tte an aih Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of !the University of Michigan The All-American parade ... 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN Toying with techmology BEYOND THE rhetorical pros and cons being tossed around concerning Pres- ident Nixon's new welfare plans there remains one unpleasant aspect which has hardly been touched upon: it promotes the idea of Work. The essence, in fact, of Nixon's program is to bring people into the work economy. Re rejected a universal guaranteed an- nual income on the specific grounds that it would promote worklessness. And the proposal he outlined is designed so that those who accept welfare payments will be a part of the labor market. Under his plan anyone who takes wel- fare, and is not already employed must accept training and the employment the government finds for him. Aside from the coercive aspects of this M(T Some ,of my best friends *0* "THEY'RE LAZY, they don't want to work for their living. They're just liv- ing off dole, and they spend their money on liquor," said one woman who knew 'several of them. "Some are decent, but most of them don't keep their houses and property up- it disgraces the neighborhood. None of our neighbors would sell their homes to any of them-the property values would go down." "I know some at the factory - if you don't employ them someone accuses you of prejudice. But they just don't work. They get away with murder." The above quotations could have been taken from any number of American racists or "liberals" in the South or North. But they are from lower middle- class Protestants in Northern Ireland and they are directed against the Catho- lic minority in that country. The prime minister of Northern Ireland called in 300 British soldiers into riot- torn Londonderry - the Catholics were burning their own slums. The Catholics, who claim they are discriminated against in job employment and neighborhoods, welcomed the British troops instead of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. It appears the Catholics had been further inflamed by the presence of a police force com- posed primarily of Protestants. But soldiers, no matter what their na- tionality, cannot maintain even an un- easy peace for long. Both Northern Ire- land and the United States will have to be more honest with themselves before, they begin to solve deeply imbedded] prejudices. -J.C.S. plan-it isn't really involuntary servitude .since an indigent has the delightful free- dom to stop taking money - the work orientation is retrogressive although not very surprising. The present generation of American leaders, Richard Nixon included, was brought up on a strict diet of Horatio Alger. They and most of the Americans before them knew that the formula for success-and therefore happiness -was to work with diligence, industry and for- titude. By this program a man could do that which the society respected most- he could "pay his own way." He would support himself and his fam- ily in the only decent way imaginable, accepting no charity and giving none. In- deed it was only in the last twenty years that a respectable American would think of buying anything except a house on credit. By RICK PERLOFF 11NEW YORK THE MEN cursed, the children giggled and everyone perspired profusely. But nothing less could be ex- pected from the hundreds of bodies, inches from each other, and all within 50 yards of fulfill- ing a long-awaited goal: the sight of the Apollo Three. And there they were - Arm - strong, Aldrin and Collins with big John Lindsay smiling on be- low the steps of City Hall for the first leg of their All-American pa- rade. Everyone mumbled, especial- ly Mr. Lindsay, and few c o u 1 d honestly say they heard much of anything, though the audible re- marks (cliches all) were remini- scent of a patriotic filler on the New York Times editorial page that we had all read too m a n y times before. But ironically, it was not the astronauts' speeches that wil11 stand out - instead it is t he, memory of those clamoring, cry- ing and colliding N e wYorkers stepping over each other, falling backwards and then helping each other up. For' here, during t o o short a period, man escaped his cool, im- personal white shirt infested ex- istence: from 10:30 to 11:30 at City Hall man became humane again. PEOPLE were oblivious to the machine-like efficiency of Amer- ican society; they didn't seem to care much about keeping clean to impress the boss. Men who had never met took turns boosting each other on their shoulders to see the astronauts. White m e n hung onto black men to keep ,their balance on run-down benches and the blacks would look back and smile. A tall spectacled foreign gentle- man kept leaning backwards over the bench he stood atop and a young lad next to him kept boost- ing him up. A branch fell down and scared a little girl and peo- ple actually turned around - con- cerned. BUT ALL THIS was a terrific contrast to the astronauts t h e people had come to cheer. F o r theywere the eptiome of "good o1f American know-how" and technological inhumanity. T a k e their press conference the day be- fore the national parades: Several reporters asked them what their "feelings, reactions and emotions" were during the descent to the moon. Armstrong's answer : "Well, in the first place I ex- pected that we would probably have to make some local adjust- ments to find a suitable landing area - I thought it was highly unlikely that we would be so for- tunate as to come down in a very smooth area. As it turned out, of course, we did considerably more maneuvering close to the surface than we had planned to do . . . In other words, a full time job." No fears, no excitement ... "The Eagle has landed . ." Thump, click, jerk. Another asked Aldrin what his "inner feelings were when he step- ped onto the moon." And with the most respect to Nixonian efficiency he could muster, the astronaut re- plied, "Well there was no "question in our minds where we were-we'd been orbiting the moon for quite a while. At thensame time we had experienced one such view before -we'd been exposed to some de- gree to the lighting that we saw . Machines that can replace men? The New Yorker suggests instead of "that flag" a symbol of humans in union be placed on the moon: t h e sneeze-and-sniffel-r i d d e n handkerchief. FORTUNATELY the A p o 11o Three have not reached the in- humane machine level yet-Arm- strong admitted to some mistakes in scheduling ("we plead guilty to enjoying ourselves") and at least he sounded emotional when he thanked the crowds in New York. But only when there is some realization that efficiency does not lead to emotional and meaningful satisfactions and that technology can wipe out lives will any real humaneness return to this country. Until then there will be fleeting memories of curses, giggles and perspiration in 90 degree New York. I ...with dinner in L. A. BUT THIS ATTITUDE and success, if still in control, seems pretty definitely anachronistic future. toward money overwhelmingly dated now and in the near By NADINE COHODAS TRULY GREAT moments in television are rare these days. But Wednesday night the entire country was treated to a real spec- tacular-dinner with the Apollo 11 crew, the President of the United States and 3000 of their closest dignitaries at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. At great expense, The Daily ob- tained, by special delivery yester- day, the transcript from NBC tele- cast which is here reprinted in part: "Good evening ladies and gentleman. This is Chet Huntley in meats." "And David Brinkley in salads -live from the Century Plaza Hotel to bring you dinner for 3000 plus. Well, Chet, salads seem to be doing well now. We're about seven minutes from dressing time. Sev- eral waiters are lined up with vinegar and oil set to pour it on. It should be tossed right on sched- ule." "Things look quite well in meats, too, David. The head chef has just seasoned the last filet mignon and is right now pressing each morsel with his Mr. Zippo paring knife. "Excuse me for cutting in Chet, but Sandy Van Ocur is calling from hollandaise. Come in Sandy." "Yes. David. Thanks. A slight problem - has developed in hol- landaise. They ran out of milk. We're presently in a 13 minute hold until Mrs. Gertie Schmatz, the dietician, can return from the A&P with the milk. If all goes well, however, the sauce is scheduled to be applied to the broccoli at 7:54 p.m. central pacific time. This is Sander Van Ocur in Hollandaise. We now switch you back to David Brinkley in salads." The prophecies John Kenneth Gal- braith intoned nearly a decade ago in The Affluent Society are now becoming painfully obvious realities. Our economy is based on the endless round of con- sumption and production. It depends for the continuation of that economic system on the willingness of men to do jobs they do not enjoy and to buy products they do not want or need. The high speed mass technology that provides the direction of this nation's life has perverted those ancient values from self-sufficiency to self-destruction. RATHER THAN CONTINUING to de- mean man as would Nixon's proposal, by forcing him to become a working part Of this miasma he should be freed from the societal conception that ties daily toil to the earning of daily sustenance Fortunately the very technological sys- tem which has lead to man's degradation can provide the way out for him. Because of the mass production abilities of the new technology it is no longer necessary for man to do work they find unpleasant in order to provide for then'iselves. In- stead with the proper application of the technological resources this nation has amassed, men might do what ever they wished - whether productive or not - without a though for the provision of food and shelter for himself and his family. But that, considering the ways in which this man normally chooses to em- ploy his technology, is a long way off. --CHRIS STEELE "Ladies and gentlemen, the salad has been dressed. At 7:38 p.m. central pacific time, the vinegar and oil were simultaneously poured onto the 1700 heads of shredded lettuce. It is now being passed out and cpnsumption is set for 7:52 p.m. Chet." "Meats are moving along well here, David. Trans Kitchen In- sertion - TKI - has just taken place. The filet mignon have suc- cessfully been transfered from the counter to the o v e n. And the mushroom sauce is about to come to a boil. WE NOW switch you to Richard Valariani in Whipping Cream who has a progress report on des- sert." "Thanks Chet. We have been informed in an advisory f r o m E A T (Extraspecial Appetizing Treats) that tonight's moonbeam parfaits will be topped with cres- cent shaped mounds of whipped cream at the head table. Tables one through 150 will have t h e conventional cone of whipped 'cream and the remaining 148 ta- bles will have swirls. This is Rich- ard Valeriani in Whipping Cream switching you back to Chet Hunt- ley in meats." "Thanks Dick. Ladies and gen- tlemen, the chef has just informed us that "medium rare" with 1,875 requests topped the scale as the most popular condition to have one's filet. 'Rare' was next with 967 requests, And only 158 digni- taries asked for 'well done' meat. David, have you anything new in salads?" "Not really Chet except that the lady at Table 237 just dropped a radish on her bodice. She's now applying water to the stain and John Chancellor is making h i s way over to the table to find out the extent of damage to her dress. We'll be b a c k folks, after a brief message from Gulf, for the actual consumption, mastication and digestion of tonight's meal." Space does not permit The Daily to reprint the rest of the evening's commentary. However, the makers of Alka Seltzer report- ed an increased volume in sales Thursday - mostly bought by the nation's viewers. 4i 1~a music erry Wives of Windsor ': Predictably pleasing By R. A. PERRY Contributing Editor Twice a year the School of Music and the Department of Art join hands to stage an opera in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The results are always pleasantly predictable: the singing will be surprisingly good and the acting uneven; the staging will depend upon busyness rather than imagi--. nation, the sets will try to disguise a limited budget, and the orches- tra will once again make you real- ize that the School of Music is no hot conservatory. Last night, Prof. Josef Blatt was again on the podium to direct the first of four performances of Otto Nicolai's The Merry Wives of Windsor. Predictably, the audience was filled with the beaming rela- tives of the students on stage, and predictably, the performance of- fered a pleasing but by no means exhilirating mixture of profession- alisih and sophomorism. The purpose of these bi-annual opera presentations does not seem to be a strictly public one, that is, the goal is not really to bring good opera to the Ann Arbor com- munity but rather to give the student singers experience before a paying audience. Thus the operas chosen stress lyricism and light gaiety, and not heavier dramas of endless stream of musical ditties that vanish from the mind as quickly as the next number ar- rives. Unlike Verdi's opera Fal- staff, where the music is intimate- ly tied to the exigencies of per- sonality and drama, Nicolai's music is slick, tuneful, arid divert- ing, but the lyricism is incontinent in its vivaciousness, and as a re- sult one gets quickly sated of the treacle. One soon misses a human engagement that the music fails to provide. The "plot" is comprised of a series of episodes in which Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page 'make asses out of both the lecherous Falstaff and the jealous Mr. Ford. The episodes lack continuity and if dysentery caused you to miss Act II, it's all right since more of the same follows in Act III. A dreary sub-plot, involving the familiar foppish and weird suitors for the hand of Anne Page (not to be con- fused with the lady who makes the cardboard pies for A&P), merely allows for the requisite Love Scene. The Act II confron- tation bewteen Anne and her swain Fenton- a Nelson Eddy-Jeanette MacDonald duet if there ever was one- stops the action cold dead. Lynda Weston as Mrs. Ford, set upon by Falstaff and husband, sang quite marvelously and acted Anne Page, was sung by Joanne Gustafson, a saftig beauty with a clear if thin soprano voice. She was, however, noticeably stiff and reticent in her second act love scene with Fenton. (Tonight and Tuesday, Anne Page will be sung by Linda Oakley, who presented such an innocent and charming Cherubino last year.) Looking like the Santa Claus from a Fifties Coca-Cola ad, Rob- ert Schneider took on Falstaff and was less than totally successful. He depended. too heavily on re- petitive stock actions, such as strutting around or jiggling his belly, and too little upon a human appreciation of this Rabelaisian character. Schneider used his voice cautiously and with little expression, except for a fine scene with Ford in Act II. Alex Chmil, who sang an ardent Rodolpho in a recent production of La Boheme, revealed a true comic talent in his portrayal of the pansy half-wit Mr. Slender. He never slipped out of character, not even in curtain calls. Joe Long lacked dramatic dimension and vocal projection as Mr. Page, and Robert Armstrong, as Dr. Cajus, had difficulty making his lines, a Franco-English melange, intelli- gible. As the young lover Fenton, a real Fritz Wunderlich role. Ken- A