I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1964 NEW METHODS: Doerr Views Cuban Dentistry College Roundup VIEWS ALTERNATIVES: Romney To Fashion New Agency A By STEVEN HALLER Where dental treatment is con- cerned, Cuba, under the Castro regime, shows a striking contrast between impressive programs of training at the University of Ha- vana on the one hand, and in- Across Camp us A panel discussion of "The Ne- gro's Rediscovery of Africa: Its Impact on American Foreign and Domestic Affairs" at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 3RS of the Union marks the third in a series of events commemorating National Negro History Week. The panel is composed of Prof. Albert McQueen of the sociology department, Prof. Beverly J. Pool- ey of the Law School and Prof. Broadus Butler of Wayne State S University. Student Tea ... President and Hatcher will hold from 4 to 6 p.m. home. Mrs. Harlan a student tea today at their adequate, government-supported Ilinics on the other, Associate Dean Robert E. Doerr of the dental school said recently. Dean Doerr, who has made an on-the-spot study of dental edu- cation in Cuba under the auspices of the Pan American Health Or- ganization, explained that "every.- thing in Cuba is now on a hurry- up basis, and they are struggling to make up for lost time." This comes about because the University of Havana was closed for two and one-half years during the revolution, while many pro- Batista administrators and facul- ty fled the country. After Castro took over and the government had a chance to stabilize somewhat, the administration of the univer- sity was reorganized-especially its health sciences division-prior to the school's reopening. Three Divisions "Under the current system, the, medical sciences department of the university is divided into a medical school, a dental school and the In- stitute of Basic Sciences. The last- named body serves as a service unit for the other two divisions. Each division has its own director and budget.- "Students of medicine or dent- istry spend the first year of their higher education in the Institute; of Basic Sciences and then enter the dental school or the medical school," he explained.- Dean Doerr compared this set-j up to the structure at the Uni- versity, noting that the coursest the Cubans get in the IBS are taught here within the Medical School and are not an .administra- tive entity. Revolution vs. Evolution "As far as concepts go, the' Cubans are as advanced as we are. But they adopted many ideas in a revolutionary atmosphere, not caring whose toes they stepped on to bring their plans to fruition; whereas we who are in an evolu- tionary atmosphere go more slow- ly," Dean Doerr said. Dean Doerr explained that Cub- an training techniques in the past have concentrated on certain clini- cal phases of dentistry to the ex- clusion of providing much empha- sis on the preventative aspects of the science. "Now they are becoming more interested in such special areas as oral diagnosis, dental treatment for children and treatment of supporting tissues of the mouth," he added. Hitting the Books FIDEL CASTRO American students get in years, he pointed out. Christianity .. . Prof. Adkbar Hazz, formerly of the University of Illinois, will lead a discussion on "Christianity and its Relationship to Other Reli- gions," sponsored by the Interna- tional Students Association and the Michigan Christian Fellow- ship at 8 p.m. today in the Michi- gan Union Ballroom. Stanley Quartet... The Stanley Quartet will give a recital at 8:30 p.m. today in Rack- ham Aud. Haydn's "Quartet in C major, Op. 20, No. 2", "Quartet No. 7, Op. 96" by Krenek, and "Quartet in F" by Ravel will be included in the program. Australia... The International Students As- sociation and the Michigan Un- ion international affairs commit- tee will present a lecture-discus- sion on "The Cultural Image of Australia" at 7:30 p.m. today in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. four COLLEGE PARK, Md.-Univer- sity of Maryand officials and cam-1 pus chaplains are involved in a1 dispute over freedoms of speech. The university recently issued a statement declaring that chap- lain's duties should be limited to the religious needs of the mem- bers of their respective denomi- nations. It further stipulated that before beginning work on campus they must obtain approval from the executive dean for student life. The university felt that since chaplains are "guests of the uni- versity, continuation of their serv- ice should be at the discretion of the appropriate university author- ities." The statement was issued as a result of chaplain participation in "non-religious affairs.'' The clergymen have countered the attack with charges that B. James Borreson, executive dean of student life, had been misusing his authority to curtail the chap- lains' activities. KINGSTON, R.I.-The Board of Trustees of Rhode Island State College has ordered the University of Rhode Island chapter of Sigma Nu to remove a restrictive mem- bership clause from its charter or leave campus. According to Thomas McWil- liams, president of the nearby Brown University chapter, all Sig- ma Nu chapters are prohibited from accepting Jewish or Negro members. McWilliams has been trying to have the restrictive clause deleted from the fraternity constitution for several years. He feels that the Rhode Island controversy as indicative of growing support for his position. He has high hopes that the clause will be officially repealed at the next national convention in New Orleans this August. SEATTLE-The Board of Re- gents of the University of Wash- "Becados," as government-sup-' ported students are called, live in government-built dormitories and in private homes confiscated by the Castro regime. The students are given manual tasks to do along with their studies. In contrast to government clin- ics, which are examples of poor care and treatment, students are given thorough training; so that perhaps future clinics will be bet- ter able to serve the general popu- lation, Dean Doerr said. He concluded that "nothing we saw in Cuba is anything we have not already thought of as being an interesting possibility. But because we live in a totally different en- vironment, we would not find it possible to rush into such plans without considering the feelings of others involved, as is often done in Cuba. "Their ideas may be good, but they don't have the personnel yet4 The Washington Daily opposed the move, contending that the pol- icy would allow university Presi-E dent Charles Odegaard to "pre-N scribe conditions for the conductI of the meeting where a controver- sial speaker appears." DAILY OFFICIALf BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Build- Jng before 2 p.m. of the day pre- ceding publication, andby 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Day Calendar Museum of Art Special Opening - Indian Miniatures of the 17th through the 19th century from the Mildred and W. G. Archer Collection: Museum of Art, 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Dept. of Speech Assembly - Ben L. Yabionsky, Prof. of Journalism, "Eu- ropean Television Today": Rackham Lecture Hall, 4 p.m. College of Engineering Lecture-Brice Carnahan, Instructor in Chemical En- gineering, "An Introduction to Digital Computers and the MAD Language": Natural Science Aud., 7:30 p.m. Botany Seminar-A. Murray Evans will speak on "Life Cycles in Ferns" at 4:15 p.m. in 1130 Natural Science Bldg. Doctoral Examination for Guy Joseph Lemieux, Forestry; thesis : t'Ecology and Productivity of the Northern Hard- wood Forests of Quebec, 1032 Natural Resources Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, S. H. Spurr. General Notices Student Tea at the home of President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher from 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Feb 12. All students cor- dially invited. Helen Newberry Residence Hall Schol- arship: Women students living in Helen Newberry who wish to apply for Resi- dence Hall scholarships for the 1964 fall semester may secure application blanks from Mrs. Florence Lyons, 0f- fice of Financial Aids, 2011 SAB. Com- pleted applications must be returned to Mrs. Lyons by March 2. Qualifications (Continued on Page 5) s - -go (Continued from Page 1) entitled to 40 per cent of the votes, while the public institutions com- mand about 60 per cent repre- sentation. However, the community college system is guaranteed at least $2 million of the $10 million annual funds by the federal bill's provi- sions, Orlebeke said. The second recommended for- mat envisions a "more representa- tive but more cumbersome" agency of 30-40 members which would allow direct representation from specific institutions. The advantage of this group would be the "political clout" de- STUDENTS and FACULTY Dial 662-8871 for Gi efna ild Program Information rived from such a large represent- ative grouping of - citizens, edu- cators and politicians, Orlebeke observed. A key question to the political power of the group will be its place in the state governmental structure, he said. Romney aides are currently leaning toward put- ting the agency within the existing state administrative board in the budget division. However, "there is strong pres- sure from legislative sources to put the agency under the juris- diction of the state board of edu- cation," Orlebeke noted. The new state aboard which goes into effect in 1965 is given the function by the constitution of "coordinating" the general finan- cial requests of the public institu- tions. This responsibility will in- clude the submission of a finan- cial report to the Legislature. Romney aides claimed they are concerned that if the new state board is given the power to co- ordinate the capital outlay re- quests for both state and federal funds, it might usurp the power of the executive to prepare and submit budget recommendations to the Legislature. ', 4 I f [1 I I I I 1 x who can carry them out. They are ington lifted the university's ban not in a capable position to judge on Communist speakers last week what ideas will be good in the on a recommendation from the long run and which will not, Al- Faculty Senate. though the Cuban dental training The new policy allows Commu- is superior to that available in any nists to speak as invited guests to other Caribbean area excet Puerto campus - meetings, but prescribes Rico, it is still far behind ours," that such meetings will not be Dean Doerr concluded. open to the general public. N ow in Stock Candidates .0.- I . gr:3i '1 L. I" M,; 11 The Rvfeor apprentce turn sto ToPWT-URW in the craziest unSieitjfc eperment since FLUBBE! .t, I 3rd Annual IFC-Vulcans I 0 Prof. Richard L. Cutler a"ster of Ceremonies the ob. 1 Ticket Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 8:30 P.M.-Hill Aud. FEATURING: WALT DISN Niiien ISM14DVE NT°JRES ,OF