Gbr £dim4an Daily Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGA - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD INC ONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, Mic., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in a reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: Decentralization Threatens To Destroy Cities BILTHOVEN, Netherlands-With the in- center of the city from most residential creasing problems which Americans areas. meet in their cities, it is interesting to take a look at the European scene. Most DISREGARDING the economic consid- American cities suffer from congested erations of buses being more expensive downtown districts surrounded by a belt than streetcars, some European cities have of decaying residential areas. Most shop- switched to total bus service. Utrecht, pers who used to walk downtown have Holland, has instituted two bus systems. moved away from the city's core, to nicer A local system connects the main points residential areas. From there, they drive of the downtown area and the inner resi- to the shopping centers especially built dential belts. The second system provides to suit their suburban needs. service for the suburban areas. A similar process may develop in West- However, the ideal solution for cities ern Europe. As more people buy their of medium size is a streetcar system be- own cars, they cease patronizing the bus low surface. This method, which has or streetcar service. As a result, the cen- ters of the cities are congested and busi- been applied in Brussels, is expensive; ness processes slowed down. but it is the best way of insuring that European cities will preserve the beauty SUCH DECENTRALIZATION would be which makes them worth living and practical. However, it also represents working in. a major danger to the traditional resi- dential belt around the city. Europeans EUROPEANS have long realized that feel much more tightly connected to their such a service to the public and its traditional cities than do Americans and economy as transportation must be sub- sense a feeling of loss when confronted sidized by the city. Especially building by decentralized cities. projects such as underground or high Most cities, therefore, concentrate on speed commuter trains require large pub- the task of accommodating the increas- lic funds. But the businesses in the down- ing flow of people into and out of the town areas and the city population are centers. But this is not possible by pri- alarmed enough by the present conges- vate transportation operating within the tion so that they are actively supporting traditional network of winding European subsidy of public transportation. streets. So attention is focused on public In most Western European cities, there transportation. is still time to save the traditional beau- The city of Basel, Switzerland, with its ty. City planners have learned from 200,000 population, still uses a streetcar American mistakes and are trying to system which dates back to the begin- prevent slums from occurring or increas- ning of this century. New coaches are ing; they are trying to combine the re- being used and riding comfort is high. quirements of modern traffic with the One can easily read a newspaper while on objectives of preserving their cities' beau- his way home, an impossible and un- ty. Viewed from here, it seems not to healthy task on a bus. be an impossible task, but it will require Streetcars run on all main lines at six a good deal of community thinking, per- minute intervals throughout the day. sonal initiative and sacrifice. Within 30 minutes, one can reach the -ERIC KELLER THE LIAISON: Embarrassing Question Philip Sutin, National Concerns Editor FEIFFER PPXoE5'5p ALL. VC1 D2ATA, NAVE ROOS iT TH~ou)6FI Ti~&r- COMP1*rCR ANDJP AM N~OW A) t1 WITH tA ANN1~UAl1. jR5PoiR'r ON - OF fAMl PrY5ICAL. PLANT 'HAS IT OPEP'A-fMG AT 621. OF CAPACrTq. M1a ATU~NVlON SPN CON-f~hlQeC) r20oM. $MWE AYRA6 PODU &L RIMAG5 AV RA05 PaWoi . TEAft4.) FIRSTf AS TO APPEAe- REESION .) PJb JAN.- MARCH '63 66CAME PP oJOUtJCP WIfSG TO A NJU) f116H10 ISAPPI1. AND RAEtIJ1STAVt TR1O06H PW. 61R'TH INDEX FP, vP ?V rgoM - LAST tfEAR,. UeNSPtS& TO GAINS I10 ALCOH~l~C I3JPUT. POTUR5 ND5TX (Hws1' 'AAPPAEJ9 MAKING6 5ThEAPD f AIO$ 7 RQU6I ~s Mi AN)CI5TY ium xr 15 0oQJm ESz4GHmq ' FROM ITS N ~OVME HIGH1. MK 4D~pRgS%'fot IN06X REMAIJS COWSAIST HOWEVER. IW4 &MODR RATIN& HAS 135 AUTrOMAED' AMP CWfJS- G(EJlUT qHAS W AJOR- R6MAN J Kerc l'q. POSSUf7 675OF 69Z~0TH PO'Te inJAo A 660CeRAL . OtWi- !56V r .PI& 5~J4~ ST' M bOWEHC tOATCFOWC55 56msToe OCA"E. . 'DEAN PAN' HUMOR: 'Frieze of Girls': It's Twain and Thurber (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author, Allan Seager, is a professor of English at the University and the reviewer, an associate professor of English.) By LYALL POWERS MR. SEAGER has just published a wonderfully funny book, an account of one boy's growing up during the twenties in America- in Memphis, in Ann Arbor, in Ox- ford. It is fictionalized autobiogra- phy, as Mr. Seager explains: "Timermakes fiction out of your memories . . . and if I say that the pieces in this book are auto- biographical, they are so only in this way." "A Frieze of Girls" is comprised of 13 pieces, each self-contained; yet the book has continuity, ac- cumulates and is greater than the sum of its components. It recalls episodes from "Allan's" life, from the age of roughly 16 to 25. The characters Allan meets are sharply etched and stunningly un- forgettable, and the episodes he is involved in are arresting - hilar- ious and poignant. There is the little Memphis belle, wearing out five partners at the Charleston; there is the beautiful and poised sister of a Chicago gangster, dis- pensing charm and beer to a pair of Michigan swimmers in her gra- cious house on South Halsted Street; and there is Marta, the girl at Martha Cook, with the red garters. 4 * M "A FRIEZE of Girls" is in the best tradition of American humor -dead pan; it is something like a combination of Mark Twain and James Thurber. And Seager's Al- lan is more than a little like Twain's Huckleberry: he is the same puzzled young naif in an alien world, and deadly serious; and his career (like Huck's) is a constantly developing one-upman- ship masquerading as one-down- manship. That theme begins in an episode in the first chapter. Allan's initial experience in high school football has him pitted, as a second-string center (he is always a second- string something), against a young giant out of the hills: "He fell on me just once. I felt as if I were squirting out like a tube of tooth- paste. After that, when he snapped the ball I jumped back. He crashed to earth steadfastly every time and I would run up and stand on him, scanning the play as from a little hill, and I made a couple of fancy tackles from behind." But of course he is kicked out of the game for rough play - but of course the crowd acclaims him. The theme is there again late in the book, when Allan the Rhodes Scholar fails to "psych out" the Oxford final exams; yet he ends up with a "Second" - like magna cum laude. * , - * "* THE BOOK is not merely epi- sodic and picaresque. Mr. Seager writes of the episodes, "I have not the effrontery to think of them as The Education of a Young Man." Yet that is about what it comes to. It does develop Allan's charac- ter. We follow his schooling in the three B's (as he might say) - books, broads and booze; if this is a frieze of girls it is also a fresco of bottles. We chuckle our way through his learning how to drink, what makes Woman tick, the sham of conventions, that while we can pick our friends our relatives are imposed on us, what it means to be free, and what it means to be an intellectual adult-in a word, how one grows up. The whole is presented as hu- morously as can be. The memor- ies are, of course, touched inevit- ably with nostalgia; there is a note of wistfulness in the humor. Not all the episodes are comic. Some few, like "The Old Man," which deals with Allan's grandfather (rather like Ephraim Cabot in O'Neill's "D es i re Under the Elms"), are of another sort; they give the book balance and, I think, greater richness. The book is in no sense didactic -it points no morals; the episodes are simply there. Reading "A Frieze of Girls" then, is a bit like watching a Chaplin movie - the blend is familiar. STATE: 'Prize' Ignoble ONE OF Irving Wallace's least offensive books has been made into a most offensive movie. Now at the State Theatre, "The Prize" is a spiritless attempt to make a mystery out of the, Nobel awards. It concerns the Communist kid- napping and impersonation of an award winner, Edward G. Robin- son, and the subsequent series of rescues by Paul Newman. Paul Newman dominates the scene with his arrogant indiffer- ence which he passes off for act- ing. He swaggers across the screen in an eternal semi-stupor and tries, but not too hard, to get the girl, whom he never quite gets. THERE actually are a few clever moves in this symbolism drama of ineptitude. Paul Newman falls off a building into a canal. Paul New- man escapes from a freighter by hiding in a car. Paul Newman drops into a nudist meeting. (Don't lick your chops; it's a blow- out.) Paul Newman smart-alecks his way through press conferences. The subplots of the two doctors feuding and the adulterous French couple, expanded fully in the book, are rendered inane by cutting their substance from the film. There is really no music to speak of, but the film has plenty of Local Color and Cinemascope. Elke Som- mer struts admirably. HOWEVER, if you're looking for sex, the preceding Tom and Jerry cartoon has more. If it's continu- ous suspense, the Tom and Jerry cartoon has more. If it's cleverness or blood n' guts, the Tom and Jerry cartoon has more. If the night is clear and the stars are out, then you may won- der, if these are the men to whom we give our highest awards, and if these are our best, then why go through the expense? -Michael Hyman BEFORE THE SHOW: Dick Gregory: Comedian in Protest By THOMAS COPI "J DIDN'T have any trouble giv- 4 ing up smoking . . . I don't mind putting down something white," Dick Gregory said in his performance here Saturday night. Because he "doesn't mind put- ting down something white," Gregory has received widespread popularity. When he left Southern Illinois University to become a comedian, being a Negro didn't hinder his opportunities, he re- lated. Gregory was a "new thing" then, a Negro who wasn't afraid to put down whites as, well as Ne- groes, and this appeal remains to- day. This popularity remains because the "white liberal" audience which most seems to enjoy his humor would feel either nervous or in- sulted if a white comedian were to tell Gregory's jokes. GREGORY expressed some in- teresting views on the present civil rights situation in an interview before his performance. And since he has become a central figure in the Negro protests in the South, he is all the more outspoken. He participates in Southern rather than Northern demonstra- tions because he must "hit where it'll do the most good. The whole world knows about it when there is a famous person participating in the demonstrations, and this publicity helps the cause." Showing the force of publicity, Gregory said that "Bull Connor (former chief of police in Birm-. ingham, Ala.) did more for the Negro movement than any Negro in the history of the United States." "You must understand," he add- ed "that there is a different type of Negro living in the South than in the North. Job-wise, the South- ern Negro doesn't have much to lose by getting out on a picket line, whereas a Negro in Chicago, for example, may have debts of $10,- 000, and will think twice before he risks his job by picketing." I ASKED "Greg" whether he would consider picketing in a city such as Ann Arbor. He said that he probably would not, but it de- pended on the situation and what the picket was for. , "You don't need the 'big guns' on the line where the laws give more protection to the picketers," he said. "When people here picket something like a barber shop, they don't have to worry about the Ku Klux Klan attacking them on the line or the police arresting them. These things happen in the South though, and if there's no reason for publicity, such as my presence would be, people will never hear about them." Gregory said that his participa- tion in civil rights demonstrations has not damaged his chances of getting work even though he has been jailed several times. Undoubtedly, this is because his experiences add a touch of realism to his act and make his audiences feel even more at ease, a feeling which is very important to the success of Gregory's act. NEW YORK-The college editors sat po- litely and laughed at the jokes used to bring the point home, but were un- moved as James Weschler and his fellow journalists urged them to be crusading newspapermen. This lukewarm reaction of college editors at the Overseas Press Club international affairs conference is indicative at once of a maturity in the American press and a creeping lethargy. This is clearly not the era of the cru- sading, muckraking newspaper. Few pa- pers consistently embark on crusades to- day. This, to a great extent, is not a bad trend, but it means newspaper vigilance in public affairs must take other forms. A crusade is a simple-minded thing. It requires a black-and-white issue with a clearly identifiable villain and an un- complicated course of action to elimi- nate the evil. The crusade appeals to the emotions. It evokes gut reactions which the newspaper hopes will be con- verted into positive action. UNFORTUNATELY, the world today faces complex problems. They cannot be reduced to black-and-white terms. They are caused by many factors and their solutions must be broad and many- faceted. No single viewpoint may be en- tirely correct; rather each view holds a little bit of the best solution. A newspaper cannot effectively crusade if everyone is a little bit right for it may dangerously oversimplify the matter and thus create misunderstanding and even- tual failure. A notable example was a 1960 anti-crime crusade by the Detroit newspapers. The city had experienced a series of brutal, unsolved murders. The papers demanded a police crackdown.' They got it, but police concentrated on the city's Negro community, forcing many Negroes to suffer the indignities of search and interrogation while innocently going about their business. Instead of arresting the culprits and preventing crime, the crackdown need- lessly raised racial tensions. At the next ed the indignities of the previous winter and helped throw the mayor out. HOWEVER, the abandonment of the crusade should not mean the deser- tion of civic concern. Rather, newspa- pers must adopt a greater sophistication than was seen in the crusading era and continually warn readers of errors and injustices in society-at-large, govern- ment and foreign affairs. Weschler's dictum that a newspaper is designed "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," should be modi- fied by Harrison Salisbury's demand that "newspapers have to ask the unpleasant and unpopular questions and present the unpopular viewpoints, for history may prove them right." David Halberstam told newspapermen to follow their conscience, work well, but not to unquestioningly accept the es- tablishment line. Hopefully, the college editors who heard these stirring remarks will take them to heart as should their elders in the professional press. THERE IS MUCH to be done. Why is there poverty in the United States, the most affluent society the world has ever known? Why has it taken so long for the American people to realize the full implications of discrimination and bias? Is America misunderstanding the needs and aspirations of the emerging underdeveloped nations? These are just a few of the broad questions that have been mishandled in the past by the press and which will be of increasing concern in the future. The newspaper must, and is best equip- ped, to ask the embarrassing question. In a complex, rapidly changing world, it must inform its readers of significant events with an increasing degree of so- phistication and interpretive analysis. But it must not follow the establish- ment line. The newspaper must probe beneath the surface and ask the em- barrassing or unpopular question. For LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Student Doubts Advent Of Third Semester 4' i To the Editor: IN KAREN Weinhouse's article "Trimester Creates Conflict," the plight of the mid-year high school graduate and his deferred entrance into the University was very sympathetically explained. Yet, and I am sorry that I must differ with Miss Weinhouse, the situation will not "be virtually eliminated" by the summer of 1965 when "the University goes into full year operation." The frequent- ly discussed "third member" of the trimester will not be a reality for far too many future two semes- ter academic years on a tri-semes- ter calendar. * * * THIS supposition is based on the substantial argument that the time required by the various de- partments to find, train and or- ganize the personnel necessary for the additional trimester will be such that, even if I am able to at- tend graduate school, I will prob- ably never participate in the pres- ently "missing trimester." It will never exist. When the Legislature grants the University the necessary funds, and this finally appears to be the year, only then can the depart- ment chairmen start trying to fill the many vacancies that this change will require. A professor has pointed out to me the crucial problem the faculty is now facing when a vacancy has to be filled in the present two semester system. The University has almost lost its capacity to attract competent pro- fessors on its name alone. The re- cent austerity budgets have forced the University to give up its high position on the salary scale. IF THIS is the situation with only two semesters, what happens when there will be three? Teach- ing fellows instructing upper-class To the Editor: ALTHOUGH the civil rights struggle has received wide- spread publicity, scores of little humiliations which Negroes are made to suffer daily are seldom noticed and rarely rectified. Such an incident occurred at Hill Aud. the night of the Dick Gregory performance. An usher showed a Negro couple to their seats (immediately in front of me on the aisle), only to find them occupied by a white couple. On examining the white couple's tickets, the usher informed them that their seats were on the other side of the section, and requested that they move. The request was ignored. The usher then immediately told the Negro couple that they would have to move to the other seats. After a long moment of humiliation, they walked slowly up the aisle. * * * MR. WALTER Blackwell, chair- man of AAAFHA-CORE, and I informed the head usher, Mr. Warner, of the incident shortly thereafter. We requested that he reprimand the usher and apolo- gize to the couple during the in- termission. Mr. Warner effectively stalled through the intermission, explaining that the ushers were "volunteers" over whom he had little control. Since the intermission was over, I suggested that Mr. Warner hand a note of apology to the couple (who were seated next to the aisle). When he refused, I offered to hand them the note myself. He refused to write any note. Mr. Warner graciously offered to call the couple personally, if I