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May 17, 1969 - Image 1

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5k ta



The only problem is
that it might rain

Vol. LXkIX, No. 9-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 17, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages

Realtors a sk temporary injunction


Senate stalls

The attorney for seven Ann Arbor
landlords who are seeking a perma-
nent injunction against the rent strike
yesterday decided to also seek a pre-
liminary injunction against the with-
holding of rent.
Attorney William Barense reversed
his earlier agreement with Tenants
Union lawyers ,to drop' the tempor-
ary suit'in order to avoid duplication of
effort and speed up the court case.
"Apparently Barense was not sat-
isfied with the way things were going,"f
explained Dale Berry, legal spokesman
for the rent strike.
Barense declined to comment on the
case yesterday. ,
Barense's- action came. at what was
to have been a pre-trial hearing for
the permanent injunction and conspir-
acy case. Besides the injunction, the
landlords are 9eeking $10,000 in in-
dividual damages, $300,000 in exemp-

Lary damages and recovery of more
than $100,000 rent being held in es-
The conspiracy suit charges that the
rent strike is an attack on the concept
of private property.' The landlords
claim that the strike involves conspir-
acy to violate existing and future
leases and to obtain libelous articles
in The Daily.
As a result of Barense's decision, a
show-cause hearing for the temporary
injunction has been scheduled for
Thursday. Circuit Judge William Ager
will hear the case.
"This will probably delay the con-
spiracy trial," Berry explained. The
conspiracy case is currently scheduled
to begin on May 26.
Berry predicted that Thursday's
show-cause hearing would develop into
an extensive legal battle. "The Ten-
ants Union is preparing volumes of
material," he siad.
Among the evidence will be\ a state-

rnent of support signed by local lead-
City councilman Nicholas Kazarin-
off (D-3rd Ward) 'and LeRoy Cap-
-paert (D-5th Ward) have already
signed the statement which supports
the Tenants Wnion's rights to organ-
ize in order to obtain collective bar-
caining rights. Other prominent citi-
gents -are also expected to sign the
statement of support.
Berry said that it is also likely that
the landlords will drop their claim of
$10,000 in actual damages as a result
f a decision, by Ager yesterday.
"The landlords are claiming that
their business has been damaged by
$10,000, so the Tenants Union at-,
torneys have asked for the right to
see their books to determine whether
there are damages," Berry said.
"Ager told Barense that he would
grant the Tenants' Union request if the
individual damages were asked," he

Berry said that Barense had told
Tenants Union attorneys that the in-
dividual damages would be dropped.
The seven plaintiffs in the case are
Apartments Limited, Arbor Forest
Apartments, Charter Realty, Brady
Anderson, Charlotte Van Curler, Wil-
liam Van Fossen and Robert L. Ship-
The suit charges 91 rent strikers.
Twelve of the 91 are charged with
actual conspiracy. They are Berry,
David Goldlstein, Stuart Katz, 'Peter
Denton, Nancy Holmstrom, Barry Co-
hen, Janet Handy, Mary Crawly, Alan
Kaufman, David Shapiro, Steven Mar-
ston, and Maria Mazzaloni.
In addition to the 91 strikers, the
complaint covers "all organizations the
strikers represent or belong to, includ-
ing the so-called Tenants' Union and
anyone involved in it, and all co-con-
spirators whether named or not."

student votinlg










Police Chief Walter Krasny last night said "recommen-
dation of disciplinary action is expected" against the officer
involved in the arrest and alleged beating of Human Rela-
tions Commissign staff member ,ay' Chauncey. He added',
however, that "details have not been' worked 'out yet."
Krasny met with Mayor Robert Harris, City Attorney
Peter Forsythe, aid City Administrator Guy Larcom in a
series of meetings at' City Hall earlier yesterday.
HRC officials have charged that the, unnamed policeman

LANSING (P-A bill permit-
ting college students to vote
in the precinct where they at-
tend school was sent to the
State Senate Appropriations
Committee yesterday, a move
that some said spelled defeat
for the measure.,
The bill, endorsed by Ann Arbor
City Council, would make it eas-
ier for college students to register
to vote at their school residence.
Senate minority leader Sander
Levin (D-Berkley), co-sponsor of
the bill, argued that it had no fis-
cal implications, and therefore,
should not be bottled up in the
appropriations committee.
Proponents of the move, how-
ever, said the bill could affect
out-of-state tuition payments be-
cause of residency requirements.
The measure was referred to
committee by a narrow 16-14 vote.
"This bill concerns voter regis-
tration laws - not tuition laws,"
said Levin. "If we do not fairly
and promptly open up the poli-
tical channels to students who
meet age qualifications, we must
share some of the burden for ex-
pressions of their restlessness."
The residence requirement for
tuition purposes is a wholly sepa-
rate requirement which demands
that a person reside in the state,1
while over the'age of 21, and while
not attending school for a period
of six months prior to. hisncon-
templated date of registration.
Levin pledged to renew his ef-
forts to permit college students
to vote in their university pre-
cincts. He said he will appear be-
fore the appropriations committee
Wednesday or Thursday to present
testimony of both election of fi-
cials and students from varous
state universities.
"We have just started," he said.
The bill would remove wording
from the state law which says a
person neither gains nor loses
residency while a student at any
institution of learning.
The proposed bill states, "For
voting' purposes, a student at any
institution of learning is presumed
to be a resident of that place
where he habitually sleeps, keeps
his personal effects and has a
regular place of lodging if the stu-
dent is:
-"married, or
-"pays property or other local
taxes at that place, or
-"does not receive the greater
part of his support from his
parents, or
-"lives at that place during the
summer vacation of the institu-
tion of learning, or
-"does not maintain a regular
place of lodging at any other
place, or
-"is not registered to vote at
any other place."
Prior to registration, the bill
also states, the student must swear
or affirm "that he does not have
a fixed or definite intention to
return permanently, upon comple-
tion of studies, to his former home
or residence." A student who does
not so swear or affirm does not
lose his residency while a student1
at any institution of learning.
At the request of Senator
Stamm, Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley,
last February, delivered an infor-
mal opinion on the state election
"In my opinion," Kelley said,
"the election law should be
changed to permit college students
to vote at the place where they
habitually sleep, keep their per-
sonal effects and have their place
of lodging."

-Associated Press
Lodge arrives at Pans talks
Hanoi, NLF study
Nixon peace pack(age
PARIS (N-North Vietnamese and Viet Corig representa-
tives sharply criticized President Nixon's eight-point peace
plan yesterday but U.S. diplomats noted a slight change in
atmosphere and some observers expressed belief that the
Vietnam talks may have reached a turning point.
Both the Hanoi and National Liberation Front delega-
tions agreed to continue studying the Nixon proposals.
It was obvious from comments a the 17th full-scale
session of the talks that the two sides remained far apart on
key issues.But Harold Kaplan, the U.S. delegation spokesman,
said the meeting conteasted

r ..r

beat Chauncey after arresting
A rrest two
" 0
In p01ce
~ sqabbl
Two men arrested Thursday
night for obstructing city po-
lice have been released after
a special session of Ann Arbor
District Court.
The court session was held
Thursday night after city officials
and a leader of the city's black
community interceded for the two
men in what was called an at-
tempt to quiet growing racial ten-
siops in the city.
John A.,Abrahams, 22 and John
H. Bingham, 26, were arrested
Wednesday night in a scuffle with
city police. They were released
that night, but were arrested again;
Thursday night, this time on war-
rants charging they hindered, ob-
structed and resisted police, a high
Abrahams was released Thurs-
day night on $75 dollar bond.
Bingham was released yesterday.
Mayor Robert\ J. Harris,, State
NAACP Chairman Dr. Albert
Wheeler, and.Deputy Police Chief
Harold E. Olson arrived at the
County Jail shortly after Abra-i
See ARREST, Page 3, i

g him last Friday night while
he was on an HRC assignment
investigating charges of rac-
ial disc'rimination at the Star
Bar, 109 N. Main.
The'policeman has been sus-
pended with pay on Krasny's
Denying reports in yesterday's
Ann Arbor News, Krasny and City
Councilman, LeRoy Cappaert (D-
5th ward) said the suspended po-
liceman's job is in jeopardy.
Krasny will meet this morning
with Forsythe to discuss some legal
questions involved in the recom-
mendation for discipline. Krasny
pointed ' out that Larcom and
Harris will review his final report
and one of the two-will soon make
a ' public announcement of the
city's action on the matter.
Harris declined to comment 'on
the Chauncey case last night ex-
cept to say that theissue continues
under investigation and that some
conclusion will be reached soon.
Harris met with HRC Director
David Cowley yesterday. "I told
him my point of view on the case
and that I haven't changed my
mind on Chauncey's behavior at
the bar," Cowley said last night.
He said he still believes Chauncey
acted appropriately.
"In fact, after speaking with1
several more witnesses, I feel the+
case is stronger than I thought1
in a number of ways," Cowley said.
He would not elaborate on the'
new evidence.3
Krasny said he is being careful
to stay within fair labor practices+
in relation to his handling of thei
officer's suspension and his own
investigation.e 4n. I

-Associated Press
POLICE USE CLUBS to haul away a protester at the Berkeley campus of the University of Cali-
fornia. Demonstrators yesterday marched on City Hall and held a rally in the wake of Thursday's
riots over use of a vacant lot owned by the university.
- d '

By The Associated Press
Police used tear gas yesterday
to break up a demonstration by
about, 400 persons, most of them
Stanford University students, pro-
testing war-related research at
the Stanford Research Institute.
At, Berkeley, Calif., highway pa-
trolmen clubbed four or five dem-
onstrators and threw three tear
gas canisters Ito break up a group,
of about 500 students at the Uni-
versity of California's Sproul
The series of scuffles at Berk-
eley broke up a rally scheduled
in the aftermath of Thursday's
riot over possession of a vacant


Rock concerts to return
"On with the music," they
- told them at City Hall yester-
day .
And Ann Arbor officials
agreed that the show must go
on .as planned Sunday in the
West Park Band Shell.
t After a meeting yesterday
afternoon between city fans of
Sunday afternoon band concerts
in West Park and Assistant to
the City Administrator Don Bo-
rut, both parties announced
there will be a concert there this
..Sunday at 2 p.m.
Last summer the concerts had
been prohibited effective July
Y 29 when City Council voted
",. " :... seven to nne to han the "use nf

The lot had been held by Berk-
eley's "street people" who had
converted it into a "Peoples'
Park." The "street people" were
cleared from the lot Thursday
morning. The riots broke out after
a noon rally on the Berkeley cam-
pus. Over 50 were injured as police
used shotgun blasts to break up a
march on the lot.
In Stanford, Calif., about 150'
policemen resorted to tear gas
after the protesters set fire to a
street barricade, broke windows
and ignored a warning that there
would be arrests if they did not
There were several arrests.
Another protest against war-
related research came at the State
University of New York at Stony
Brook, on Long Island, as about
50 students, identified by a college
spokesman as -members of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,
interrupted meetings, cut tele-
phone lines and battered doors.
At Cambridge, Mass., Harvardi
graduate student Carl' L. Offner
of Darien, Conn., was given a
one-year jail sentence for assault-
ing Dean Robert B. Watson dur-
ing seizure of 'University Hall
April 9.
Offner was the first person
charged with assault in the case.
About 170 defendants have been
convicted of trespassing in the
building takeover and fined $20,
as was Offner.
At City College of New York,
preparations were made by Acting
President Joseph J. Copeland to
resume negotiations with dissident
Negro and Puerto Rican students
seeking a separate school of black

headquarters, were repulsed after
fist fights, shoving and pushing.
"It was strictly a student-to-
student confrontation," a campus
police spokesman said.
Morris B. Abram, president of
Brandeis University at Waltham,
Mass., warned against harsh
crackdowns against dissident stu-
dents on college campuses-
Abram told the 63rd annual
meeting of the American Jewish
Committee in New York: "The
records will show that the United
States is the only great power n
world history that has been en-
gaged in a bitter war in which
vigorous dissent and massive dem-
onstration hav6 been allowed,
without trials for treason or even

agreeably with some previous
sessions. He described the
meeting, which lasted 3 hours
and 55 minutes, as "relatively
moderate and lacking in vin-
dictiveness of tone."
"Nothing was categorically re-
jected," Kaplan said.
The situation is that the Nixon
proposals and the 10-point for-
mula of the NLF are now on the
table and that the parties are con-
sidering both. This is what Am-
bassador Henry Cabot Lodge ask-
ed for in formally presenting the
Nixon plan.
After the meeting, Lodge told
newsmen that "the other side gave
every indication they will con-,
sider" the Nixon proposals. This'
was confirmed by North Viet-
nam's chief delegate, Xuan Thuy,
and Tran Buu Kiem, NLF repre-
Kiemfsaid: "Certainly we pro-
pose to continue the examination
of these proposals."
Thuy commented: "It g o e s
without saying that we will con-
tinue to make other remarks on
Mr. Nixon's speech at later meet-
Both, however, strongly criti-
cized key points of the Nixon plan
-especially the proposal for mu-
tual withdrawal of U.S. and other
outside troops from South Viet-
nam in 12 months-and pressed
for the NLF plan..

imprisonment for opposition."


Say flin
onAl giers
deolay ed
From Wire Service Reports
MASON, Mich.--Former De-
troit policeman Ronald August
waited three days before re-
porting the fatal shotgun kill-
ing of a black youth in the
Algiers Motel, a fellow officer
testified yesterday.
The testimony was given by
officer Gerald Kiss to a jury of
13 men and one woman, August,
31, is charged with the first-de-
gree murder of 19-year-old Au-
burey Pollard, one of three blacks.
killed at Algiers :Motel during the
1967 Detroit riot.
August's attorney freely admit-
ted in his opening statement that
August had killed Pollard, but
added he would disprove the pro-
secution's contention that it was
a murder committed "with pre-
meditation and malice afore-
"Simply because he shot and
killed a man does not make him
a murderer or guilty of man-
slaughter," defense attorney Nor-
man Lippitt said Thursday.
"We intend to show" that this
was not an insurrection, not even
a riot.
"We intend to show that .ye
had a war ... everyone was acting
under battlefield conditions."
A 20-year-old convicted prosti-
tute testified yesterday that she
did not see anyone shot at the
Miss Malloy was one of two
white girls found at the motel
among about a dozen black men
when police and National Guards-
men entered the building in a
search for alleged snipers.
Under cross-examination Miss
Malloy admitted she has been ar-
rested for and convicted of prosti-
tution since the incident.


TAnnitt exnlnined to the= court

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