DRAFT LOTTERY: JUST GAMBLING See editorial page Sir igan ~Iadj DRIPPY Hlgh-75 Low-48 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Vol LXXIX, No. 6-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 14, 1969 Ten Cents Four Pages NATIONAL GUARD ALERTED: 41000 students battle Nixon pro poses lottery police at Southern draft of rockis and bottles at police on Southern University's campus yesterday, drawing a tehar gas blasts in return. Gov. John J. McKeithen called up 600 National Guard troops and said they would "be sent onto the campus gt the first indication of further breakdown of law and Ahospital said 13 students and two sheriff's deputies were treated for injuries, with two students ad- Smitted for surgery to remove tear gas pellets of the type fired from riot guns. confe on vcam pus tday with a committee of 12 students to hear grievances. Students burned a construction truck parked on the predominant- ly black campus. Officers said 17 were arrested, with three charged with aggravated battery and the rest with criminal mischief. Police blasted into a corner of a dormitory with 12 gauge shot- guns at one point. State Police Capt. Joseph Andreusaid officers ,the time but that this was never confirmed. Fred Tannehill, president of the State Board of Education, said about 1000 of the 8000 students were involved in the uproar. Gov. McKeithen and State P0- lice Supt. David Wade flew to the campus by helicopter for a brief conference with about 20 students. After the' meeting, Wade an-.. nounce ta t thedGuard would re leave the campus to give univer- sity officials a chance to settle the *situation. "The governor told the students that they were just hurting them- selves but he would give them a -chance,'' Wade said. "But the gov- ernor made it crystal clear that they are not going to run the uni- versity." aThe second day of disturbances ed yetra hnsvrlhn dred students builtsa bonfireuat I the main entrance, blcing traf- Police said students carried torchtes from the bonfire to a flat- bed construction -truck on the campus, set it afire and surround- ed a group of workmen. Eight deputies moved in. After they rescued the workmen, stu- dents attacked the deputies with firebombs, rocks and bottles. Deputies said some of the bot- tles were filled with acid. Several deputies received minor yar -olds VI Calls for continued WASHNGTON UP - President Nixon asked Congress yes- terday for power to overhaul the draft by switching to a ran- dom lottery system, mostly of 19 yer olds. "By drafting the youngest first, by limiting the period of vulnerability, by randomizing the selection process, and by reviewing deferment policies, we can do mnuch to achieve these important iterim goals," Nixon said.. Nixon's proposal would retain undergraduate college de- ferments and would enable a student to put off his possible induction for four years - possibly a fifth, If he went to grad- uate school, Nixon's long-awaited message to Congress stressed that -Associated Press Poiee fire on Southern students From Wire service Reports A raid by undercover narcotics agents at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York touched off a riot by about 200 students Monday night. The Suffolk County police arrested 14 students, most of Sthemt freshmen, on charges of selling marijuana, hashish, and LSD. The police had notified Stony Brook President John S. Toll and entered the dormitories at about 1 a.m. accompanied -Associated Press Snoopy joEins NS A new member of the NASA space team goes over filight details with Apollo 10 commander Thomas P. Stafford at Kennedy Space Center yesterday. "Snoopy" is the call name for the lunar module landing craft and the command ship is of course "Charlie Brogn." The flight scheduled for Sun- day will take "Snoopy" within 9 miles of the m oon. A LLEGED BEA TING: Ask police to discipline officer in . HRC arrest protes ts Front Wire Service Reports Three members of the U.S. Cir- cuit Court of Appeals -yesterday decided to hear the appeal of 45 students sentenced to 30 days in jail and $100 fines for a protest against ROTC at Darmouth on May 6. SHowever, the three-judge panel declined to free the students on bail. Tihe defendants, had asked to be released on bond until their cases could be heard in federal courts. They were charged with crim- inal contempt for violating an in- ~ unction pbtained by Dartmouth trustees to force them to leave the administration building. Contempt convictions cannot be appealed in N~ew Hampshire, so defense attorneys? petitioned the state supreme court for writs of habeas corpus. ~.They conitended that their clients' constitutional rights to equal protection under the law had been violated when they were denied delays similar to those given to nine others by Judge Martin Loughlins after the arrests. The high court denied the peti- '.. ti ns, as did th e U .S D strict when they were filed with him later in Concord. Also yesterday, Dr. S. I. Haya- kawa. acting president of San Francisco State College. told a Senate subcommittee investigating 'campus disorders that militant black students are being recruited "to be cannon fodder in a revolu- tion planned by whites." Hayakawa, who came to nation- al attention when he called in police to break up student dem- onstrations on the San Francisco college campus, said white rev- olutionaries who include wealthy peoplle from outside the college community are pushing black militants Into the current spate of demonstrations. "'It is certainly obvious that the rhetoric of the black militant by uniformed campus security guards. During the three-hour campus riot, angry crowds hurled rocks at police cars taking the students to jail and at two fire trucks. The students also burned a wooden gatehouse to the ground, over- turned and burned two campus police cars and set fires in several buildings, including the infirmary.' Three students and a security guard were treated for minor bruises. No other injuries were re- ported. More than 700 students milled about the campus .for several hours after the raid before dis-. persing. Stony Brook is attended by .about 5600 students. When arrested, one student was dragged yelling and screaming to an auto by two undercover agents., police station where they were held for arraignment. By JUDY SAUASOHN The city's Human Relations Commission yesterday asked police to drop charges of disorderly con- duct against HRC staff member Ray Chauncey and take appro- priate disciplinary action against the police officer who the com- mission charges beat Chauncey after his arrest while on assign- ment Friday night. HRC Director David Cowley also indicated Chauncey had decided not to reveal his identity to see how he would be treated. "It ap- pears that he made the proper decision, and a testing program on police procedures might prove to be a useful commission pro- gram," Cowley said. Cowley said Chauncey was "mis- takenly arrested while on a legiti- mate assignment" and then hit twice in the mouth at the police station. Chauncey then received stitches at University Hospital for his wound. Chauncey was testing the Star Bar, 109 North Main, for discrimi- nation after the HRC had received inji.ries. Fresh police units moved in, dispersing the students with tear gas. But students kept throwing rocks and bottles and massed on another par-t of the campus. *pcii reasons~ for ~4 thes uproar Stae ouIse defeas parochiaid measure complaints that blacks were being mistreated there. HRC revealed yesterday that Chauncey's preliminary report in- dicated he had. found discrimina- tion at the bar. Four people-three white and one black-had made formal com- plaints to HRC about the mis- treatment, Ezra Rowry, former chairman of Ann Arbor CORE, said yesterday. Cowley said that Chauncey de- ter'mined that blacks were being treated badly at the Star Bar, "and as a result of his presence in the bar police were called." "Bar owners who do not want Negroes present often create th ruse that a Negro person is 'caus- ing trouble' because he is pres- ent," said Cowley. Cowley claimed that what hap- pened to Chauncey "is not an iso- lated incident. It is symbolic of what happens to black people when they are taken to the police station. The black person never knows if he will be treated with justice or if he will be beaten." Cowley indicated the HRC will be sending recommendations for safeguards against such action to the City Council. The manager of the Star Bar, who did not want to be identified, yesterday claimed that no one has been mistreated for any reason at See HRC, Page 3 the drastic changes he planse represent a way station on the road to his previously promis- ed elimination of t h e draft and reliance on an all-volun- "Iy am hopeful that we cap. soon restore the principle of no draft in peacetime," the President said in a message to Congress. "But until we do, let us be sure that the operation of the Selective Service System is as eqiuitable and as reasonable as we can make it." Republican leaders in Congress said hearings on Nixon's proposals should open soon. They said it, is possible that some of the proposals might be implemented in early Te President put his objecties this way: "-Change from an oldest-first to a youngest-first order to call, so that a young man would be- come less vulnerable rather than more vulnerable to the drft as he grows older. "-Reduce the period of prime draft vulnerability -- and the un- ctant thaaccompanies it - "-Select those who are actual- ly drafted through a random sys- tem. A procedure of this s o r t would distribute the risk of call equally - by lot - among all who are vulnerable during a given year, rather than arbitrar'ily selecting those whose birthdays happen to f all at certain times of the year or the month. "-Continue the undergraduate student deferment, with thie un- derstanding that the year of max- imum vulnerability would come whenever the deferment expired." See DRAFT, Page 3 FAYETITE, Miss. (P)--Charles Evers claimed the mayor's office in tiny, rural Fayette, Miss., last night and vowed that his goal will be to show that everyone, includ- ing "the black extremists aiid the white bigots," can work together. Black candidates also were bid- ding for mayor in 13 other cities and towns but none packed Evers' political weight. He is state chair- man of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and a Democratic national committeeman. MASON, Mich. L - A cir- cuit judge ruled yesterday that a controversial statement made by a former Detroit po- liceman in the "Algiers Motel case" will be admitted into evidence before a jury in his trial for the murder of one of three' blacks at a motel dur- ing Detroit's 1967 riots. Judge Williang J. Beer said all statements in question, whether written or verbal, "should be avails able upon proper'offering In evi- dence for either the people" or the defendant, Ronald J. August, 31. The ruling was considered of key importance in th st-eree patrolman. In the statement, August said he killed Auburey Pollard, 19, in self defense. The statement was taken by sDetroit police! the day after the shooting. Defense Attorney Norman Lip- pit argued the statement was not admissible because August had not been informed of his constitution- al right to 'remain silent. A similar statement made b former Patrolman Robert Paill~ who had been accused of the murder of another of the youths. Fred Temple, 18, was ruled Inad- missible on those grounds at a preliminary hearing in 1967. August's statement was admitted at that time. An all-white jury of 13 women and one man was selected earlier in the day and will start hearing the case tomorrow morning The 14 were selected from an all-white panel of 125 selected at random from voter registration and property tax lists which in- cluded Negaroes. Beer ordered a 114-member jury selected rather than the normal 12 jurors and two alternates. He said two members of the ,jury would eliminated by lot after all testimony had been taken. All 125 prospective jurors were present in the courtroom for se- lection. The narcotics probe was plan- ned after a raid at Stony Brook in January, 1968, in which 46 persons were arrested on narcotics charges, including .29 students. The raid by 200 policemen, made after notifying school officials, touched of f a furor among stu- dents and faculty. were not easily determined. There LANSING AU-The State House of Representatives yes- seemed to be no spokesman for terday defeated a parochiaid amendment to the school the students. The disturbancesaprpitnsblbyaot f8to5. comncided with the, opening of a appopraio dns lb alvoed ofo 8 toke 50. f 1000 o legislative session here. Th mnmn aldfratkngato 1000t "Classes are continuing and will nonpublic schools for 1969-70 and authorized $44.5 million continue even if we have to put jfor parochial schools next year. An authorization is merely Guardsmen in every door," Tan- Ia promise and not a guarantee of legislative funds. nehill said. The parochiaid amendment was tacked on to the $845 He said students would be given'mlinsho i il a chance to conform to the trules milo-cho i bil of the institution, "but if they~ House speaker and parochiaid supporter William Ryan want to leave Southern, we will (D-Detroit) said another effort would probably be made to also give them that opportunity. *'adopt parochiaid. He said it Swould be unusual if backers of * the measure did not make such an attempt. Ryan added that failure of p rc hi l o uld no be li ey t with public schools. He estimated the House would pass the school appropriations bill with about $2 million added to the $845.4 illion approved by the Senate earlier this year. Ryan denied that his parochiaid 2' forces failed because they were unprepared for the early vote on the amendment. "It would be very 4 easy to add a similar amendment," he said. IHe added that his own conver- sations with legislators indicated one main objection was the auth- oization of $44.5 million for par- ochial schools next year. Tat was not the entire reason for defeat of the amendment, he said. "There's the feeling that if wwork out some fiscal reform, 'U' HOSPITAL HEARING Bias charge outlin 1ed By TOBE LEV The State Civil Rights Com- mission opened a public hearing yesterday on a charge of dis- crimination against the Uni- versity Medical Center by Mrs. LaVerne Hill. , Mrs. Hill, who was the only witness heard, claims that when she requested withdrawal of her resignation as assistant operat- ing room supervisor at the Med- ical Center in June, 1965, she was refused and instead offered an inferior position at the hos- pital because she is black. The commission has asked the hospital to restore Mrs. Hill to her old position or one com- parable and compensate her for hospital from her hiring in 1953 to her departure in 1965. As assistant operating room supervisor, Mrs. Hill trained medical technicians. S h e also replaced the other assistant op- erating r o o m supervisor in charge of floor oper'ations when the latter left in June, 1964. In September, however, Mur- iel Horton, the supervisor, hired a permanent replacement f o r the old assistanp, claiming the two jobs were too arduous for any one person to handle. SHowever, Mrs. Hill felt she was capable of handling both jobs and felt the additional job should have been offered her permanently. formation she did not have ac- cess to which hindered her per- formance on the job. Mrs. Hill claimed she was giv- en a relatively minor role in the operating room's "d4i s a s t e r plans" in case of wide-scale dis- aster. The plans were changed to give her a larger role. When Mrs. Hill tried to with- draw her resignation in June, 1965, the personnel director of the hospital told her to leave for the good of all concerned. She tried to withdraw her res- ignation because she and h e r husband were not leaving Ann Arbor as they had planned. After Mrs. Hill left the hos- pital she worked at IHuron