"--Life Magazine 3rd Annual IFC-Vulcans Prof. Richard L. Cutler Master of Ceremonies 11 tom 1 sou DS from the "ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST!" -Newsweek .....~.."A MARVELOUS / '~ C MEDY!_ The New Yorker "BRILLIANT! A TOM JONES' WITH JETAWAY!" --Time Mag. iniI.hI &M U - _ su IT-Feb. 15 Ticket Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 8:30 P.M.-Hill Aud. FEATURING: ........... /" ......1 C--4.- C4-:11