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February 14, 1964 - Image 1

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t]AT T VViRf x "AN


VOU LXXLIV, [No. 107






MSU Medical School
Rapped by Hatcher
Urges Improving Present Facilities
At 'U1, WSU During Lansing Speech
National Concerns Editor
SpecialTo The Daily
LANSING-Warning that the state's limited resources in higher
education must be spent wisely, University President Harlan Hatcher
last night lashed out against Michigan State University establishing
a third medical school in Michigan.
President Hatcher virtually abandoned the text of his prepared
address-which detailed plans of University expansion-to stress
these points to prominent alumni and legislators at a dinner here.
Quoting from a report of a special Michigan coordinating Coun-
cil for Public Higher Education, President Hatcher declared, "Because

j USSR Asks
Outlay Cut
GENEVA (P)-The Soviet Union
said yesterday a universal agree-
ment to reduce military spending
is the most urgent initial step to-
ward world disarmament.
Soviet negotiator Semyon K.
Tsarapkin told the 17-nation dis-
armament conference all nations
of the world, big and small, should
agree to reduce their military ex-
penditures by 10 to 15 per cent.
He said the conference must give
this issue top priority.
Tsarapkin's proposal followed a
similar suggestion by Brazilian
Delegate Josue De Castro, who
called on the big powers to make
simultaneous and equal cuts in
their muitary budgets and devote
20 per cent to helping underde-
veloped countries of the world.
Agrees With Cut
The Soviet delegate agreed with
the idea of a cut in military
spending but said all nations
ould have to join in. He sharply
disgredwith De Castro's pro-
osal to set up a subcommittee
or deta ed negotiations. A sub-
committee merely would be an ob-
stacle to agreement, he said.
Tsarapkin told the meeting the
world's total military spending ex-
ceeds $120 billion a year. He said
steps must be taken quickly to
ease this burden.
An American spokesman said
the Unnied States delegation will
study Tsarapkin's s u g g e s t i o n
carefully. He noted one unaccept-
able condition: The Soviet dele-
gate demanded that the Western
powers give "agreement in prin-
ciple" to the idea, and that no
detailed discussions precede such
an agreement. The West rejects
this procedure as putting the cart
before the horse.
Define Terms
The United States spokesman
emphasized that there must be a
clear definition of what constitutes
military spending.

" the needs of existing programs
have been of such long standing,
our awareness should not be
dulled to the dangers of luring
excitement of starting something
new before present commitments
are met."
No New School
The report urged the expansion
of Wayne State University's
freshman medical class to 200
and the completion of University
Medical Center capital expansion.
It calls for the establishment of
a two-year basic medical science
institute at MSU, but no medical
President Hatcher pointed out
that $75-100 million cost of es-
tablishing a third school is not
provided in the "blue-ribbon" Cit-
izens Committee for Higher Edu-
cation interim report and coordin-
ating council spending projections.
He asserted that the University
must speak out "clearly and un-
equivocably" as long as the Uni-
versiyts medical schools are es-
sentially adequate to meet state
needs and Wayne State's can be
expanded. Once needs grow be-
yono these facilities, then a third
medceal school can be considered,
he indcated.
Deletes Point
.n his written text, President
Hatcher declared that "in taking
the position which I have just
outlined, we may appear, to be
jealously protecting a vested in-
terest. Nothing is further from
our minds," But in the actual
speech, he- deleted the point of
denying 'vested interest.'
He said that if the state uses
its rsources properly, the Univer-
sity can "do the, job for this gen-
eration as for those who went be-
fore them."
'The University mast be kept
strurg and moving forward. Don't
evei let it go backwards'
Must Expawld
He asserted that the Univer-
sity aid the state's higher educa-
tion system must continue to ex-
pand. He warned J-jat this re-
quires careful planning to take ad-
vantage of the opportunities as
they develop.
President Hatcher noted that
the University plans to admit 1500
more students next ye t-700 of
them freshmen. He also examined
the need for expanding graduate
and professional programs, stress-
ing the dental school, engineering
ar.d arch'tecture coliegc needs.
The faeilities at the Flint Col-
lege should be expanded to in-
clude the freshman and sopho-
more years, he contmnued. adding
that the University is exploring
expansion wish Flint city and civic
Hopes for Delta
President Hatcher Plso praised
the proposal for a junior-senior
Unvrsity branch at Delta Com-
munity College. "The program at
Delta has exciting possibilities. It
has the potential for adventure
and success. I hope the 'blue-
ribbon' committee will give a
clean-cut answer on the grogram."
Gov. George Romney's group is
currently considering various1
plans for expanding hgger edu-
cation at that institution.

Collegiate Press Service
CHICAGO - Two Chicago area
universities recently cancelled
speaking engagements of nation-
ally controversial political figures.
Loyola University banned Ala-
bama Gov. George C. Wallace from
appearing at its "Speak-easy" stu-
dent forum today.
Northwestern University also re-
leased an announcement that Ari-
zona Sen. Barry Goldwater would
not appear at an April 10 rally
sponsored by "Students for Gold-
The Loyola-Wallace incident
brought charges of a lack of ad-
ministrative faith from Stanley
Dale, lecturer in the Loyola speech
Invites Wallace
Dale, who is also a newsman
for WLS, ABC's Chicago radio out-
let, had extended the invitation
to Wallace.
The "question" involved now is
whether or not the administra-
tors have faith in their faculty
members, Dale asserted. Because
of his position as a faculty mem-
ber, his decisions in inviting the
speakers should be binding on the
university, he contended.
Richard Barry, Loyola director
of public relations, said that uni-
versity regulations "require all
outside speakers to be cleared with
the Office of the Dean of Students
prior to their invitation."
In the Wallace case, such per-
mission was never requested until
after the invitation had been ex-
tended, Barry pointed out.
"Dale thought he had the au-
thority to invite speakers, but in
reality he did not."
Conflicting statements came
from Dale. He charged that the
Fast Break
Special To The Daily
LANSING-University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher departed
from his "usual practice" of not
commenting on University ath-
letics yesterday when he denied
the rumor that he had ever tu-
tored Cazzie Russell, 166.
The President told Lansing
alumni that "I have notabeen
personally tutoring Russell.
However, the resources of the
University are always at his dis-
posal," he quickly added.





Lane Expects
Predicts Plan To Have
Better Fate Than Delta
Special To The Daily
FLINT-"If the University de-
cides to expand here, there will
be no Legislative upheaval like
there was over Delta."
This reassurance came from
Sen. Garland Lane (R-Flint) last
night after hearing a detailed set
of recommendations that wouid,
if acceptable to the Regents and
Flint Board of Education, estab-
lish a four-year University college
in Flint.
In forecasting a positive Legis-
lative reaction to such a plan, he
was alluding to the University's
abortive at tempt last year to es-
tablish a branch institution in the
Saginaw Valley. This failure was
marked by strong Legislative op-
Minor Objections
Lane explained that the Flint
proposal displayed last night "has
elicited only minor grumblings of
objections from Legislators.'
He accounted for the apparent
lack of disapproval in citing the
metropolitan area of Flint as one
of the state's "most glaring edu-
cational voices in view of its
Statistics of the area show that
Genesee and its six adjacent coun-
have about 90,000 high school stu-
ties-the Flint area-currently
dents--some 20 per cent of the
state's total.
Know Statistics
Lane commented that the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee,
when it visited Flint several weeks
ago, was made cognizant of these
University and Flint officials, in
pshing the expansion plan, have
smphasized that "the expansion
of higher education facilities
should logically take place in areas
where there is a high concentra-
tion of college age population."
Another factor which might in-
fluence both state-wide educators
and the Legislature, is the fact
that the University is already sit-
uated in Flint through its two-
year Senior College, Lane pointed
Not Oppose
Recently, Michigan State Uni-
versity President John HanIah
said in an interview that he would
not oppose the University's ex-
pansion into Flint "as long as it's
already there."
He was one of the leading objec-
tors to the University expansion
at Delta, where it had no previous
Lane said, however, that he
Flint area has posed one unique
minor problem-the complaints of
the Flint Community Junior Col-
"Several Legislators have re-
ceived letters from junior college
people complaining that the Uni-
versity intends to usurp their jobs.
But, this is "obviously not the
case," he emphasized.


Graham I
"Somewhere and sometime yo com
must stand face to face with Jesus
Christ and say yes or no," Rev. "
Billy Graham remarked yesterday nev
in the final speech of a three-day but
lecture series on campus. hav

)escribes Dilemn

Would Give
ma Local Flavor
o give up sin. ToInstitution
that we love
pleasures of
This does not See Regent Approval
ver sin again,
will be truly Of Recommendation
fully in Christ For Expanding Unit
ed that, final- By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM
Jesus openly
e of brotherly special To The Daily

voice is also speaking," he
A Messenger
It is the voice of God. I have
er converted anybody; I am
a messenger telling what I!
e seen and heard. It is God
o converts."
:e noted that the process of sur-
ider begins with the admission
t we have failed God by break-
His Commandments. Next

comes a willingness t
"We must decide
God more than the
iniquity," he said. "
mean that we will ne
but rather, that we
repentent and trustf
as our personal Savio
Graham emphasiz
ly, we must confess
both by leading a lif
love and by the spoke


"God will intervene in the af-v
fairs of men and the end will
come," he said. "There will be a r
generation pressed from all sides t
with seemingly no way out. I don't b
know if we are this generation, but-
we are being pressed as never be-
He noted the pessimistic mood
of the modern world as reflected
in philosophy, literature and psy-
chology and pointed out the mor-
al and social pressures that are
crowding in on man today.


n word.

Moral Problem
Posing the question, "What is
is wrong with humanity?" he as-
serted that "man's problem is a
moral problem. The Bible calls it
sin. It is a disease that he all!
have, and it comes with concep-
"There is one way out and only
one," Graham said. "Christ is the
He commented that redemption
through Christ must come by way
of rebirth. "Today's tormented
man is not the man God meant,"
he claimed. "The people of the new
kingdom willbe born of God. Your
nature must be changed first be-
fore you can live in the world yet
to come."
Personal Encounter
Rev. Graham said that rebirthI
necessarily entails surrender to
God. "You can't inherit religion,"
he emphasized. "You have to have
a personal encounter with Christ
and decide for yourself."
"Eternal life begins the moment
you meet Jesus," he added. "As you
were born in the physical world,
so you can be born in the spiritual
world. How it happens, I don't
know, but I know that it happened
to me and that it changes men's
The evangelist said that to sur-'
render to God you must hear his
word. "While I am talking, anoth-
Johnson Bans
Bias in Filling,
Federal Posts
WASHINGTON (W) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson declared yes-
terday by executive order a policy
against discrimination in employ-
ment because of age.
The President not only ordered
that there be no discrimination
against older people for employ-
ment and promotion in federal
service, but also said the federal
government can hasten the' ac-
ceptance of this principle ,in all
sectors of the economy, private
and public.
The order goes beyond the gov-
ernment itself to direct that Zon-
tractors and subcontractors work-
ing on federal projects not dis-
criminate because of age as a gen-
eral rule.

....... ....... ....... .:.....

AREA OF HEAVY FIGHTING-Serious fighting between Turkish
and Greek Cypriots erupted yesterday in Limassol (underlined),
south port city on Cyprus. Casualties among the surrounded Turk-'
ish Cypriots were reported running high before the British ar-
ranged a cease-fire.
n*Call Cease Fire i yrs
'ursue Peae Force Talks
NICOSIA 03)i - An edgy cease-fire halted fierce communal fight-
ing at Limassol last night while talks on a proposed peace force for
Cyprus carried over at least into another day.
IAt least 10 Turkish Cypriots and one Greek Cypriot were killed
in the fighting at Limassol, a south coast port city. Unconfirmed re-
ports spoke of as many as 50 dead and 150 wounded in the worst
flareup since the Ch r ist m as,)

To reate

prior clearance rule had never
before been enforced. "I only sub-
mit requests for clearance after
I've invited an individual," said
Dale. If the prior clearance rule
were to be enforced, we'd never
get these important individuals
here, he asserted.
Dean Comments
LosklaDean of Students Harry
McCloskey commented that the
.chool "has been favorable to
and has conducted programs for
these students at which both pop-
ular and unpopular points of view
were expressed by nationally
known speakers on controversial
Northwestern University officials
said they cancelled the Goldwater
speech due to the demands of its
sponsors to erect 10,000 temporary
seats in McGaw Hall for the
Permanent seating of 4000 exists
in the fieldhouse. Officials claim
that the use of extra seating would
conflict with the school's spring
athletic program. James Kolbe, the
chairman of Northwestern's Youth
for Goldwater movement, was in
agreement with official comment
on the incident.

In Washington, high official
sources reported President Arch-
bishop Makarios said he would ac-
cept a peacekeeping force com-
posed of troops of British Com-
monwealth nations. Such a pro-
posal would be acceptable to the
United States, if Makarios ulti-
mately rejects a United States-
British plan for a multinational
force that would include Ameri-
can troops, the informants said.
However, a qualified Greek Cyp-
riot source said the Archbishop.
still was not satisfied with the
United States-British peace plan
was quoted as saying there was
despite amendments. Makarios"
no common meeting ground be-
tween what he wants and what,
was offered in the plan.
Cyprus, a former British pos-
session, has been a member of the
Commonwealth since independ-
ence in 1960. British troops are
now on the island trying to keep
Turkey, meanwhile protested to
the United Nations in New York
over what it called the "new mas-
sacre of defenseless Cypriot Turks
in Limassol" by Greek Cypriot po-
lice and terrorist bands.

Khanh Extends
New Benefits
To Viet Army
PLATEAU G., Viet Nam Ri) --
Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh said
yesterday he is boosting the pay
of his enlisted men by about $4
million a year and wants them
represented on his ruling junta.
Aiming to bolster miiltary mor-
ale, the premier-strongman made
the announcements on the Lungar
New Year that is Viet Nam's most
important holiday, at this remote
outpost on the jungle-covered
highlands 280 miles northeast of
The pay increase will mean an
average monthly raise of 20 per
cent-about $2-for privates and
corporals. The increase affects
about 150,000 men or three-
fourths of South Viet Nam's
United States-trained army.
Tighten Belt
Instead of a rise in the $500
million a year in aid from the
United States, however, Khahn's
aides said the extra money will
have to come from a general eco-
nomic belt tightening.
Deputy Premier Nguyen Xuan
Oanh, a former instructor at Har-
vard University, is expected to
start reorganizing South Viet
Nam's economic structure soon.
Gen. Paul D. Harkins, com-
mander of United States forces in
Viet Nam, various diplomats and
foreign newsmen accompanied
Khahn on his orale-boosting trip.
Welcome Khanh
In the highland's capital of
Banmethuot, a conclave of moun-
tain tribesmen ceremoniously wel-
comed Khanh into their brother-
hoods and paraded trained ele-
phants past his reviewing stand.
Khanh did not invite his party
to his last stop, in Da Nang,
whehe he is holding four generals
of the junta he overthrew two

FLINT-Pledging financial sup-
port and constructed facilties,
the Flint Board of Education will
soon ask the University to estab-
lish and operate a four-year lib-
eral arts college here.
To be established initially on
the site of the University's Flint
Senior College, the college would
supersede that institution in 1965.
On its way to the Regents with-
in a month will be a well-devel-
oped framework recommendation
for the college, formulated by a
six-man group of Flint and Uni-
versity officials, informed sources
disclosed last night.
Unveil Plan
The recommendation was un-
veiled here last night before an
influential and representative body
of 60 citizens comprising the Flint
Committee on Education.
Guy Bates, chairman of thr .
six-man inquiry team distributed
and read the nine-page list of
recommendations which would im-
plement an autonomously-run Un-
iversity branch of approximately
1000 students "as soon as the
University thinks it is feasible."
However, he said that there are
"strong indications" of financial
support from the C. S. Mott foun-
dation to bear the minimum in-
itial costs.
Predicts Capital
Sen. Garland Lane (R-Flint),
a member of the Senate Approp-
riations Committtee predicted
that the Legislature would then
supply the anticipated long-range
$8-$10 million cost for capital out-
The University would absorb the
operational increases through leg-
islative support for increased en-
rollment, Lane continued.
These recommendations should
be officially discussed and rati-
fied by the Board of Education
"sometime within a month" and
then transmitted to the Regents
for their anticipated approval, a
key sources commented after the
Regent Control
The recommended plan stresses
the Regents ultimate control over
the institution administratively
and financially-but asserts the
Flint college will be as a "sepa-
rate and independent" unit with
its own identity, character and
The "strong thread of autono-
my" running through the recom-
mendations are activated in the
projected curricula, admissions
policies and immediate local con-
trol of the school, Bates explained.
Specifically the features of the
plan recommend:
-a four-year liberal arts col-
lege not necessarily paralleling the
University's College of Literature,
Science and the Arts. The initial
enrollment of approximately 1000
would grow to at least 3000.
-a curricula emphasizing such
specialized areas of study as en-
gineering science, teacher educ-
tion and business administration.
These areas are currently featured
in the senior college program.
-the organization of the school
under a Flint Collegiate Center,
located in Flint, which the Re-
gents would set up.
Run in the day-to-day opera-
tion by a local administrator, the
college would have an advisory
Policy Coordintaing Committee
composed of seven lay members
from Flint.
-a commitment by the Univer-
sity to finance all instructional
and opeartional costs. The Flint
Board of Education agrees to
share its available classroom, I-
brary and office space.
Climax Study
The recommendations made
public last night for the first

He recalled that recenu cuts in
Soviet defense expendeiuresere ON DEMONSTRATIONS:
accompanied by a la"ge increase
in Russia's scientific eesear1h
The Brazilian delegate said thatr e
"the vast economic and social im.- O 'B riengA
balance now prevailing in the
world represents - through the B
socia ltensions it entails-a seri- By RAYMOND HOLTON ments that
ous threat to international peace Civil rights activity must be multiple-hot
and security.' carried on within the framework the ordinan
of the' democratic process and not .T
SGC Closes through acts of civil disobedience! O'Brien s
Petill[on Period process, a local judge said last -Either t
night. lates "shoc

vocates Rights Within Legal Process

would strengthen the
,using unit sections of
'wo Reasons
aid there are two rea-
a person deliberately
established law:
the law which he vio-
ks the person's oon-
noral code," or;
w he violates in itself
nant, but the civil dis-
olated it to demon-
convictions about an-
y unrelated law.
Viniat Law

he, as a Roman Catholic-Irish-
D e m o c r a t, was discriminated
against in his lifetime.
"However, as a judge in a demo-
cratic society run by the rule of
law, I must give a decision based
on the facts presented. I cannot
always decide a case the way I
"I will follow the rules of law
without compunction, even if the
circuit court says Ann Arbor's
loitering ordinance doesn't apply
to city hall."
Right of Assembly
He said that the 66 demon-

anteed by the First Amendment
were not abridged, citing a simi-
lar Chicago case.
Commenting on his own philoso-
phy, he noted "If I were ever
forced to the point of violating
an established law I would rake
sure I was protected by the Con-
stitution. Therefore, I would not
be civil disobedient if I violated
a law which infringed upon my
rights guaranteed in the Constitu-
No Disobedience
He said that this was the reason
he saw no civil disobedience in cer-

For Council

he deadline for submitting pe-
titions for all Student Govern-
ment Council sponsored elections
is 5 nm. torav

Speaking on "Civil Disobedience
and the Law," Municipal Judge
Francis J. O'Brien told an open
meeting of the Young Democrats
that "when one deliberately dis-
obeys a law in a democratic so-
nit~ ha isnnpnn~r Pndnrn.

science or m
-The law
is not repugi
obedient vi(
strate his c
other totally

I ame

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