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May 13, 1969 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-13

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Page Two


Tuesday, May 13, 1969

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 13, 1969









Sidney Lumnet's production of
The Sea Gull is a beautiful and
.sensitive adaptation of the An-
ton Chekov play.
The cinematography captures
the serenity and gentleness of
the countryside so well that it
appears to be landscapes paint-
ed on an oil canvass.
Vanessa Redgrave gives an
impressive portrayal of Nina,
the innocent naive country girl
who leaves the doldrums of the
country to become an actress
in Moscow. Her placid lake blue
eyes never alter to storminess,
nor do they' betray the wide-
eyed enthusiasm of the sincere,
,creative young artist -- even af-
ter the misfortunes Nina suffers
her first two years in Moscow.
David Warner gives a com-
mendable performance as Kon-
stantin, the brooding young.
writer seeking to break a w a y
from the traps of convention in
the literary world.
Simone Signoret and James
Mason are equally splendid in
their roles as Madame Treplev,
Konstantin's mother, and Tri-
gorin, a writer she has picked
Under Lumet's expert direc-
tion, Chekov's theme of compla-
cent security in the status quo
versus the desperate - and of-
ten fatal -- challenge of ex-
perimentation in art and every-
day 'living presents itself as a'
direct confrontation to the au-
This theme is presented on
two iptertwined levels. One as-
pect delves into the conflict be-
tween creative art versus t h e
conventions of the art form, and
asks the question what place is
there for experimentation, and
what is its cost.
Konstantin and Nina are two
artists who refuse to be inhibit-
ed by the conventions of their
art forms. They seek to experi-
ment and effect change so that
their art forms will provide a
viable avenue for them to ex-
press themselves.
Madame Treplev and Trigor-
in are the standard bearers of
the status quo. Each has met
success a n d public acclaim in
their work, which has ceased to
be art, and has been reduced to
a craft.
Konstantin finds himself the
subject of constant rjdicule from

his mother, who disapproves of
her son's n e w approaches to
theatre and drama. This leads
Konstantin to despise himself,
and regard himself as a .none-
ntity bogged in a pit of medio-
crity. Not until he frees himself
from his mother's tentacles, and
no longer seeks her approval, is
Konstantin able to fulfill him-
self through his writings.
The other level on which Che-
kov's t h e m is illustrated is
through the series of unrequited
loves, which under less expert
direction and acting would have
been melodramatic.
Trigorin loves Nina. He con-
fesses to Madame Treplev that
he is attracted to her "purity
and innocence." Trigorin admits
that he has never met nor loved
such a person as Nina, who is
not afraid to live out her
Trigorin begs Madame Trep-
lqv to free him so he can be with
Nina. Irina refuses Trigorin's
request and tells him she needs
him, and reminds him that
without each other they are
nothing. At this point Trigorin
concedes but cautions Irina to
watch him constantly.
Konstantin loves Nina; b u t
she loves Trigorin whom s h e
considers a genius because he
has won public acclaim. Al-
though Nina t o o desires this.
fame, she insists that she merits
it because she has expressed her-
self, free from external forces,
in her performance.
Masha loves Konstantin. But
she can do nothing more than
moon over him and watch in
amazed idolatry. Masha is much
like hermother, wh9 no longer
loves her husband, and has
turned her affections to Yev-
geny, 9 doctor. But like Masha
she can do no better than to
thrive on abortive love fantas-
ies. As the depths of frustration
grow deeper for the two women,
they approach advance stages of
shrewishness, which transforms
them into cold and unfeeling
Again it is Konstantin and
Nina, who refuse to live within
the norms of their society. They
refuse to be thus confined to a
type of existence which forces
them t'o fantasize one way of
life, yet demands that they face
the ugly shock of the reality of
their inner frustration. Nina
goes to Moscow and has a two

year love affair with Trigorin,
which ostensibly merits her
nothing more than a child whidh
later dies.
Konstantin begs Nina to stay
with him, and confesses his love
for her. But when Nina con-
fesses her love for Trigorin de-
spite all that happens, rather
than living in the shadow of Ni-
na's live, Konstantin ends his
All the actors effectively por-
tray the inner frustration and
futility that gnaws at a people
who can no longer live life, but
are reduced to a level of mere
Chekov says that we m u s t
make a choice; yet he provides
no happy or easy alternatives to
the audience. We find ourselves
in a dilemn'a, which is in effect
no choice at all.
We can either die the slow
death', which strangles us each
day and snuffs out another bit
of life, like Trigorin, Madame
Treplev, Masha, and her moth-
er. We, will therefore find our-
selves assuming the attitude ex-
pressed by Yevgeny who in re-
tort to Polina Andreyevna's plea
that he take her away from her
miserable existence is "at 59 it is
too late for me to change."
Or we can experiment, de,
mand change and flaunt the
status quo; but like first gen-
eration mutants who defy the
law of nature will certainly meet
a tragic end.
Some like Konstantin and
Nina will select the latter path,
and content themselves by say-,
ing that the part of life which
they lived was lived well. Others
like Madame Treblev, Masha,
her 'mother and Yevgeny will
either never admit or recognize
the wastefulness and folly of
their life.
But for Trigorin, Sorin, Kon-
stantin's uncle, represents the
pitiable end that awaits them.
fn a desperate attempt to live
after 33 years of uneventful
service at the Ministry -of Jus-
tice, Sorin makes a feeble at-
tempt to' begin his life over at
65. He does this by indulging
himself in wine land cigars
against the warnings of his doc-
tor, Yevgeny.
The Sea Gull will disturb
many because of the probing
question it asks, and the un-
settling alternatives it leaves as

First blues festival
planned for August
Ann Arbor will hold its first blues festival this summer with
some 25 different groups and performers, four outdoor concerts
blues workshops and seminars.
Performers already contracted include Clifton Chenier, Arthur
Crudup, Sleepy John Estes, John Lee Hooker, Son House, B. B.
King, Charley Musselwhite, Big Mama Thornton, Muddy Waters,
Junior Wells and Howlin Wolf.
The festival will be held at the Knights of Columbus field on
Dexter Road from Aug. 1 to Aug. 3. Major concerts will be held on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday eights and on Sunday afternoon.
Each concert will feature about six acts.
Organizers of the festival are members of a student committee,
financed by University Activities Center and Canterbury House.
Individual concert tickets will sell for $5 Series tickets will cost
$14. Ticket order forms are available at the Michigan League,
where the festival committee has offices.
"Considering how enthusiastically 1500 students received Luth-
er Allison, a little-known but outstanding Chicago blues band at
a preview concert last month, it would be reasonable to predict
that this festival will practically result in a deluge of the entire
musically atuned audience of the midwest in the 1lues," says
Albert Stratton, a committee member.
Festival chairman Cary Gordon explains that accommodations
will be available for out-of-town visitors in South Quad for $5 a
"The capacity of the field is infinite," says Gordon, "but ticket
sales will probably be limited to 8700 by mail because of our
optional indoors facilities."
In case of inclement weather, the festival will move to Yost
However, additional tickets will be sold at the door for con-
certs held at the field as scheduled. ;
Gordon says the committee expects all concert's to be a com-
plete sellout.
SDS 1center rai'ded

College leaders feud
on disorder statement



WASHINGTON - (CPS) A were sponsoring the conference.
group of about 20 student leaders NSA denies the charge.
who gathered here Friday to The conference, sponsored by a
formulate a statement about stu- donation from a past organizer in
dent unrest broke up after four the McCarthy campaign for Pres-
major schools left the conference ident, was conducted by NSA
following a volatile session Satur- members a n d former McCarthy
day night. supporters-

Robert Burton, former editor 9f
the New Mexico Lobo and Jim
Heck, Summer Co-Editor of The
Daily, led the walkout after
charging that the statement the
group was to develop had already
been written and that those pres-
ent were being manipulated into
endorsing it by members of the
National Student Association, who

The meetings grew out of a con-
ference last week of representa-
tives of the more than 250 editors
and student presidents who signed'
NSA's "we won't go statement."
Those who signed pledged not to
serve if inducted into the armed
forces during the Vietnam War.
Albert Galt, editor of the Pur-
due Exponent, and Dick Touhy,

City 'Council passes
Model Cities program

(Continued from Page 1)
ring needed capital improvements,,
by patching out streets instead of
adopting a regular rebuilding pro-
gram, and by accepting relatively
low levels of funding for some
high priority programs."
Harris added, however, that
there will be "some improvements
in service level-chiefly in police,
street repair, park recreation and
building and safety."
Council also lifted a moratorium
on installing any more new one-
-to-two hour parking meters on.
Monroe, Tappan, East University,
and Church streets.

3, « .. . ... ro4 "".:":. f..ta ...i+.?"'a ::"r:':?f:{{ff+:"'r+:" i«+S""3; itss 3 % sai"::sv.:v:r":. ..:n"r-}rv^:..:ngr:.,..: . . v: :.:".

(Continued from Page 1) A spokesman'. called the demon- They acted on the recommenda-
the ranks of campus rebels, oc- stration interracial. tion of a report submitted by
cupying the administration build- Union has about 650 students, councilhan Robert Faber (D-2nd
ing of Union Theoiogical seminary among them 14 Negroes, at the ward). chairman of an ad hoc
in New York City for 23 hours. - seminary on Broadway and 120 committee charged with studying
Street, across from Columbia Uni- the parking meter situation in
They finally marched out after versity. the East University area and near
their leaders met with the semi- In Jefferson City, Mo., student St. Joseph's hospital.
nary's board of directors and won demonstrators left a campus build- Council voted to postpone until
an open session of the board to air ing they had occupied since Friday next week action on the commit-
their grievances. But they said after a state restraining order was tee's other two proposals-con-
they would maintain a "presence' read to them over a loud-speaker. tinuing the moratorium in the St.
in the chapel. The students left the Student Joseph's hospital area, and hold-
About 75 seminarians, mostly Union at Lincoln University peace- ing public hearings in the fall to
white, acted in support of Negro fully, although they booed state hear University's students' views
militant James Forman's mani- troopers who made a show of force on the parking situation near
festo demanding payment by re- before the court order was read. campus.
ligious groups of $500 million in About 1,500 University of Mas- Faber said he could see "no al-
eparations to American Negroes. sachunsetts students chipped in $1 ternative area for storage of cars
each to take advertisements in two displaced by meters" on the streets
E## Boston newspapers, calling on the near the hospital. Presumably, the
state legislature to restore educa- moratorium will continue until
tional funds cut from the 1970 such alternatives can be found.
budget, During audience time last night,
their ads read in part. "We don't presented petitions with 2,000
riot, carry guns or take over build-
ings. We're too busy trying to get
Director of Enforcement, Mich. Liquor an education."
Control Commissiok, Box 1260, Lansing. SDS was banned from St. Bon- Group to hear
Supervisor, Lincoln Park. aventure University at Olean, "
Career Planning Library has received N.H., after the president of the Ucase
announcements of many opportunities Roman Catholic school, the VeryE
for furtherstudy, financial aid, special Rev. Reginald Redlon, decleared: (Continued from Page 1)
Ask for these brochures at Career Plan "The SDS is opposed to the ideals and documents from both sides
ning'in Placement Services, or call 764- for which this university stands." and may take weeks to write
6338. Confidential files were stolen their recommendations to the
Catharine. Gibbs School, in Mass, from a university office during a commission.
N.Y.C., J.N., R.I., offers one and two break-in last week. SDS has about Public hearings are relatively
year executive secretarial courses Jfor
college girls, scholarships an ndloans 12 members among St. Bonaven-, rare. Of 4000 ,complaints filed
avail. ture's 2,300 students. with the commission and in-
The State of Virginia has sent a large As uprisings continued on a vestigated in the last five years
number of position descriptions of op- number of other college campuses, all but 50 were solved through
portunities with the Civil Service in Robert H. Finch, U.S. secretary of reconciliation.
Va. Positions in acctg., agrid., art, biol.' health, education and welfare Jesse Hill, husband of Mrs.
bus., chem., econ., educ., engrg., engl., , :u
forestry, geol., horticulture, journ., warned of a backlash against stu- Hill, commented that his wife
libr. sci., mktg., math., nursing, oce. dent rebels that could cost them "had handled the operating
ther., phys. ed., phys. ther., psych. and "the things , dearest to their room alone for quite some time
s.hearts."and had peen employed at that
He cited state bond issues for job nearly five years."
education and the vote for 18- "My wife actually trained her
year-olds, and added: "There's a successor," he added.
great danger Congress might over- A University spokesman yes-
react in the field of institutional terday declined to comment on
DIAL 5-6290 aid" the case.

names of people who want to re-
sume free; live band concerts in
West Park.
Last summer the concerts were'
prohibited after nearby residents
complained about the noise.
Taube said he had met with Lt.
Eugene Staudenmaie, "the liaisonr
between the city and the subver-
sive elements," to reach a solu-
tion for cutting down the noise
from the bands' amplifiers.
Harris suggested Taube "try'
dealing with the city administra-
tor and maybe things will happen
a little faster." The first concert
was scheduled for Sunday.
A boarded commission is one
created by council "with authority
to make studies, submit reports
and recommendations, and to
take such other action as may be
prescribed by the Council...."
IM funding
(Continued from Pa'ge 1)
although the committee is search-
ing for some means of lowering
this charge either by re-allocating
present fees or finding giftsk and
federal grants.
However, studies conducted by
the committee have in'dicated that
the only way funds can be raised
to pay for the proposed facilities
is through a special tuition assess-
The facilities under considera-
tion are two new intramural build-
ings, one on North Campus and
one on Palmer Field. The North
Campus site has not been deter-
Estimated cost of the facilities
is between $10-15 million dollars.
Funding processes under con-
sideration include voluntary as-,
sessment, waiting to raise tuition
until the facilities are built or un-
til plans are completed, or an im-
mediate raise in tuition.
Results of the committee survey
are not yet available. The survey
also will attempt to determine past
student usage of IM facilities in
order to project future needs.

student government president at
New York University, left the con-
ference Sunday morning.
By Sunday noon representatives
of Harvard and City College at
New York had also left, abandon-
ing the conference to mostly
small, religiously-oriented private
The controversy w a s initiated
Saturday when NSA member Dave
Holwerk - a late-corner to the
conference - asked NSA president
Robert Powell, "Is it not true that
you told your secretary you would
never consider bringing in student
leaders to write a statement if you
didn't already have something
Powell claimed Holwerk misun-
derstood his comments to his sec-
retary and refused to answer Hol-
werk directly.
Burton theni charged the group
was "irresponsible" in attempting
to write such a statement in three
days. He claimed it would be
"foolish" to write any draft with-
out any resources and without the
representation of students f r o m
schools where most of the disrup-
tion is occuring.
David Hawk, Sam Brown and
Clinton Deveaux - organizers of
the conference - all deny that a
statement has been written.
A press conference scheduled
for 1:30 a.m. yesterday was can-
celled after the meetings broke up,
but NSA says it will continue to
seek supporters for such a state-
ment. Hawk indicated another
meeting may be called.
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jw i

The Daily Official Bulletin is 'an E
official publication' of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be'
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sund4y. General"
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request,; ay
Calendar items appear onlce only.
Student organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day 'Calendar
Tuesday, May 13 -
Bureau of Industrial Relations Semi-
nar - "Management of Managers, Pro.
May 12, 1969
Bach Club Meeting, Wednesday, May
14, 8:00 p.m.; Guild \House,.802 Monroe.
Speaker: Mrs. E d n a Kilgore, "Bach's
Musical Offering." Jelly doughnuts and
fun afterwards. Everybody welcomei
For further information call 769-1605 or

grani No. 89": North Campus Commons
8:15 a.m.
College and University Machine Rec-
ords Conference -- Data Commnunica-
tions in the Next Decade - Michigan
Union Ballroom, 9:00 a.m.
Baseball - U-M vs. WESTERN MICH-
IGAN, Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m.
Department of Chemistry Colloquin
- Paul Merrithew, "Mossbauer Effect
Study of the Eletronic Structure of
Iron Complexes": 1200 Chemistry, 4:01
1968 University of Michigan Biblio-
graphy: Forms for bibliographic infor-
mation for the 1968 University of Mich-
igan Bibliography have been mailed to
faculty and staff members at their
home address. Any University em-
ployee who has publications to report
for the calendar year 1968 and who has
not received the form should call the
ORA Editorial Office, 764-4277.
Doctoral Exams
Martin David Hamburg, Psychology
Dissertation: "Hypothalamic Unit Ac
tivity and Eating Behavior," on Tues-
day, May 13 at 3:00 p.m. in the Con.
ference Room, Brain Research Building
1121 Catherine Street, Chairman: James


Placem en t
3200 S.A.B. i
Placement Services Is Open Through-'
out The Summer, General Placement,
Teacher and Education plcm't, Sum-
mer Plcm't, and Career Planning and
library services. Re lstration for June
and August grads ffords resume and
recommendation file, and job hunting
information. Hours 8:30-12 and 1:30-
4:30 Mon-Fri. Call 764-7460 for more In-
formation, or come up to 3200 SAB.
State of Michigan, Liquor Control
Commission seeks many new graduates
for Liquor Enforcement' trainees, most
positions in Detroit area. Will ascer-
tain compliance with regulations on
wholesale liquor dispensing establish-
ments. A letter of interest should be
filed before May 19 for the tests later
in June. Write to Walter M. Noack,



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