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February 05, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-05

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Partly cloudy
through tonight

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


State Court Gets
Brown Proposals
Reapportionment Scheme Identical
To One Examined by Commission
Democrat Ivan Brown of Iron Mountain submitted his plan for
reapportioning legislative districts to the Supreme Court yesterday.
Brown, a member of the State Apportionment Commission, is the
first to submit a plan since the commission decided on Saturday that
it could not agree on redistricting the state. Since the commission
could not reach a majority, the apportionment decision is now up
to the high court.
Brown said that the plan is the same one he presented before
the commission, and is one which favors "maintaining existing dis-

LSA Confirms
To View Colleg

e Direction



Cut Benefit
for Students
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Senate, in
an extremly close 48-45 roll call
vote, turned down yesterday an
effort to grant special income tax
deductions to parents who are
paying college tuition for their
Last night, the administration
won another big victory when a
Republican effort to strip repeal
of the four per cent credit on stock
dividend income from the $11.6
billion tax cut bill lost on a 47-44
The tuition measure was only
Sdefeated due to the strong opposi-
tion of President Lyndon B. John-
s6n, as normally liberal Demo-
cratic senators switched their
votes to support the administra-
Roll Call
The suspenseful roll call was
tied 44-44 at one point and again
at 45-45. The "no" votes against
the proposal cast in the last min-
ute included three of its co-spon-
sors - Senators Hubert H. Hum-
phrey, Robert C. Byrd (D-W Va)
and Frank E. Moss (D-Utah).
The final tally showed 26 Re-
publicans and 19 Democrats fav-
oring the proposal. They were out-
weighed by 43 Democrats and 5
After defeating that proposal by
Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-
Conn), the Senate also rejected
with a 47-47 tie vote a proposal
by Senator Winston L. Prouty (R-
Vt) to allow tax deductions for
working students.
Prouty Plan
An undergraduate under
Prouty's proposal would be allow-
ed up to $1200 a year on his go-
to-college earnings, a graduate
student $1500. Prouty estimated
this would mean a tax loss of $55
million a year.
Democratic leaders stressed they
would give priority to a bill to
furnish scholarship- and loan aid
to college students. Senator Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), chairman of the
education subcommittee, promised
to conduct hearings on such legis-
The spirited debate on Ribicoff's
proposal centered on whether the
people who need such aid would be
helped-or whether it would pro-
vide a bonanza for the wealthy.
Several opponents questioned
whether the tax bill is the proper
vehicle for helping youngsters get
through college.
Prayer Effort
Lacks Support
LANSING-A down-to-the-wire
battle for votes on whether pray-

4tricts insofar as possible." He said
that he also likes a plan which is
to be offered soon by commission-
ers Richard Austin of Detroit and
A. Robert Kleiner of East Grand
Rapids, who are also Democrats.
Agrees With Formula
The plan submitted by Brown
would comply with the 80-20 for-
mula, set up in the Constitution,
to be used as the basis for reap-
portionment. Brown said that the
Supreme Court would decide
which of the apportionment plans
most closely fits the Constitution's
requirements, rather than draw up
its own plan.
He added that "the fact that I
submitted this plan shows that I
think it's the best possible plan,
but I wouldn't want to second-
guess the Supreme Court as to
whether it will be the one finally
The plan would leave 10 of the
present 34 Senate districts un-
changed, including those five
along Michigan's extreme southern
Some Districts Unchanged
Also unchanged would be the
present single county district of
Washtenaw and Saginaw, and the
Ingham - Livingston, Lapeer - St.
Clair and Huron-Tuscola-Sanilac
The Upper Peninsula would re-
tain three Senate districts under
the plan, but the boundaries would
be shifted from the present ar-
Brown's plan also calls for nor-
mally-Democratic Wayne County
to gain three Senate seats for a
total of 10 and normally-Republi-
can Oakland County to increase
from one to three.
Other Changes
Kent County, a Republican area,
would lose one of its two present
seats, and Genesee and Macomb
Counties, both of which have
Democratic senators, would each
go from one to two seats.
A shifting of boundaries of other
outstate districts which normally
vote Republican would leave a net
Republican statewide gain of four
seats, for the total of 38 required
by the new Constitution.
AEC Details
Test Series{

Give Funds
To Retain -
Indian Ties
The exchange program begun
last summer between the Univer-
sity's education school and two In-
dian universities has been granted
funds to continue for at least five
more years, Indian Exchange Proj-
ect Director Prof. Claude A. Eg-
gertsen of the education school an-
nounced yesterday.
Dean Willard C. Olsen recently
returned from a trip to the Uni-
versities of Bombay, Baroda and
New Delhi to consult with Indian
officials about likely future re-
search projects.
The program, providing for both
graduate students and faculty ex-
change, was made possible through
United States Public Law 480. The
law permits use of Indian curren-
cy, derived from sale of our wheat
to India, for educational projects.
Instead of putting the rupees on
the market, the currency was pur-
chased and used for salaries and
various expenses connected with
the project's operation in India.
Program's Roots
The exchange program with In-
dia "grew out of our program in
comparative education," Prof. Eg-
gertsen explained.
"We wanted our people to know
about an under-developed country
where education and teacher
training are needed and where the
English language could be used.
India, as a nation, is of crucial
importance to us."
Prof. Eggertsen will join two
other professors in the education
school who are going to India this
summer for a year of research:
Professors Robert Fox and Robert
Dixon. Six graduate students will
also travel to India in the next two
years to do research projects and
receive University credit for them.
John Lipkin, grad, is currently do-
ing field work in Bombay.
Unique Quality
Prof. Eggertsen noted that
"What is unique about our par-
ticular project is that we decide
jointly with our Indian counter-
parts what projects to carry out.
There is no directive or interna-
tional contract to restrict our
choice "
Exemplary of recent projects
done and to be done through the
program is a study of the extent
to which English tradition in
teacher education has been modi-
fied since India gained its inde-
Also there has been a study
of Ghandi's influence on Indian
teachers, as Ghandi emphasized
mutual effort of teacher and stu-

OAS Votes
To Review
cil of the Organization of Amer-
ican States voted 16 to 1 yes-
terday to invoke the Inter-Amer-
ican Treaty of Mutual Assistance
and formally consider Panama's
charge of United States aggres-
The United States has denied
the accusation but has voiced no
objection to a probe of the charge
by the OAS.
Under the 1947 treaty the OAS
council will turn itself into what is
called the Organ of Consultation
which is empowered to suggest
collective measures to insure the
peace of the hemisphere.
U.S., Panama Abstain
The United States and Panama
did not participate in the vote
and Chile cast the lone vote
against the action.
The Organ of Consultation,
which is to meet today at 4:30
p.m. (EST), acts on behalf of the
American foreign ministers until
and if they decide to meet them-
It is expected to appoint a spe-
cial team to investigate Panama's
charge of United States aggres-
Another OAS group, the Inter-
American Peace Committee, at-
tempted unsuccessfully to mediate
the United States-Panamanian
dispute over the Panama Canal
-out of which the aggression
charges grew.
Negotiations by the peace com
mittee aimed at getting the Unit-
ed States and Panama to the con-
ference table broke down on Pana-
ma's insistence that the United
States promise to renegotiate the
1903 treaty under which the canal
is operated.
The first to support invoking of
the inter-American treaty was
Brazilian View
Brazil also supported the invo-
cation, saying it was not prejudg-
ing the issue but was seeking in-
formation in order to render a
judgment. Most of the other Lat-
in American delegates expressed
similar sentiments.
Manuel Trucco of Chile argued
his country was going to oppose
the invocation because in its opin-
ion there was not enough evidence
that the Panamanian crisis was
endangering the hemisphere's
SGC To Study
Student Rules
At its meeting tonight, Student
Government Council will discuss
the locus of decision making in
regard to student regulations with
members of the Student Relations
Committee of the University Sen-
ate. SGC members will also view
the effects of year-round opera-
tions on the University.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a series on the pro-
posed Laboratory for Behavioral
Research in Mental Retardation.
This article describes two steps
preparatory to the compilation
of detailed plan descriptions.)
Two preparatory studies-to
be completed by March 1 are
the concern of a 10-man plan-
ning committee which is devel-
oping plans for a laboratory for
behavioral research in mental
A "space allocation" docu-
ment and a nation-wide survey
circulated among behavioral re-
search scientists who have re-
cently conducted research in
the field will be used by the
committee to hammer out a de-
tailed research program and
an administrative structure for
the laboratory.
This descriptive document
will be submitted to the Federal
government around May 1 as
an "informal proposal" - de-
signed to give the government
agency an idea of the type of
research and the scope and
structure of the laboratory,
Prof. Harlan Lane of the psy-
chology department and head
of the committee said.
July 1 Deadline
The formal proposal-with
detailed architectural plans -

will hopefully be submitted by
July 1.
The subcommittee working
on "space allocation" has dis-
carded previous estimates of
25,000 square feet, George Geis,
research associate at the Cen-
ter for Research on Learning
and Teaching, said.
"Space allocation" refers to
the amount of square footage
allocated to research area,
classroom space and residential
Instead the subcommittee is
concentrataing on three gener-
al problems which center
around each of the three struc-
tural divisions of the building.
The problems are:
-How the behavior of the
retardate is acquired (research
-How this behavior can be
modified and different behav-
ior learned (classroom),;
--How rew behavior can be
maintained (residence).
Cooperative Effort
When a specific problem of
behavior in a retardate is iso-
lated through research-for ex-
ample, the child's difficulty in
discriminating colors or shapes,
the methods of correcting this
problem will require close co-;
operation between behavioral
psychologists and special edu-
This method will then be ap-
plied in the controlled environ-

ment of the classrooms and liv-
ing units.
To facilitate the interaction
between the two professions
working at the laboratory, and
as a result of ideas gleaned at
the conference, it now seems
necessary that the retardates be
observable at all times. To per-
mit this, conference partici-
pants suggested the building be
constructed in the shape "of
everything from a dumbbell to
a wedding cake," Geis men-
The purpose of the survey is
to obtain "a representative
sampling of all behavioral re-
search scientists in mental re-
tardation, presently at work in
research in the field, Prof. Mel-
vyn Semmel of the education
school said.
From this sampling the sub-
committee hopes to discover the
principle problems these men
encountered in conducting re-
search in a residential environ-
ment, Prof. Semmel said.
Problems the researchers en-
countered with administrators
and difficulties of controlling
the subject's activity when he is
not undergoing tests were two
specific problems the survey
hopes to investigate.
The findings of the survey
will hopefully be incorporated
into the master plan for the
laboratory, Prof. Semmel added.

Psychological Stud yldvanceS

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Accommodations Bill Passes Major Test

supporters of the civil rights bill
handily defeated the first assault
on the key public accommodations
section yesterday.
By a vote of 165 to 93 they
turned back a Southern-led drive
to restrict to interstate travelers
the ban on racial discrimination
by hotels and motels.
The lopsided vote led backers
of the bill to hope the controver-
sial section outlawing discrimina-
tion in hotels, restaurants, movies,
sports arenas and other places
open to the public might be re-
tained virtually intact.
GOP Support
Republicans joined substantial-
ly with non-Southern Democrats'
to defeat the limiting amendment
proposed by Rep. Edwin E. Willis
(D-La). The vote, taken by count-
ing members as they stood by their
chairs, was not recorded.
Just before it was taken the
argument between the two oppos-
ing groups was summed up in a
confrontation between Rep. Bruce
Alger (R-Tex) and Charles S. Joel-
son (D-NJ).
Alger, urging adoption of the
amendment, said, "The most basic
human right of all is the right to
own property."
Most of the earlier debate lean-
ed heavily on constitutional law,
with Willis and his supporters de-
claring the Supreme Court in 1883

ruled invalid a statute similar to I amendment by Rep.

Howard W.

the one now being proposed.
Rep. John V. Lindsay (R-NY),
who carried the brunt of the de-
bate for the bill's backers, said
Supreme Court decisions in the
civil rights field since 1883 had
greatly narrowed the force of the
earlier ruling.
"The Court is now considering
whether even the negative action
of a state-a state turning its
back on segregation-actually con-
stitutes state action in support of
segregation, thus bringing it under
the 14th Amendment."
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY)
predicted that if a case similar to
the one decided in 1883 were
brought before the Supreme Court
now, the statute would be upheld.
The House also turned down an

Smith (D-Va) that would have
given any individual businessman
the right to refuse to comply with
the provisions of the act.
Ease School Crisis
CLEVELAND MP)-The Cleveland
Board of Education agreed last
night to complete integration of
all schools as soon as possible in
an effort to solve the crisis over
transportation of Negro pupils
from an overcrowded school.
Ralph A. McAllister, board
president, after a meeting at city
hall, said pupils transported from
an overcrowded school in a pre-
dominantly Negro neighborhood
will be integrated completely into
receiving schools.
The transported pupils previous-
ly were kept in separate classes.

Faculty Unit
To Explore
Future Goals
Group To Discuss
Effects of Growth;
Alternate Structure
A literary college faculty com-
mittee has been created to en-
gage in a continuing long range
review of the direction of the
The Committee on Long Range
Policy and Planning, according to
Dean William Haber, will be con-
cerned with:
-"The place of the liberal arts
education in the University to-
-"The impact of the growth of
the University upon the college
and of the growth of the college
upon the nature and quality of
such education;
-"The exploration of alterna-
tive organizational patterns of
the college, and
-"The developing problems and ,
the priorities" of the college.
Kelly Heads Unit
Dean Haber announced Prof. E.
Lowell Kelly of the psychology
department as committee chair-
man at Monday's faculty meeting.
Comprising the group will be
Profs. Dorwin Cartwright, psy-
chology; Irving M. Copi, philos-
ophy; H. R. Crane, physics; Ron-
ald Freedman, sociology; Otto G.
Graf, German; Shorey Peterson,
economics; Alfred S. Sussman,
botany; Frederick H. Wagman,
library science; Raymond L. Wild-
er, mathematics; William B.
Willcox, history and James T.
Wilson, geology.
In a letter to literary college
faculty, Dean Haber stated that
"many members of our faculty.. .
raised serious questions concern-
ing trends, directions, alterna-
tives and priorities.
Need for Information
"There is a genuine need for
a committee of informed and ex-
perienced faculty members who
would devote themselves to a
continuing examination of these
The committee will work close-
ly with the Executive Committee
of the college and will report at
least annually to the faculty on
the state of the college, Dean Ha-
ber's letter said.
Commenting on the committee,
Prof. Kelly said that none of its
members have had a chance to do
any "systematic planning" yet.
Plans Memo
"We have no immediate respon-
sibilities at this time, but I plan
to send a memo to the committee
members about the best time to
set up a first meeting.
"We hope to get together at
least once a month on an evening
or weekend morning when we can
be unhurried and unharried," he
said. "We will take as broad an
outlook as we can; no one has any
particular irons in the fire or pet
ideas to push."
Prof. Kelly suggested that many
of the members would want to
familiarize themselves with the
history of the college and the role
it has played and would want to
do some additional reading on lib-
eral arts colleges in general.
'U' To Receive
Kress Donation
For Art Study

The University has been chosen
as one of 12 schools to receive
history of art fellowships from the
Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
The grant to each university
will total $10,000 per year for
five years and was awarded spe-
cifically for the study of Euro-
pean art, Prof. Marvin Eisenberg,
chairman of the history of art

The most

detailed statementI

about an American test series ever
made public by the Atomic Energy
Commission revealed early this
week that, as a result of the 1962
atomic tests over the Pacific
Ocean, United States atomic weap-
ons are cleaner and far more
powerful per pound than before.
The commission's annual report
to Congress noted, moreover, that
United States weapons' scientists
learned that they could develop
and stockpile improved nuclear
bombs and warheads that would
function satisfactorily without
first being tested.
This was proved true for entire
weapons systems.
The report further noted that:
-The limited nuclear test-ban
treaty has already interfered with
ambitious AEC plans to develop
peaceful nuclear explosives, such
as those which would be employed
in blasting a new Atlantic-Pacific
-The continuing underground
nuclear test program, which is
permitted under the treaty, has
been expanded. AEC experts are
confident that the underground
test series will permit progress to
be made on the development of
an anti-missile warhead, as well as
large strategic weapons, some of
which can even be successfully
tested underground. These were
critical points in the test-ban
treaty debate.
-Progress has been made in de-
veloping nuclear devices for use
in mining, oil and water recovery,
and for underground scientific ex-
natd nf, 'c.

Canada Grows Self-Conscious

Satellite To. Detect Flares;
i Earlyn Mn Explorers
dWASHINGTON (O)-A secretly launched Navy satellite may make
it possible to tell the first Americans to land on the moon whether they
need to rocket back to their orbiting spaceship to avoid death from a
deadly solar flare.
This was reported yesterday by a Navy scientist. He also disclosed
that at least 15 foreign countries, including Russia, are preparing to
" receive information from the new
sun-snooping satellite.
The satellite is designed to mon-
itor solar X-rays during the 1964-
1965 period which has been desig-
o ver nated the "International year of
.S . the quiet sun," because it marks a
period of relative calm in the 11-
year cycle of sunspot activity.
The scientist, Dr. Herbert Fried-
man of the Naval Research Labor-
atory, said that solar flares are
presently unpredictable. Eruptive
"storms" on the sun which can oc-
casionally generate radiation are
potentially lethal to man in space.
He said the perfection of an
early-diagnosis system on such
flares, in time for the proposed
lunar landing by 1970, could mean
the difference between a success-
ful mission and an unnecessary
"aborting" of the landing in case
a flare turned out to be a relative
Friedman said the Navy satel-
lite was launched Jan. 11, and al-


"Failure of the United States to
understand Canada is the result of
ignorance," Prof. Lionel H. Laing
of the political science depart-
ment said last night in a lecture
on "The Political Image of Canada
Prof. Laing declared that the
United States is less interested in
Canada than in other areas of
the world because Canada is not
an area of conflict.
However, Prof. Laing empha-
sized the state of interdependence
which presently exists between the
United States and Canada. For
gexa~vvnle_ theTUnitepd States sends

the United States had no right toi
object when Canada sold wheat to
Red China, and negotiated with
Cuba, he added.
Prof. Laing seemed to feel that
a sincere attempt on the part of
the United States to understand
and learn more about Canada
would eventually remedy the situ-
In relation to the world, Canada
regards itself as a "middle power."
She has often taken the initiative
in mediating disputes such as that
between Israel and Egypt. Canada
traditionally has acted as a "go-
between" for the United States

per cent of that of the United
States. It is scattered so that many
sections of the country are not in-
habited. The population is not
metropolitan; there are few large
Because of this scattered popu-
lation, there is little feeling of na-
tional unity, Prof. Laing claimed.
People tend to be loyal to their
region instead of to their country,
he explained. At the present time,
Canadians cannot agree even on a
national flag.
A problem of biculturalism ex-
ists. When England took Canada
from France, it promised to Dro-

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