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February 07, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-07

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Rea Surrenders to Court,



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Still Claims Law

To Stand
Federal Court
M.' To Pass Rule
On Powers
Clings to Authority
To Close Schools
TUSKEGEE (IP) -- Alabama's,
newest school integration dispute
took an abrupt turn yesterday as
Mayor James Rea of Notasulga
conceded that he would bow to

*Cypriots Overrun
Village in Turkey
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)-Greek Cypriot police overran and burned
a Turkish village near Nicosia yesterday in the worst outbreak of
violence since the bloody clashes last December.
At least seven Turks and four Greeks were killed in the fight-
ing at Ayios Sozomenos, 10 miles south of Nicosia, the reports from
the scene said.
The attack came after Turkish Cypriots ambushed a party of
Greek Cyrpiots near the village of Athienou, killing two and wound-
ing three. British troops, tryingCs
'tkepthe lid on the communal. 1
Lighting, were rushed to the area Chinese Denv

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RACIAL DISPUTE-Commercial photographer Vernon Merritt III lies on the ground after being
dragged from a school bus bringing six Negro pupils to a white high school in the city. Mayor
James Rea of Nostaluga, who had ordered the blocking of the Negro pupils' enrollment in the
school, said yesterday that he would bow to a federal court ruling expected today. It is predicted
that the court will enjoin him from interferring further with the enrollment of the Negro pupils.
He claims, however, that a local ordinance can be used to prevent the students from enrolling be-
cause the school is allegedly overcrowded.
Ne Racial Troubles Threaten South

.f,_ _ _ __ _ _ i

Even as Congress debates the
civil rights bill, a new round of
race troubles is threatening the
South, the Wall Street Journal re-
ported yesterday.
Southern Negro leaders are
meeting this week to complete
plans for a renewal of the demon-
strations which kept Dixie in a
turmoil last summer.
Quick passage of the civil rights
bill isn't likely to head off the dis-
turbances, either, though it may
bring about a shift in targets. If
the controversial public accommo-
datioris proposal goes through as
expected, for example, it would
simply enable Negroes to turn
their attention more to the equal-
ly thorny issues of discrimination
in voting, jobs and housing.
Unkept Promises
Behind the new push is growing
Negro resentment over what they
see as unkept promises from
whites on desegregation. Negro
leaders charge that not only have
many Southern communities failed
to carry out pledges to help wipe
out discrimination, but in some
instances segregation practices
which had been dropped have.been
reinstated lately. "We have con-
cluded that we progress only by
crisis," Rev. Kelly Miller Smith,
a Nashville Negro leader recently
Any revival of racial disturb-
ances this year isn't likely to be
limited to such segregated spots as
Birm'ngham, Baton Rouge and
Jackson, Miss. As the current
demonstrations in Atlanta indi-
cate, "model" Southern cities in
Seek To Lower
Tobacco Harm
WASHINGTON (P) -- A pro-
posed crash program of research
to remove health hazards from,
smoking won unanimous approval
yesterday from the House Agricul-
ture. Committee.
The full committee recommend-
ed authorization of the multimil-
lion dollar research program a day
after its tobacco subcommittee
had approved the measure. 'The
plan will include authority to set
up laboratories and field stations
to look into health factors of

race relations, including, Dallas,
Memphis and Nashville - which
has been called a "hotbed of inte-
gration" by the (white) Citizens
Councils of America, - may be in
for trouble, too.
And there's evidence the pro-
tests won't be confined to the
South. Civil rights leaders ex-
pect them to spread to the North
just as they did last year. "We're
stepping up our drive on all
fronts," Val Coleman, an official
of the Congress of Racial Equal-
ity (CORE) in New York, said,
See Truce
In Cleveland
CLEVELAND (-) - The public
school integration dispute that
just one week ago brought Cleve-
land to the brink of a race riot
has been negotiated past a crisis
stage to an uneasy truce.
The United Freedom Movement
(tTFM) won an immediate objec-
tive and discontinued demonstra-
tions begun nine days ago. School
boycotts slated for yesterday and
today have been cancelled.
There was a hope Negro leaders
would shelve the school issue tem-
porarily and pursue other an-
nounced programs-getting Negro
voters to register and renewing
rent strikes which last month won
some concessions from slum land-
But almost no one believes the
school issue will be on the shelf
for long.
Harold B. William, a UFM lead-
er, summed up that group's views
to an applauding rally audience
of 2,500 at a Negro-district church
last night when the truce plan was
"The battle is not over. The vic-
tory has not been won. We're just
The immediate objective at-
tained was a promise of complete
integratior now of 830 Negro pu-
pils. They have been transported
daily for two years from over-
crowded Hazeldell Elementary
School to three nearby public
schools with predominantly white

and that includes our whole
Northern push on housing, unem-
ployment, education and voter
registration." He cited Monday's
one-day boycott of schools in New
York City as an example of what
can be expected.
To Start Again
But current Negro efforts are
concentrated primarily in the
South and Negro leaders generally
feel there's no time like now to
get the demonstrations under way.
"This is the month we start
again," Rev. Arthur Jelks, presi-
dent of the Baton Rouge chapter
of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People,
noted. "The intensity of the dem-
onstrations will be so powerful
that people are going to talk about
1964, not 1963, as the year the
Negro fought for his rights," Rev.
Jelks claimed.
Similar words are heard else-
where. In Memphis, where Negroes
last Saturday checked 50 restau-
rants and found only 14 that
would serve them, Negro leaders
met yesterday to go "right into
a program of direct action-prob-
ably sit-in demonstrations" by
S a t u r d a y afternoon, Maxine
(Continued on Page 8)

federal court authorities.
Rea, who Tuesday barred six
Negroes from a white school, said
he would abide by whatever ruling
is reached at a court hearing Fri-.
This does not mean, however,
that Notasulga High School ac-
tually will be integrated because
Rea previously said he has auth-
ority to close the school under a
city ordinance.
Alert Army Unit
Although the town was quiet
yesterday, units of Army Infantry
were on alert at Ft. Benning, Ga.,
for possible use if violence erupts.
Rea had told the Negroes they
couldn't enter the high school be-
cause there were a capacity num-
ber of students already attending.
After Rea's refusal to permit
Negroes to enter the school, U. S.
District Judge Frank M. Johnson
Jr. directed Rea to appear Friday
in Federal Court at Opelika to
show cause why he should not be
placed under an injunction barring
further interference with the stu-
dents enrolling.
Won't Defy Order
After he was served with a sum-
mons, Rea told newsmen he would
not defy a court order.
"I wouldn't think about defying
a court crder," he said. "If Judge
Johnson issues an order, I'll cer-
tainly abide by it."
Rea said he believed peace and
order could be maintained even
if the school is integrated. How-
ever, the mayor said he was con-
fident the court would uphold a
recently adopted city ordinance
under which Rea barred the Ne-
The ordinance prohibits filling
a public building above the capa-
city determined to be safe by the
fire safety director-who is Rea
himself. He turned away the Ne-
groes after telling them the school
would be violating the ordinance
if they were admitted.

to try to restore order.
The fighting followed a battle
Tuesday and Wednesday between
the feuding Cypriots in the west
coast town of Paphos in which
at least two Greek Cypriots and
one Turkish Cypriot were killed.
British troops, who are try-
ing to keep the peace while dip-
lomats work out a settlement in
London, were patrolling Paphos.
Greek Cypriot sources said Greek
and Turkish Cypriot leaders in
Paphos had agreed to a cease-fire.
Three wounded Greek Cypriots,
who brought the bodies of their
two dead compatriots to Nicosia
Hospital, claimed they had been
ambushed by Turkish Cypriots
near the village.
Americans remaining on the
troubled island were put on special
alert. All were warned to stay in-
Plan To Hit
Court Limits
LANSING (1) - Two Democrat-
ic senators yesterday planned to
attack constitutional provisions
limiting Michigan's new Court of
Appeals to three districts.
Sens. William Ford. (D-Taylor),
and Raymond Dzendzel (D-De-
troit), signed a resolution which
would revise the distriet.ng and
election language in the Constitu-
tion's section calling for the ap-
peals court.
The resolution would strike a
requirement that the district
boundaries follow county lines and
that the districts be as equal as
possible in population
It would insert a provision that
the nine appeals jtages be elected
at large, as are state Supreme
Court justices.
The State Supreme Court, by
means of direct letter to the legis-
lature, has held that any plan
other than a thvee-district court
would be unconstitutional.
A resolution asking that a pro-
posrd amendment oye put on the
November ballot was flied with the
Senate Secretary Wednesday for
introduction today, bearing the
names of Ford and -z'ndzel.
Dzendzel is Democratic le ider in
the Penate.

/ _ / 1t1.

Thompsonviile, Michigan
Phone Copemish FR 82000

Embassy Move
PARIS MP) - The Nationalist
Chinese Embassy denied yesterday
that it had transferred ownership
of its Embassy building in Paris.
An embassy spokesman Tuesday
confirmed that the title to the
building had been shifted to the
Chinese delegation to UNESCO.


Say goodbye to shields and under.
arm perspiration problems. Dis-
cover this new antiperspirant
made by the 53-year-old Ever-Dry
company. Lotion soft, easy to use,
and gentle to underarms; Super-
Dry Anti-Perspirant is only $3, plus
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Cosmetic Department
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even under the most demanding circumstances
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Read and Use Daily Classified Ads





Boost Peace Corps Funds
By The Associated Press

Foreign Affairs Committee ap-
proved 21-3 yesterday a bill auth-
orizing $115 million for Peace
Corps operations in the next fiscal
year. The authorization is $13
millionmore than the budget for
the present fiscal year. Sargent
Shrivcr, Director of the Peace
Corps, has said the increase is
needed to boost the number of
Peace Corps volunteers to 14,000
by August 1965.; There now are
10,500 volunteers in the Corps.
LONDON-The Church of Eng-
land, taking its first public stand
on nuclear weapons, denounced
atomic warfare yesterday and
urged Britain to give up its nu-
clear deterrent.

ment" if they are not changed.
Republican Sen. Jacob K. Javits
(New York) agreed with Hum-
phrey on the need for congression-
al reform and said the major
stumbling blocks are the Rules
Committee in the House and the
filibuster in the Senate.
* * *
NE WYORK - President Lyn-
don B. Johnson announced last
night plans for American cooper-

abion with Israel in a search for
ways to turn salt water into fresh
water through the use of nuclear
NEW YORK-Stocks yesterday
showed signs of rallying during
the day but ended mixed. Final
Dow-Jones averages were 65 com-
bined stocks up .33, 30 industrials
down .26, 20 rails up 1.09, and 15
utilities, no change.

_ r'

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An Engineering
Interviews will be held
on February 12, 1964
on the campus. See your
placement office now




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