PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PR.' nAV- VVRRITARV 114JU y ^ va.a vaaavcaf v aaa .w. - ___ A AIA 1, rA.A A nA n~taI i *, .VMS I UNION PHYSICAL PLANT: Consider Modernization Plans College Roundup INDUSTRIAL HIRING: I Odiorne Cites Pro-NegroBias By JOHN BRYANT The Union is presently consid- ering numerous programs to re- model and modernize its facilities, but plans no major alterations or additions to its physical plant in the near future. According to ",Union President Raymond Rusnak, '64, the idea of a large conference facility con- nected with the Union, as pro-, posed by the Union-League study committee, is currently "in limbo.". "The Union is still interested in the idea but does not have the fi- nancial resources to construct such a center. "There is not much we can do until the University decides it wants one," Rusnak commented. Pool Area Another possibility for a major alteration is the Union swimming pool area. The Union has ap- proached the architecture and de- sign school on the possibility of making a study, either as a class project or a prize competition, of the alternative uses of the pool area. A Union study of two years ago suggested turning the area into an eating area for those with bag lunches. Currently, the Union cafeteria. is the only facility on campus where bag lunches may be eaten. However, according to Rusnak, the area is too. valuable for use as a bag lunch facility alone. "The union's present policey Is to operate the pool until a substantial outlay is required to keep it open." Study Pool Use Rusnak added that a study is currently being made of pool use. "Approximately 100 men per day use the facility. However, this study will give us more detailed information as to what segments of the campus make use of the pool and at what times." In maintaining present facili- ties, the Union is remodeling and refurnishing 30 rooms in the new- er wing. It intends to remodel one "bank" of 30 rooms each year. In addition, television sets are being installed in each room. Some older rooms on the fourth floor presently house the offices of the University. Sesquicentennial Committee. Other rooms on this floor continue to be operated as guest rooms. Not Guest Rooms The facilities report of two years ago termed the fourth-floor rooms "not suitable" for use as guest rooms. However, according to Rus- nak, they are kept operating be- HAMILTON, N.Y.-Colgate Uni- versity will implement, effective next fall, a distinctive program which involves radical changes from traditional approaches to un- dergraduate education, according} to a recent announcement by President Vincent M. Burnett, Jr. In essence, under the new Col- gate Plan of Education, regular semesters will be reduced in length from 16 to 14 weeks, students will typically enroll for four courses rather than five, and a special four-week study period will be added to the academic year. According to Dean of Faculty James A. Storing, students will be able to give more time to each course and will thus become in- volved in an in-depth learning experience. Unique Study Period UNION POOL-The Union pool is one of several Union facilities being considered for remodeling or modernization. While one proposal would turn the pool space into an area in which stu- dents could eat bag lunches, Union President Raymond Rusnak claims that the pool area is too valuable for this purpose. A study is under way to determine what segments of the campus presently make use of the pool and at what times of the day. cause there is a constant demand for rooms with low rates. The rooms have connecting baths. Union hotel business has not suffered appreciably due to the in- flux of new motels to the Ann Ar- bor area, Rusnak said, since many conferences are being attracted to the new facilities. "Due to the tremendous increase in the number of such conferences, our volume has actually gone up in the past several years." Provide Service He added, though, that any at- tempt by the Union to lure con- ferences is tempered by its basic commitment to provide services to its members. "We obviously would not book a convention for the weekendof the Michigan-Michigan State football game," he said. "In fact, only life members are allowed to make res- ervations before the week preced- ing football games." Other alterations under consid- eration include new lighting and Resmer PlansResignation; SGC Appoints Committees, Elaine Resmer, '64, Student Government Council member, an- nounced at Wednesday's meeting that she will resign her seat as of March 6, so that. SGC can have a full body next fall. In other action taken at the meeting, motions were passed to approve appointments to two com- mittees and to extend terms for present committee members. Tony Chiu, '66, Steve Doman, '65E and Judy Mork, '65, were ap- pointed to the Committee on Stu- dent Concerns. Nancy Freitag, '64, Cowley Notes HRC Position, (Continued from Page 1) "And second, it fills a need for effective community action to bring about legislation and edu- cation." Cowley said it was within the civil rights groups' prerogative to bring a case to the HRC or to the eyes of the public through its own methods, When asked if he expected to have any difficulty dealing with civi! rights groups consisting of students and other persons con- nected with the University, Cow- ley replied. "Hopefully, we will make con- siderable progress by dealing with enlightened groups." Commenting on the foreign stu- dent population in Ann Arbor, and the problems which sometimes arise concerning discrimination in housing, Cowley said that he work- ed with similar complaints in De- troit dealing with foreign students and visitors. "Even though these complaints have significance overseas we work toward the basic problems which cause discrimination. Spe- cial consideration to foreign per- sons can damage relations with the established community, if the problems are not carefully han- dled," Cowley concluded. was appointed to the University Committee on Student Counselling Services. Their terms will expire at spring appointments. The terms for SGC committees, other than Student Concerns, were extended until after spring inter- viewing, which will be held follow- ing spring vacation. New one year term appointments will be made at that time. Two committees to interview, students petitioning for SGC com- mittee positions were approved. They will be appointed one week after SGC elections and hold a one semester term. The executive committee, one ex-officio member and one elected member will interview petitioners for the Ad Hoc Committee and Committee on Membership, and for Council vacancies when neces- sary. The administrative vice-presi- dent and three Council members were appointed to interview for all other SGC committees and re- lated boards. In another new move, two mem- bers of the Student Relations Committee of the Senate and the president and vice-president of the Graduate Student Council will be permitted to attend interviews for the Committee on University Affairs. Also at the meeting Fred Rhines, '64, and Scott Crooks, '65, were ap- pointed to organize a course de- scription booklet. In other action, Council ap-, proved the 1964 revision of thee Panhellenic constitution, moved to hold its Feb. 19 meeting in South Quadrangle and appointed the Michigan Union as co-NSA travel director along with the present campus travel director. The decision to hold the meet- ing at South Quadrangle was made in accordance with an SGC motion last semester stipulating that at least one Council meeting each semester be held outside the regu- lar SGC quarters in SAB. The first such meeting was conducted in Markley Hall in November. heating coils for the north en- trance of the building and con- struction of a dining room for ad- ministrative officers of the Uni- versity. Across CainpusI The following people have reg- istered as candidates for the spring SGC election: Sherry Mil- ler, '65, executive vice-president; Steve Berkowitz, '65; Barry Blue- stone, '66. Tony Chiu, '66; Gary Cunningham, '66 (incumbent).; Ronald Gottshalk, '65 and Richard Shortt, '66. Frosh Friday... The Frosh Friday Central Com-) mittee recently announced the following members: Phyllis Ad- duci, '67, and Douglas MacCar- thy, '67, general chairmen; Nancy Grossman, '66 and John Shoemak- er, '67, contests; Cheryl Griffin, '64 and Michael Jochim, '67, dec- orations; Carolyn Teich, '67 and Chip Elglass, '66, finance and tickets; :icki Dolgin, '66 and Su- san Rosenbaum, '67, floorshow; Susan Powell, '67 and Michael Levy, '67, productions; Nancy Hol- leb, '66 and Bill Johnson, '66E, programs; Frankie Hutton, '66 and Bruce Larva, '67, publicity and Carol Fishman, '65, secretary. Student Teachers... The School of Education is presently accepting applications for its student teacher program at the Universities of Sheffield and Keele in England. Fifteen University students will have an opportunity to spend the fall semester at one of these two schools as student teachers. Students applying now will leave for England in August. Folk Music... The International Students As- sociation w i ll present Keith Shackleton leading an evening of Canadian folk music at 7:30 p.m. today in the International Center. Contemporary Music... The University Symphony Or- chestra, Prof. Josef Blatt of the music school conducting, will per- form in the fifth concert of the Contemporary Music Festival at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Aud. DIAL 8-6416 STARTING TODAY "A MOST DISTINGUISHED FILMI" -Now York Tim.r "FIRST-RA TEI DISTINGUISHED, ENGROSSING!" ~-.Holad Tribune "A CINEMA ACHIEVEMENTI MAGNIFICENT" -World T.I. rm ISur The most radical change intro- duced by the new 4-1 approach will be the addition of the January Special Studies Period. Prof. Robert V. Smith, chairman of the special sub-committee whichdraft- ed this four-week session, said "this period will encourage the student to really go out on his own, get 'inside' a subject, and discover the excitement of in- dependent scholarship. We hope it will result in an awakening that will last a lifetime." Grades will be unimportant dur- ing the Special Studies Period in January. Students will be en- couraged to undertake a field that they might otherwise avoid be- cause they are afraid of getting poor marks. Study will be evaluat- ed and criticized andstudents will be expected to measure up to high standards but the em- phasis will be on 'learning' rather than grade-point averages. Students will be able to elect topics of study from a panel of more than 100 projects proposed by members of the faculty. Moreover, students will be able to decide how they want to ap- proach this special study period: work in small groups, engage in creative projects, participate in off-campus study programs, or develop special laboratory research projects. If a student wishes, he may develop a special project of his own and seek out a faculty member who will advise him. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - The University of Chattanooga's facul- ty has decided to keep the uni- versity's honor system in effect. The move is contrary to student opinion expressed in last year's referendum. Prof. Herschel Sellers. chairman of the Faculty Honors Commit- tee, explained that the commit- tee's decision to continue the honor system was based on linm- ited student participation in last year's referendum and the pres- ent aggressive Honors Council leadership, which should strength- en the system. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-The Com- mittee on Educational Policy of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences is questioning the value of the three-hour final examina- tion. One view is that present exam- inations are harmful to the stu- dent's education. Prof. Paul H. Buck of the history department remarked, "It is quite possible that the examining proces is to- day carried to excess." Several professors, however, see their examinations as being vital to the. educational process. Har- vard Dean Franklin L. Ford feels that the final examination per- mits a student "to start thinking and talking about what he has been studying.'' thProf. George W. Goethats of the social relations department, said that ". . . a final examina- tion is both aproper conclusion Ito a course and a step forward into new ways of thinking." ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Recognition will soon be denied to any Wash- ington University organization which practices discrimination in the selection of members, Chan- cellor Thomas H. Eliot said re- cently. "I am aware that we can't legis- late personal preference, but per- haps the fact that this freedom of association is clearly univer- sity policy may make religious or racial prejudice unpopular. When we come to the university com- munity, we enter a new dimension. The student must grow into this new dimension," Eliot noted. Panhel ToAct On Infractions Honor code violations occurring during the recent rush period and brought to the attention of Pan- hellenic Association now that rush is over will still be acted upon, Marcia Marcotte, '64, Panhel chairman of rushing counselors, told the Panhel Presidents' Coun- cil yesterday. "Any violators who are reported from now until the beginning of the next rush period will still be punished," Miss Marcotte said. Although there are no fixed penalties for violations, possible actions are restriction of social functions or reduction of the pledge quota of the guilty house, she added. "We are looking- 'out for. the spirit of the honor code, not the actual rules, which most everyone abides by," she said. PROF. GEORGE S. ODIORNE SMOKING: 'U' to Wait On .Policy Despite a recent federal report linking cigarette smoking to five types of cancer, "no all-University action will be taken at this time, either educational or preventive," Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said yesterday. Lewis emphasized that Univer- sity administrators with whom he recently discussed the issue, agreed that it would not be wise to apply such "piecemeal" tactics as ban- ning cigarette machines on cam- pus. He pointed out that the smo.-I ing question was currently being intensively studied by the State Department of Health as well as by various federal agencies. .'We want to wait and see what their recommendations are before we launch into any program of action here. "Within the next two or three weeks, I will be discussing the matter with several competent people in areas of medicine and public health. That's as far as we're going now," Lewis said. He added that the recent move by the executive faculty of the Medical School to remove cigarette vending machines from all medical school buildings affected only that unit. In a similar vein, "PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE" signs have suddenly appeared on blackboards all over campus, undoubtedly as a result of the smoking report, Lewis. said STUDENTS and FACULTY Dial 662-8871 for Cinema qidl Program Informationm Il By ALAN Z. SHULMAN When large companies recruit employees to fill technicalrposi- tions, they frequently almost dis- criminate for Negroes rather than against them, George S. Odiorne, director of the Industrial Relations Bureau, said yesterday. "Businesses are accomn odating themselves to the idea of equal employment, and in fact they oft- en lean the other way," he said.- "In the )ast, discrimination was widespread. Today, business is .%a liberal force in civil rights. Busi- ness firms are actively seeking Ne- groes for managerial positions." Unwelcome However, the University's Bu- reau of Appointments does not welcome companies to use the Uni- versity's facilities if they specific- ally request Negro applicants or if they indicate that they will not accept them, Evart W. Ardis, di- rector of the Bureau, said. 'When we receive a request of this type, we tell the company that we keep neither photographs nor records of race or religion in our files and that we are unable to help them. In addition, I would write to the head of a company, whose recruiter was engaged in discriminatory recruiting practices and indicate the Bureau's disap- proval," Ardis commented. Citing the need to increase the number of opportunities in busi- ness open to Negroes, Odiorne claimed that thee business com- munity hasn't succeeded in mak- ing business an attractive career. Need Public Relations "Businesses haven't gotten the story of their liberalized recruiting practices to the Negro community, and the Negro cannot get this in- ".. we, the wayfare rs . . FRIDAY, FEB. 7 8 P.M. ZINDELL OLDSMOBI LE Complete body shop service Ann Arbor, NO 3-0507 formation from his family or .in his neighborhood," he noted. "Negroes are more apt to go into professions than into corporations. "There are two steps a business can take to encourage qualified Negro students to pursue business careers," Odiorne said. "First, to get Negroes to study accounting or computer programming, these companies will have to put up scholarship money. "Second, businesses will have to show that they promote Negroes with ability, rather .than just hir- ing them to sit out in the front office," he concluded. Announce Picket Of Meader Home A 12 noon to 2 p.m. picket of Rep. George Meader's (R-Mich) home in Ann Arbor was announced by Ann Arbor Area air Hous- ing Association-Congress on Ra- Icial Equality yesterday tro protest Meader's efforts to weaken the civil rights bill. Third Annual--IFC-Vulcans 500 E. William, Apt. 3 DISCUSSION BAHA' I STUDENT GROUP SOUNDS fo teSUMMIT Saturday, Feb. 15-8:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium Ticket prices: $2.00, 1.50, 1.00 I DIALA 2-6264 * ENDING SATURDAY Shows Startat 1:00-3:35-6:20 & 9:00 Feature Starts 10 Minutes Later a Block Tickets, February 5-7 General Tickets, February 10-15 Featuring: FRIARS-University of Michigan N IGHTOWLS-Vassar College SHERWOODS-Cornell SPIZWINKS-Yale JABBERWOCKS-Brown University HELD OVER AGAIN UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIUS . . . . ... "Charade" is a RID \ MYSTERY inside yourself a fa, CaryG rant A ..........::. A 3RD SMASH WEEK DLE wrap an ENiGM or-SEE I icireyI ..-..-.... DIAL ped in a 5-6290 IA. Do ET: Hepburn . Shows at 1, 3,5, 7, 9 p.m. w"p ' Castarrn5 ELKE SOMMERta (1 ruNe Ds try ED WA RD,0ILROBI ISUNDAY C: The bi best becomes a sizzling Scree, thileri I "GREA TI" N'w York Po' as DrSt.atmaw INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION -MICHIGAN UNION Present WINNER- NEW YORK FILM CRITICS' i A................ ~ A~~rtlflA"~. ~d