itr £irehjan 4aihj Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan just a song in the wind How to win egos and destroy students by jim beck I4 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprirs. FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS Burger and the Court: Nixon told us so NIXON'S APPOINTMENT of a "law and order".man to the post of Chief Jus- tice certainly comes as a surprise to no one. Nixon repeatedly said during t h e campaign that his -judicial appointments would seek to re-orient the high court back to "strict constructionism" - mean- ing conservatism., Warren E. Burger appears to have the conservative credentials that Nixon de- mands. Described as a man who is a mod- erate on civil rights, Burger is known al- so to be one who takes a strong s t a n d against recent Supreme Court action in the area of criminal protection. The Burger appointment is Nixon's first appointment to theiCourt, ani it will not be his last. The seat vacated by the resignation of Justice Fortas is now up for appointment. And, with the singleness of purpose that Fortas' critics sought his ouster for alleged financial misbehavior, one can 'suspect that Justice William O. Douglas will be exposed to the same kind of fire. While many. people were genuinely shocked by the disclosure of Fortas' fi- nancial dealings, Congressional disap- proval of him was primarily disapproval of the Court's behavior. Most Congress- men have outside sources of income that are no more detestable: than that of For- tas. Nevertheless, it was good window dressing for an attack on the Court. It is no coincidence that Fortas and Douglas are two of the most liberal members of the Court. THE APPOINTMENT of Burger and two other justices may well swing the bal- ance of the Court back to the right. This may be the most damaging and lasting legacy of Richard Nixon. One only need look to the Taft Court to see what dam- age a conservative court can do to pro- gressive legislation. In these days when Congress is consid- ering repressive legislation to tame cam- pus turbulence, w h e n Deputy Attorney General Richard Kleindienst suggests that campus rebels should be "rounded up and put in a detention camp," a liberal Supreme Court seems to be one of t h e only hopes for maintaining a modicum of sanity in government. But, the appointment of Warren Bur- ger and the attitude of Nixon and Con- gress toward the Court make the pros- pects for a sane future 1 o o k incredibly bleak. STEVE ANZALONE WASHINGTON FEW WILL DENY that the student movement is in dire need of some kind of solidification. But if it is to reach this point, several prerequisites are necessary: such as communication, interaction and cohaesion. Unfortunately, however, the simple realization that the ultimate need is, indeed, solidification has caused some ambitious souls to try to evade the pre- requisites and jump right to the aspiration. THE NATIONAL Student Association (NSA) has been the only bona fide national student group that has ever existed and its legitimacy, which was always challenged, was damaged almost qompletely with the 1966 expose of ties with the Central Intel- ligence Agency. NSA was receiving almost $300,000 per year in straight CIA cold cash. It would have been appropriate for NSA to disband itself at that point. Student activism was creeping along, even though the Berkeley Free Speech Movement was at a lull. NSA's ability to lead was non- existent because those concerned were afraid to follow. 1 BUT NOT EVERYONE dropped out of NSA like our own SGC did. And, in fact, its membership increased from 250 to 380 in a two-year period after the CIA affair. Most of the membership, though, came from smaller, private institutions. Iron- ically, however, NSA's leadership continued to come from the large, potentially erup- tive campuses. Except for an interesting sidelight with the CIA concerning the building NSA occu- pies, the ties with the covert group seemed to have been adequately severed. To this day, of course, there is no way of knowing precisely what ties were broken or if, in fact, they were all broken. Many other splinter organizations and a number of "foundations" were also exposed along with NSA by Ramparts and one of the east coast's most progressive and dy- namic reporters, Bob Walters of the Wash- ington Star. x AFTER THAT haranguing incident, the CIA-under direct and public ordei^s from President Lyndon Johnson-would no longer fundany organizations through its conduit foundations. (In the NSA-CIA arrangement, much of the money to NSA was received through a front foundation called the Foundation for Youth and Stu- dent Affairs.) Johnson and others hoped this would be one way of insuring the CIA would n o t become involved in domestic affairs.i But in November 1966 the President issued almost the exact proclamation again. To this day that speech remains a mys- tery, for supposedly, the CIA had at least for the time being severed all domestic ties, and thus, it seems either to be mean- ingless or . . the CIA wasn't following the President's orders. Now the CIA has found a new way to fund and subvert domestic organizations. Under the Katzenbach commission the CIA is now allowed to transfer funds freely to and from the State Department. IN ANY CASE, NSA has made it quite clear it has no ties with either the govern- ment or the CIA. But it still does have ties; this time with the Ford Foundation through a three-year $350,000 grant. The first $35,000 of this has been lost and according to NSA members disappeared because someone forgot to log it. Another $100,000 seems to have blown casually away for such activities as "mailing letters" and supporting a "five or six man" staff. * * E ARLY IN MAY NSA sponsored a press conference for the "We Won't Go" statement. The conference was called to air the protest of some 253 "student lead- ers" who signed the NSA statement pledging not to serve in the Army if in- ducted during the Vietnam War. (The statement was relatively conservative) At that weekend quasi-protest University 4v 4-4 Obnoxious bylaw revision THE SECOND CLAUSE of Section 7.09 of the ad hoc committee's bylaw proposal is a direct affront to the spirit and pur- pose of the Hatcher report. Unless this clause is deleted or drastically amended, Student Government Council should not approve the ad hoc committee's proposal. Section 7.09 is concerned with the del- egating of regulatory authority. Clause 2 of this section states, "when the gradu- ates- of a particular academic program normally r e q u i r e a license to practice their profession, the governing faculty of the school or college offering that pro- gram is authorized to set, clear and pub- lish behavorial standards (relating to the licensingi requirements) for determining grades, awarding degrees and continuing enrollment in the program." Schools that would be affected by this clause are the medical, education, 1 a w, dentist and nursing schools and certain divisions of the engineering college. This clause is obnoxious because it au- tomatically assumes that the University has the right to establish codes of moral- ity for students. It is repugnant to the Hatcher report because these codes are to be established without consent or con- sultation of the student body. The pur- pose and theme of the Hatcher report was to increase student participation and in- fluence in t h e functioning of their schools. SECTION 2 will be open to abuse by the more conservative faculties particular- ly in the medical, nursing and engineering schools. Regulations could be set against, students of a reformist or radical persua- sion. Repressive measures could be passed in order to prevent students from partici- pating in demonstrations under the pre- text of maintaining "responsible" behav- ior. 'This section can also be abused by the passage of petty regulations - like those governing dress. This year the medical school allowed the first beard. The rea- son for banning beards was the excuse that they were unsanitary. T h e dental school still draws the line against beards and only allows moustaches. The situation in nursing school is even more absurd. The nursing faculty governs their students with an iron-fist that is characteristic .of grammar school disci- pline. Dresses must be worn to all class- es. The only exception is lab. Editorial Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON .................... Co-Editor JIM HECK.............................. Co-Editor 2MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER.............summer Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ ...... Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX, JAY CASSIDY ...... Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Joel Block, Nadine Cohodas, Harold Rosenthal, Judy Sarasohn. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS:.Lorna Cherot, Erika Hoff, Scott Mixer, Sharon Weiner. Business Staff There was also an incident in the nurs- ing school where a girl was three min- utes late for class, a n d the instructor 'stopped lecturing and scolded the student, demanding that the girl apologize for dis- rupting her class. It is inconceivable that a school would expel a student for petty reasons 1i k e dress and appearance, although they can make life, unpleasant. But it is conceiv- able that the faculties of the professional schools will try to regulate their student's private lives in the areas of drug use and co-habitation practices. One man's mor- ality cannot serve another's conscience. jT CAN BE ARGUED that the University has used its punitive powers in rare instances and then only to a mild degree. There hasn't been an expulsion from the University in four years. Although stu- dents have been requested to leave, it has generally been for academic reasons and not on a moral basis. The medical school's example of n o t wanting to license child molesters is plausible. But certainly a code of moral regulations is not needed to rid the school of perverts. If a student were guilty of s u c h an offense certainly the faculty could discuss the matter with the student personally and s e e k a solution to his problem. Yet this is not the most serious flaw of Section 7.09. The regulations set by the faculties of the professional schools will not be subject to review by Central Ju- diciary. A student's only recourse is to pe- tition his own school, but if he is not sat- isfied with the decision rendered bythe faculty, his only recourse is to petition in civil court. This is both costly and time consuming for the student, who is forced to take t h e initiative in defending him- self. Student Government Council cannot approve a, measure which allows such ob- vious tryannical control by the faculty. The attitude expressed by t h e medical school faculty that it would not approve the bylaws proposal without clause 2 is an example of their insensitivity to student rights as outlined in the Hatcher Report. The medical school can safely assume such an attitude since the number of fac- ulty greatly outnumbers that of the stu- dent body. Also the medical school is as- sured that Senate Assembly will not ap- prove t h e resolution without their en- dorsement. THIS CLEARLY leaves the final decis- ion up to SGC. The faculty is trying to proposition the students, by threatening a delay up to three months for bylaw re- form, since President Fleming has said that he will present the proposal to the Regents unless Senate Assembly and SGC agree on the proposal. This leaves SGC in the role of spoiler, of Chicago student editor Roger Black be- came spokesman. Black has managed to produce a bland less-than-daily newspaper at Chicago and has consistently refused any attempts at working with other stu- dent editors, who, in his words, "are gen- erally stupid." But for some reason Black decided to align himself not with the normally radi- cal student editors but with small-town, religion oriented student government pres- idents. He and a few others talked for some time with Henri Kissinger after they de- livered their protest in suit and tie. At this time Black and several NSA people decided another meeting of repre- sentatives of the 253 should be called to formulate a statement on student unrest trying to bring some definitions into the student movement in hope a summer con- ference of student leaders in order to either set up a new national student or- ganization or "re-legitimize" NSA. A DAY LATER in Madison several stu- dent editors and student government presidents met for a press conference to denounce ROTC. NSA Executive Vice Pres- ident Bill Shamblin, an uninvited member, showed up to participate. Afterthe conference Shamblin posed the question : Couldn't everybody meet some time this summer with other student lead- ers for a conference? This big meeting, it was implied, could be used as a general congress towards some kind of student cohesion. Perhaps, it was tacitly suggested, a new and more dynamic student organi- zation could evolve from this. FOUR DAYS LATER in a hasty bout with' the telephone NSA staffer David Haw, a well-known, well-intentioned draft dodger, called some of the 253 together for a weekend conference to formulate the student unrest statement. Together with some interesting unknown people-a Mike Smith, ostensibly a past VISTA volunteer now working in Harvard (he is a member of the Ripon society staff); Terry Barnett who was as quiet as his credentials; Sam Brown and Clinton) Deviaux, past avid McCarthy supporters, and an occasional NSA staffer. These peo- ple were not, to say the least, student leaders and it was extremely difficult to ascertain exactly what they were at all. But the discussions began May 10. And as they began, former University of New Mexico Lobo student editor Robert Burton saw Hawk pass NSA president Robert Powell a mimeographed sheet. On the left- hand corner of the sheet was scribbled in pen: "First Draft/not for distribution/con- fidential/May 6." NEEDLESS TO SAY things were becom- ing extremely unusual. For as the discus- sions continued through the next day (with an amazing amount of liquor brought in by NSA staffers it became clear the dis- cussions were being led by the "unknown" people like Smith and Brown. Black, of course, had his finger in the pie-he ap- pointed himself chairman over the discus- sions. The next day NSA staff member David Holwerk, who is uptight about the group and leaving, privately told some of those at the conference that the statement every- one believed they were working towards had already been written. Probably by Alard Lowenstein or Arthur Schlesinger. Liberals, Holwerk explained, felt it was necessary that some students prove them- selves to be "responsible leaders" or else all hell was going to destroy the liberal movement. Holwerk claimed he could get Powell's secretary to testify to everything he alleged. THAT NIGHT several of the statements were emerging and not ironically, Smith -authored the tactics segment, Deviaux authored the racism segment and Brown authored the War part. Black announced that by Sunday morn- ing at 11 or 12 o'clock a rough draft would probably be completed and that everyone there could sign that di'aft. Those who remained would "polish it up" and present it to the news media Monday at 10:30 a.m. The statements were conservative, far more reactionary than student leaders from the n}ajor schools would endorse. The larger schools became uneasy with the sit- uation. The argument was raised that it was actually foolish to attempt such a statement without representatives from schools such as Wisconsin or Berkeley and that how did anyone possibly expect a statement to be written in a 36-hour period that should take weeks to produce. THEN THE INFO was spilled. Holwerk got up, sweating and frightened, challenged Powell: "Didn't you tell Margo (Powell's secretary? you would never consider bring- ing student leaders together for this with- out already having a statement written?" Powell fumbled for words and for all practical purposes admitted to Holwerk's allegations. Holwerk went into the back room to call Powell's secretary, Powell fol- lowed him and five minutes later Holwerk refused to say anything else. POWELL DENIED that Lowenstein or Schlesinger had anything to do with either the "We Won't Go Statement" 01 theone towards which this group was working. A minute later Brown admitted Lowenstein had written the first of several drafts of the "We Won't Go Statement" claiming, "Everyone knows that." The conference broke up in panic-to say the least. jT IS DIFFICULT to know who wrote what. Certainly Lowenstein, who had spread himself out so thin that all he can do is wriggle from side to side, could have had something to do with the conference. NSA flew in two dozen student leaders and boarded them for two days. The money? From Blaire Clark, a past lieutenant in the McCarthy for President campaign, al- though NSA refuses to acknowledge this. Amazingly enough, somehow scribbled into the tactic segment of the statement was the suggestion that all the work being done was in order to facilitate a student conference of many student leaders this summer. I VEHMENTLY disagree with NSA's belief that a student conference can help the present situation. It would be a gran-/ diose facade unless those prerequisites of communication, interaction and, cohesion sowehow developed first. But more impor- tantly, the motif by which NSA operates is totally unethical and completely question- able. There is no way of knowing who is presently financing and directing this ex- istential vendetta to get some conference going this summer. It could be Lowenstein, Schlesinger, the CIA or simply some rotten minds in NSA. But nevertheless, the tactics' by which NSA is operating in order to bring about this conference are the same they used when they were being subverted by the CIA. And thus, while their pocket- books may have changed form, their ethics have remained repugnantly the same. 4+ *; Letters to the Editor To the Editor: THE STORY by Howard Kohn on Ferris State College in the May 20 Daily and his editorial in the May 21 issue are so distorted by inaccuracies, omissions, and in- nuendos that they give a com- pletely false impression of the ad- ministration and faculty of the college (as well as the study body) and their attitude toward blacks and their education. The inaccuracies in the story (in incorrectly quoting President Spathelf, in stating "some white students had guns," in assessing the damages to the library at $50 when it was many times that, in stating "house mothers and resi- dent advisors . . . work together to maintain segregation," to point out a few) totally distort the situ- ation, as do the accompanying pictures which were taken on other campuses. As a member of the Board of Control of Ferris State College since 1950, I have seen it develop into a distinctive educational in- premacists and black militants among the students is certainly true. That there is conflict between these groups is too painfully evi- dent. However, these are a small minority of both blacks and whites. The board has a policy, adopted some time ago, in support of free- dom of speech, of inquiry, and of dissent, and of protest or demon- stration in an orderly, peaceful, and responsible manner. There have been orderly demonstrations at Ferris. The policytalso author- izes the president to take legal and/or disciplinary action when college property is seized or vio- lence takes place. Ferris is not an armed camp full of bigots andnmilitants, but a valuable educational institution serving the young people of the state. It is plagued, like most cam- puses, by a national malady that distorted reporting only accentu- ates.- -Lawrence W. Prakken, Chairman Ferris Board of Control May 2.2 'ill rI. 'J1XFf 1. A