0 ED SCHOOL WAIVERS IN ITS PHILOSOPHY See Editorial Page Y e S1ir 19au 4!Iat FLURRIES High-3o Low-18 Cloudiness, occassional snow and colder Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Order U.S.Water For Guantanamo Cuba Says Action Taken as Protest; U.S. Charges Plan To Remove Base WASHINGTON (A) - President Lyndon B. Johnson directed last night that the Guantanamo naval base be made permanently self- sufficient in water supply. A defense department spokesman said Cuban water will not be used even if it is made available. This was the main part of yesterday's United States response to Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro's action in cutting off of water supplies piped into the base from a Cuban river. In announcing the cutoff, Castro said it would continue until the release of Cubans being held in Florida on charges of fishing illegally " in that state's waters. The United Lopsided Sena tte Vote Federal Approves $11.6 Billion Tax Cut ne' K Chapter At Iowa State Seeks Waiver By MARGARET LOWE The Iowa State University chap- ter of Kappa Delta sorority has not signed that university's state- ment on discrimination because of a discriminatory ritual in the na- tional sorority, the Iowa State Daily reported recently. "Legal technicalities are keep- ing KD from obtaining a waiver to free them from a discriminatory clause," the paper said. It reported that chapter's past president, Sharon Baade, revealed that "the problem was taken care of at the sorority's national con- vention last summer." Local View Commenting on the action at Iowa State, Mary Ellen Knake, '64, president of the University chap- ter of KD said that she "went to the KD national convention last summer and was unaware that any such waiver existed" or that "any chapter had received a waiv- er." She refused to comment on the existence of a discriminatory ritual. KD was one of the five sorori- ties at the University whose mem- bership selection statements were deemed inadequate by SGC and who were asked to file new state- ments in compliance with SGC membership rules and regulations. KD filed a new statement as did the other four sororities on the deadline day. "Reluctance of the national sor- ority to submit to a student organ- ization," was the reason Miss Knake gave for KD's tardiness in filing a complete statement. Relevant There In the past discriminatory cases on other campuses involving sor- orities that have chapters at the University have led to investiga- tion and exposure of discrimina- tion here. William Burns, '65, chairman of the SGC membership commit- tee, refused to comment on the KD waiver or any KD discrimin- atory ritual saying that the com- mittee is "now investigating the statements of the five sororities" to determine their adequacy and that "possibly results will be ready in a couple of weeks." Blast Kills Five In Vietnamese Rebel Action SAIGON W -- The worst ter-' rorist blast in Saigon in more than a year killed five Vietna-, mese yesterday. Six United States servicemen were wounded, appar- entlynone of them seriously. Twenty Vietnamese were hos- pitalized. Original reports said the blast, attributed to Commun- ists, had wounded 39 persons. There was no trace of anyone who might have planted the bomb. Police speculated the bomb may have been left at the bar at- tached to a bicycle. The bombing was one of a ser- ies of attacks on American in- stallations and Vietnamese estab- lishments popular among Ameri- cans in Viet Nam aiding in a war against the Communist Viet Cong. A United States Air Force demoli- tions expert was killed while try- ing to disarm a bomb found at an- other Saigon bar last weekend. In the warfare afield five stra- tegic hamlets seized by a 500-man Communist battalion Thursday are back, battered and burned, under government control. Viet- namese troops occupied them un- States order obviously wipes out this bargaining point. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, in outlining the situation, said "Cuban broadcasts suggest a con- certed campaign against our pres- ence in Cuba." When Convenient To this Cuban President Osvalde Dorticos replied that his govern- ment will lay claim to Guantana- mo "at a time we consider con- venient" through international or- ganizations. In a broadcast from Havana monitored in Miami, Dorticos said "We never use indirect, cunning measures to obtain our purposes. When we have a purpose we state it clearly and we conquer it hero- ically." But he added that he wanted to make it clear that Cuba did not intend to use the Guantanamo tension to move on the base. In addition to the water direc- tive, Johnson ordered further economic steps against the Cuban regime, including a reduction in the flow of dollars from Cubans employed at Guantanamo. Two Sessions The White House announced after two two-hour sessions with top strategists that, following presidential order, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara is- sued these instructions: -The base is to have assured control over its water supply both by conversion of salt water to fresh water and by sending in water by ship. -Reduce the employment of the 'approximately 3000 Cuban workers on the base who are sub- ject to Cuban government con- trol and, whose wages have helped Cuba's foreign exchange some $5 million a year. The White House statement de- clared Castro broke an agreement when he cut off the water supply. It termed this "reckless and ir- responsible conduct" and added "the consequences of further provocations should be carefully weighed by all nations." Castro later modified his order to permit water to flow between 8 and 9 a.m. but as of last night, the Navy said, there had been no resumption. OAS Called' The Castro action is being called to the attention of the Organiza- tion of American States for con- sideration in connection with the pending charges against Cuba there, the statement said. Also, undersecretary of state George W. Ball called in the Brit- ish and French ambassadors to in- tensify in light of the Cuban situ- ation the United States campaign to cut down on free world trade with Cuba, White House sources said. At the United Nations, the Unit- ed States reported that the two Cuban captains arrested admitted "knowingly fishing" in United States waters. Four Cuban boats and 38 crewmen were seized off Florida Sunday. Set Further Investigation Of Smoking Prof. Maurice H. Seevers, chair- man of the pharmacology depart- ment, has been named to head a new committee of scientists inves- tigating the relationship between smoking and disease. The committee, formed by the Education and Research Founda- tion of the American Medical As- sociation, now has $10.5 million earmarked for research, of which part will be carried on at the Uni- versity. Of this $10.5 million, $10 mil- lion was offered to the foundation yesterday by six tobacco com- panies, which Prof. Seevers said "shows good intent on their part." Prof. Seevers explained that the smoking-disease correlation re- search was only one of many projects being conducted under the auspices of the AMA. "Our committee, in association with the staff of the AMA, is involved with directing the general program and making recommendations as to how expenditures might most wisely be handled," he noted. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL: jouse Retains Key Provision WASHINGTON (P)-The House defeated yesterday a determined Southern effort to strip from the civil rights bill a provision that could cut off federal aid on grounds of racial discrimination. A. strong bipartisan group kept in the bill what many civil rights supporters feel could be the most effective weapon against dis- crimination. It would permit the withholding of funds from any fed- eral program or activity in which discrimination is practiced. But tother, less drastic measures could bans Inquiry On Affiliates By MICHAEL SATTINGER The House recently voted a ban against any inquiries by the fer- eral Civil Rights Commission into membership practices or internal operations of college fraternities and sororities, fraternal organiza- tions, private clubs or religious or- ganizations. It accepted by voice vote an amendment to the pending federal civil rights bill that would keep the commission and its advisory committees out of those areas. All Agreed "Everyone agreed when the commission was formed it had no right" to such investigatory pow- ers, Rep. George Meader (R-Ann Arbor) said last night. He was one of the co-sponsors of the motion as it appeared in final form. Rep. Edwin E. Willis (D-La) had proposed the original motion, which was later amended by Meader. Meader said there was universal agreement on the intent of the motion but that there were some objections to the wording. The issue arose when the Utah advisory committee, appointed by the CRC, sent out questionnaires to fraternities and sororities ask- ing them about member practices, he said. One question, for in- stance, asked whether the organ- ization admitted Jews. Protest The questionnaire aroused pro- test in Utah, and when news of the incident got back to Congress, Rep. Emmanuel Celler (D-New York) testified before the House Rules Committee that he did not believe the CRC held such powers. By the final wording of the mo- tion, "Nothing in this or any other act shall be construed" as giving the CRC such powers. Bursley Hints At House Race Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) announced yesterday that he was considering running for the congressional :eeat of Rep. George Meader (R-Mich), also of Ann Arbor. Meader acknowledged that he had heard about Bufsley's state- ment but that he had not 3et made a decision on wnether or not to seek an eighth term. Aug. 4 is the date of the primary election. be taken first. "This is the enforcement section of the whole bill," said Rep. Ro- land V. Libonati (D-Ill). The Southerners seized on a proposal by Rep. Oren Harris (D- Ark), to replace the provision with a much milder one originally re- quested by the late President John F. Kennedy. When Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La), the majority whip, spoke in favor of it, alarm swept Republican ranks- as it appeared the House Democratic leadership might be splitting away from the Republi- cans who have been fighting with them all the way. His voice high and tight, Rep. William M. McCulloch (R-Ohio) told the House that if the Harris amendment carried, "my support of this legislation will come to an end." The Harris amendment was de- feated 206-80, with not a single Republican joining the Southern- ers, although 20-30 midwestern Republicans have been voting with them on all previous amendments. An amendment by Rep. George Meader (R-Mich) that would have strengthened the provision by making the cut-off of funds man- datory, was rejected, 125-24; and a third amendment, by Rep. Basil Whitener (D-NC) to knock the whole title out of the bill lost, 179-82. Jurors Unable To Give Verdict JACKSON, Miss. (A)-The trial of Byron de la Beckwith, a cru- sading segregationist charged with murdering a Negro civil rights leader, ended with a hung jury yesterday. Circuit Court Judge Leon F. Hendrick declared the surprise mistrial after polling the jurors individually as to whether they thought there was any chance of a verdict. The emphatic replies ranged from "not a- chance" to "not if we stay there a week." The all-white jury had deliberated about 11 hours. Hardy Lott of Greenwood, chief defense attorney, said Beckwith told him, "~let's get another trial as soon as possible." Lott said he would file a motion "within two or three days" that Beckwith be freed on bond pend- ing retrial. The date for the new trial will be set March 23, he added. The mistrial astonished many of this segregation stronghold. There had been frequent predictions of. quick acquittal due to the touchy racial aspects of the case. PROF. MAURICE H. SEEVERS He added that he and other members of the committee would still be involved in research for the most part. "No final decision has yet been reached as to how the University will fit into the program, but probably most of the work done will be handled by aca- demic institutions," he said. "Certain areas, such as respir- atory diseases and cardiovascular problems, have received much less attention than cancer, and cur- rently there is more money avail- able for research in the latter field. "This suggests that these areas are now more likely to be inves- tigated than cancer, although we wouldn't exclude any area of re- search from consideration," Prof. Seevers said. He added that research conduct- ed here would most likely empha- size the pharmacological view and concentrate on studies of the role See SET, Page 2 HALE BOGGS BRITAIN: Expect Plan For Cyprus WASHINGTON (A) - New United States-British proposals aimed at creating a peace-keeping force on Cyprus are expected to be submitted to President Makarios during the coming weekend. This is expected despite Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's objections, authoritative sources reported last night. Khrushchev, in messages to Western leaders, warned against the consequences of what he called an "armed invasion" of Cyprus. He branded such plans as attempts "to put this small neutral state under the miiltary control of NATO." No Surprise Khrushchev's reaction was not unexpected. The message arrived in Washington while the adminis- tration was preoccupied with the new dispute with Cuba. There- fore, officials indicated there will be no immediate comment on the Russian's message. A spokesman of the British for- eign office, on the other hand, im- mediately termed the Khrushchev note a "gross misrepresentation of the situation," and some United States officials said, privately, that they had no quarrel with this label. The new United States-British proposal, specialists explained, will seek a formula that would satisfy Makarios, whose wish is that the international force to be sent to his country should be responsible to the United Nations Security Council. 10,000 Men The new draft is understood to suggest an international peace- keeping force of about 10,000 men, .including 2000 from the United States, and composed of troops from Atlantic Alliance countries. x Life to leave the whole contraceptive question to fate?" Don't Be Ostentatious According to Miss Greene's find- ings, "ostentatious display of vir- ginity is strictly uncool" among today's crop of coeds. She notes further that sex on campus "reflects all the factors contributing to teenage marriage." Among these are ego defiiciencies, constant sexual stimulation and "the idea of love as an instant medium for gender identification and release from the tensions of home." 1Thrnnvh the connstant stimula- Measure Overcomes Last Major Obstacle 77-21 Vote Follows Week of Debate Johnson Wins on All Major Points WASHINGTON () - The Senate passed yesterday the long- awaited $11.6-billion tax cut bill-the biggest in the nation's history. It is expected to put more money into the hands of just about every individual taxpayer and business soon. The roll call vote was 77 to 21. The lopsided vote came after seven days of floor debate, with most of the sessions running to late night hours. The administration was victorious on every keys issue-by just three votes on the three biggest ones-and won just R elf Ul about e v e r y minor skirmish handily. P a s " The Senate, mostly going along with its Finance Committee's rec- ommendations, made several ma- jor changes and a batch of minor or technical ones-about 150 in all-from the $11.1-billion tax cut version passed by the House last PARIS 0) France lastnight Sept. 25. A conference committee pr()-ranceasnit of Senate and House members wasreode tand freaRed ina to will seek to compromise the dif- break with the Chinese Nationalt ferences, but yesterday's action withothemCinesa eliminated the last major hurdle ist government on Formosa. to the tax cut. The usually well-informed news- paper Le Monde reported a Paris Johnson Pressed break with the Nationalists of President Lyndon B. Johnson Chiang Kai-shek is the price for has been pressing for early final carrying out a French agreement action. It was decided to start the with Peking to establish diplo- compromise task next Monday, a matic relations. week earlier than originally ex- Le Monde said Paris would pected. ' make the first -move but gave no But the conferees plan to meet date for the anticipated step. ily on Monday and Tuesday be- The Peking-Paris agreement ause Republicans will be absent announced Jan. 27 has yet to be the iest of next week for the an- tal Lincoln Day rallies put into effect. Neither Paris nor Peking has named its respective 'I he conerees expected to begin charge d'affaires to spearhead the vi tr.g Feb. 17 on their compro- diplomatic missions. mise lhese, when completed, will InmeffctmiPekins have to be put to Senate and In effect, Peking has been hold- iiouse votes but this is expected to ing up the deal until the Formosa He oerfunctotiy. regime loses its diplomatic mis- It's expected that the bill will sion in Paris. France had expected be wrapped up for Johnson's sig- Taipei to break relations, but now nature in time for the take-home seems resigned to taking the in- pay of workers to be fattened itiative for a break. starting next month. The present French officials denied they had 18 per cent withholding rate is ex- ever thought of launching a two- pected to be cut to 14 per cent Chinas policy, and said France effective then. now considers Peking as the gov- Almost 20 Per Cent ernment of China. However, they apparently had hoped to continue This big tax overhaul is ex- relations with Formosa, one way pected to mean an average cut of or another. almost 20 per cent inthe taxybill Le Monde said France "had def- of almost all individual taxpayers. initely decided to recognize only Johnson and his fiscal experts areon Cha-eCiaofM counting on the taxpayers to use TzeeCing-theh ofao this as new purchasing power to Tup-tung-but still hoped to avoid push the total national output of supportm g Peking's claims t $30 billion over the next two years. Formosa The administration is confident this will have a short-run effect ;t-f r-w-<-x.. of preventing any business slump in this election year. But they also say it should make a start toward solving two long-run problems- an unsatisfactory national growth rate and an unemployment level that has moved stubbornly around .. 5%/2 per cent. In the closing debate, many Re- publicans said they seriously doubt that the bill will be any economic panacea. And some Democrats said this is a poor time to cut taxes. Retain Excise Taxes The Senate, in its week of vot- ing, balkedat efforts to write into the bill repeal of excise taxes on such things as jewelry, handbags, cosmetics, furs, theater tickets, cabarets and roof gardens, pens and mechanical pencils, and re- built auto parts. Also turned down were efforts to give a bigger tax break to par- PO AODMLVNO ents with children in college, working students, the blind, low- income families and unmarriedT' taxpayers over 35. Rejected too. ransportatol was the perennial effort to cut the 271/2 per cent oil and gas de- pletion allowance. Study neaded Approved by the Senate yes- terday were these amendments: By Levinson Amendments 1 -Voice vote, by Sen. John Prof.Haod M.Lenso f Sparkman (D-Ala), to allow total- the economics department has ly disabled persons to deduct from beenoie dectrtof a their income bae pto$0 en appointed director of a join thei inometaxes up to $600 a study with Wayne State Univer- year of their costs of necessary sity on the problems of automa- transportation wnen they are un- tion as they affect labor in the able to transport themselves. American transportation indus- -Voice vote, by Sen. John Jt . iim-1m.,. r +s.i try, it was announced yesterday. .. u }1 x^ } ,, ,, ,' ' a' t r> t fir,', " a 'NO FORTRESS OF CHASTITY': New Book Explores Campus Se By STEVEN HALLER j "The University of Michigan, when I was a student sheltered in the maternalistic arms of Stock- well Hall, was not exactly a fort- ress of chastity, but it liked to present that image to the world, especially to the rural-dominated State Legislature at appropriation time; and the Michigan coed her- self played along," former Univer- sity student Gael Greene, '57, re- calls. In her newly-published compila- tion of the sexual experiences of college students across the coun- trv. "Sex and +he n1oa Girl." ful answers to the sexual di- lemma." Coed's-Eye View In the course of searching out just such 'answers, Miss Greene interviewed 640 students from 102 colleges from coast to coast. But she notes that the book should not be taken as a statistical analysis; realizing the problems inherent in attacking such a problem with rig- orous scientific procedures, Miss Greene has come up instead with what -she terms "a journalistic re- port on love and sex as the college girl sees it." Shp nnto.Q;.foreamnle. that "a I t h.: iY 1yry7 " V> '1'; :>>: " r, >;