A NEW FORM FOR STUDENT GOVT. See Editorial Page Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom ~~IaitP SNOW High-35 Low-20. Cloudy and cold tomorrow VOL. LXXIV, No. 108 Officials Quarrel On Medical Unit MSU, 'U' Contest Alleged Creation Of Third School in East Lansing By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM University and Michigan State University officials quietly tore into each other yesterday like verbal scalpels over the issue of a third state medical school. One high MSU source, reported by the Associated Press to be President John Hannah, ripped into University President Harlan H. Hatcher for "purposeful misread- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES I I Makarios Iills New Plan, Asks UN Talks on Cyprus AFRICAN DISPUTE: Seek Prompt Cease Fire JOHN HANNAH ing of the facts" in questioning State's ambitions for its two-year medical program. Hannah later denied that he had issued this comment. Hatcher Criticizes President Hatcher had criticized MSU in Lansing Tuesday night for giving indications that it is trying to convert its non-clinical institute program of medical edu- cation into a full-fledged medical school. These suspicions were also chorused yesterday by Sen. Gar- land Lane (D-Flint) and Sen. El- mer Porter (R-Blissfield), who warned against the $35 million expense to create a full-fledged medical school and the $100 mil- lion necessary for a medical cen- ter in East Lansing. Gov. George Romney would not commit himself on whether the state needs a third medical school. But he promised a full investiga- tion into the question by his Cit- izen's Committee on Higher Edu- cation. He also called for the Legislature to fulfill the current commitments to the existing schools. Procrastination hannah re-pledged "the policy of MSU to proceed with its two- year program only" and to put off future decisions on the med- ical school until "six or seven years from now." But key University officials were discounting Hannah's statement in citing these facts: -MSU is paying its recently- hired dear of the program, Prof. Andrew . hunt of Stanford Uni vers4ky..a salary of $35,0.0 a year Higher Than Hubbard's This figure gives Hunt, the assistant to the MSU director of the Institute of Science and Bio- logy which will administer the, program, a salary reportedly sev- eral thousand dollars higher thani that of University Medical School Dea William N. Hubbard. It ranks $10,000 more than the; salary of Wayne State University's medical director, and approxi- mately that amount above the av- erage wage' for the deans of the nation's four-year program. -Prof. Hunt, who MSU officials; said was being brought in to ad- minister the non-clinical program, had hired what one Wayne offi- cial called an "excessive amount" of staff members to teach clini-; cal training.; 'Improbable' One State source explained that some of these men would be used in the institute's veterinary medi- cine program, but University sources say that this is improb- able. -Hannah's admission t h a t State does not intend to abide to one portion of an agreement- made with the University and Wayne-which limited the MSU program to 18 months. Provisions were then made for these MSU graduates to transfer to the University and Wayne State. This agreement was accepted by Hannah and Warren Huff, mem- ber of the MSU Board of Trus- tees, in a report adopted by the Michigan Co-ordinating Council for Public Higher Education last November. --Daily-Richard Cooper PRESENT VIEWS-John Bingley, director of student organiza- tions andactivities (left), moderated the discussion, "The Negro Student Views the University." Also pictured from left are James Marshall, '64E, Laura Moseley, '64, and Orlando Taylor, Grad. Charges 'U' Passive In Off-Camus Housing By BRIAN BEACH "The University has been quite passive in the area of off-campus housing," Olando Taylor, Grad, declared yesterday. Director of Student Organizations and Activities John Bingley moderated the panel discussion, which marked the last event in the University's observance of National Negro History Week. Keep- ing with the discussion topic, "The Negro student Views the Univer- ELMER R. PORTER ' SGC.: Students Set, Candidacy By JOHN WEILER Student Government Council Elections Director Charles Coop- er yesterday released the list of those running for all SGC spon- sored elections on March 4. Cam- paigning for the election begins today. Those who have registered for the SGC election are Diane Iebe- deff, '65; Ronald Buck Martinez, '66; Thomas Copi, '67; Carl Cohen, '66; Eugene Yuen Ten Won, '66; David Block, '66; Robert Grody, '66; Dick Shortt, '66, and John Reese, '66. Also included in the list are Michael Sattinger, '65; Richard Keller Simon, '66; Don Filjp, '65; Edward Chadwick Gray, '66L; Stanley Nadel, '66; Tony Chiu, '66; Barry Bluestone, '66; Stephen Ber- kowitz, '65; and the incumbents Scott B. Crooks, '65; Sherry Miller, '65, and Gary Cunningham, '66. Six Vacant Positions There are currently six vacant positions on SGC, five being full terms and one being a .half term. However, the official resignations of two graduating members of Council are currently pending. For the various class offices due to be filled in the coming elec- tion, the following juniors have registered : In the literary college, Jon Da- vis and Michael Bixgy for presi- dent; Jim Bronner for vice-presi- dent and Frank Lonberg for secre- tary-treasurer; in the engineer- ing college, George Johnson and Jeffrey Fortune for president, and James Hoselwood for vice-presi- dent. In the business administration school, Ralpht S. Romsey for pres- ident and Richard Aland for vice- president; and in the music school, Earl F. Sherburn for president. Board Offices For the numerous board offices, the following have registered: John commission HitsColleges By The Associated Press LANSING - T h e Legislative Audit Commission rapped Michi- gan's small state-supported col- leges and universities for slipshod accounting in its annual report. 'The audit commission has been working quietly for two years, ex- horting the colleges to clean up their own affairs before very ser- ious legislative steps become nec- .essary," the T-eport declares. The report noted that an in- vestigation by the auditor gen- eral's staff found 'inadequate rec- ords and cash shortages" at somei of the institutions. It recommendedthat Northern, Central, Western, Eastern Michi- gan Universities, Michigan Tech- nological University and Ferris State College -Appoint an internal auditor responsible to the board in control of each institution; -Establish a uniform account- ing system for all institutions; and -Effect "p r o p e r accounting procedures before further state funds are allocated." The report noted the commis- sion's apprehensions about the in- stitution operating under consti- tutional status. Seeks New Rule On Subversion By The Associated Press LANSING - Rep. Richard A. Guzowski (D-Detroit) Thursday introduced proposed constitutional amendments which will restore a definition of subversion dropped by the new state constitution and ban speakers advocating "subver- sion" from speaking at state-sup- ported educational institutions. Guzowski's c o 11 e g e speaker amendment would bar "any per- son advocating, teaching or urg- ing subversion to use campuses as s p e a k i n g or demonstration forums." +sity," Taylor described the exper- iences of a student he knew in seeking off-campus housing. Not to Negroes "This man went to 10 Univer- sity-approved houses and was told point blank by seven of them that they didn't rent to Negroes and weren't aware that the University listed only houses that would rent to Negroes." It is University policy not to discriminate with respect to race, color, creed or national origin. Taylor indicated that it is in- appropriate for the University to ! endorse housing units that don't comply with non-discriminatory policies. Presented to 'U' This case is being presented to the University, Taylor added in answer to a question. "The University has taken the option that they shouldn't push the community. It has not effec- tively influenced the community in off-campus housing," he added. Taylor feels that Ann Arbor is behind many communities of com- parable size and stature in the area of housing. Commenting on academic prob- lems peculiar to Negro students, James Marshall, '64E, reflected, "I was here two days before I saw any other Negro students." Marshall noted that Negro stu-, dents feel added pressure when speaking in a lecture or recitation! of effectually representing the whole race. "When you come here as a Ne- gro, you know you are going against the grain by going to an all-white school," stated Laura Moseley, '64. Three Categories Miss Moseley put iwhite students she has met into three categories. Some, who say they are anxious. to meet a Negro, come to your room, sit on your bed and just look at you, she said. A few come in with the concep- tion that you might have a tele- vision at home or have perhaps gone to the theatre once in your life. "By the time you meet someone in the third category-someone really interested in you-you are so tired of being 'on display' that you don't want to have anything to do with anyone." DAR ES SALAAM, Tanganyika UP)-The Organization of African Unity called last night for an im- mediate cease-fire on the Ethio- pia-Somalia border and demanded an end to provocation and insult between the two feuding neigh- bors. The call was issued in a resolu- tion adopted by the organization of the Council of Ministers at the end of a three-day emergency meeting: Conference sources said the res- olution had four points: 1) An immediate cease-fire: 2 An end to provocation and insults; 3) Negotiations aimed at open- ing peace talks; and 4) The dispute to be placed on the provisional agenda of the or- ganization's next conference which is scheduled to open in Lagos, Ni- geria, Feb. 24. After adopting the resolution, the Council of Ministers briefly discussed Somalia's parallel dis- pute with its southern neighbor, Kenya. The Kenya-Somalia discussion reportedly ended with the Council of Ministers adopting a call for the two sides to settle the dispute by peaceful negotiation. Radock Terms NASA Center Matter 'Open' By LOUISE LIND Director of University Relations Michael Radock commnented yes- terday that thelocation of the $50 million National Aeronautics and Space Administration elec- tronics center in Boston is not a closed issue. "To the best of my knowledge, no formal notification has been received by the University about this being a closed matter," he said. "We at the University stand ready to furnish Congress or any other governmental officials in- formation relative to the Univer- sity snd resources in southeastern Michigan." Recoamnends Michigan Gov. George Romney, heading a Michigan delegation to Wash- ington Oec. 17, recommended that the uroposed electronics center be located in southeastern Michigan. Desoite the efforts of Michigan and 18 other localities to gai-n tne NASA bid, the agency decided to reaward the location to Boston, i's original choice. It rcentiy presented ijs rec- ommendations to Congress. Still No News University and state oficial have not yet heard any news of congr'ssional approval or appro- priation of funds for the electren- ics e~e. "We feel tl.at trtil funds are voted and a ste is approved, the question of where 'he center wl be located is still unressved," Radock exulained. "It seems appar er t that Con- gressman frm Michigan intend fully to I are this issue up," he said. -Daily-Kamalakar Rao HOT SPOT-The border between Ethiopia and Somalia has been the scene for recent fighting. The Organization for African Unity called for a cease fire yesterday. MARCH ON HOTEL: Arrest Demonstrators In Anti-Johnson Protest ST. LOUIS 0P-Police arrested about 100 civil rights demon- strators last night as they marched on the hotel where President Lyndon B. Johnson was opening St. Louis' celebration of its 200th birthday. The Committee of Racial Equality had indicated earlier that it planned a demonstration at the hotel where the President was to speak. This, a CORE spokesman said, would call attention to racial unrest in St. Louis. In New York " Sfees Thant On Meeting Alerts Security Council For Possible Action If Events Threaten NICOSIA - Cyprus President Makarios yesterday rejected the latest international peace force plan for the island and moved to bring the dispute before the United Nations Security Council. The Cypriot leader-who has said that "when I have certain ideas I will not compromise"-re- jected the proposal for landing of an international peace-keeping ar- my outside United Nations control. In New York, Zenon Rossides, Cyprus ambassador to the United Nations, said he had alerted Sec- retary-General U Thant "to the warlike preparations of Turkey" against Cyprus. But he made no move for an immediate meeting of the Security Council. Thant Conference Rossides made the statement after a conference with Thant. He said that he gave the same information to Carlos Alfredo Ber- nardes of Brazil, February presi- dent of the council. Rossides added that if the threat from Turkey heightens "we will ask for a Security Council meet- ing on short notice." Otherwise, he said, Cyprus would request a meet- ing "in the ordinary way." He said this would come next week. Makarios's stand indicated fail- ure of the mission of United States Undersecretaryr 'bf State. George Ball, who talked to: the Cypriot leader yesterday. Non-UN Plan Ball urged Makarios to accept the latest non-United Nations in- ternational force plan. Bringing the Cyprus dispute to the Security Council would involve the Rus- sians, a move that 'the United States and Britain seek to avoid. Ball flew to Athens where. he will confer with Greek officials on the Cyprus crisis. Ball said the search will con- tinue for a solution to bring peace and order out of the communal fighting between Greek and Turk- ish Cypriots, in which three Turk- ish Cypriots were reported killed yesterday. Meanwhile, there were persistent but completely unofficial reports of Turkish army and naval activ- ity on the mainland within strik- ing distance of Cyprus. a split developed among civil rights groups in the midst of plans by one group for a second boycott of schools. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People announced that its 13 New York City branches had withdrawn from the citywide committee for integrated schools, composed of various civil rights groups. In addition to the NAACP ac- tion, the Urban League announced that it no longer would be bound by the citywide committee's de- cisions. Neither the NAACP nor the Ur- ban League said they would no' take part in a second boycott, but indicated they would make dependent decisions on the ques- tion. Ruby To Stand. Trial in Dallas, DALLAS W)-Dist. Judge Joe B. Brown ruled yesterday Jack Ruby must go on trial in Dallas Monday for the murder of the late Presi- dent John F. Kennedy's accused assassin. Judge Brown said he still might move the trial to another Texas city, as the defense has demanded -but first the lawyers must try to find 12 impartial jurors here. That will be the true test of whether Ruby can get a fair trial in Dallas, Brown said. District Attorney Henry Wade said he was pleased with the de- cision. SGRU Acts To End SGC By MARY LOU BUTCHER A recently formed "abolitionist" political party which will endorse six candidates in the March 4 Student Government Council elec- tions is currently seeking recogni- tion by SGC as a student organi- zation. According to Richard Keller Si- mon, '66, co-chairman of the group, the Student Government Reform Union, the party's philoso-j LOBBY TOO CROWDED: Faculty Seeks Un congested Fish bowl' phy is that "SGC has too long student interest and activity in made a mockery of student gov- campus government. The SGRU ernment. This organization must shall work for the general welfare be replaced if students are ever of the student body." to gain a responsible voice in the Down with 'Mickey Mouse' University." Simon pointed out that "the He noted that the party wished way to an effective and mature to demonstrate this "absurdity" to student government is the abol- the campus at large through a tion of the 'Mickey Mouse' SGC concrete and detailed program, and the establishment of a form Our Object All Sublime more closely coordinated with the "Our ultimate aim is the aboli University Senate and the Senate tion of SGC. This will be follow- Advisory Committee, while still in- ed by a period of study, analyz- dependent of them." ing the needs of the campus for He noted that "SGRU believes a, student government and the in- the ultimate goal to be a student- stitution of a more effective and faculty government, as endorsed useful form," he commented. In principle by SGC last year and Simon pointed out that SGRU as endorsed by most SGC candi- submitted its proposed constitu- dates." tion and other relevant informa- "Because of the antics, politick- tion Wednesday to the Committ-- ing and lack of real concern on the on Student Activities, wtvh will part of most SGC members, as well examine the material before .naa- as the blank record of Council, ing a recommendation coneorning the faculty has quite understand- recognition to.SGC. ably resisted attempts to bring Because of SGC rules, a request about a student-faculty govern- for recognition may not be orought ment," Simon asserted. before Council for two weeks, Obstacle Course which will be the Wednesday pre- He commented that "the cam- ceding the election r pus will never be able to move tThe faculty sponsor for the par- fowr toward that form until ty is Prof. Irving Copi of the it is able to elect responsible and philosophy department. concerned students to a student --government By MICHAEL SATTINGER Congestion and litter in the Mason-Haven Hall "Fishbowl" has led the literary college faculty to ask for the elimination of tables and signs in the area and the cessation of leaflet distribution. The move to restrict the use of the Fishbowl for such used began in the last literary college faculty meeting, when several faculty mem- bers complained about the conditions in the lobby. Associate Dean Burton D. Thuma, in a letter to John Bingley, director of student organizations and activities for the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, said that "it was agreed that some action must be taken to ease the problem" of the "deplorable appearance and traffic situation. t All-Star ast i In addition to Simon. the offi- He noted also that the SGRU -::: .I