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February 04, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-04

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&G bar Sees Possibility of Curriculum Revs

is ions

Changes in literary college distribution requirements, calendar and
credit system are currently being considered by the college's curricu-
lum committee.
Prof. Oleg Grabar of the art history department, the committee's
chairman, said yesterday the group may recommend:
--Liberalization of distribution requirements;
-Departures fro mthe conventional formula of awarding one
-A one-week "reading period" before final exams, and
credit-hour for each class-hour per week a course meets.
Any change in distribution requirements must be approved by the
literary college faculty, which two years ago took four monthly meet-
ings to reach agreement on new requirements. Thus, Prof. Grabar
predicted, the new, requirements probably would not go into effect
next fall.

When and if new requirements do take effect, they will not apply
to currently-enrolled students; only students entering as freshmen or
transfers after the changes are finalized will be affected.
Three Plans
As of now, the committee has narrowed its consideration down to
three plans:
-Most likely it will recommend a plan which would require all lit-
erary college students to take 11 hours in each of three divisions:
humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. As is now the policy,
only specified courses would be accepted for distribution, and a two-
semester sequence in each division would be required.
-Another plan, which Prof. Grabar gives little chance of approval,
would require only eight hours in each division.
-Between the two is a plan requiring 11 hours in each division, but
only eight would have to be picked from the list of approved dis-
tribution courses. For the remaining three credits in each division,

the student's choice would be wide open. Prof. Grabar said he per-
sonally favors this arrangement.
Under all three plans, foreign language and freshman English re-
quirements survive intact.
All three represent a liberalization of present distribution require-
ments, which compel literary college students to take 14 hours of
social-science courses and 12 each in natural sciences and humanities.
Prof. Grabar explained that the basic problem in devising distribu-
tion requirements is that "we are trying to solve two different types
of problems and to cater to two different kinds of students"-those
who want a liberal education and those who are already eager to
Present distribution requirements have been attacked from both,
ends. On the one hand, "there is a feeling that students-particularly
upperclassmen-don't get to shop around enough," Prof. Grabar said.
On the other hand, natural-science department chairmen have assert-

ed that the current requirements are unfair to the natural sciences.
Because their first two years are filled with distribution courses,
potential natural-science majors don't have time to take the numerous
prerequisites for advance science courses, the chairmen claim.
'Land-Office Business'
As a result, about one-fourth of the college's student body asks
that some of the requirements be lifted. Stanley R. Levy, Associate
Dean James H. Robertson's administrative assistant, reports that
"we do a land-office business here" granting changes in distribution
However, Prof. Grabar noted, the road to liberalized requirements
isn't all downhill.
A major problem is the tendency of many students, released from
coercion in selecting courses, to seek out the simplest ones available.
And if all courses could qualify for distribution, many instructors
See GROUP, Page 2

See Editorial Page



Clear skies will prevail
through tonight

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom





Dropout Rate Shows No Change

Figures released by the literary
college yesterday indicate that
last fall's shortened calendar had
no significant statistical effect on
the number of students asked to
leave the University for academic
A total of 402 students fell with-
in the two categories of disciplin-
ary action:
-Those requested to withdraw
outright (197) and
-Those asked not to reregister
without approval of the Adminis-
trative Board of the college (205).
While this number was up near-

ly 100 from the previous fall, 170
students were reinstated after in-
terviews with the Administrative
Board, so that the net loss of stu-
dents was only 232. The net loss
for the previous fall was 214. The
number of academic dropouts re-
mained at a constant 2.6 per cent
of the total literary college en-
rollment for both fall semesters.
Conduct Interviews
Stanley R. Levy, an adminis-
trative assistant in the literary
college, said yesterday that the
shortened calendar "gave the Ad-
ministrative Board much more
time to conduct interviews. We

had four men working full-time
for four weeks. This is one reason
why the number and percentage
of reinstatements was so much
As for alleged pressures of the
new calendar, "we had absolutely
no indication that students could-
n't cope with them," Levy said.,
"Of all our interviews, perhaps
three or four people complained
about the shortened semester. The
problems varied little from past
years: trouble with a girl, too
much fraternity, too much intra-
murals, etc."
1125 Actions
Including the number of stu-
dents asked to withdraw or asked
not to reregister without approval,
the Administrative Board took a
total of 1125 actions, constituting
12.8 per cent of literary college
enrollment. Last fall the Board
took 1062 actions, or 12.6 per cent
of enrollment.

Students Boycott Schools
In Racial Integration Drive
NEW YORK (P)-Nearly half a million pupils skipped public
school classes yesterday, during a spectacular, one-day mass boycott
aimed at forcing quick and complete racial integration of the nation's
largest educational system.

.. .. v -- - - - ..

More than
rooms through

half a million othe
peaceful picket lin

From Nation
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson set up yester-
day what the White House called
a "wide-open window for ideas"
and asked the nation"s leading
scholars, thinkers, writers, teach-
ers and specialists to use it for
the benefit of the government.
To coordinate the brain power,
output, Johnson tapped Eric F.
Goldman, Princeton University
history professor.
The White House called it "a
unique approach to channel the
nation's best thinking to the
White House."~
Some people already have been
contacted by Goldman, the White
House said, and ideas and pro-
posals already have begun to flow
in. Some of them, it said, relate
to re-examining federal, state and
local relationships.
What Johnson wants, the White
House said, is "to generate fresh,e.
new and imaginative ideas for the
benefit of the government."
White House Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger said this was the
President's idea, worked out in
a number of conversations with
Goldman, who began calling at
the White House as early as the
first week or 10 days of the John-
son administration.
Goldman, who will draw no fed-
eral pay as a consultant and ad-
viser to the President, will keep
his professorship at Princeton.
Goldman will be on loan to the
White House and work there part
The concept of channeling in-
tellectual aid into the government
is not new. The late President
John F. Kennedy drew many men
away from schools of higher learn-
ing, especially Harvard. Franklin
D. Roosevelt created what came
to be known as his "Brain Trust"
back in 1933.
Colorado Daily
Wins Contest
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK - The Colorado
Daily won first prize in the college
daily class of the World Affairs

ers made their way to their class-
es of fellow-students, teachers and*
Oparents - Negro, Puerto Rican
and white. There was singing,
shouting and placard waving-but
no reports of violence. Some 8000
policemen were alerted.
In midday, demonstrators moved
their picket lines from the schools
to city hall, board of education
headquarters in Brooklyn, and Re-
publican Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller's midtown Manhattan office.
None of the city's 850 public
schools actually closed and Board
of Education President James B.
Donovan called the boycott "most-
ly a fizzle."
However, the board's own fig-
ures supported the claim of dem-
onstration leaders that the boy-
cott disrupted to a marked degree
the million-pupil public school
system on the opening day of the
new semester.
The board reported that 464,362
pupils stayed away from classes-
about 35 per cent more than nor-
mal. The pupil absentees were
joined by 3500 of the city's 43,800
public school teachers.
Attendance f i g u r e s reported
from individual schools ranged
from a high of 90 per cent of
normal in white schools to as low
as two per cent in one upper
Manhattan junior high where the
enrollment is almost entirely
Some schools had some deserted
classrooms. Regular programs were
consolidated into auditorium ses-
sions attended by depleted student

On Ballot
City Council last night approv-
ed a motion to let the voters de-
cide in the April election whether
or not they want to discontinue
the city's spring election.
After a heated debate, council
voted 7-3 in favor of placing a
charter amendment on the spring
ballot calling for city elections to
be held in November along with
the state and national elections.
Substitute Motion
A substitute motion aimed at
stopping such action was intro-
duced by First Ward Councilwom-
an Eunice L. Burns.
Mrs. Burns along with Mayor
Cecil 0. Creal said that council
was acting too fast. Creal backed
Mrs. Burns' motion which called
for a referral of the matter to a
"blue-ribbon" citizens council of
the Charter Revision Committee.
Fifth Ward Councilman John
R. Laird, chairman of the Council
Charter Committee which reported
in favor of theelection change,
said that his committee had stud-
ied the matter "thoroughly and
deliberately," in answer to charg-
es that the city is acting too fast.
Mrs. Burns, Creal and First
Ward Councilman John Teach-
out cast the dissenting votes on
the motion.
Individual Opinions
Council members also voiced
their individual opinions on the
matter with Fourth Ward Coun-
cilman Wendell Hulcher saying,
"I'll vote to put the amendment
on the ballot, but when I go to
the voting booth in the spring
I'll vote against it."
Hulcher claimed that moving
the city elections to November
would confuse the voter on na-
tional, state and local issues.
Second Ward Councilman Wil-
liam E. Bandemer countered by
claiming that the frequency of
elections reduces voter interest.
Laird said that the November
election yields an 80-90 per cent
voter turnout.
"It's degrading the city voters
to say that they can't know the
issues," Laird asserted.
Also at last night's council
meeting Creal announced the res-
ignation of Carl Brauer from the
Human Relations Commission.
Brauer served one and a half
years on the HRC. He said that
his outside business activities place
too great a demand on him. to
give the necessary time to HRC

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of a series on the propos-
ed Laboratory for Behavorial
Research in Mental Retardation.
The first article describes the
results of a conference held at
the University in December.)
A University committee, head-
ed by Prof. Harlan Lane of the
psychology department, under-
taking preliminary plans for a
$1 million behavorial research
laboratory in mental retarda-
tion, now has some new ideas.
The new twists and direc-
tions in plans for the labora-
tory's research and administra-
tive structure came as a re-
sult of a conference held at the
University's Inglis House De-
cember 14-15.
Ten of the country's top be-
havorial research scientists met
with the University's planning
group to present workshop pa-
pers on past research, suggest
untried techniques and brain-
storm on the problems involved
in interdisciplinary research.
As a follow-up to the confer-
ence, local committee members
are surveying about 300 resi-
dential centers for the mental-
ly retarded to ascertain their
problems in research and ad-

Space allocation problems--
what amount of the square
footage of the building should
be used for research, class-
rooms and living space - are
under considerable study. Pre-
vious plans called for 25,000
square feet, but this figure may
be changed "in the light of
novel suggestions made by con-
f e r e n c e participants," Prof.
Lane said.
The results of the survey and
the' space allocation plan will
be incorporated into a detailed
description of the project about
April 1.
A major question arising
from the conference concerns
the relationship between "pure"
behavorial research and "ap-
plied" educational research.
Another question concerns the
amount of social services avail-
able to the retardates.
Previous plans called for lab-
oratory space for six senior
research scientists, classrooms
for six trainees in special edu-
cation, and residential and
play area for ten severely re-
tarded children. These plans
may be modified as a result
of discussion at the conference.
"The conference was most
helpful in suggesting that we
use the entire building as a

laboratory," George Geis, re-
search associate at the Center
for Research on Learning and
Teaching, said. This could mean
that researchers observe the
children at all times in living
quarters as well as in the class-'
rooms and laboratory.
Besides discussion of meth-
ods of conducting behavorial re-
search in mental retardation,
and the types of facilities such
a laboratory should offer, three
other areas discussed at the
conference were:
1) The relationship between
the laboratory and other pro-
fessional schools, especially the
University's education and med-
ical schools;
2) The uses of modern elec-
tronic equipment;
3) The type and amount of
research that can be done on
retarded children without un-
due invasion of personal priva-
Because of overlap 'on re-
search and training in mental
retardation, the role that other
University schools - especially
the education school - will
play in the administrative and
research structure of the lab-
oratory requires extensive study.
Later on personnel in the
field of medicine and social

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Pan Psychological Research,

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Faculty Committee



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Categories besides the above in-
cluded students placed on pro-
bation (114); probation contin-
ued (83); freshman probation,
(401) and actions pending (125).
The last category involves stu-
dents with incompletes whose av-
erages are below a 2.0.
The Board sent letters of "con-
cern" to 203 students whose over-
all averages are above 2.0 but
whose averages last fall weren't. It
renewed letters of "concern" to
19 students who have been in this
category for more than one semes-
ter. It lifted probation from 150
students whose averages went back
above a 2.0.
Ninety students who petitioned
the Board for readmittance were


. Present Research Creates Future Jobs

Of Prototype,
Hay To Chair Panel
Of Eight in Effort
To Answer Questions
A key faculty group will take
further steps toward deciding the
future of the residential college
In the literary college, Dean
William Haber yesterday announc-
ed appointees to a faculty com-
mittee which will seek answers
to various questions about the
proposal raised by the literary
college faculty.
The study committee includes
Professors George Hay of the
mathematics department, com-
mittee chairman; Robert Angell of
the sociology department: David
Dennison, chairman of the phys-
ics department; William Fran-
kena of the philosophy depart-
ment; Oleg Grabar of the art
history department; John Mlhol-
land of the psychology depart-
ment; Warner Rice, chairman oX
the English department, and Law-
rence Slobodkin of the zoology
department, chairman of the fac-
ulty committee which drafted the
original residential college pro-
Broad Framework
This proposal, completed 'last
spring, called for the establish-
ment of a small liberal-arts col-
lege on or near the University
campus. For its students, the res-
idential college would be a focal
point: they would not only at-
tend classes there but live in its
buildings. Its proponents hope
such an arrangement will promote
a small-college "esprit de corps,"
centering around enthusiasm for
the college's courses. An enroll-
ment of 2000-3000 is envisioned.
However, the residential college
would be "associated with" the
literary college. Its faculty would
hold full-fledged appointments
and "terms of service in the resi-
dential college should rarely ex-
ceed four consecutive years."
In addition, various curricular
innovations were advocated for
the new college.
Faculty Support Essential
The Slobodkin report also warn-
ed that "unless there is broad
support from the faculty . . . it is
unwise to proceed further." Last
fall the proposal was discussed
at several literary college faculty
meetings, where numerous ques-
tions were raised.
Among other things, faculty
members asked about costs i-
volved; whether the new unit
would or should handle service
teaching-teaching literary col-
lege courses to students from oth-
er University divisions; where it
should be located; the status of
its faculty; the composition of
its student body; its administra-
tive arrangements; its curriculum
and possible alternatives to the
residential college.
In November the faculty tenta-
tively endorsed the "general prin-
ciple" of the proposal and in De-
cember authorized the committee
to come up with answers to its

DETROIT-Tomorrow's jobs are
being created in the scientific
laboratories of today, University
President Harlan Hatcher told a
luncheon gathering of the De-
troit Economic Club yesterday.
Discussing "Michigan's Great
Unknown: Research and Tech-r
nology, Our Building Blocks for
the Future," the president saidt
that "the jobs of the future aret
embryonic in the laboratories oft
"Whether we get them or not5


Buckeyes 'Take Hair-wBreadth Win,865
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-Ohio State behind the 42 point performance of All-
American center Gary Bradds pulled an upset 86-85 victory here last
night over second ranked Michigan.
With 13 seconds remaining in the game Buckeye Tom Bowman
dropped in a free throw to ice the game at 86-83 after Michigan had
lost its last opportunity to tie the game.
Misses Layup
With one minute remaining in the game, and the Wolverines
trailing by two points, Bill Buntin drove in for a layup but missed;
the tip up was short; and another tip was wide. Bowman came down
with the rebound and was promptly fouled by Cazzie Russell. After
this one point State play, Russell dropped in a jumper for Michigan's
SRfinal points as the buzzer sounded.
An estimated crowd of 12,739 fans witnessed the hustling Buckeyes
victory at the St. Johns Arena. At times the noise was so loud the
players could not hear the whistle or their signals.
Midway through the second half the announcement was made that

depends upon new knowledge. This
growing body of knowledge must
be sorted out, developed, and
adapted to new and better pro-
Traces Tradition
Noting that economic growth is
most marked around "clusters of
universities, government labora-
tories and research-based indus-
tries," President Hatcher traced
the research tradition in Michigan
back to 1852 and the then Univer-;
sity President Henry Tappan.
Michigan is "moving in the di-
rection of more basic research and
of more research-based industry.
We have built a potential second
to none. What we need in the
state now is an acceleration of a
movement already well begun," the
president said.
He stressed that "it is likewise
vital that both government and
major industry recognize the re-
sources and contributions of our
Midwest area and choose this re-
gion when establishing new re-
search laboratories and agencies."
The president's speech came on
the eve of the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administra-
tion's decision to re-award a pro-
posed $50 million electronics cen-
ter to the Boston area, gassing up
a bid from Southeastern Michigan
and 17 other localities.
Not Tied
Hatcher pointed out yesterday,
however, that "our future in
Michigan is not tied to the attrac-
tion, establishment, and retention
of the new, 'far-out' research in-
dustries in such fields as elec-

These were: outstanding scien-
tific schools and facilities, govern-
ment-sponsored research activi-
ties, supply of skilled manpower,
diversified supporting industry,,
readily available venture capital,
gbod transportation and good liv-
ing conditions.
Concomitant Benefits
"We have, in Southeastern
Michigan, the strong foundationsl
for . . . a concentration of re-
search capacities, with all the con-
comitant benefits which can ac-
crue to the state's economy,"
Hatcher asserted.
But the president cautioned, "If
we expect to make this state of
ours the center of a new surge of
scientific and industrial develop-
ment in the Middle West, we must
move ahead swiftly, forcefully,
imaginatively. We must move on
all fronts-educational, industrialj
and governmental."
'U' Research
Leads Country
Figures just released in the En-
gineering College Research Review
reported that in 1962 the Univer-
sity led all other colleges and
universities in research expendi-
tures in engineering and the re-
lated sciences.
University totals for this re-
search reached $17,202,000, top-
ping the $13,100,000 spent by sec-
ond-place Massachusetts Institute

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