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May 28, 1969 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-28

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Page ,Six


Wednesday, Mcy 28, 1969

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 28, ~ 969

Stottlemyre homers, wins eighth game

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Pitcher Mel Stottle-I
myre's tie - breaking two - run
homer with two out in the eighth
inning boosted the New York
Yankees to a 5-3 victory over the
Chicago White Sox last night.
Stottlemyre's first homer of the
season, carried into the. left field
seats and came off reliever Wilbur
Wood, who had retired two hitters
after Frank Fernandez's second
single of the game.

The drive gave Stottlemyre an
8-3 record, making him the first
pitcher in the majors to win eight
games. He allowed seven hits.
Chicago had tied the game in
the seventh on Ed Herrmann's
single, a sacrifice, an infield out
and Ken Berry's infield hit after
hits by Stottlemyre, Bobby Murcer
and Roy White had put the
Yankees ahead 3-2 in the top of
the inning.
Berry's hit in the second opened
the scoring, but Bobby Cox tied it
in the third with a run scoring
hit for New York. Pete Ward hit
his second homer for Chicago in
the fourth, but the Yankees came
back with a run in the sixth on a
walk and hits by White and Joe
Red Sox rolled
KANSAS CITY - Jackie Her-
nandez blooped a two-run single
just over the first baseman's head,
capping a three-run Kansas City
rally in the seventh inning that
brought the Royals a 5-4 victory
over Boston last night.
Hernandez's opposite-field hit
with two out and two strikes on
him came after Dalton Jones'
throwing error opened the door
for the three unearned runs.
Lou Piniella and, Jerry Adair
led off with singles. Bob Oliver
dumped a bunt down the first

base line which Jones fielded and
threw wildly past third base trying
to get Piniella.
Cards scalped
ATLANTA-Felipe Alou singled'
in a run, scored in the third in-
ning and ignited a two-run fifth!
with a hit, sending the Atlanta
Braves to a 5-3 victory over theI
St. Louis Cardinals last night.
The Braves broke a scoreless;
deadlock in the third when Mikej
Lum rapped a ground rule doubles

an intentional walk to Boyer, Son-
ny Jackson hit a sacrifice fly.
*M *

and scored on Alou's hit to center.I
When outfielder Joe Hague threw
wild to the plate, Alou took third
and Felix Milan's infield hit
brought him home.;
Clete Boyer doubled and Bob
Didier singled against Ray Wash-
burn, 2-5, to make it 3-0 in the
fourth and the Braves wrapped itj
up in the fifth when. Alou opened
with a single.I
Millan forced him at second, but!
Hank Aaron singled and Orlandoj
Cepeda doubled for one run. After,

; ets fall
NEW YORK - Al Santorini
staggered to his first victory in
almost six weeks last night as the
San Diego Padres nipped the New
York Mets 3-2.
It was the fifth straight loss
for the Mets, who tagged Santo-
rini for 12 hits buit left 11 run-
ners stranded.
Ollie Brown drove in two runs
for the Padres with a homer and
a single. It was Brown's two-out

Major League Standings
A %T ifT A 1T TT mAi". Y- fTA T AITA TTA/"tY

single in the sixth against Jim Mc-
Andrew that drove in San Diego's
tying run.
Astros sour
HOUSTON - Doug Rader
blasted a bases-loaded homer in
the ninth inning last night, giv-
ing the Houston Astros a 6-2 vic-
tory over the Philadelphia Phillies.
The victory was Houston's ninth
in a row, tying the Astros with
San Francisco for the longest win-
ning streak in the majors this
Rader's third homer was off
Luis Pereaza who came on after
Bill Wilson walked the first two
men up, advanced them with a
wild pitch and then issue an in-
tentional pass.
Twins tumble
WASHINGTON - Brant Aleya
drove in three runs with a homer
and a singel last night, leading
Washington to a 5-1 victory over
the Minnesota Twins that snapped
a six-game Senator's losing streak.
Alyea's fifth homer in the first
inning gave the Senators two un-
earned runs after Frank Howard
reached first base on a two-out
error by Lea Cardenas.
The Senators made it 4-0 in
the fourth against loser Tom Hall,
2-3, on singles by Tim Cullen and
Paul Casanova, a sacrifice by win-
ner Barry Moore and Ed Brink-
man's two-run single,
Dodgers squeak
MONTREAL - Tom Haller's
two-run homer in the sixth inning
lifted the Los Angeles Dodgers
over Montreal 5-3 last night and
sents the Expos reeling to their
11th straight defeat, the longest
losing streak in the majors this
Hailer's fourth homer, with Jim
Lefebvre on by a walk, came off
relief pitcher Dan McGinn, 2-3,
and broke a 3-3 tie. '
Montreal tied the game with
three unearned runs off starter
and winner Bill Singer, 6-4, in
the fifth. Don Bailey reached on!
an error and Donn Clendenon sin-
gled him to third from where he
scored on Coco Laboy's sacrifice
After a groundout, pinch-hitter
Ty Cline and Maury Wills walked,!
and Gary Sutherland delivered a
two-run single.

MIKE ANDREWS, BOSTON, second baseman has the throw from the catcher and wheels to put
the tag on Kansas City's Jerry Adair, as Adair tried to steal second in the second inning of the
game at Kansas City. But the Royals put together three runs in the seventh to cap a victory
over the second place Red Sox. Adair contributed a single to the seventh inning Royal rally.
Angls ire lligiey


East Division
W L Pet.

East Division

Mel Stottlemyre

Stadium grass to go

New York
Kansas Cit

32 13
26 15
21 17
21 24
n 21 26
10 26
West Division
24 17
21 17
y 2~1 21
19 21
17 19 .
11 28



St. Louis
New York
Los Angele
xSan Franc
San Diego

29 15
22 20
18 23
a 17 22
11 28
West Division
28 13
s 24 17
cisco 23 19
20 19
22 24
18 1 29

.524 -

- 6


Approval by the Regents is all
that is needed to insure Michigan
of having Tartan Turf at the
stadium and on one practice field
next year.
"The Regents will consider each
field separately," said Athletic Di-
rector Don Canham at yesterday's
IM Board meeting, "but right now
we see no difficulty in getting the
Regents to okay both fields."
Canham said at an earlier In-
tramural Board meeting that he
considered the fields to be an all
or nothing proposition. He said
that there was no point in putting
the artificial turf- down in the
s adium if the team didn't have a
field to practice on.
Canham also stated that the in-
creasing cost of artificial turfs
made it imperative that the Uni-
versity act now, as Minnesota
Mining and Manufacturing, the
makers of Tartan Turfy have
agreed to honor their original of-
fer for installation of the surface
if the University acts this year.
Failure to act this year might
cause an additional delay as Tar-
tan Turf orders have already be-
gun to backlog due to the ever
increasing demand for it.

Harvey Schiller of the Rugby
Club related the ruggers exper-
ience on an synthetic turf field in
Flint this past weekend to the
The contest was played on Astro
Turf, not on Tartan Turf, and
Schiller said that the difference
was noticeable. "Astro Turf seems
to be more abrasive," he said. Syn-
thetic turf also retains heat and
several ruggers reported blisters
after the contest
Because of the need for drain-
age, it is necessary to have the
center of a synthetic field ele-
vated about 18 inches above the
edges. Schiller noted that this
made it difficult to see across the
field, but this should not prove to
be a serious problem.
The direct benefits of artificial
playing surfaces are numerous.
Annual resodding will no longer be
necessary and maintenance will be
easier, as the field is vacuumed
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow
shall mar the many contests to
be played on the fields, and even
gloom of night will suffer a set-
back because the practice field
will be lighted for club sport and
intramural use at night.

x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Baltimore at Seattle, inc.
Kansas City 5, Boston 4
Cleveland at California, inc.
Detroit at Oakland, inc.
New York 5, Chicago 3
Washington 5, Minnesota I
Today's Games
Detroit at Oakland, night
Baltimore at Seattle, night
Boston at Kansas City, night
Cleveland at California, night
New York vs. Chicago at Milwaukee,
Minnesota at Washington, night

x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Chicago at San Francisco, inc.
Houston 6, Philadelphia 2
Atlanta 5, St. Louis 3
Los Angeles 5, Montreal 3
San Diego 3, New York 2
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
San Diego at New York, night
Los Angeles at Montreal, night
St. Louis at Atlanta, night
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night
Philadelphia at Houston, night
Chicago at San Francisco

ANAHEIM, Calif. ()-Manager I realized you can't make a
Bill Rigney has been fired by the: .300 hitter out of a .210 hitter, but
California Angels and Harold twice during the last road trip a
"Lefty" Phillips, one of his pitcher could have scored on sin-
coaches, has been named to take gles by Jim Fregosi but they stop-
over the slumping club immediate- ped at third.
ly, the Associated Press learned "Fregosi and Ruben Amaro are
Tuesday. the only guys on the club who
Earlier, the cellar-ridden An- really know how to play baseball."
gels unexpectedly called a mid- Gene Autry, chairman of the
afternoon press conference at! Angles' board, who approved the
Anaheim Stadium. dismissal, said, "This was one of
the toughest decisions I've had to
Rigney, the Angels' pilot sincemake in the history of the Angels."
the club was organized in 1961,!
was asked not to attend the con- Although there were rumors of
ference, which was to be presided an immediate trade, an Angel of-
over by General Manager Dick ficial discounted them, saying,
Walsh. "We're going to sit back and let
Lefty look at it from the driver's
Phillips, 50, formerly was a seat."
coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers
before switching to the Angels
this year. Co-incidentally, Walsh
was a front office executive with '
the Dodgers for several years be-
fore leaving to become commis-
sioner of the now extinct United
States Soccer Association.
Phillips commented, "The first
thing we're going to do is work on
fundamentals - a repetition of
base running, fielding, and all- a
around baseball.


Bill Rigney

Boxers given suk

U.S.-USSR to meet in track;
Noc-A-Homa loses teepee
By The Associated Press
! LOS ANGELES-The dual track meet series between the
United States and the Soviet Union, discontinued in 1966 when the
Russians protested U.S. involvement in Vietnam, is on again-the day
before America is to land a man on the moon.
The president of the Southern Pacific Association of the Amateur
Athletic Union, Al Schoenfield, in a letter to the Los Angeles Coliseum
Commission, said Monday the meet would be held July 18-19 in the
He also said a team made up of British Commonwealth athletes
would compete in the meet.
* * *
0 ATLANTA-Chief Noc-A-Homa had a new teepee last night'
and was prepared to defend it.
The Atlanta Braves' mascot, burned out Monday night when his
smoke bombs for Clete Boyer's homer touched off a fire, put up a new!
teepee during the day and took the field last night in full fireman's
The chief wore a red fire helmet, a fireman's coat and carried a
red fire extinguisher on his back when he ran to the teepee just before
the start of the Braves' battle with the St. Louis Cardinals.
The teepee, just back of the left field fence, was burned out
Monday night and the chief, a Chippewa-Ottawa Indian named Levi
Walker, charged he had been sabotaged.
"Somebody fooled with my smoke bombs," he said.
The crowd gave him a rousing cheer when he ran out to his re-
furbished teepee.
0 BUFFALO, N.Y.-The Buffalo Bills once again have failed to
sign All-American O. J. Simpson, and owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. said
yesterday he would consider trading Simpson.
Wilson, in a statement released by the American Football League
team's office here, said he met Monday in Detroit with Simpson, his
agent, Churck Barnes, and his lawyers, David Lockton.
Simpson, the 1968 Heisman Trophy winner from Southern Cali-
fornia, reportedly has been asking Wilson for a $600,000 salary and a
$500,000 loan.
* MONTREAL-Canada's hopes to enter a professional team in'
next year's World Hockey Championship apppar to be in for a rough
The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association plans to bid to make
the championships an open tournament, thereby allowing pros to
play, but an international hockey official doesn't see much hope for
this idea's success.
"If they propose an open tournament, I don't think it will pass
the congress of the IIHF, but it can always be amended," Bunny
Aherne, president of the international Ice Hockey Federation, said
** * *
" MADRID, Spain-Avery Brundage, president of International
Olympic Committee, warned the International Ski Federation yes-

NEW YORK (P)-Middleweight
champion Nino Benvenuti of Italy,;
who was upset by 12-5 underdog7
Dick Tiger Monday night, man-i
ager Bruno Amaduzzi, Tiger andI
several figures in boxing have1
been subpoenaed in a grand jury!
investigation, it was learned yes-
District Attorney Frank Hogan'sj
office declined to comment on thel
subpoenas. Benvenuti, who suf..1
fered a broken right hand in the'
first round, non-title fight, said
he and his manager were served!
immediately after the fight in;
Madison Square Garden.
. Benvenuti said they will appear
for questioning this afternoon.
Tiger could not be reached for
The persons served were ordered
to appear before a New York
County grand jury, it was learned.
The New York Post said the!
subpoenas were served as part of1
a secret two-month investigation
by Hogan into underworld connec-
tions with boxing. The newspaper
said subpoenas also have been
served on a number of key Mafia
figures know to be prominent in
gambling operations.
The Post said the investigation
aparently is not aimed specifically
at Monday night's fight or its out-

There was a report bookmakers
stopped taking bets after the odds
favoring Benvenuti had gone up
from 7-5 to 12-5. There supposed-
ly was little money bet on Tiger,
the upset winner. This indicated
no betting coup was involved.
"I don't know what it's all
about," said Benvenuti, whose
right hand was in a cast. "We will
"I haven't the slightest idea of
what it's all about," said Harry
Markson, the Garden's boxing di-
rector. "Nobody in our office has
been served.
The New York Athletic Com-
mission declined comment on the
Dr. Kazuo Yanagisawa, an or-
thopedic specialist who set the
hand, said it will take from three
to four months to heal.
This will put off Benvenuti's
next title defense. His six months
period of grace to defend the 160-
pound division title expires on
June 14. The World Boxing Asso-
ciation insists he must defend it
next against Luis Rodriguez, the
WBA's No. 1 contender.

"It will probably be against
Rodriguez," said Nino, "but it
can't be for some time now."
Matchmaker Teddy Brenner
said he would like to put Tiger,
the former middleweight and light
heavyweight champion, against
Benvenuti in a title fight.
- "If Tiger can't make it, I'd like
to match Emile Griffith against
Rodriguez in a 12-round elimi-
nation bout in July with the win-
ner to take on Nino for the title,"
said Brenner.
Previously one of the fighters
originally scheduled to fight on
the Monday night card was ar-
Frankie DePaula and his man-
ager, Gary Garafola, both of Jer-
sey City, N.J., were arrested by the
FBI a week ago on charges of
stealing $80,000 worth of copper
from interstate shipments.
The arrest of the two, and three
other men, followed their indict-
ment by a federal grand jury in
Newark, N.J. The fighter and man-
ager were suspended by the New
York Athletic Commission. They.
are free on $25,000 bail each.


Lefty Phillips
for information call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union
32 Trips/Day


-Associated Press
Michigan man makes good
Ted Sizemore, ex-Michigan baseball player has made the big
leagues in an odd way. Sizemore caught in his saty at Michigan,
was a receiver in the minor leagues but is a shortstop with the
Dodgers. Manager Walter Alston had an open space in the infield
so he put the Wolverine grad in it.

.._ --a a

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