See editorial page
SAitr iau
High-Upper 60's
Low-Upper 40's
Sunnier, warmer, but-
water from above
Vol. LXXIX, No. 14-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 24, 1969 Ten Cents
n Arbor Bank: Able to leap tallbuilding
By NADINE COHODAS On April 11 the nine-member board a lot of 200 square feet, it could not have The attorneys also found that the pro- would result from a failure to grant a original appeal,
The new Democratic City Council has relieved the bank of substantial setback more than 800 square feet 'of floor space. cess used by the heavily Republican board variance must include "substantially more was a new appea
apparently blocked construction of a and allowable floor space requirements for The setbacks do not alter the amount in granting the variance had been con- than mere inconvenience, inability to at- The second a
proposed downtown Ann Arbor Bank high rise buildings. of possible floor space but necessitate ducted in an irregular manner. tain a higher financial return or both," a lot only one-t
building which had been granted a sub- The variances granted were from the building more floors to achieve maximum Bank Vice President James Johnson the code states. inal parcel. Re
stantial variance from building code regu- city's "comprehensive high rise ordinance," room, incurring greater costs. who is in charge of the proposed building, quirements was
lations. established Jan. 10, 1966, which includes The April 11 variance relieves the bank learned of the city attorneys' statement Before the final decision, the board the building an
As a result of council's challenge of the two important regulatpns: of setback requirements on three sides of yesterday and said the bank's attorneys must also grant all property owners within the building dn
30feet of the area in question an oppor- utheaorneyd
need for the variance, the bank may now -Window and non-window walls of the building and grants 838 per cent more now will review the opinion. tof be pretat a eing n tTheeattorney
be forced to seek alternative building any building exceeding five stories must floor space than the size of the lot-more Johnson indicated that plans for the ttmake the findi
plans for the proposed 8-story structure be set back "not less than 10 feet from than double what the ordinance stipulates. building are still in the planning stages matter. grant a variance
at the corner of Main and Huron streets. the lot line beginning at the bottom of Council cannot overturn the variance and may be redrawn before the bank The bank filed its original appeal Feb. because the ban
An investigation made at council's re- the third story." decision because the board is granted ple- seeks a building permit. 6, submitted an amended version March 5 at the building
quest by city attorneys reported that there -The setback must, be increased in nary powers by state statute. Instead city "There are at least three or four alter- and submitted another amended appeal "there is serious
appeared to be no sound justification for width "by two feet for each eight feet of attorneys recommend that the variance natives," Johnson said. April 11. finding of pract
the Zoning Board of Appeals granting of total building above the third story." be held as void and that the bank not be Before the appeals board can grant a Although notice of the first amended sary hardship co
the variance. The other regulation in question, which granted a building permit by the city. variance, Ann Arbor city code requires it appeal had been sent to nearby property In its appea,
State law requires that variances be has existed since the original 1963 zoning The attorneys' statement added that to make findings of fact which show that owners, the city attorneys say no notice practical diffict
granted only in casesnvolving "practical ordinance was written, stipulates that the denial of a permit "likely would be upheld the land and proposed construction in- was sent to owners regarding the second excessive amoun
difficulties or unnecessary hardship." But amount of usable floor space must be no in court" if the bank decided to seek a volve "practical difficulties or unneces- amendment, building would
attorneys found that neither appeared to more than 400 per cent the size of the lot. court ruling on the legality of the denial sary hardships.' In addition, the attorneys claim the duct space ands
exist. That is, if a building were constructed on and the variance. Furthermore, alleged difficulties which third appeal was "so different from the See C
Six Pages
that in our opinion, it
mended appeal dealt with
hird the size of the orig-
lief from the setback re-
requested for both sides of
I for the rear rather than
as earlier requested.
s say the board "failed to
ngs of fact" necessary to
on this last appeal. And
k controls additional land
cite the attorneys say
legal question whether a
ical difficulty or unneces-
uld be supported."
the bank had claimed a
lty existed because "an
t of space in the proposed
be devoted to elevators,
stairwells since these must
OUNCIL, Page 2
Six resign at Dearborn
over MC-5 concert ban
Five members of the 12-man
Student Government Council at
the University's Dearborn campus
yesterday resigned in prot st of a
decision by Director Norman R.
Scott blocking plans for a pop-
rock concert which was to include
a performance by the MC-5, an
Ann Arbor-based group.
Scott had granted tentative ap-
proval for the proposed June 8
concert, but withdrew this ap-
provalsafter a meeting of the cam-
pus Faculty Congress where some
professors suggested that the per-
formance of the MC-5 would pro-
voke bad reaction from the com-
munity. The students claimed
Scott's action was influenced by
this discussion..
Thomas Bagott, the campus co-
ordinator of student activities,
also resigned yesterday over what
he described as a matter related
to, but distinct from the director's
action concerning the proposed
Astronauts 1 day
filming -moon surface
HOUSTON -P-After a hectic day that put Americans on the
threshold of a lunar landing, the Apollo 10 astronauts circled the moon
yesterday, charting the surface for future explorers.
Air Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford and Navy Commanders John
W. Young and Eugene A. Cernan concentrated on photographing
potential landing sites.
Young was busy yesterday taking strip photography of selected
lunar sites. Scientists hope to be able to use the pictures to determine
the gravitational characteristics of the moon.
During the Apollo 8 manned flight to the moon and during pre-
vious probes, scientists discovered that the gravity of the moon is not
Ground controllers were unable to precisely determine the orbital
altitude and position of spacecraft because increasing and decreasing
gravity caused the flight path to rise and fall.
Determination of the navigation characteristics of the moon is
considered essential for the'moon landing set for July.
The astronauts circled the moon taking pictures with a special
camera, which scientists hope will solve the mystery of navigating1
around the moon.
The work was the last major assignment the moon explorers had
to complete before starting home early this morning.
The Apollo 10 astronauts told for the first time of coughing,
sneezing and itching from a spacecraft atmosphere polluted by glass
wool insulation.
Stafford, Young and Cernan left little doubt that Apollo 11 will
blast off for the moon July 16, carrying astronauts Neil A. Armstrong
and Edwin A: Aldrin toward a landing in the area called the Sea of,
Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and
Edwin A. Aldrin are to rocket moonward July 16, with Armstrong and
Aldrin touching down in a LEM July 20 on the moon's Sea of
A short-circuit in a cooling pump system has idled one of Apollo
10's electric generating units but poses no threat to the moon-orbit-
ing astronauts, officials said yesterday.
Stafford, Young and Cernan were reported able to continue
normal operations on the moon-orbiting flight with the spaceship's
two remaining electric units-called fuel cells.
Stafford asked and got permission to move the 'planned televi-
sion show-Apollo 10's last from around the moon-from 7:09 p.m.,
EDT., to 12:45 a.m., EDT, today.
Bagott, a Dearborn campus stu-
dent who took the job on a one-
term basis, said the reasons for his
resignation involved "employe-em-
ployer relations." He declined to
In a statement announcing their'
resignation, the students said the
sequence of events leading up to
Scott's action "indicate to us a
vacillating administration, a re-
actionary faction of the faculty,'
and a Student Government Coun-
cil that is largely irrelevant to the
decision-makdng process of this
"It is, in our opinion, a sad
commentary on the state of af-
fairs of this academic institution
that such drastic action (the res-
ignation) must be taken by active,
concerned and responsible stu-
dents," the added.
Scott yesterday confirmed that
he had granted "preliminary" ap-
proval of the concert. But he de-
nied that his final decision had
been influenced by debate at the
Faculty Congress or by the pos-
sibility of adverse community re-
action to the MC-5.
Rather, he said, permission was
denied because of what he called
the "inadequacy" of facilities
which the student government
planned to use for the concert.
Plans called for a concert co-
sponsoredby radio station WABX
and Student Government Council'
to be held in the meadow at the
Fairlane Mansion, the home of
Henry Ford, now owned by the
See SIX, Page 2
Guard ears
Carolina A&T;
seven" wounded
By The Associated Press
Five policemen, a national guardsman and a student were
wounded by gunfire at predominantly black North Carolina
A&T State University before 600 guardsmen cleared the can-
pus yesterday.
The violence climaxed a week of scattered disorders,
which began as the result of ill-feeling over a student body
election at-a black high school earlier in the week.
City school officials obtained a court injunction forbid-
ding certain A&T students from entering the high school
grounds. The officials blamed the college students for for-
menting discontent at the high school.
One student was shot and killed Wednesday at the 4,000-
student school. An order was issued Thursday to close the
university yesterday after-.
A NORTH CAROLINA National Guardsman mans a machine gun on the back of a je
street from North Carolina A & T yesterday, Six-hundred guardsmen made a sweep o
routing students with gunfire and tear gas.
.o rhits Harvey
Associated Press
Mayor Robert Harris late last
night called for an immediate
meeting with the Ann Arbor mem-
bers of the County Board of Su-
pervisors to discuss Sheriff Dou-
glas Harvey's hiring of the police-
man who was accused of beating
a Human Relations Commission
staff member arrested on assign-
Harris charged Harvey with
using "lower standards to judge
the fitness of police officers than Harris said he u
those applied by the Ann Arbor ner's statements
I ~ lir 'aatat"TTOi~il
i-once Department.
The ex-patrolman, Wade Wag-
ner, resigned earlier this week
when Police Chief Walter Krasny
informed him that "if he did not
resign promptly a hearing would
be held lookin'g toward his dis-
missal," so Harris said. Krasny's
decision was based entirely on
facts admitted by the officer
himself, the mayor added.
Peace group petitions Nixon
to abandon support of Thieu
"Sheriff Harvey'
regard of the imps
fessional police w
excessive force isa
zens in this count
"and to the effor
men, in and out
ment, to make t:
Police Departmen
which all citizens<
Harris said Ann
to have a police
which excessive for
But at the samet
iff's department w
lower standards isc
same territory."
Harvey has defer
of Wagner, %sayin
my men including
have struck the
were attacked."
. Harvey's hiring+
brought strong
other members ofi
including local bla
Dr. Albert W
NAACP chairman
Harvey has also hi
former Ann Arbor
police who had b
using "harassingt
eep across the noon, but police said they
f the campus, moved earlier because of con-
tinuing gunfire from campus
The guardsman's injury brought
to seven the number of persons
struck by gunfire between mid-
night and dawn. The incident
highlighted a third straight day
of disorders at the 4,000-student
campus and in North Carolina's
was shown Wag- second largest city.
concerning the Part of the troops remained on
campus after the sweep. City man-
s .n ager John Turner said the 8 p.m.
s apparent dis- to 5 a.m. curfew would continue
ortance in pro- until further notice.
o threat to citi- ng Meanwhile students began leav-
ry," Harris said, ing the campus. A&T President
ry,"fHarrisesaidDr. Lewis C. Dowdy had ordered
of the depart- Thursday that the institution be
fthe Ann Arbor closed yesterday. Dowdy said his
it a force of decision was made to protect
can be proud." members of the college com-
Arbor is trying Police Chief Paul Calhoun said
department in the decision to send troops to the
rce is forbidden, campus was prompted, by sniper,
time the "sher- fire from the buildings.
ith significantly The troopers threw canisters of
operating in the nausea gas through windows and
into doorways as they moved
nded the actions through the campus. .
3g, "Anyone of Elsewhere, there were moves to-
g myself would ward peace on several campuses.
person if they Gov. Ronald Reagan relaxed
emergency measures around the
of Wagner has University of California at Berk-
reaction from eley after a week of rioting over
the community, a "people's park' 'during which
ack leaders. one man was-killed and 800 were
h e ele r, state arrested.
, claimed that Reagan reduced a daytime loi-
red a few other tering ban from citywide to a 10-
r and Ypsilanti block area around the campus, but
een accused of he continued a 10 p.m.-to-p a.m.
tactics." curfew throughout the city. He
tactics. - - In. .,..
Statements signed by 46 Ann
Arbor clergymen were among 4,000
statements presented to President
Nixon yesterday calling for an
end to U.S. support for the South
Vietnamese government.
A statement which was released
in Ann Arbor by the Rev. Patrick
Jackson of St. Thomas Catholic
Church; Prof. David Wurfel,
chairman of the Committee on
Asian Studies at the University of
Missouri; and Prof. Rhoads Mur-
phey of the geography department
called for an "end to U.S. support
of a government in South Viet-
nam that remains in power only
through suppression of all forms
of political and religious opposi-
Wurfel, who has been a visiting
professor at the University, has
made six trips to Vietnam. Dur-
ing these trips he became ac-
quainted with Thich Taien Minh,
a Buddhist leader who was ar-
rested earlier this year.
In Washington, the statement
was presented to an aide of Pres-
idential adviser Henry Kissinger.
Parts of the statement, which
Med School solicitsJ
was distributed by Clergy and
Laymen Concerned About Viet-
nam, said, "Students, professors,
labor union leaders, editors and
others in South Vietnam who have
come out for peace have been
harshly suppressed by the gov-
ernment and subjected to arrest,
exile and torture. It is not justi-
fiable for Americans to kill and
be 'killed for the sake of con-
tinuing such a regime.
"The Saigon government has
attempted to silence political op-
ponents as well, through impris-
onment, exile or tetrorism. Tru-
ong Dinh Dzu, the runnerup in the
11967 elections has been in jail
since early last year.
In view of these gross violations
of human rights and denial of
fundamental freedoms, we believe
that it is clear the regime of Ngu-
yen Van Thieu and Nguyen Cao
Ky knows itself not to be repre-
sentative of the people of South
Vietnam and their desire for
Wurfel said that while there is
uncertainty about the number of
political prisoners in Vietnam, the
20,000 admitted by a U.S. embassy
official was "too conservative."
The suppression of those seek-
ing peace in Vietnam is an at-!
tempt by "this regime to destroy
any non-Communist alternative
to itself." he said. "It is prolong-;
Court Justice William O.
Douglas resigned yesterday as
the paid president of the Al-
bert Parvin Foundation. The
foundation came under fresh
fire from Congress because of
its links with Las Vegas
gambling casinos.
Despite Douglas' resignation
Congressmen pushed ahead with
demands for a probe of Douglas's
outside income.
Rep. H. R. Gross (R-Iowa) said
the justice should have resigned
from the Supreme Court instead.
Gross called Douglas incom-
petent to"serve on the Supreme
Court because of the controversy
and said, "His resignation from
the court forthwith is the an-
nouncement he should h a v e
Sen. Paul Fannin (R-Ariz),
hailed the resignation but said,
"This does not lift the cloud sur-
rounding the justice's relations
with the foundation or his other
business dealings. No doubt the
investigations . , . will go for-
Douglas refused to comment,
but a court official confirmed he
had cut his ties with the founda-
tion which has paid him $85,000
over the past seven years.
The foundation-whose stated
purpose is advancing democracy
over communism-disclosed earlier
this week that it had sold its stock
in a firm owning three Las Vegas
casinos for $2 million.
Douglas' decision was disclosed
a week after Justice Abe Fortas
resigned from the Supreme Court.
Fortas was under attack because
of a $20,000. check he received
from the family foundation of
jailed financier Louis E. Wolfson.
Parvin was named by the gov-
ernment in 1967 as an alleged co-
conspirator in stock c h a r g e s
against Wolfson.
The foundation said in Los An-
geles that Douglas resigned as its
See GUARDu, Page 2
The University wants your
The a n a t o m y department
needs 120 cadavers for its fresh-
man class this fall, says- ana-
tomy professor Dr. T. W. Oer-
lick. The demand is so great
and the supply so small that
four students must share a
One rumor circulating around
campus claimed the department
"This law has historical roots,"
Oerlick says. "Bodies were not
considered a marketable com-
modity because it could lead to
grave robbing."
Oerlick says 50 per cent of
the anatomy department's ca-
davers are donations "mostly
from men, but there is a notice-
able increase in the female con-
The other 50 per cent are peo-
sumes the duty of undertaker,
Oerlick adds.
Catholics used to hesitate to
donate their bodies because the
Church disapproves of crema-
tion as a form of burial, Oer-
lick says. But a statement from
the archbishop of Detroit said
donating bodies to medical
schools was "appropriate," Oer-
lick explains.
When the department receives
fresh bodies which have not
of the thorax "ruins the internal
structure of the body," Oerlick
All the received bodies even-
tually are stored in sealed tanks
to prevent dehydration until
they are used.
Oerlick admits there are cer-
tain beneficial studies that can-
not be conducted on a corpse.
Diseases like cancer must be
studied on live tissue so that
....... .