by Ioua eheioi 94 e Sifigran Daily Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan T hat was the week that was no exception 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Editorials printed in The Michigan [ or the edifors. T TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969 News Phone: 764-0552 Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers *his must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD ROSENTHAL Thieu's new front: A political hoax PRESIDENT THIEU'S newly formed Na- tional Social Democratic Front is nothing but a hoax. General Thieu's reasons for forming the National Social Democratic Front are not totally clear. But most logically Thieu is making another attempt to camouflage a repressive oligarchy in the garb of repre- sentative government. This is nothing new for t hie military elite. The elections and constitutional convention of 1967 were also an attempt to convince his countrymen and the American public t h a t this government had the interests of the nation at heart. In the 1967 election, Thieu screened out neutralist candidates or candidates fav- oring formation of a coalition govern- ment. He harrassed some of the remain- ing candidates and despite all these ma- nipulations won only,34 per cent of the vote. After t h e election Truong Dinh Dzu, Thieu's leading opponent at the polls, was promptly jailed for advocating a coalition with the' NLF.-Dzu was charged with "ac- tions that weakened the will of the people and the army of South Vietnam to fight against the Communists." The American embassy registered a mild protest. O COUNTER the recent NLF proposal for removal of the Thieu regime and institution ofa provisional coalition gov- ernment to oversee elections, T h i e u is again throwing up smokescreens. In reality his political gambit merely extends formal recognition as partners to groups and persons w h o have either Editorial Staf MARCIA ABRAMSON .......... ... Co-Editor JIM HECK.......................... Co-Editor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER .............Summer Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ ......Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX, JAY CASSIDY ..... Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Joel Black, Nadine Cohodas, Harold Rosenthal, Judy Sarasohn. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Lorna Cherot, Erika HofftScott Mixer, Sharon Weiner. Sports Staff JOEL BLOCK, Sports Editor ANDY BARBAS, Executive Sports Editor BILL CUSUMANO ..........Associate Sports Editor JIM FORRESTER............Associate Sports Editor ROBIN WRIGHT ...........Associate Sports Editor JOE MARKER ................... Contributing Editor supported him personally or most of his policies in the past. The alliance excludes the powerful An Quang Buddhist faction and the newly formed Progressive National party. It al- so excludes General Duong Van M i n h, who overthrew Diem and has recently re- turned from exile in Bangkok. (The Greater Union Force is perhaps the strongest element in Thieu's n e w front. It is significant that the force is composed of Catholic refugees from the north, who were prominent under Diem. Thieu and Ky are Catholics, and Ky is al- so a Northern refugee.) To its credit the alliance includes rem- nants of old-line parties "which fought the French. However, these parties are of the reactionary Chinese Kuomintang variety, nationalists and oligarchs both. THE PEOPLE'S ALLIANCE of Social Revolution, despite its deceptive name, is another pro-government bloc, which makes it almost ipso facto reactionary. , All of these crypto-progressive parties combined won only 48 per cent of the vote in the 1967 election, an election which wasn't representative in the first place. Yet an American diplomat hailed the new alliance. "Its a great achievement, in a way. Two years ago it would have been impossible to get all these people under the same roof." Actually this comment is very damn- ing. If it took Thieu two years to widen his political base to include these reac- tionaries, how long will it take him to in- corporate neutralits, socialists, militant and all other major non-Communists in his Front? F PEACE IN Vietnam is leftup to Thieu it will be a long way off. He can't even construct a bona-fide coalition 'of the na- tion's anti-Communists 1 e t alone relin- quish his power in a n e w coalition in- cluding the NLF. Clearly Western-style'democracy means nothing to Thieu. To the wily old warlord its only a window dressing to disguise the actual workings of his government and hopefully to deceive the gullible. Every week tli e r e are events which strike me as distortions or ironic twists of law - whether they be natur'Ia, s ence, jurisprudence or those that iov- ern human decency. Take last week for example. I AST WEEK was a manilesaion f white power ranging on a scale rom indi'fference to blatant racism- Indiana Attorney General, Th(odo-re Sendak, charged Mayor Richard Hatcher with instigating a n d aggravating racial tensions in Gary. Sendak claimed t h a Hatcher hired 150 demonstrators to upset a testimonial dinner held in Governor Ed- gar Whitcomb's honor at the Gary Nation- al Armory. It was reported that the pro- testers ate $1000 worth of food. Sendak has asked the FBI to inestigate charges that Hatcher's "hacks" are «'lti- dating white officials of Gary City Hall, and the police feel inhibited in performing their duty. Sendak's statement is ludicrous cnough and his course of action insulting. But tihe ultimate affront to blacks was made by Los Angeles' Mayor Sam Yorty. YORTY, A MAVERICK Democrat, is seeking reelection for his third ;term. Yor- ty's campaign is an obvious appeal to white racists and is playing on the fears of an alarmed white community. Yorty, desperate and fighting for his po- litical life; has latched onto the Indiana Attorney General's complaint and is lit- erally saying 'Look what happens when a nigger gets some power. They all go ber- serk like a bunch of zombies.' Yorty ran a dismal second in the Los Angeles mayoral primary. His opponent- is Tom Bradley, who, incidentally, is black. Yorty is claiming that Bradley's election - ill produce a o Wher Watts, and constantly tminds the voters how marvelously he handd ,Ii e Watts riots of 1966. Yorty Ss Bradley is backed by student anarch- it. hatec mongering black militants and onim unists-namned no less- Consequently Yorty ha .joined the "law and order" band- wagen. To compare Los Angeles with Gary is an absurdity. Gary has never rioted to a de- grce comparable to that of Watts. Gary's black population is three times that of Los Ai eles - 60 iper cent in Gary and 20 per cent in Los Angeles. Hatcher, like Yorty is a maverick democrat. But the white coun- rilmen and police fear Hatcher because he is cleaning up local graft, an issue Bradley is basing his campaign on. Y o r t y has many European junket tours to explain). Under Hatcher's administration Gary has >iphoned more federal funds t h a n any previous administration where white of- . cMals did their Negro thing. BESIDES, GARY'S racial problems did- i all ol a sudden appear when Hatcher became mayor. The greatest majority of blacks are located in the inner city, while he whites {with a few blacks sprinkled here and there) reside in the suburb of Lhidwood outside the city proper. The city and the suburb are geographically as well as morally and psychology separated by a river. If anything has caused tensions to flare it is a movement in Lindwood Park to su- cede from Gary. Anyone for any reason is invited to j o i n the movement - which stands as an open invitation to all racists. Lindwxood residents have offered every excuse but the obvious and honest one - they don't want to be governed by a black man who is concerned with the inner city. Hatcher has made it quite clear that his interest in keeping Lindwood within city limits is because its property tax provides a broad revenue base. Lindwood is worse off than New York City in t h e amount of money it receives from the city government for every t a x dollar it puts out. But Hatcher's reasoning is Lindwood doesn't n e e d the money - Gary does. So Lindwood comes 1 a s t in Hatcher's concern, and to say that the once elitist ruling group of Lindwood is ticked would be putting it very mildly. ALTHOUGH Detroit Mayor Jerome Cav- anagh admitted that he was not certain about what transgressed in the B e t h e l Church incident, somehow he has come to the conclusion that the police acted prop- erly when they went shooting first into a church where women and children were and rounded up the whole lot and dragged them down to police headquarters. Cavanagh declined to comment on the Tenure Committee's findings concerning Judge George Crockett's handling of the Bethel incident - which were favorable. He said the committees report w as not clear and that he wished the press would forget about it. Is that anyway to quell rac- ial strife inDetroit? K* * OINK-OINK Harvey has hired oink-oink Wagner as a deputy oink-oink. They're go- ing to grovel in the mire together. Throughout the whole incident there was one brilliant statement. It was made by Police Chief Walter Krasny- He said," A hit in the face does not constitute a beat- ing." My proposal is everyday, once a day, have a member of the Ann Arbor oink-oink force hit Krasny in the mouth and we'll see at what point he changes his mind. RHODESIA is getting liberal. Ian Smith's government has issued a referendum which will extend voting privileges to the blacks. only if they agree to pay more taxes. But that's not all! Smith will reserve 45 mil- lion acres for blacks only: while the whites get only 44 million acres. There are 45 million blacks and 250.000 whites, I can see it in the history books now: Ian Smith promises one acre and a vote. Well Lincoln's 40 acres and a mule wasn't much better - which by the way blacks never received. LAST WEEK was Armed Forces Week. Mrs. Willete was informed by the Army that her son had been killed, He was sta- tioned in Vietnam. But he was not killed by enemy fire but by his own sergeant. Last week the sergeant,bBernardo ,Rod- riguez, was to stand trial before the make- shift military court in Cuchee South Viet- nam. Mrs. Willete asked the Pentagon if she could go to South Vietnam to attend the trial in an effort to find out why her son was shot. The Pentagon told her they could not guarantee her safety. But Mrs. Willete was insistent and went at her own cost. No one from the military or from her son's command met her when she arrived. At the brief hearing, character witnesses told what a bad soldier Mrs. Willete's son was - he smoked grass and all that - and what an excellent soldier Rodriguez was. Then Rodriguez was found guilty. He will be dismissed f r o m the Army and could serve a prison term up to 10 years. But Mrs. Willete later learned that the Pentagon paid all the expenses for Rodri- guez's father to attend the trial. Other than that Mrs. Willete learned nothing and still doesanot know why Rodriguez shot her son. By the way Mrs. Willete is black. *1 MI "could ask for popular vote on the issue and threaten to resign if it failed ...T Defending student radicals by I. F. Stone t t / w 1 1fj ', :' ;x~,i' . R ¢ 1 " ' Yi . 1 cg. Q . .c,. ..: t, > iT. x t ' n ®' KS-n.aSS. t9 :: ; , .,f V 'I ! o r .s t i ¢ f E 5 R ~g Ilk- ./ a ,: t -TOBE LEY Amsterdam, too.0.. (Editor's note: The following dis- patch was sent Friday from Am- sterdam).l By NICK JANKOWSKI College Press Service. A MSTERDAM (CPS) - On Fri- day, May 16, 700 students oc- cupied the administration ibuilding of the University of Amsterdam. This action came after months of debaee and discussion with the Minister of Education, administra- tion officials, and professors. It also came on the wave of student unrest sweeping Holland. The oc- cupation continues at this mo- mentu The Dutch student takeover has been accomplished with Provo flare. Banners drape colorfully from the drab concrete window frames. Posters of Lenin, Che, and Ho have replaced the paintings of university presidents. The admin- istration's stencil machines are now being tested for endurance. The ingenious Dutch have set up their own radio transmitter, combining revolutionary rock with minute-by-minute information and analysis. Their station is powerful enough to reach all Amsterdam and some of the outlying suburbs. After students occupied the building, they barricaded the one entrance with aluminum scaffold- ing fixtures and modern lounge chairs. They have boarded up the, windows, making a police rush virtually impossible. Should a rush occur, however, the students say they will remain nonviolent, let- ting the police be responsible for any damage to property. OUTSIDE, THE police have sealed off the normally busy street in front of the building. Police mounted on horseback, fingering their three-foo4 leather battons, guard the area. They oc- sasionally pace their horses into the crowds of bystanders, telling them to "Move along." Plainclothesmen, looking more like Dutch farmers than detectives, walk around with Doberman window of a 17th century univer- sity owned-church, across a build- ing supply depot, up ladders scaling walls; and finally, with a gulp and lots of courage, across a ladder bridge between the library and the administration building. This student-made suspension bridge sways in the wind two stories above the crowds in the street below. THE PRESIDENT of the uni- versity calls the occupation "un- just." He feels the university has been accomplishing education re- form, The occupiers disagree, they point to one of the secret docu- ments they discovered while xbrowsing through the university files. Thisadministration memo asserts that, yes, students must be given some decision-making op- portunities, "but it must be kept within controllable limits." Stu- dentsmust not, it continues, have the chance to get 'majority repre- sentation on decision-making com- mittees. The students' primary demand is for power to make the decisions affecting their education. They have adapted the American judi- cial slogan, "One Man-One Vote" as a symbol of the meaning of their demand. One student said he felt the time was past when pro- fessors and administrators should constitue a voting majority on committees. It is on this very point that the students appear to be losing fac- ulty support. At' a recent meeting of the university staff, strong op- position was expressed to "One Man-One Vote," at least in the context of the university. For this reason, compromise between the occupiers, the faculty, and the ad- ministration seems difficult. It is not easy to assess the opin- ion of the 18,000 other students of the University. There is no cen- tralized campus for strikes or counter-strikes. University build- (Editor's note: The following article appeared in the May 19 issue of I. F. Stone's Weekly. The Editorial Directors are grateful to Mr. Stone for permission to reprint it.) HATE TO WRITE on subjects about which I know no more than the conventional wisdom of the moment. One of these subjects is the campus revolt. My credentials as an expert are slim. I always loved learning and hated school. I wanted to go to Harvard, but I couldn't get in because I had graduated 49th in a class of 52 from a small-town high school. I went to college at the University of Pennsylvar.a which was obligated-this sounds like an echo of a familiar black de- mand today-to take graduates of high schools in neighboring communities no mat- ter how ill-fitted. My boyhood idol was the saintly anarchist Kropotkin. I looked down on college degrees and felt that a man should do only what was sincere and true and with- out thought of mundane advancement. This provided lofty reasons for not doing home- work. I majored in philosophy with the vague thought of teaching it but though I revered two of my professors I disliked the smell of a college faculty. I dropped out in my third year to go back to newspaper work. Those were the twenties ands I was a pre-depression radical. So I might be described I suppose as a premature New Leftist, though I never had the urge to burn anything down. In MICROCOSM, the Weekly and I have become typical of our society. The war and the military have taken up so much of our energies that we have neglected the blacks, the poor and the students. Seen from afar, the turmoil and the deepening division appear to be a familiar tragedy, like watching a friend drink himself to death. Everybody knows what needs to be done, but the will is lacking. We have to break the habit. There is no excuse for poverty in a society which can spend $80 billion a year on its war machine. If national security comes first, as the spokes- men for the Pentagon tell us, then we can only reply that the clearest danger to the national security lies in the rising revolt of our black population. Our own country is becoming a Vietnam. As if in retribution for the suffering we' have imposed, we are confronted by the same choices: either to satisfy the aspirations of the oppressed or to try and crush them by force. The former would be costly, but the latter will be disastrous. This is what the campus rebels are trying to tell us, in the only way which seems to get attention. I do not like much of what they are saying and doing. I do not like to hear opponents shouted down, much less beaten up. I do not like to hear any one group or class, including policemen, called pigs. I do not think four letter words are arguments. I hate hate intolerance and vio- lence. I see them as man's most ancient and enduring enemies and I hate to see them welling up on my side. But I feel about the rebels as Erasmus did about Luther. Erasmus helped inspire the Reformation but was re- pelled by the man who brought it to fruition. He saw that Luther was as intolerant and as dogmatic as the Church. "From argument," as Erasmus saw it, "there would be a quick resort to the sword, and the 'whole world would be full of fury and madness." Two centuries of religious wars without parallel for blood-lust were soon to prove how right degenerating into a dogma, and fresh thoughts freezing into lifeless party line. Those who set out nobly to be their brother's keeper sometimes end up by becoming his jailer. Every emancipation has in it the seeds of a new slavery, and every truth easily be- comes a lie. But these perspectives, which seem so irrefutably clear from a pillar in the desert, are worthless to those enmeshed in the crowded struggle. They are no better than mystical nonsense to the humane student who has to face his draft board, the dissident soldier who is determined not to fight, the black who sees his people doomed by shackles stronger than slavery to racial humiliation and decay. The business of the moment is to end the war, to break the growing dominance of the military in our society, to liberate the blacks, the Mexican-American, the Puerto Rican and the Indian from injustice. This is the business of our best youth. However confused and chaotic, their ;unwillingness to submit any longer is our one hope. THERE IS A WONDERFUL story of a delegation which came here to see Franklin D. Roosevelt on some reform or other. When they were finished the President said, "Okay, you've convinced me. Now go on out and bring pressure on me." Every thoughtful official knows how hard it is to get anything done if someone isn't making it uncomfortable not to. Just imagine how helpless .the better people in government would be if the rebels, black and white, suddenly fell silent. The war might smolder on forever, the ghettoes attract as little attention as a refuse dump. It is a painful business extricating our- selves from the stupidity of the Vietnamese war; we will only do so if it becomes more painful not to. It will be costly rebuilding the ghettoes, but if the black revolt goes on, it will be costlier not to. In the workings of a free society, the revolutionist provides the moder- ate with the clinching argument. And a little un-reason does wonders, like a condiment, in reinvigorating a discussion which has grown pointless and flat. We ought to welcome the revolt as the one way to prod us into a better America. To meet it with cries of "law and order" and "con- spiracy" would be to relapse into the sterile monologue which precedes all revolutions. Rather than change old habits, those in power always prefer to fall back on the theory that all would be well but for a few malevolent conspirators. It is painful to see academia disrupted, but under the-surface were shams and horrors that need cleansing. The dis- ruption is worth the prize of awakening us. The student rebels are proving right in the daring idea that they could revolutionize American society by attacking the universities as its soft underbelly. But I would also remind the students that the three evils they fight-, war', racism and bureaucracy are universal. Awl I 4d 4 THE MARXISM-LENINISM some of the rebels cling to has brought into power a bureaucracy more suffocating than any under capitalism; the students demonstrate every- where on our side but are stifled on the other. War and imperialism have not been eliminated in the relations between Communist States. Black Africa, at least half-freed from the white man, is hardly a model of fraternity The growing student revolution is spreading throughout the world in scenes much like this one (t Berkeley a week ago.