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January 16, 1964 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-16

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LOOK OUT BELOW!-Michigan's talented Cazzie Russell (33) and Pittsburgh's Dave Sauer (23)
leave the court in a hurry as the ball,two of Russell's 18 points that night, drops through the
basket like a bomb. Larry Szykowny (5) of Pittsburgh seems stunned in anticipation. The Wolver-
ines won their third game, 95-80, over the !Panthers for third place in the Basketball Classic.


FOURTH BY THE FIRST-Michigan's Oliver Darden (55) earns a starting forward berth against
UCLA, hooking for two of his 26 points against the Bruins in defeat. UCLA humiliated the Wol-
verines, 98-80, sending the Blue into fourth place in national rankings for Jan. 1. Jack Hireh (50)
of the Bruins defenses Darden, as Cazzie Russell (33), Bill Buntin (22), Walt Hazzard (42) and
Larry Tregoning (35) wait in vain for a rebound.


M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E'-Bob Cantrell, captain of Michigan's basketball team, jokes with the
t '{ x host of Disneyland's Tahitian Terrace restaurant during a short trip to Walt Disney's "Magic
HAPPY HAIRSTON (23) Kingdom." Bill Buntin (left) and Tom Ludwig (far right) look on. The squad spent three hours
... dances to 35 points touring the grounds, then returned to Los Angeles for its game against UCLA.

HERE'S HOW-Wolverine guard Doug Herner (40) breaks in for
a layup against Walt Hazzard (42), UCLA's All-American. Even
though Hazzard managed only 14 points against Michigan, his
ball-handling and team leadership propelled the Bruins to victory.

SOUTHPAW OR RIGHTY?-Bill Buntin (22), Michigan's 6-7
center, hooks left-handed against Pittsburgh. Bob Lovett (15),
Pitt's 6'6", 190 pound center, attempts to stop Buntin, who is
normally a right-hander. Buntin tallied 26 points.

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