-A a special feature the summer daily by howard kohn TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JOEL BLOCK The Ferris war: r a4 Keep the black in his - BIG RAPIDS, MICH. EXCEPT FOR THE liberal entrance poli- cies of Ferris State College, Louis Stone's biggest job might be sinking a layup in a pick-up basketball game.I Instead Stone has the thankless job of mediating bitter skirmishes in a racial war that the Ferris administration says doesn't exist - hoping no one gets killed before peace comes to this campus. Stone transferred to Ferris two years ago from Jackson Business College only because Ferris would accept all of his credits to- ward an accounting degree. Last summer he founded an NAACP chapter - the only one within 50 miles - to give black students a voice and to give them organized protection against white students. Ferris has a unique policy of never turn- ing anyone down simply because of grades. Unfortunately this openminded attitude has attracted mostly closeminded students - often r u r a 1 "hicks" or suburban "beach bums" who cut a close C-average in high school. Last Thursday night P. M. Rollins, a white student who scrawls KKK across his note- books, distributed a dorm newsletter which condemned "negroes who eat like pigs." "Pigs can be excused for leaving a mess when they eat," wrote Rollins in the news- letter. "But negroes are human beings and should know better." Some of the blacks went looking for Rol- lins. Others called Stone who drove quickly to Travis Hall and cooled off the "avengers." But only a few hours later a bottle fight broke out in the Travis lounge. John Baxter, a black, was talking on an open-air phone when an unidentified white student hurled a bottle which splintered on the wall above Baxter's head. Baxter and John Miller chased the bottle- thrower down a hall where they were sud- denly ambushed by white students brand- ishing golf clubs, baseball bats and broken bottles. Baxter escaped with cuts, Miller with a battered eye. Aknd Stone w a s again sum- moned to oversee an uneasy peace. STONE IS BLACK, friendly, idealistic and would like.to do nothing more than mark t i m e until he graduates in December by playing basketball. But Stone is also the militant who led 263 black students into the Midwest's larg- est mass student arrest in March of this year. Stone will be happy to leave Ferris, es- pecially if he is still alive and doesn't have a jail record. "It's like living in a foreign country here probably something like w h a t South Africa must be," Stone says. "If you're black you're treated like an animal. And if you're black and outspoken, you're hunted down like an animal. "White guys say they're going to get me. The administration says it's going to get me. And everyone's serious about it." FERRIS IS on the outskirts of Big Rapids, a Northern Michigan town left over from the lumbering boom of 90 years ago and pocketed among outdated multi-crop farms. On weekend nights coverall windwhipped farmers wander from tired bars to college dances where they try, usually unsuccessful- ly, to pick up Ferris coeds. They fail largely because Ferris is 80 per cent male. But m a n y a sexhungry agrico becomes more aggressive when he finds "a colored girl." Black girls say they are almost in- variably propositioned by whites if they are place' on the street after dark. If they are alone they risk being assaulted. Out of 15,000 townspeople only two are black. And out of 8,200 students only 365 are black. sEven so the black population at Ferris has more than doubled in the past f o u r years. Blacks are usually from t h e inner cities of Flint, Detroit or G r a n d Rapids. They come to Ferris to escape the deadend streets, often courtesy of opportunity- award grants. But few could anticipate the strange hos- tile .w o r I d of Ferris State College where whites become sadistic racists because they apparently have nothing better to do. Orientation for most blacks is a welcome note tacked on the dorm door, or sometimes fancifully inscribed in the door with an elec- tric drill. The notes have the same message: "Go back where you came from, nigger." The most popular graffitti for john wills and cafeteria tables is "Eat shit, nigger." And you can hear the same thing muttered as whites pass by the bentral student lounge where a coterie of blacks camp out each af- ternoon to watch television. BUT THE VIOLENCE of words is only a prelude to the frightening nights of gue- rilla fighting. A lot of the whites grew up on tire-iron fights in parking lots. And the blacks know street survival. Some fights break out spon- taneously. Others are planned by gangs who lay in wait like medieval murrauders, In the last 12 months 12 jumpings have been reported. Many more went unreported since the honor system preaches that re- venge is your own, not the college's. Besids most jumpers can never be identified. All of this would seem highly improbable, or at least incredibly exaggerated, were it not for the brackish smell of racism of near- ly every college function. Racism starts in the dorms where blacks live in "niggerland" - adjacent rooms us- ually on the first floor. The college says it has a policy of ran- dom rooming. But inr practice house mothers and resident advisors, all of whom were white until this term, w o r k together to maintain segregation. Though race isn't re- ported on the incoming students' i n d e x cards, the experienced house mother a n d RA can single out the black pretty well just by looking at his parents' address. This system perpetuates itself because house mothers record the names of return- ing blacks. Except for a few initial mistakes. blacks are isolated in "niggerlands" where they become the punchline for the RA's fav- orite threat: "If you don't shape up I'll move you in with the niggers," CHESTER ST. CLAIR is the housing di- rector. He denies all knowledge of the system and points to cases where he h a s okayed petitions to let blacks live w I t h whites. In one of those cases Vana Smith asked her housemother, Mrs. Burke, for permis- sion to transfer into a vacant spot in the room of a white friend. Mrs. Burke said no. Miss Smith appealed to the housing office which agreed to the transfer. Mrs. Burke obeyed the directive by mov- ing Miss Smith into a room with a sadistic- ally prejudiced white girl rather than with her friend. On their first day together they ended up fighting on the floor. Mrs. Burke smiled, said she'd known all along the Smith girl had a compatibility problem and sent her back with the other blacks. Black students say they h a v e no other blacks on campus to identify with. Until this term the college had only six black employe- es - t h r e e janitors and three cafeteria maids. The black fraternities and sororities have white advisors. Blacks say that campus police search them and their rooms first when thefts are re- ported. They claim that city and state po- lice stop them for no reason as they walk down the sidewalk. One black couple s a y they were picked up by the city police, driv- en several miles into the countryside and then let out to walk back. Black men charge t h a t house mothers won't let. them sit in the lounges of women's dorms, even though white men can. O n e black claims he was kicked out while watch- ing the television reports on the night Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. Professors seem wonderfully unconcerned with the white-black conflicts. The 400-man faculty is all-white. Indeed some actively contribute .to t h e harrassment. One English teacher flunked a black woman because she read only black authors for her book reports, despite her argument that whites read only white au- thors. VICTOR SPATHELF presides over all of this as president - and architect. He w a s named president in 1952, three years after Ferris became a state college. Woodbridge Nathan Ferris founded the col- lege in 1884 as a small private school. Spathelf has built the college into a neat- ly-patterned complex of r e d brick stucco sprawled o v e r 400 hilly acres. Spathelf is personally responsible f o r Ferris' growth, now the fastest of any state college in the Midwest. His considerable charisma has charmed donations out of downstate businessmen and his lobbying success with the state Legisla- ture is a standing marvel. Spathelf's biography accomodates the us- ual list of educational, religious and military duties. His biggest selling point for the Fer- ris presidency was an 11-year hitch at Wayne State University where he is remembered as a dictatorial dean of students. No one questions Spathelf's dedication. He is often at his desk 12 hours a day. Nor does anyone challenge his right to have his way. Secretaries joke that the sun won't rise without his okay. Even with a conglomerate of assistants and faculty committees, he attends to many de- tails himself-including a yearly inspection of the textbook list. E ARLY LAST SPRING Stone and four black friends protested that Spathelf's paternal eye was missing a highly objec- tional book on the list-Joseph de Gobi- neau's 19th-century anthology which states conclusively that whites are the superior race. The book is a text for English 102, a re- quired course. Many teachers assign it but never discuss it; and students accept it as academic truth. The de Gobineau book emerged as a point of honor after a five-hour discussion in which the blacks gave Spathelf a point- by-point rundown of their complaints. Spathef finally said he would take the book off the reading list. "We wanted him to listen to what we were saying. We thought we were getting somewhere," Stone recalls. "We tried to im- press on him that some of these things were urgent, that he had to do something fast." But Spathelf apparently was not im- pressed./And despite his promise de Gobineua remained on the reading list. "They came in here wanting instant an- swers to problems that have built up over years," Spathelf explains. "You can't change a course of study overnight. You body you can." have to sit down and discuss it with ever'y- The book is still being used, although Spathelf says it will be removed after this term. In every sense Spathelf 4is more the re- mote authoritarian administrator of Nicholas van Hoffman's new novel than Stone is the anarchist black. "I think he thinks of students as numbers on a ledger rather than as human beings," Stone says. "And black students are on the debit side of the'ledger." THE FALL TERM of 1968 brought a win- ning football season, the first in a long time-at Ferris. But as the united euphoria wore off going into the winter term, the anti- black abuse became more vicious and more oyert. ' Instead of an anonymous mocking voice in the crowd, whites lined up together to force blacks off the sidewalk and into the street. White men in hallways used their T-square rules to lift up black women's skirts. Whites even pushed blacks down stairs. Each episode seemed to be from the plot of a horror movie in which the victims become paranoid or neurotic or both. Stone's strategy as president of the all- black NAACP was defensive rather than of- fensive. Many of his members are frightened. Many more were angry. But he told them only to protect themselves, not to start fights. Blacks were to walk in groups as much as possible. Black women were not to go out at night without a male escort. Still each day seemed to push the blacks another foot farther back into their corner. On the night of Feb. 10 Mike Yeakey, a black student, was sitting in the North Bond lounge with his legs stretched out in front of him and his shoes halfway off balanced on his toes. North Bond has a rule that shoes must be worn at all times. An RA approached Yeakey and asked him his name. Reportedly their conversation went something like this: RA: Okay, boy, put' on your shoes. Yeakey: Don't call me 'boy.' RA: Put on your shoes. Yeakey: Why? RA: Listen, if you don't put them on, boy, I'm going to call the security guard. Yeakey: Don't call me 'boy.' The RA summoned Jim Walls of the cam- pus police. Walls arrested Yeakey and took him to the Mecosta County jail in Big Rapids. Bail was ,set at $100. The charge was disturbing the peace. Two days later the NAACP sat in at the student center to protest Yeakey's arrest. Spathelf, who later admitted "that someone used bad judgment in this case," rescinded the charge. During the sit-in, a group of white stu- dents (all of them ex-GIs) sealed off the demonstration and kept away reporters, on- lookers and white sympathesizers who want- ed to join. Spathelf said he knew nothing of these supposedly self-appointed secret po- lice. But sources later said St. Clair, the erst- while housing director, had asked them to patrol the sit-in. Stone again tried to see Spathelf to warn him of an inevitable showdown between the whites and blacks. Spathelf sent no reply and took no action. OPEN WARFARE came on Feb. 27. Ed Johnson and Jackie Estes were jumped outside a dorm by 12 whites carry- ing crowbars, sticks and pipes. One had a can of dog repellent which he released in Estes' face. Johnson and Estes escaped and brought back a platoon of friends. Somone set off a fire alarm; and students began piling out of the dorms. Some white students had guns. Others carried board with nails in them picked up at nearby construction sites. Stone arrived and helped the blacks bar- "By this time I was pretty mad," explains Stone. "I'd come down there and tried to break up the fights. But when the cops just stood there or egged on the whites, I said the hell with it." That was on Thursday. Over the weekend whites ripped apart one room in Brophy Hall's "niggerland." And rumors that whites were returning from home with rifles and shotguns flitted across campus. The rumors soon turned to taunts and even to dares for dueling. On Sunday night the blacks gathered at the library while Stone called both the cam- pus and state police to investigate reports of guns. By the time police arrived, several hours after the calls, the blacks had already decided to closet themselves in the library for the night. Whites milled around outside chanting "White Power" and "Kill the niggers." The blacks left at dawn. DR. ALBERT WHEELER of Ann Arbor, state representative to the national NAACP, came to Ferris on Monday along with other state civil rights leaders. Wheeler and the student leaders met with Spathelf.. But they could find no solution to the ques- tion of protection for the blacks. Spathelf said he could not order white students to 'surrender their guns. Besides, he said, even if he did, they would probably just get others in town. The blacks, however, claimed they could not trust the police to give them equal protection. After a conference among themselves Stone led the blacks into Starr Auditorium and chained the doors. Stone announced they would remain there until sthey were guaranteed safe conduct on campus. Again a crowd of 2,000 whites stormed the air with threats. Some of the whites waved guns in their hands. And once again the state police moved in, 70-strong this time. Instead of herding the whites back to their dorms, they smashed down the doors of Starr and arrested the 263 inside. The orders came from Spathelf, with the Walls had bragged to a group of black girls that he didn't care whether they made it back to their rooms at night or not. He resigned at Spathelf's request. St. Clair has not resigned. Rather he calls the list of demands "rubbish." Reportedly, he told a white applicant for an RA job that "We can't hire you because we've got to hire some of those dirty niggers now." St. Clair is a retired Air Force colonel who worked in intelligence during World War II interrogating POW's. A popular story says that he came to Ferris in 1963 to crack down on the Ferris social life after Playboy picked Ferris in the top ten "swinging schools" in the country. He now keeps a secret file on the personel records of student activists. He denies having the files although several students have seen them. He has also recently voluntarily testi- fied before the Huber committee on campus disorders. He is currently under fire by the blacks for two specific allegations. One is that he urged white students milling around the library to "get the niggers .. . You outnumber them 20 to one." Two eye- witnesses have sworn they heard him say those exact words. St. Clair says they are quoting him out of context and that he was trying to quiet down the whites. The other charge is that he allows dis- criminating landlords to remain on the col- lege's approved off-campus housing list. Blacks have bitterly criticized the treatment they receive from Big Rapids landlords. St. Clair says they are distorting the situation. A THREE-MAN team from the Civil Rights Commission, headed by Russell John- son of Grand Rapids, is looking into 14 al- leged civil rights violations at' Ferris. Johnson is expected to submit his report to the CRC this week. Sources say he will recommend that St. Clair be fired or at least rapidly phased out. Spathelf will likely balk at thai; sug- gestion, since St. Clair has been his protege. But because CRC rulings can be made bind- ing in the courts, Spathelf will probably a. i approval of his close friend, Gov. William Milliken. More than a month later, at the request of Ferris' board in control, the Mecosta County procecutor dropped the charges of criminal trespassing. Spathelf, however, has kept all 263 on a strict probation. And he has filed charges against five of them for malicious destruc- tion of property. (During the library stay-in the blacks stuck pieces of cheese between covers of books, amounting to about $50 in damages. State troopers who broke down the doors of Starr caused $700 in damages.) "The students who were responsible for this outrage are going to pay for it, you can be sure of that," adds Spathelf, who is compiling data against Stone and other NAACP officers. He hopes to charge them with inciting a riot. "I am convinced that this is part of a national conspiracy which is sweeping our campuses," he says. "The demands at Ferris were almost identical to those at other col- leges where Negro students have staged up- risings." ACTUALLY THE 20 demands listed by the Ferris black are relatively mild. Most are tied to the need for more black college relunctantly give in and release St. Clair. The U.S. Justice Department is also in- vestigating Ferris. But no recommendations or charge appear in the offing. Spathelf says he has no plans or programs aimed at reconciling the black-white fury. "You think the campus is polarized? Well, maybe you think it's my fault?" he answers briefly. "Remember I'm not running a popularity contest here. "No, I don't have any readymade solutions to the problems here. As soon as I get time, though, I'm going to sit down and talk this over with everyone from the top down." In answer to Spathelf's snide aside that the NAACP was only a divisive organization, Stone launched a Black - Awareness Week April 13-20. Black personalities of all ideal- ogies lectured and held seminars. The NAACP lost more than $1000 on the project. "About 100 white students and about 10 teachers paid their way in," Stone laughs ruefully. The Interested Students Society (ISS) is -the only white liberal group on campus. ISS supported the original' sit-in over Yeakey's arrest but condemned later lock-ins at the library and Starr. "They're our enemies now just like all the other whites," says Stone. "I think things rnorh crpt.txrn ,.c h mP h ne e t better." "b. 4- .I