TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN IIAILY THURSDAY. JANUARY 1~. 1fl~L x. , I hootin and hollerin and scream- Woytins ky Lectureship Established The University has established the W. S. Woytinsky Lectureship Award "for the best book, article or speech in the broad field of economics to educate public opin- ion or influence economic or so- cial policy." The award will be conferred bi- annually and wilt-carry a prize of $1000. Woytinsky, who in 1908 was exiled by the Tsarist government to Siberia, later became a famed economist in Berlin. He emigrated to the United States in 1935 to work for the federal government. After 1947, he was associated with the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the Twen- tieth Century Fund. He died in 1960. His widow contributed the funds to establish the lectureship en- dowment. To Continue Work On Birth Defects University research on virus in- fections which apparently cause some birth defects will continue in 1964 under -a new grant-in-aid from the National Foundation- March of Dimes. The award of $58,348 will support further. re- search on virus infections during pregnancy under .the direction of Prof. Thomas Francis Jr., chair- man of the epidemiology depart- ment. CITES HISTORY: Kirk Notes Perils Of Centralization ing "where's (Continued from Page 1) believe the center should be the people and, at the same time, the circle should also be the people." Key to Problems Kirk noted that this viewpoint has been the key to France's prob- lem throughout its rocky political history. "France has constantly attempted to maintain a high de- gree of individual freedom and at the same time a strong central- ized form of government." Kirk pointed out examples from ancient history where centraliza- tion of power was the fate of such empires as Greece and Rome. "As these two republics expanded from their small city-state posi- tion into a position of world pow- er, centralization was an inevit- able occurence." Causes of Centralization Kirk listed five causes of cen- tralization: 1) War: "There is a natural tendency by the central govern- ment to ignore the constitution in utilizing its vast defense system." 2) Technological change: "Through technological change the nation grows closer and be- comes more unified. For example, states have found it necessary to maintain a police system because of faster communications and su- perhighways." .3) The popularity of a.manag- ed economy and the welfare state: "This was evident only a year ago the when President John F. Kennedy had popular support for his stand against the steel companies when they attempted to raise prices."' 4) Public interest group actions: "Educators fall into this category when they go to Washington for money and say they don't want any control by the federal govern- ment. But, in the long run,,the central government is forced to exercise control." JFK Tribute A group of faculty members of Central Michigan University have urged the creation of reg- ional universities as a "fitting memorial" to the late President John F. Kennedy. These institutions would be dedicated to the significance of due process of law, especially as embodied in the Bill of Rights, the professors' petition to Con- gress stated. Their proposal would have the Kennedy regional universi- ties act as a check on state con- trol of education and would be supervised by trustees appoint- ed by the President. 5) Private interest group ac- tions: "These actions include those of government workers who feel the more power their employ- ers have, the more secure their, jobs are." Perils of Power Kirk went on to point out the "perils" this country would exper- ience if such power did accumu- late in Washington. Centralization would add to the confusion in the vast bureaucracy already in Washington. "It cer- tainly would make government no more efficient or expedient than it already is," Kirk quipped. "Also, our size alone prevents us Cavers Setb To Deliver Cooley Talk Prof. David F. Cavers of Har- vard University will deliver the 1964 Thomas M. Cooley lectures Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Each of his talks in the noted lecture series will be given at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 120 Hutchins Hall. On Jan. 29 a critique panel will con- clude the lectures. Participating along with Prof. Cavers will be Professors Brainerd Currie of Duke University, Willis L. M. Reese of Columbia Univer- sity and Max Rheinstein of the University of Chicago. Prof. Cavers has been on the law faculty at Harvard since 1945. He was named associate dean in 1951, but resigned from that post in 1958 to become Fessenden Pro- fessor of Law. Earlier, he had assisted as con- sultant to the Food and Drug Ad- ministration in the initial draft- ing of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938. In addition to directing Har- vard's international legal studies program, he conducts seminars on the field of conflict of laws and atomic energy regulation. His Cooley lectures will deal with a question that has preplexed legal scholars since the 12th cen- tury: if a court must adjudicate a case arising from events involv- ing two or more states or nations, and the relevant rules of law in each of the states differ in their terms, which of the rules should the court apply? The Cooley lecture series was established'in 1947 to honor one of the first three members of the University's Law School when it was organized in 1859. By JEFFREY GOODMAN d Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz placed before a commence- ment audience here the goal that every American displaced from a job by technology be entitled to another one without reduction in earnings and with full training. Wirtz gave the keynote address at the University's mid-year grad- uation ceremonies in December. He concentrated on the assassina- tion of former President John F. Kennedy. Poses Problem "We have had to face the ques- tion of how a society that is sup- posedly the most successful eco- nomic experiment in history can have four million unemployed." Some feel that something like a Lee Oswald assassinating the President or unemployment is the fault of the individual actors alone, without any bearing on the society around them. Others might say that such acts, people or conditions reflect inherent and unchangeable char- acteristics of the whole society. Combines Both To Wirtz, however, "whatever there is of individual human fault or failure or achievement is part of a common responsibility." This, Wirtz said, was the most important lesson to be learned from the assassination. "We also saw the infinite .human capacity to meet the onslaught of a seem- ingly overbearing catastropre," got a new measure for what was im- portant in life and emerged with a larger number of people, espe- cially in Congress, insisting on facing issues on their merits. "But most of all we are faced COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS: Wirtz Scans Unemployment with the question of how much the human condition is influenced by the commonwealth of man and how much it is a matter of indi- vidual responsibility," he said. Unemployment Sources Wirtz elaborated on what he considered were the five causes of our unemployment problem: tax- es, inadequate education, poverty, racial discrimination and automa- tion. It was in answer to the prob- lems which these raised that he proposes a full-employment policy and advocated guaranteeing new jobs at equal pay to those dis- placed by technology and facing unemployment. Taxes could not be given a full coverage in his speech, Wirtz said, but he did have confidence that the brakes will be taken off eco- nomic growth, thus allowing greater use of manpower poten- tial. Education Lags Education should become this country's number one industry, he said. There used to be enough unskilled jobs available to take care of "educational failures," but while technology is rapidly chang- ing job needs, education has not made commensurate progress. Poverty, Wirtz said, is as much a cause as an effect of unemploy- ment, for it is the poor who father future generations of inadequately motivated and prepared men. Un- employment and poverty work in a vicious circle, being "inherited through the social genes of slums, inadequate education and broken families. "While the GNP grows at $30 billion a year, we still have 30 million Americanso living in fam- ilies with less than a $3000 in- come." Little Overt Bias Wirtz seemed confident that the future would see very little out- right racial discrimination in jobs when it came to two equally qual- ified men. But the real problem is in the latent discrimination patterns that will persist and ensure that minorities will not have an equal opportunity to be qualified for skilled jobs in the first place. Wirtz noted man's long-stand- ing ambivalence toward automa- tion, the fifth cause of unemploy- ment. But he said that any policy dealing with automation would have to start from the fact that it is "an inexorable development and absolutely essential to the preser- vation and elevation of the stand- ard of living of the United States." Automation Unique He tried to dispel some of the myths about automation: that it is no different from any other change in man's social evolution; that it can be stopped at any time; that the machine gives us back no more than we put into it; and that machines automatic- ally create more jobs. 1. 4' a4 head- q uarters" W. WILLARD WIRTZ ANNOUNCING: Instead of letting you new students get all nervous and excited, we thought we'd tell you right away so as to save you aggravation and unnecessary tranquilizers. STL STUDENT. ART PRINT LOAN EXHIBIT ,DENTS: January 16-1-5 P.M. January 17-1-5 P.M. January 18-9 A.M.-12 Noon ir3.-. 0 rinimirivky Y-T a y y IMT30 from ever having a centralized By STEVEN HALLER government which would be able If you see red grass and green to handle social measures in a tomatoes Gilbert B. Lee of the similar manner as that used in Kresge Medical Research Build- smaller countries such' as Den- ing's vision research laboratory I I E I E' Color Blind? Kresge Labu Wol LieToSe You i I 3rd FLOOR S.A.B. mark," Kirk pointed out. Leadership Problem "Finally, there would occur a most important problem concern- ing leadership. We have no class of rulers or administrators who would be competent enough to undertake the responsibilities of a centralized government. "And surely, the office of the President as we know it today could never handle the tasks which would be required by such centralization," Kirk noted._ has a job for you. Even if you think your color vision is as it should be, it might be worth while to drop by Rm. 3536 Kresge Bldg. for experi- ments which might reveal subtle variances in color vision you didn't know you had. Lee explains that the workers at the vision research lab are trying to locate obviously color- blind persons who fit into certain categories of vision, as well as in- between types to serve as 'miss- It's - at I Collins I ing links" between types already discovered. Deuteranomaly If you can interchange red and green-either by intent or mere patient attention-you are what Lee calls a deuteranomalous ob- server. "There are a fair num- ber of such people among men, but only one in 100 among wom- en," he explains. If you are blind to blue hues, you are "tritanomalous," another important category of color- blindness. If you see no color at all, you are a "monochromat." Lee and his associates have special experiments to obtain necessary data about all forms of color- blindness. Each test runs about three hours. Among the tests devised by the Kresge workers is one to find sharply defined limits for the nor- mal luminosity curve. Lee explains that in this experiment, a person is shown a spectrum which re- sults from shining ordinary light through a prism. A given spot of light from this spectrum is shown along with a spot of a different color, and the person tries to adjust one spot until it is equally bright as the other. "Even though the two spots are not the same color, they can be matched in brightness," Lee notes. Luminosity Data From values obtained from this data about how much energy must be expended to make one light spot as bright as the other, a luminosity curve can be de- vised. Deuteranomalous persons are given a mixture of red and green light and asked to tell which color predominates in the mix- ture. Or they may be called upon to mix red and green until the result appears yellow to the re- searcher and then asked to de- scribe the color they have pro- duced. Interested persons undergo a screening period lasting about half an hour. Those who show color vision 'defects worth pursu- ing further and who wish to un- dergo experiments are paid for their time. efforts to guide technological ad- vances in ways which Americans desire ; the individual against the machine is no longer a fair match, he said. In briefly mentioning the long- range societal goal of a new job for every man displaced by auto- mation, Wirtz noted that the ob- stacles were great. Such a policy would require sharp revisions of managerial policy and union atti- tudes, a different approach to collective bargaining, enlightened efforts in vocational and higher education and an enlarged public training program. ,(- f r 'I' w a i7;i -:~" I Texure wol sif ART EXHIBITION--This painting by George Ortman entitled "Portrait" is part of the art exhibition appearing in Alumni Memorial Hall, which demonstrates the diverse streams of modern art practiced by many young modern artists. '' Memorial Hall Features Contemporary Art Disla YT.Y 7 it. An exhibition, "Contemporary, American Paintings for Purchase Considerations; 'The New Formal- ists'", which features 24 paintings by eight artists Presently showing in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. The exhibition, which will con- tinue through Feb. 9, is the fifth showing in a series of contempor- ary art, and the works have been selected by the museum staff and art faculty members. Prof. Robert Iglehart, chairman1 of the art department, noted thatl the selection brings to the atten- tion of the University community "examples of serious current work --including that of younger men, not well represented in publica-] tions or museum collections." He added that these exhibitions also provide an opportunity for purchase consideration by the art museum and its faculty advisors. The paintings were selected by Prof. Milton Cohen of the, art de- partment. The artists represented include Jerry Okimoto, Alexander Liber- man, Conrad Marca-Relli, Ken- neth .Noland, Oli Sihvonen, Leon Polk Smith, Richard Anuszkie- wicz and George Ortman. Prof. Iglehart said that the con- temporary scene and its richness have yielded artists that share no single direction. "There are, at any moment, a number of 'movements,' and these are likely to be identified and labeled by critics and galleries rather than the artists them- selves." I, Wide Variety of Tours planned for students only SORBONNE STUDY TOUR 70 days, $1388 including England, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal DISCOVERY ADVENTURE TOUR OF EUROPE 76 days, $1295 U U ° t o0, "e NEWMAN CENTER 331 Thompson t I tB. .. .tt... Ct,.A-4 Tw..r. i..i...iww