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May 16, 1969 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-16

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second front page

Z .i P

£Iwirl it~rn


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Friday, May 16, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan PagThree
Sem ate investiga tespos ible Medicaidfraad


8:.30 P .M.

TICKS $4.50/$5.50. Available at Discount Records, Ann Ar-
bor; Huidsons; Ginnel's; Mixed Media, Detroi t;or at the door.
Dig it.


A public forum with:
Sponsored by:
Ecumenical Campus Center
'Interfaith Council for Peace
FRIDAY May 16 8 P.M1
First Presb yterian Church


WASHINGTON (Iom-Senate inves-
tigators digging into the medicaid pro-
gram say they have turned up evidence
of scandals that could run into hun-
dreds of millions of dollars.
The probe is centered on inflated
fees and possible fraud involving, doc-
tors, dentists, druggists, nursing homes
and other medical services.
"I'm finding it much worse than
I ever dreamed of," said Sen. John J.
Williams (R-Del), who is spearheading
the Senate Finance Committee's in-
Williams cited cases of a nursing
home accused of charging for dead
patients, of alleged phony billings by
pharmacists, of giveaway lures by an
unnamed dentist to bring in more wel-
fare patients.
The Finance Committee has zeroed
in on possible scandals in New York,
Los Angeles, Boston, Baltimore, Chi-
cago and Appalachia in the coast-to-
coast probe.

One investigator said the losses
through abuses in the $5-billion, 38-
state program of free health care
for welfare recipients and other poor
patients could total hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars.
The committee's staff is expected to
deliver its detailed report to the Senate
panel early in June as a pi'elude to
public hearings this summer.
The investigators have asked state
officials to supply names of all doc-
tors and dentists receiving more than
$25,000 a year from medicaid and the
separate medicare program for the
aged. The list is running into the
One practitioner in New York City
has collected almost $500,000 so far,
records show. A doctor in the South
has received almost $300,000.
Williams said the programs were
meant to pay doctors for cases that had
been charity in the past. But he add-

ed, "We didn't intend for it to be a
bonanza or a gold mine."
An independent check by The As-
sociated Press of medicaid programs
in half a dozen states found:
-In New York, a dentist running a
clinic in the East Harlem slums, Dr.
Fred Fisher, has been accused in court
records of turning in "fraudulent and
untrue invoices" for medicaid pay-
ments. Records show Fisher received
$402,975 from medicaid over the past
two years.
-New York officials say they are
asking refund of an estimated $100,000
from a group of podiatrists which the
city said was taking foot X-rays of
every patient who came in the door.
-A grand jury in Baltimore has in-
dicted 13 persons-nine doctors, a den-
tist, two pharmacists and an accoun-
tant-on fraud conspiracy charges
after a lengthy investigation of one
small drugstore which topped Mary-
land's list of medicaid payments with

$245,497 for prescriptions last year.
-Maryland's attorney general an-
nounced investigation this week of
another possible fraud involving a
dentist and a Baltimore druggist who,
officials said, turned in one batch of
2,000 billings, all for the same five
-In Kentucky, a tiny pharmacy in
the small mountain town of Neon fill-
ed medicaid prescriptions totaling
$328,290 last year--roughly 33 times
what the owner estimated his volume
would be without the government pro-
gram. State investigators found many
Appalachia families were getting cost-
ly doctors' prescriptions for common
r-A nursing home near Sacramento,
Calif, the Rancho Cordova Convales-
cent Hospital, has been accused in
Medi-Cal suspension proceedings of
billing for patients after their death.
-One Los Angeles dentist is accused
of using silver inlays while billing

the state for gold at a profit of $60
per patient.
Sen. Williams said there are glaring
cases of abuses in every area of med-
ical care under investigation by the
"We're not going to led it go un-
noticed or unchallenged," he added.
"It's not fair to the other hard-work-
ing doctors."
Key senators are determined to slow
the rocketing costs of medicaid by re-
pealing in the next few weeks the
requirement that all states make
steady progress toward a full program
of comprehensive health care for the
poor by 1975.
The Nixon administration has an-
nounced plans to try to trim medicaid
costs to forestall a predicted $2-bil-
lion jump in the program's costs for
the next fiscal year. Even with the
cuts, the increase is pegged at almost
$1 billion, boosting the bill for medic-
aid next year to $5 billion.






1421 Hill St.
8:30 P.M.

Has appeared in
joint concerts with:
Jean Ritchie
Norman Kennedy
"Sara Grey is one of the best tra-
ditional singers and performers I.
have ever heard. She is a joy to
listen to."-Bob White

Has appeared at:
University of Pennsylvania
Temple University
Cafe Lena (Saratoga)
Gerdes Folk City (N.Y.)
2nd Fret (Philadelphia)
Back Door (York)

featuring SARA GREY


news today,
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
issued a warning that it would ban cigarette advertising from
radio and television networks if Congress does not extend its
prohibition against regulation of advertising imposed in 1965.
Despite the possibility of a government ban after June 30, cigar-
ette companies are buying network television advertising time for
next season at an undiminished rate.
Advertising agencies representing the cigarette companies have
declined to comment on the purchase which account for 10 per cent
of the network's and station's income.
* * * *
man, accused the Red Chinese of fomenting racial strife in
Malaysia and announced a national defense mobilization to con-
trol the violence.
For the third day, Malays and Chineses fought in the streets
with guns, knives and spears.
The rioting broke out after Rahman's ruling Alliance party suf-
fered a setback Saturday in parliamentary elections and emerged
with only a slight majority.
The Malaysian Chinese Association, a partner in the Alliance
coalition, was the heaviest loser and announced it would no longer
take part in the government. This angered Chinese who feared an
all-Malay government.
In his address to the nation Rahman said the Chinese Com-
munists sent money into Malaysia to, spread racial strife and to
disrupt the elections.
*' *~ * *
NIKE-HERCULES FIRING SITES in four states will be
abandoned next year, the Army announced Wednesday.
Affected by the move are two Michigan sites at Detroit and
Carleton. Other Nike bases in Michigan will remain at Metropolitan
airport, Union Lake, and Utica.
Other sites to be closed are located in Milwaukee, Wis., Warring-
ton, Pa., and Felicity, Ohio.
The move is expected to save the Army $3.6 million a year.
The Nike Hercules missile carries an atomic warhead for use
against enemy bombers. The sites were installed in 1958.
SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDY, (D-Mass), urged mod-
erate students to play a greater role in their universities and col-
iges in order to offset campus extremists.
Kennedy, speaking before a luncheon of the NAACP Defense and
Educational Fund, said student militants are going to provoke "re-
actionary repression."
As for the universities, Kennedy added, "They must recognize
that they have serious shortcomings, and they must initiate ac-
celerated reforms to provide an alternative route toward change be-
sides the confrontation politics of militants."

A Waif,

a Lesbian and

Candidates air
education goals

an Architect

-Associated Press
Policeman grabs protester during confrontation
Poli ce use tear gas,
guns to end protest

S Continued from Page 1)
sify as smart can learn just as
much from the 'dumb' ones as the
'dumb' ones can learn from the
smart ones," she claimed.
Mrs. Schoultz said most atypical
children fail because "we force a
single standard of achievement
on all children." "Literaoy is a
thing of the past," she said, "and
in a school system that is based
on a standard of literacy some
it is the best way to learn."
"Communication is what is-im-
portant," she added, "and there
are forms of communication other
than reading and writing. The
way schools are run now, teach-
ers try to keep a quiet classroom,
but talking is communicating and
it is the best way to learn.
Henry Johnson, director of
group care and counseling at the
W. J. ' Maxey Boys Training.
School in Whitmore Lake, said all
children have a right to educa-
tion, and the school system has an
obligation to see that each child
achieves his maximum potential.
Ann Arbor's classes for "Type
A" and "'Type B" children are
dangerous because children are
often classified incorrectly, he,
said. "Once a child is put in a
class below his level, he has lost
his opportunity to achieve his full
potential," Johnson explained..
Johnson : blasted the proposed
budget allocation for special edu-
cation as "totally inadequate" and
"a pitance." "Much more needs to
be done soon," he said.
Candidate Ivan Kemp's plat-
form called for a "strict definition
of learning." That way, he main-
tained, "the teacher would know
exactly what he is, expected to
teach, and the child would know
just what he has to learn."
Kemp said the elected repre-
sentatives on the schodl board:
must be held accountable for es-
tablishing a system of education
that will "prepare children for a
society that has literacy as its
"Schools are not instruments of
change," he said, "but they should

be stablizing factors." Kemp said,
"I believe it is necessary to protect
the children from propaganda and
other outside influences."
Kemp said that the proposed
budget was adequate, and that all
the present programs could be
kept by increasing the size of the
Gottlieb agreed with Kemp,
saying "fifty children in a class
is comfortable if the teacher is
to nam ne
At their meeting today the Re-
gents are scheduled to hear a pro-
posal from a search committee
asking them to designate Prof.
Stephen B. Preston as acting dean
of the natural resources school.
Preston would replace R. Keith
Arnold who will leave the school
June 15 to become Deputy Chief
for Research in the U.S. Forest
The meeting will be held at 11
a.m. in the Administration Bldg.
The Regents will also be asked
to appoint history Prof. Sidney
Fine as icting chairman of the
history department.
A bylaw to officially establish
the library science school will be
considered and a statement de-
scribing reasons for the phasing
out of University school will be
released. The Regents voted to
close the school at their May 2
The Regents also will appoint an
alumni member to the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athle-
tics to replace Darring Hunting
of Grand Rapids.

(Continued from Page 1)
As officers broke up the main
body, hundreds fled to the nearby
Student Union Building. Tear gas
drove them out. Four officers try-
ing to make an arrest in Sproul
Plaza near the campus adminis-
tration center were forced to re-
treat under a shower of missiles.
Some hit by birdshot were
youths throwing rocks from roof-
tops, police said. Others were non-
participants. An elderly woman
suffered facial cuts when fleeing
demonstrators trampled her.
Gov. Reagan in Sacramento
called the park protest "phony
issue . .. seized upon as an excuse
for a riot. The police found stakes,
bamboo poles, rocks and bricks on,

the property. Someone must have
had in mind some kind of dis-
Reagan said he had heard "The
leader of the demonstration was
the president-elect of the student
body at Berkeley for next year,
which I think indicates something
about the kind of representation
they're offering."
Ignoring university intentions
to build an athletic complex on
the one-third of a block, Tele-
graph Avenue h a b i t u e s had
scrounged tools and materials sev-
eral weeks ago and started build-

Chabrol Offers Menage in Les Biches'

"LET BICHES," is Claude
Chabrol's b e s t movie
since "The Cousins." "Les
Biches," which means "The
Does," concerns a rich les-
bian (Stephane A u d r a n)
who picks up an aging, un-
formed w a i f (Jacqueline,
Sassard), who earns her liv-
ing chalking does on the
sidewalks of Paris. The two
go off to Miss Audran's
house in Saint Tropez, which
already contains two vicious
far out, free-loading homo-
sexuals--one of whom looks
very like Jean Genet. When
Jean-Louis Trintignant, as a
young architect, sleeps, first
with the waif and then, on
a more permanent basis,
with the lesbian, he remarks
that the menage seems to
him a little strange.
The movie is very funny
in parts-Miss Audran has a
fine, drawing -room - comedy
sarcastic way with a line.
What is extraordinary is the
portrayalof a kind of devi-
ate Dolce Vita, in which the

waif, comes to regard her
former lovers, male and fe-
male, as parental figures, to
whom she becomes quite
filially attached. She suffers
a Freudian Finnegans Wake
kind of trauma when she ob-
serves them in bed together,
and subsequently goes on an
Elektra kind of mad. It 'is
post Freud, for those waifs
who have no emotional past
in the conventional sense. I
have never seen this sort of
waif-portrayed before.
The colors at the begin-
ning of the movie are muted
and washed, like scrolls, for
the odd feminine milieu that
is introduced. The ending
seemed to me loosely done-
it does not quite take, dra-
matically-but the music, by
Pierre Jansen, is painstak-
ingly appropriate. And for
the lesbian watchers-who,
on the basis of the reception
of "Therese and Isabel,"
seems to be a substantial
and growing public-this is
a movie that they can see
with people who just like
Chabrol and films.

9:30 M S
-Sunday E
$1.00 MAY 16-17
having fun and making merry
FRI DAY and SATURDAY, May 16,17



Saturday Matinees
still only $1.00
until 5:30 P.M.

I Itl lt

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