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May 21, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-21

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See editorial page


SW t ig~


'way too cold;
maybe some frost

Vol. LXXIX, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 21, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages


Proposed regental bylaws on student
discipline appeared headed for pro-
longed delays last night as a split be-
tween students and some faculty
members emerged over the question of
giving professional schools special dis-
ciplinary powers.
The controversy over granting pro-
fessional schools authority to expel
students who do not meet licehsing
conduct requirements surfaced after a
meeting of Senate Assembly's Student
Relations Committee (SRC) where the
problem was discussed.
Two students who have been heavily
involved in the bylaw deliberations
said last night the special authority
has been maintained in the proposal
because they fear Senate Assembly will
not approve the bylaws without the
However, two Student Government
Council members last night predicted
that maintenance of the controversial
provision would preclude SGC approval 1
of the bylaws.
Bill Price, a member of Graduate ;





Assembly and of the ad hoc commit-
tee which is drafting the bylaws, said
the proposed bylaws would not be sub-
mitted to the Regents without the ap-
proval of both Assembly and SGC.
The ad hoc bylaw committee will
meet on May 28 to draft a final ver-
sion of -the bylaws. The proposal will
then be submitted to SGC and Assem-
bly for approval.
Michael Davis, a member of the ad
hoc committee, said inclusion of the
controversial provision has been "a
big concession" to sentiment on As-
sembly. He said comments of Assem-
bly members indicated the faculty
body would not approve the bylaws
unless the special disciplinary powers
were included.
Price and Davis said faculty mem-
bers in the Medical School have
strongly opposed attempts to remove
the controversial provision from the
proposed bylaws. And they said they
believe support from the Medical
School is essential in obtaining Assem-
bly approval.
Contacted after the SRC meeting,
SGC Executive Vice President Marc

Van Der Hout and other student op-
ponents of the special disciplinary
power said the provision provides the
mechanism for faculty control of a
student's non-academic conduct.
Faculty members in professional
schools have countered that they do
not want to train convicted felons as
lawyers or child molesters as doctors.
Opponents of the provision say the
University's function is only to educate,
and that certification should be left
to the state.
SRC members also raised the issue
of exact faculty jurisdiction in con-
trolling student behavior. "The deci-
sion as to what is academic and what
is non-academic behavior would be
made within the school," law Prof.
Robert Knauss, SRC chairman, noted.
And he conceded that there is noth-
ing in the bylaws that obligates the
faculties to consult students in mak-
ing such conduct decisions.
Architecture Prof. Joseph Wehrer,
an SRC member, suggested that stu-
dents be included in the decision of
what is acceptable behavior.
Van Der Hout expressed opposition

to such a proposal, however. "Students
have no right to set moral standards
for their peers, any more than faculty
members have the right to set stand-
ards for students."
Because the provision gives the fac-
ulty the mechanism for defining ap-
propriate behavior for a student, Van
Der Hout said, "I would certainly
oppose it." And he said he expects
SGC will not approve the bylaws if
the controversial provision is included.
"It is not the University's place to
decide what is correct behavior for
students," Van Der Hout said, "it's in-
fringing on people's rights."
In its present form, the proposed
bylaw provision states: "When the
graduates of a particular academic
program normally require a license to
practice their profession, the govern-
ing faculty of the school or college
offering that program is authorized to
set published behavioral standards (re-
lating to the licensing requirements)
for determining grades, awarding de-
grees and continuing enrollment."
See BYLAWS, Page 3

i ncident



death spurs

vigil by


BERKELEY (CPS)-Police and National guardsmen yes-
terday used tear gas and clubs to break up a peaceful march
and vigil for a slain protester on the University of California
k Berkeley campus.
More than 4000 students-the largest number ever to
turn out for a demonstration at Berkeley-assembled to
mourn the death of James Rector, a 25-year old student from
San Jose.
Rector died late Monday night after being wounded by
buckshot during a melee Thursday.

The patrolman accused by
the Human Relations Com-
mission of beating an HRC
staff member arrested on as-
signment submitted his resig-
nation yesterday.
A joint statement issued by City
Administrator and City Attorney
Peter Forsythe confirmed the res-
ignation of the officer, Wade
Larcom and Forsythe said yes-
terday the HRC charge that the
patrolman struck HRC staff mem-
ber Ray Chauncey had been sub-
"The Police Department recog-
nized the fact that certain rules
and procedures were violated,"
said Larcom and Forsythe.
HRC members at their meeting
last night said they are basically
pleased with the results of the in-
vestigation. The commission also
endorsed Chauncey's behavior.
HRC Director David Cowley
maintains Chauncey was in no
way disorderly prior to or after
his arrest, despite the claims of
the manager of the Star Bar,
which Chauncey was investigat-
ing for alleged mistreatment of
HRC also discussed recent ru-
mors that Wagner will be hired by
F county Sheriff Douglas Harvey.
The commission decided to ask
the state attorney general for a
ruling against this possibility.
Lloyd Williams, recently elected
HRC chairman, said there was
nothing HRC could do to prevent
Harvey from hiring Wagner ex-
cept to let people know what the
issues are.
"If we don't want them (police-
men guilty of mistreatment) on
the city police, we-don't want
them in the city as county depu-
ties," said Deborah Grubs, former
chairman of the commission.
Neither Harvey nor Wagner
could be reached for comment
last night.
The original charges of disor-
derly conduct have been dropped
against Chauncey after consid-
eration of "all available testi-
mony" from an eight-day investi-
gation, said Forsythe. Larcom and
Forsythe also made is clear that
the patrolman's action in the bar
have not been criticized.
t'However, Forsythe's decision is
limited to the allegations of be-
havior prior to the arrest. "There
is disagreement as to the actions
of the arrested employe immedi-
ately prior to his being struck,"
said Forsythe and Larcom.
Larcom is reviewing "the poli-
cies and procedures of the HRC
staff as demonstrated in this sit-
uation." He said he intends to
take remedial or disciplinary ac-
tion if it is necessary.
HRC said that it fully supports
the function of its testing pro-
cedures. According to Cowley's
investigation all the evidence sub-
stantiates Chauncey's proper be-
havior and decision not to reveal
his identity to the police in order
,to test them.
Chauncey was arrested for al-
leged disorderly conduct May 10
when he was testing the bar at
109 N. Main St. after HRC had
See OFFICER, Page 3 !

--Associatea rress

Newark curfew

sees U.S.
John U. Mitchell said yesterday
the government has evidence in-
a dicating that revolutionary stu-
dent groups financed by outside
sources are causing much of the
current campus disorder.
He said on the basis of the Jus-
tice Department investigation so
far he expects some of the student
leaders will be prosecuted on fed,
W eral charges.
Mitchell told a House education
subcommittee his investigators
have also learned that high
schools, labor unions, churches
and other institutions are on the
target list of the student groups.
The attorney general said Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society is
the most prominent of the mili-
tant groups involved on the cam-
puses but he did not link it
directly to the investigation or
possible prosecutions.
Meanwhile AFL-CIO President
George Meany warned yesterday
that plans of radical student lead-
ers to shift antiwar activities
from campus to factory could
cauce conflicts this summer.
Commenting on a previously
secret instruction sheet issued by
SDS, Meany said, "If they try to
Minterfere with the livelihood of
workers in the plant, something is
likely to happen."
The instruction, a copy of which
was obtained by The Associated
Press, says, "Closing down our
schools is not, enough. Workers
produce and move the goods that
are used in the war and it is they
who are primarily forced to fight
the war. They can stop it."
A Meany aide said, "The work-
ers aren't going to be pushed
around like those SDS leaders
push around the majority of other
college students, and I expect
j employers won't be as chicken as
some college presidents."
Despite his warning that the
militant student movement con-
stitutes a serious national prob-
lem, Mitchell urged Congress not
to pass any more laws trying to
solve it.
He said college authorities,
working with state and local po-
lice, have primary responsibility
for keeping order on the %ampus.
Within the last few weeks,
Mitchell said, there appears to be
a greater willingness by college
authorities to exercise this respon-

His death was the first related .
to campus unrest since three
blacks were gunned down by high-
way patrolmen in Orangeburg,
S.C. a little over a year ago.
An army helicopter sprayed tear
gas indiscriminately around the
campus after police and guards-
men swept Sproul Plaza, focal
point of student activism ever
since the 1964 Free Speech Move-
Several thousand students who
marched on Chancelor Roger W.
Heyns' house were also turned
back by gas. Numerous clubbings
were reported on the campus..
Dan Siegel, president elect of
the student body, was arrested
yesterday for "inciting to riot" for
allegedly uttering words which of-
ficials said kicked off the Thurs-
day trouble.
After his release he said that
the police repression was helping
to radicalize moderate students.
'The issue this time on the Ber-
keley campus is use of a "peoples
park" which students and street:
people had cleared for their use.-
The university, which owns the! a fte i
land last- week erected a fence
around it, precipitating the cur-
rent crisis. The students clairn the BIG RAPIDS, Mich. -
park belongs to the people, espe- students are free on bon
cially as they took the initiative and Ferris State College
to clean it up. . war has an uneasy peace.
Heyns has refused to negotiate In the most recent of a
reopening the park but issued a racial fights here, blac
statement last night "regretting whites fought each oth
Rectors' death and seeking an end bottles and rocks Monda
to the violence." after four blacks were lo
One hundred thirty-three Ber- of a dorm.
keley faculty members asked' for A rifle-bearing squadro
Heyns resignation and teaching as- 40 state police and sheriff
sistants voted to stop work because ties were still patrolling t
of intolerable conditions on cam- pus early this morning,
pus. Police arrested 13 stud
Police and guardsmen patrolled blacks and three whites
campus and city streets last night, charge of illegal assemb
igei, Ore. rocke
bynesix explosions
By The Associated Press and the interior of a loung
Eugene, Ore., home of the Uni- new student union was d
versity of Oregon, was rocked by The gunfight began whe
six explosions yesterday. There a dozen highway patrolme
have been four similar explosions ed walking across the can
in the last nine months. the student union.
Police said the blasts appeared Police said gunfire mos
to be the work of amateurs, shotguns erupted from thre
Damage was estimated at less dormitories. Police retur
than $10,000 and involved mostly their cars for shotgunso
broken windows and upset office turned the fire.,,
furniture. No one was hurt. Peaceful demonstration
Explosions hit the registrar's of- two weeks ago on dema
fice at the university, a daily off-campus housing at rea
newspaper building, a church, a rates, elimination of con
bank and a highway maintenance ROTC courses, and visitin
building. ileges in dormitories.
Last year the Marine Navy Re- A sit-in on the demand
serve Center in Eugene was heav- I three days.

Police stop cars in Newark last night as a 10 p.m. curfew went
into effect. Blacks continued to protest the slaying of a black
youth Monday night by a black policeman which led to violence.
There were no outbreaks but many arrests for curfew violations.
Rent striker wins
$80pamenit cut
The first striking tenant to argue his own case won a
rent reduction of $80 in District Court yesterday.
Stephen Marston, a rent strike steering committee mem-
ber, said he defended himself partially as an experiment "to
explore the possibility of other participants in the rent strike
doing the same."
"The tenant can sometimes argue a better case than a
lawyer because he is more familiar with the details and is
more directly concerned," he.

-Associated Press

Helicopter sprays teargas at Berkeley

ris campus


r racial


id todayl
's racial'
rash of
cks and
er with
.y night
cked out

of the 13, Ron Snead, president of
the Ferris chapter of NAACP,
was released yesterday without an
The remaining 12 are free on
$200 bond and will be arraigned
Friday. Snead said he is consid-
ering a suit against the state po-
lice for false arrest.
Louis Stone_ founder and ex.

Charges against all but five'
have since been dropped. But Vic-
tor Spathelf, Ferris president, has
said he still hopes to file a charge'
of inciting to riot against Stone
and other student NAACP leaders.
The Ferris NAACP is on record
as asking for Spathelf's resigna-
Dr. Albert Wheeler of Ann Ar-
bor, state chairman of the NAACP,
is expected to arrive in Big Rapids
today. He is scheduled to meet
with Spathelf and black student

The plaintiff, Kenneth Barnhill
of Apartments Limited, was repre-
sented by Graydon Ellis. Ellis was
not available for comment last
Apartments Limited sued Mars-
ton for four months back payment
of rent, which amounted to $480,
and late fees of $96.50.
The court awarded Barnhill
$400 back rent and $20 late fees.
Marston complained of broken
sewage pipes, dangerous stairways
and inadequate garbage collection.
Barnhill admitted the condi-
tions were true, but argued that
Marston did not make his com-
plaints known.
Marston also had to pay $46 in
court costs.
The rent strike has agreed to
submit the remaining 101 cases to
arbitration but leaves the tenant
the option of arguing his own

k uvl ~ ~ l, , ~l 1U
m of 30- president of the NAACP chapter,
's depu- was also arrested. He said he was
he cam- standing with Snead on the out-
side of a fighting crowd when the
ents, 10 police charged toward him yelling,
s, on a "Get Stone."
ly. One Under the recently enacted
state riot bill, a conviction for
illegal assembly carries a maxi-
mum penalty of five years in jail
and a $5,000 fine.
Stone said he was called to
Pickell Hall Monday night by
black students who complained
whites had used sticks to jam the
dorm doors shut. When he arrived
ge in the with several friends, Stone said,
estroyed. whites began throwing bottles
en about from Pickell windows.
en start- "It had to be organized," he ex-
mpus to plained. "They had enough bottles
to fill up a Coca-Cola plant."
tly from Stone said the blacks picked up
ee men's bottles and rocks and threw them
rned to back. Whites emptied out of the
and re- dorm and fighting continued on a
nearby parking lot where more
s began than a dozen cars were irretriev-
ands for ably damaged. Stone and Snead's
asonable cars were among them.
mpulsory "The police were standing right
ng priv- next to my car," Stone alleged.
"They stood there and described
s lasted over the radio how it was getting

unit backis
The city of Detroit's official
human relations commission has
completed a report which supports
the controversial actions of De-
troit Recorders Court Judge Geo-
rge Crockett after the New Bethel
church shootings of March 29 and
calls for review of police policy on
mass arrests.
Crockett set up emergency court
to process 142 persons arrested at
the church after one policeman
was killed and another wounded.
He released ten wvithout police
consent, although the Detroit me-
dia for some time reported that
he had released all those arrested.
The ten who were released had
been given nitrate tests without
the presence of counsel, and
Crockett decided that their con-
stitutional rights had been vio-
lated since the tests were a crucial
stage of the arrest, in line with
recent Supreme Court rulings,
The city's Commission on Com-
munity Relations supported Crock-
ett. The commission report also
revealed that the prisoners had
been physically and verbally
abused by officers at the scene.
The report found that while
Patrolman Michael Czapski had
been murdered, there was no evi-
dence to substantiate police re-
ports that reinforcements were
met with a hail of gunfire from
the church.
It was because of this alleged
gunfire that police entered the
church shooting, despite the fact
that it was filled with people.
The report concluded that basic
constitutional rights of the prison-


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