HELP WANTED YARD WORK. Call 663-2256. 26H15 GRAD. STUDENT in Am. Hist./res./ writing, Am. studies. Call 769-3644. 27H14 Young Ladies Travel Need five young ladies under 25. Must be neat and single, free to travel im- mediately to New York, Calif., Chi- cago and other major cities in U.S. No educational requirement or exper- . lence necessary. Average earning $115 wk. plus $300 drawing acct. during training. Transportation furnished. Apply: Mr. Sanders, 769-3010. Ext. 301, 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. an equal opportunity employer 29112 AVIATION LINEMAN Two positions. One 5 p.m.-8 p.mi. ,six days weekly. Other all day Saturday and Sunday, Long term employment. Aviation background or interest. Phone Bill Warwin Twining Aviation, NO 3- 9321. 23H1 HISTO-TE HNOLOGISTS CYTO-TECHNOLOGISTS Needed for immediate employment. 4. ASCP registered or eligible. Excellent salary and benefits. Apply Sparrow Hospital Personnel, Lansing, or call,. collect 1-517-487-6111, ext. 333. 25H1 1 COORDINATOR for University of Mich- igan Fraternity guyers' Association; 15 hours per week; August-April; pub- lic relations, supervisors, expansion; $200 per month. 662-0257 or 2nd floor, Student Activities Bldg., U of M. A 28H114 MARRIED COUPLES-Mature counsel- ors for summer youth canoeing and hiking trips. Must be athletic. s YM-YWCA 350 South Fifth Avenue Phone: 663-0536 24H14 WANTED Responsible man to substitute as se- curity doorman during most of June. Call 761-5437 for details. 22H13 MALE. 19-25, PART-TIME afternoons, weekends, TRAINED interviewer, to interview teenagers in rural, S.E. Michigan. Call 764-8382. 21H12 LIFEGUARD WANTED w/sr. or instruc- tors. Full time or part time, esp. wk- ends. Apt,' for married couple. Call HU 3-5010. 16H11 Young Men Travel; Need five young men under 25. Must 'be neat, and single, free to travel ir imediately to New York, Calif., Chi- cago, and other major cities in the U.S. No educational requirement or experience necessary. Average earnings $115/week plus $300 drawing acct. dur- ing training, new car transportation furnished. Apply: Mr. Sanders, 769-3010, ext. 301, 11 A, A.-7 P.M. an eq l opportunity employer 14 30H12 iSIFI 6D, second front page M *i43an . 41F ttttil NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 FOR RENT' FURN. HOUSE - June 15-Aug. 25. 2 bdrm., finished basement, garage, shady, fenced backyard. 769-0477 weekends, after 5 p.m. 40C14 WANTED--Female to share semi-fur- nished 2 bdrm. apt. Island Drive Apts. Closeato campus and hospitals. 663- 9181 after 5 p.m. 42C14 OWN ROOM in 3-girl. Juy-Aug. $401 mo. Near hospital. 769-3630. 32C11 d FOR RENT Wednesday, May 21, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three ' NOW RENTING FOR FALL Choice Apartments S S S S Foxcroft, 815 S. State Packard Plaza, 917 Packard University Plaza, 608 Monroe Bel-Air, 815 S. Main Oak Terrace, 908 Oakland Athena, 508 S. Division Ann Arbor Trust Co. a 1 WANTED-Grad or senior to join four other grads in spacious many-bed- roomed, house, $50 mo., immediately occupancy, 840 Brookwood Place. Call 663-8376 after 5. 24C11 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL - Reduced. Very attractive paneled, carpeted, furnish- ed rooms for men or women. House refrigerator and phone. Leases thru June, August, or longer, $8-$11 week. Call 663-5666, 662-7992. or 971-6270. C4 FALL RENTALS 1111 S. STATEj 401 E. MADISON 1035 WALL STREET Property Management Division 106 S. Main 769-2800 Fall Apartments 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Furnished Apts. near Medical Center Include carpeting and drapes, air con- I ~ditioning, balcony, garbage 'disposal, 2, 3, & 4 MAN dishwasher, parking, laundry facili- Modern, well kept, furnished, air con- ties. Come to our rental office at 737 ditioned, privately owned-References. Packard. -Ask our tenants. 761-8055 One & Two Bedrooms Available ___ __ _6Ctc_ Call 1-864-3852 or 1 -353-7389 C39 FALL RENTALS 2 & 3 Bdrm Luxury Furnished .,Apts. 121 511 711 914 915 E. Hoover E. H oover Arch S. siateo S. Division. 665-8330 665-9627 663-5284 769-4759 761-5471 Many of these units include air cond., balconies, dishwashers, laundry fa- cilities and parking.' Call now to reserve your apt. for fall 27Ctc BRAND NEW SHORE VIE/ APTS. Features large 1 and 21 Bedroom furnished and unfurnished apart- ments. Unfurnished apts. start at $147.50. Apartment includes Hotpoint color- ed appliances plus dishwasher, dis- posal and air conditioning. Fully carpeted and draped. Storage area, washing facilities, parking and swiihming pool. All utilities includ- ed except electricity. Immediate occupancy Phone 761-3998 or 665- 0057. Offices 42 or 414 Kellogg, corner of Broadway and Pontiac Trail to the end of Kellogg. C11 Albert Terrace 1700 Geddes Now renting for Fall Extra large 2 bedroom bi-levels Fully carpeted and furnished 3-5 man. Featuring: " dishwasher " 11/2 baths 4 balcony " sound conditioning " storage and laundry facilities " off street parking y Stop by and see resident manage; in Apt. A-7 1-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. or phone 761-1717, Charter Realty. 29Ctc 5 MAN Available Fall 761 -7600 26Ctc xCAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA 521 WALNUT Extra large, modern, furnished, dish- washer. 4 MAN--2 BEDROOMS 3-MAN-2 BEDROOMS Modern Apartments Inc. NO 8-6906 14Ctc the news today. by The Associated Press and College Press Service PRESIDENT NIXON will meet with Vietnamese President Nguyen Vaii Thieu, June 8, to appraise the war and the possibil- ities of peace, it was announced yesterday. Both presidents will fly to Midway Island for a 'one-day summit meeting to clarify any misunderstandings on policy and seek agree- ment on a course for the future. Thieu said Saturday, "I feel it is necessary to set up a common policy at this juncture in the situation." This followed by three days Nixon's talk to the nation proposing mutual withdrawal of the con-. forces in Vietnam. Administration officials have said that the United States is will- ing to discuss the Viet Cong's proposal at the Paris peace talk for' crea- tion of a coalition government to supervise national elections in Viet- nam. Thieu has consistently opposed a coalition. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), speaking out in the Senate for the first time against the Nixon administration's Vietnam policy, yes- terday called on Nixon to withdraw the order given by the Johnson administration to step up pressure against the Viet Cong on the ground in Vietnam. "American lives are' too valuable to be sacrificed for military pride," he said. THE HOUSE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE yesterday, told Nixon administration spokesmen that the ten per cent surtax would not be extended unless a cut was made in expenditures. Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy urged the committee to approve promptly the extension of the surtax and not wait, as a number of Democrats are demanding, until a package of tax reforms can accompany it. The budget the administration seeks would result in a $6.3 billion surplus for the next fiscal year. This is "none to large to cope with inflation," an administration spokesman said, He warned that refusal{ to extend the surtax would risk a possible recession. Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said that if the administration's request is allotted now, "before the end of the year there will have to be $5 billion to $6 billion more appropriated. It has always been that way." * * * ' THE SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE will conduct a second poor people's march on Washington within the-next three weeks, the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy said yesterday. Abernathy, president of the SCLC, said the trek will begin with a march on Montgomery, Ala, and will be joined by caravans from other states including Mississippi and Illinois. Abernathy outlined 10 demands, which he called "reasonable and attainable," that the Poor People's Campaign will attempt to the President. Included in the demands are uniform wel- fare plans and an end to the war in Vietnam. Officer resigns FTC proposes Continued from Page 1) received complaints of mistreat- ment of blacks. Chauncey was struck twice in the police station, according to Larcom and Forsythe's report. Cowley has said that what hap- pened to Chauncey is "symbolic of what happens to black people when they are taken to the police station." "The black person never knows if he will be treated with justice or if he will be beaten," Cowley claims. "Safeguards must be found to see that these kinds of things do not happen to any citizen." Krasny called Cowley's charge "a complete falsehood." Neverthe- less, Larcom and Forsythe said, "The police department has taken corrective measures to avoid any repetition of this type of inci- dent." HRC asked that a meeting be held with Police Chief Walter Krasny, Mayor RobertnHarris, Forsythe and Larcom and that there be a definite outline of po- lice procedures when a person is arrested. Wagner and his attorney have waived a formal hearing and made his resignation effective as of yesterday. According to fair labor practices a veteran must be notified of his ' dismissal 15 days in advance and he must be al- lowed a hearing. According to Larcom and For- sythe the investigation's report included over 80 pages of material. Thirty-one people were inter- viewed during the investigation and "no person known to have been present and witnessed any portion of the events was omit- ted." Bylaws face new battle (Continued from Page 1) The present effort to draft new regental bylaws on student con- duct is part of attempts to imple- ment the 14-month-old recom- mendations of the Hatcher Com- mission Report., That report included a provi- sion similar to the one around which the present controversy enters. "Only insofar as the off- campus behavior is relevant to legal or explicit ethical codes de- fining the fitness of a candidate for professional status or for the career toward which the program in which he is enrolled is aimed, should the faculty of his academic unit be entitled to consider this behavior in determining a stu- dent's eligibility to continue in that program." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, The Michigan Daily. edited and man- aged by students of the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second! Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigat 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by, mail. EACH CLUB presents PETER GRIFFITH harsh warrnns 09 for cigarettes WASHINGTON ( - The Federal Trade Commission pro- posed yesterday that all cigarette advertising be required to state that smoking cigarettes is dangerous to health and may cause death. It would require that all advertisements disclose clearly and prominently t h a t "cigarette smoking is dangerous to health and may cause death from cancer, coronary heart dis- ease, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and other diseases." The FTC said it is formally promulgating a rule to take effect sometime after June 30 When the moratorium set by LIKE TO SING? Temple Beth Emeth (reform) Is looking for additional choir members, men and women needed. Not necessary to read music or' Hebrew. Uall 971-5321 for further information. 14H14 AVAILABLE for SUMMER occupancy. 4 man apt., 2 blocks from business school, 3 blocks from law school. '(Available immediately). Please call, 769-2608. 17Utc COLLEGE MEN - ooking for summer work? Call 662-9726. 10Htc ATTENTION-' STUDENT WIVES We have immediate openings for stu- , dent wives who have had some tele- phone operating experience or those who wish to be trained in this field. e CAMPUS-I BLOCK 418 E. Washington Modern-Furnished-Large 1 Bedroom apts. for 2 and 3 students. Fall Rentals NO 8-6906 15Ctc TV RENTALS $8.50 per month 761-1945 Free same day delivery and service New 19" portables cis SHOWS AT 1-3-5-7-9 w MICHIGAN DIAL 5-6290 ........ ATTENTION FACULTY & STAFF presenting CLIFFS ON THE POINT Lakeshore Apartments 12 minutes from campus See these Award-Winning Apartments which are truly a carefree year around vacation home located on a 5 mile long lake. FALL r 1969 We are now accepting appli- cations for our choice fur- nished 'campus apartments for 1, 2, 3, or 4 single stu- dents. Inquiries may be made at 545 Church Call 761-7600 DAHLMANN APARTMENTS C31 SUMMER SUBLET SMarion Richard Brando Boone inaJERRY GERSHWIN-ELLIOTT KASTNER Production Tke eight Of The Fpllowing DAYB A UNIVERSAL RELEASE in TECHNICOLOR" THURSDAY "~THE ILLUSTRATED MAN"I TONIGHT RELAX YOUR MIND at the HOOT E , 1421 Hill St. 8:30 P.M. MICHAEL COONEY I speaking on and playing Transcriptions of Bach's Music for Guitar Thursday, May 22, 8 PEM Guild House-802 Monroe jelly donuts, other edibles & FUN Everyone Welcome! For'further information, call 769-1605, 761-8291, 769-2922 Days.Calendar Wednesday, May 21 . Bureau of Industrial Relations Semi- nar - "Management of Managers, Pro- gram No. 90": North Campus Commons, 8:15 a.m. Botany Seminar: Dr. Wilfred N.; Ar- nold, Wayne State University "Inver- tase and the Translocation of Sucrose" at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg. Ann Arbor Branch American Associa- tion of University Women Lecture - Design in Our Lives - Our Tine - Charles W. Cares, Jr., Professor of Land- scape, University of Michigan, "An Ap- proach to Design": Rackham Amphi- theatre, 7:30 p.m. GENERAL NOTICES Fee Refund Schedule The Registrar will honor student re- funds through 4:00 p.m. on the dates given below. Kind of Refund - 100 per cent with-, drawal, Spring-Summer Term, May 22{ Spring % Term, May 22. Summer % Term,,"July 17. Kind of Refund - Reduction, course load, SpringSumnmer Term, May 22. *Congress on regulation of cig- arette advertising expires, Congress is now considering legislation which would extend the moratorium. T h e FTC action would be voided if the extension is voted. In proposing the new, tougher rule, the FTC claimed "additional evidence has come to light" since 1964 liurking cigarette smoking to coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary emphy- sema as well as cancer. The regulations would apply o all advertisements on newspapers magazines, radio and television as well as the labeling on the package itself. The proposed warning contrasts sharply with that enacted b9y Con- gress in the 1965 federal cigarette labeling and advertising act. That statute required packages to state: "Caution: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health." Spring , Term, May 22. Summer % Term, July 17. Kind of Refund - 50 per cent with- drawal, Spring-Summer Term, Jun 19. Spring 'a Term, May 29. Summer i Term, Juy 24. Appropriate adjustments will be made for students in schools having openitg dates other t h a n May 7 and July 2, 1969. Placement GENERAL DiVISION 3200 S..B. Current position openings received by General Division by mail and phone, please call 764-7460 for further infor- mation. Ashland Community Hospital, 'Ash- land, Oregon - Internist to take over established practice in s m a 11 college town. State of Connecticut, - Sr. Serologist degree in chem, phys. r biol. sci. and 2 yrs. in public he a 1th or red lab. Pharmacist, license req. City of Milwaukee, Asst Managing Director of Safety Commission, degree in areas such as jdurn., , educ., com- munic., engrg., and course work in saf- ety education desired, plus 3 years exper in public relations or related areas, or masters in safety ed. State of Michigan - Department Aide, Law Sch. grad. Public Welfare Trainee and Worker, BA degree and 0-1 year in social work position or in a dept. of public welfare. Clinical Psy- chologist, Clin. Soc. Worker, Welfare Soc. Worker, Welfare Soc. Work Super- visor. ' Management Consultants, -' Plant Personnel Manager, degree in Indust. Rel., Personnel Admin, and mm, 3 yrs. Personnel Assistant, degree and person- nel generalist exper L a b o r Relations (Continued on Page 4 Ever see one hundred sixty - seven Spaniards whomp twenty-four mil- lion mad Incas? TRHOTS! (next week) ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE presents 0 rShe Stoops to Conquer" or The Mistakes of a Night 0 by OLIVER GOLDSMITHT MAY 21, 22, 23 & 24 c 8:00 P.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre0 Box Office Hours o 10:00 A.M.-Curtain SPhone 668-6300 I If you are one of these girls, drop in to see our employment representative. The office is located only 2% blocks from campus. New starting Wage Wage credit for ex-employees Must be available to work variety' of hours. Apply M-F, 8-12, 1-5 p.m., 200 E. Huron,. City 'Center Bldg, 1st floor. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE an equal opportunity employer 181112 FOR RENT DUPLEX-Sublet or rent, i1g. living room, lg. bedroom, utility room- and garage. $150/mo. Call Mr. Paup, 663- 4231 or Mary Kirk, 761-7626. 45C14 GROUND FLOOR duplex for rent. $165 2 bdrms., avail. Sept; 8. 668-8507. 46014 FURNISHED APT., beautiful 2 bdrm., on campus. All utilities. Summer only. 769-6282. 43Ctc LARGE 2 BDRM., furnished apt. Close to campus, 'immediate occupancy to Aug. Reasonable. Call 662-8701 or 668- 6906. 35C14 FALL- FOUR-MAN, 12 months, $260; 8 mos., $330. Close to campus. After 5, 662-6156. 31C14 COMFORTABLE ROOM in house near campus, available May 18 for summer and/or fall. Call 769-2406, evenings after 5. 33013 COMPLETE HOUSE, 5 min. walk from campus. 3 bdrms., spacious attic. Will negotiate. 663-q528. 38014 THIRD FEMALE roommate needed now to share spacious modern apt., access to pool and park grounds. Closely located near medical center. Call 761- 1391 evenings after 6 p.m. 12U10 FALL Featuring: Fireplaces * Large balconies with storage * Fully carpeted and draped * Central heat and cooling 0 Reserved Carport 0 Swimming Pool * 2 and 3 Bedroom units,. up to 1650 sq. ft. * Boat Docking f Rentals from $225 to $465 Model Open Daily 483-4454 % 1000 Grove Rd., Ypsilanti C30 WANTED-1 Female for 4-man. Fall- winter term. Angie, 665-7976. 47C14 DON'T BE LEFT OUTi Get in one of the few remaining, 1-2-3 Bedroom units. available at... Arbor Manor townhouses- For as little as $103.00 per month Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor area Phone 484-1210 ROOM FOR GIRL in large house $40, now. 663-3675. - 24U13 SMASHING four-man apt. needs 1 man. Call John, 6625740. 25U15 AIR COND. APT. July-Aug. Call 663- 8120. 13U8 EFFICIENCY SUBLET in the Maynard House, 400 Maynard. Available now- Aug. 20. Rent negotiable. 764-2395 or 761-6615. 23U12 SUBLET July-Aug. in 4 man. $40/mo. 761-5217. 22U13 924, OAKLAND--Large 2 bedroom, nicely furnished, carpeted, available immed- iately to Aug. 1. NO 8-6906 4lUtc NICE FURNISHED APT. to sublet and/ or lease. For 1-2 persons. Call betw. 3-7 p.m., 761-6670. 19U11 NEED 1 MAN for 4 man apt. Park Plaza, immediate occupancy. Call Steve, 769-3918. 18U11 CRYSTAL OPTICS Research Inc.-Hir- ing one experienced electro-mechani- cal technician and one experienced, optical technician. Call 663-2481. 9H14 SUMMER SUBLETS Come in and check our listings at: 737 Packard 1-5 p.m. 761-8063 , THURS., FRI. and SAT.- "Wearing a genuine smile, and ' a comfortable outfit, he pro- ceeded to amaze the audience with his versatility, virtuosity, personality, and originality. In other words, one doesn't talk about Michael Cooney, one listens to him."--Michigan Daily III i I Program Information 662-6264 LAST TIMES TODAY- 1:00-3:40-6:15-8':55 Ladies 75c until 6 P.M. Palomar Pctures Internatonal l ~ ~ presents, an Assocates ar4 Aldrich Production 09hep Dial 8-64 16 ENDS WEDNESDAY Like a little boy's world, Jim Finney's good time vanished overnight. There was a sudden and desperate need to make his peace with reality. But what was reality to Finney? What's reality to you? ....--C mU P9IONm - - -- I I s I I ' * THOMPSON'S PIZZA 161-0001I $1.00 OFF i One a large one item (or more) pizza. One coupon per pizza. Pick Up Only I I ,E 211 E. Ann St.-Next to s the Armory i Expires Aug. 1 g === ==== ==== ==== ==== 0 U25 THREE MEN NEED a fourth roommate for summer sublet. Call 769-3874. 8Utc MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS' TWO SPEAKERS, large, in 6 cubic foot enclosures. $20-25, each. RCA console TV, not working, $5. Speaker alone worth .that. Many records, jazz and folk: $.50-1.00. 916 Church. NO 3-4086 after 6 p.m. X13 TOMORROW HAYLEY M ILLS HYWEL BENNETT in ends tonight, one complete show 7:15 "MAKES'THERESE AND ISABEL' LOK TAMEt"w* SUGGESTED.FOR MATURE AUDIENCES A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. We bought this precision instrument but never moved it from the lady's base- ment. Take over payments-$25 total. Call 761-0273, 761-9092, or 764-0552. Ask for Andy. X14 UNUSED SONY 250 Tape Deck. Bought for language course I didn't take. Plus 18 blank tapes. $100. Ph. 769- 3386. 4X13 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Acoustic, electric instruments, acces- F=FT AVI FRIDAY and SATURDAY WHAT EVER IIAPPENDI)Tfl STARTS TOMORROW Cl 1 ''.::>.i...._._.._......._..,.._ 3 ici'i9e :: h%, ,owl i a3'£+. ':5891; Il I I