NIXON'S PEACE: YANKEE COME HOME See editorial page Y 4fltr 'i aYi ~~Iait ALMOST llighaSZ Low-50 Warmer with nocturnal showers Vol. LXXIX, No. 8-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 16, 1969 Ten Cents Tenants' Union seeks support in court f «4By HAROLD ROSENTHAL emplary damages and recovery of "the issue of whether we have a reasons why tenants can't have spiracy are Kutz, Dale Berry. existingt Facing a court battle over more than $100,000 of unpaid rent right to.organize." organizations." David Goldstein, Peter Denton, to withh charges of conspiracy, the Ten- being held in escrow. "The statement is to show that Twelve of the 91 defendants are Nancy Holmstrom, Barry Cohen, cordance ants' Union is seeking the backing The statement says: we have support among members charged with conspiracy to vio- Janet Handy, Mary Crawly, Alan or future f prominent local citizens. d "I support the ri it of the Ten- of city council and prominent late existing and future leases Kaufman, David Shapiro, Steven The enants'Union aouncmed ants' Union to organize to obtain members of the community," Katz and to obtain libelous articles in Marston and Maria Mazzaloni. a tempo last night that two councilmen, .. .TeDal.Tesvealitfs r pr- wthmosd Nicholas Kazarinoff (D-3rd ward) collective bargaining rights with added. The Daily. The seven plaintiffs are Apart- withholdi and LeRoy Cappaert (D-5th ward) the landlords." The Tenants' Union said several Circuit Judge William Ager will ments Limited, Arbor Forest Ap- the trans have already agreed to sign ia "The Ann Arbor Tenants' Union additional members of the city hold a pre-trial hearing this aft- artments, Charter Realty, Brady local co e .statement supporting the right of has been working honestly and council and the community are ernoon. The actual trial will begin Anderson, Charlotte Van Curler, money is the Tepants' Union to organize the democratically to achieve decent expected to sign the statement in May 6. William Van Fossen and Robert L. Howev tenants. living conditions." the next few days. Ron Riosti, the Tenants' Un- Shipman. temporar tenants.r The suit has been brought "I therefore deplore the recent "I don't know what effect this ion's attorney, said the purpose In addition to the 91 strikers, when at against the Tenants' Union by actions taken by certain landlords will have," Kazarinoff said. "I of the pre-trial hearing is to the complaint covers "all organi- and the r seven landlords who charge that to obtain an injunction against hope it will have a constructive ef- clarify procedures that will be zations the strikers represent or the tem the ultimate goal of the rent strike the Tenants' Union by labelling fect since this is a constructive used in the case. belong to, including the so-called avoid du is an attack on the concept of their activities a conspiracy. This effort to correct grievances against The most important thing that Tenants' Union and anyone in- speed up private property. The suit seeks action is an unjustifiable attempt landlords." may come up at today's pre-trial volved in it, and all co-conspira- "They for an injunction to halt the rent to undermine the tenants' legiti- "I hope that the state legislature hearing, he said, was the question tors whether named or not." - strike. mate right to organize." will pass a law that says the ten- of whether the Tenants Union has It also asks that the defendants rent strik Besides the injunction, the land- Stu Katz, Grad, a member of ants have a right to organize," a right to see the books and rec- be restrained and enjoined from ever, he lords are seeking $10,000 in in- the Rent Strike Steering Commit- Kazarinoff continued. "Landlords ords of the landlords. "soliciting, requesting, or impor- would no Nazarioff dividual damages, $300,000 in'ex- tee said, the statement involves have associations so there are no The twelve charged with con- tuning others to breach contracts izing. Six Pages ght or in their inception, or old payments due in ac- with existing contracts contracts." ndlords originally sought rary injunction against ng of rent and ordering fer of the $100,000 to the urt's jurisdiction. The in a Canadian bank. er, the hearings on the y injunction were haldte orneys for the landlords ent strike agreed to drop porary suit in order to plication of effort and the process. think this will end the e," Dale Berry said. How- predicted that a defeat t preclude future organ- CHAUNCEY CASE: HRC awaits Police use guns, Kasny report By JOEL BLOCK The Human Relations Commission postponed action last night on the Ray Chauncey incident pending the report of Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny on his investigation. Mayor pro-tem Leroy Cappaert (D-5th ward) told the spepially convened meeting of the HRC that Krasny's report would be completed in one or two days, possibly late today. Cappaert was substituting for Mayor Robert Harris who has been out of town for -the past three days. The HRC has claimed that an Ann Arbor policeman beat staff member Chauncey after arresting him while he was j investigating a 11 e g e d mis- gas 58, I at Berkeley; protesters ht From Wire Service Reports BERKELEY, Calif.-Over ._ 50 City school candidates air views By ERIKA HOFF Eight of the nine candidates for three seats on the, Ann. Arbor Board of Education spoke last night at at public candidates meet- ing. The election is June 9. The Acandidates 'were asked to speak, on school Superintendent W. Scott Westerman's propbsed budget alocation for special edu- cation. The proposal which will be on the June 9 ballot asks; that the present half mill property tax for special education be increased to one mill. Currently' all ' special education for atypical children is left up to ,* the, discretion of individual school boards. A. Gerald Gottlieb, a candidatej afor the. 'board, said the constitu- tion of the Ann Arbor Board of Education does call for the educa-; tion of all children, and therefore requires special education classes. 4Mrs. Mary Jane Schoultz, -a consultant with the University's C h I l d Development Consultant project, strongly opposed separate classes for atypical children. She said, "Separate is not equal,", anda maintained that all children are entitled to equal education.1 .A Mrs. Shoultz \favored putting all,] children in the same class be- cause children: learn from each other. "Those who we would clas-, gee CANDIDATES, Pa $e 3 1 treatment of blacks at the Star Bar last Friday night. The HRC has asked that police drop all charges and discipline the officer involved. The officer has been suspended with pay pending Krasny's investigation. Krasny has countered that "a blow in the face does not consti- tute a beating" and that being a city employe does not grant a per- son amnesty from arrest. i At a morning meeting -yester- day with Guy Larcom, city admin- istrator, HRC Director D a v i d, Cowley, Krasny, and Cappaert, City Attorney Peter Forsythe re- ported that no formal arraign- ment of charges was scheduled -against Chauncey and that the $25 bond posted was returned to him. Cowley is currently completing his report on the HRC's perspec- tive of the incident, including the assignment he made to Chauncey and why he thought Chauncey carried out his assignment in the proper fashion. The Commission delayed action on the case until its regular meet- ing next Tuesday. The members passed a resolution last night ask- ing Krasny to come to the meeting to explain his findings. Cappaert told the HRC last+ night, that City Council would soon "meet in executive session to discuss the findings of the police. He said he would have no objec- tion to allowing URC members to sit in on the Council meeting. Cowley reiterated his position on' Chauncey's arrest and alleged beating. "As a result of our staff member's doing his duty, he was arrested and beaten. We feel that the credibility of our commission is at stake in this case," he said. Cowley has maintained that the Chauncey i n c i d e n t representsl what happens to the black man at the police station. -Associated Press A STUDENT GRIMACES with pain from a wound inflicted by police. The shooting occurred during a riot following a rally at the University of California, yesterday. Demonstrators protested fencing in of a "people's park" on university property.. AVOIDS. REJECTION: Hnoi issues mld attack on Nixon peace proposal persons were injured yester- day as police used shotguns and tear gas to' greak up a demonstration by 1500 over possession of a vacant lot owned by the University of California. A total of 58 persons were in- jured in the outbreak of violence, 31 of them from shotgun wounds and two from bullets, the Daily Californian, the student news- paper on the Berkeley campus, reported. Three of these persons were re- ported in serious condition. One has already lost an eye. Additional -injuries resulted from flying glass, rocks, and other objects. As many as 40 others were treated for gas inhalation. Four policemen were injured, none seriously. Two National Guard units have been mobilized by Gov. 'Ronald Reagan at the request of Berkeley city officials. Berkeley was quiet last night as city officials imposed a modified curfew which prohibits any gath- erings or loitering on the streets. However, there was serious spe- culation that violence would break out again today. The violence began as police cleared some 150 "street people"- from the vacant lot ina pre-dawn raid. A noon rally on the Univer- sity of California campus drew 1500protesters and resulted in a march on the Rlot. This led to a confrontation be- tween protesters and police after the "street people" exploded a fire hydrant and threw rocks at the police. Police responded with tear- gar, and then shotguns. University officials had planned to build a soccer field on "People's Park," an area where residents on Telegraph Avenue had installed plantings, benches, sod and a windmill. The officials had warn- ed the "street people" they would be cleared and work on the lot begun. See POLICE, Page 3 r ' y The Associated Press PARIS - The Viet Cong's Na- tional Liberation Front delivered a mild-sounding attack yesterday on President Nixon's proposals for a Vietnam solution, but appeared to be carefully avoiding rejection of the President's eight-point plan as a whole. At the same time, North Viet- nam's official radio also attacked the Nixon program, saying that the plan "is not to end the war of aggression, but to replace the war of aggression fought by U.S. troops into a war of aggression fought by the puppet army of the United States - meaning the South Vietnamese. Meanwhile in Saigon, President Nguyen Van Th1eu said today President Nixon once more "has shown sincere good will to go for- ward to serious and useful talks with the Communist side to bring express its disapproval in general, peace to Vietnam." while simultaneously seeking more Thieu added that his govern- time to study Nixon's Wednesday ment believes Nixon's peace plan night speech, before making offi- is "not contrary to the spirit" of cial comment. the government's own basic pro- Earlier, a dispatch from Hanoi gram. - of a Communist-aligned Japanese. The NLF attack centered on news agency quoted "observers" as that section of the Nixon proposals suggesting the North Vietnamese which insisted upon mutual with- would not make an outright, total drawal of all outside. troops from rejection of the Nixon proposals. South Vietnam. 'J~ I n ars* persons close to the GRADUATE REFORM, History change goes on There was a hint of caution in this, suggesting that Hanoi and the NLF might explore the Nixon1 proposal further at or after the ' 17th full-scale session of the Paris talks today. U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Nixon's chief negotiator, flew back from Washington yes- terday to present the President's plan formally to the other parties in the talks and to repeat the President's statement that Wash- ington welcomed the NLF initi- ative in putting forward its com- prehensive 10-point plan at last week's session. Before returning to Paris Lodge said at a White House news con- ference that Nixon's peace plan "comes along at a prppitious time." Although the variety of pro- posals-the Hanoi "4 points," the NLF "10 points," the American "8 points" and the Saigon "6 points"-left the opposing sides as far apart as ever on some key issues, conference observers said the initiatives might at least get the talks off dead center. The sides remain at opposite' poles on such questions as the mu-- tual troop withdrawals and an eventual political settlement. Hanoi radio, using a "special interview" commentator to get across its rebuttal, underscored the! conference noted signs of flexi- bility on both sides and suggested that neither Nixon nor the NLF negotiator here, Tran Buu Kiem, had indulged in recriminations in presenting their formal proposals. President Nixon said his plan was not offered on a take it or leave it basis, but that the Ameri- cans wouldl talk about anybody's program "provided it can be made consistent with the few basic principles" set forth in his speech. IV I,- -Associated Press Former Justice Fortas Fortas resignsP frkom high court WASHINGTON (A - Pleading to the end that "there has been no wrongdoing on my part," Associate Justice Abe Fortas has yielded to mounting pressure and resigned from the U.S. Supreme Court in one of its grimmest hours. He is the first justice to quit the court under fire in'the history of the country. President Nixon accepted Fortas' resignation, effective Wednesday, 'in a 20-word letter lacking any expression of regret. The brief exchange of letters was made public hours after the White House an- nounced the resignation.' White House press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, who announced Nixon's acceptance of Fortas' res- ignation, said he had no idea when a. successor might be nomi- nated. Demands for an investigation of Fortas' extra - judicial relations with jailed financier Louis E. Wolfson persisted in Congress, despite a White House statement that Nixon considers the case closed. The historic incident could have a major impact on the future of the Supreme Court, very likely shifting the balance from a pro- gressive to a more conservative line. Fortas' resignation means Nix- on must fill two vacancies on the court this year, with Chief Jus- By ERIKA HOFF Reform in the history depart- 4 ment will not stop over the sum- mer. The history students' steering committee presently is working on an intra-departmental study, a comparison of the University's history department with history departments at other schools and a fall orientation program,' for graduates in history. Steering committee member Bill Jowdy, Grad, says the com- parative departmental study will collect data "on t h e formless' character of graduate educa- tion" in the history department. says the committee will try to collect further data to discover the reasons. He says two possi- ble causes could be the faculty- student ratio in each depart- ment area and the number of courses offered in each section. Ray Shortridge, Grad, anoth- er steering committee member, says b o t h of these problems could be remedied through the department's curriculum com- mittee which has both student and faculty members. "The faculty concentration in each sections can always be al- tered by shifting visiting pro- fessors, and the curriculum com- port for degree candidates. Ef- forts to obtain more money from the University "haven't been too successful," he admits. "We could investigate and remedy the distribution of funds between sections," Jowdy says. "Even if we can't get more mn- ey, we can see that what we do have is being allocated optim- umly.". One possible source of money, however, is the Wolverine fund which belongs to the Center for Research on Learning a n d Teaching. Director Stanford Ericksen says the center "ear- marks part of its budget as be- ... 4 ... ... .. .:: ii. ij:v._ .: r.::. ::?,h'. ii?~ i :i :ii:: ::?:: : '