v fitr igan Ratg Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 764-0552 running wild Nixon and the welfare farce p. by lorina ehi ot 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY,AUGUST 15, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS Lo for the. HtESENATE'S recent amendment con- trols on testing and transportation of chemical and biological weapons offer a grand ' display of sound and fury signi- fying nothing. Key provisions - which the media her- alded. as "unprecedented restrictions" - are so full of loopholes that the Pentagon will have no trouble getting fits way. You don't even have to read the amendment to see theim - simply noting that t h e Pentagon approved the "restrictions" in advance is enough. But the amendment's provisions a r e worth picking apart one by one: CHEMICAL - BIOLOGICAL w a r f a r e agents can be open-air tested only if the secretary of defense rules them nec- essary for national security, and if the surgeon general determines they will not menace public health. The fact is, the secretary of defense can rule - and has ruled - anything he and the military desire is essential to the national security. T h e C5-A transport, the TFX fighters, the Sheridan tanks, and the numerous other technological- financial fiascos which Congress is just now hauling from Pentagon files were all ruled "necessary to national security." No one has as much access to military information as the secretary of defense - therefore no one, says the Pentagon, is equally capable of judging military prior- ities.:That is how the country has ope- rated - it will not likely change. When the Pentagon wants a CBW test - it will get it. The surgeon general, the government's top health officer, does the government's Down the : 6iddle THE IMMINENT nomination by Presi- dent Nixon of South Carolinian Clement F. Haynsworth, Jr. to the Su- preme Court is far from surprising. The sometimes segregationist positions taken by the appeals court judge, and his frequently voiced strict interpretation of the Constitution mesh fairly well with the views held by the President. Nor is it of considerable interest that a slew of liberals, from Sen. Jacob Javits to the NAACP, haye expressed serious opposition to Haynsworth's appointment. What is surprising is the lukewarm reception which the appointment has received from southern conservatives. Apparently, Haynsworth is seen in con- servative corners as a j~udge who "has followed the Supreme Court too much." Perhaps this position is sincerely taken. Haynsworth has not been averse tb siding with non-segregationist posi- tions-at least when the rest of his court is unanimous in that judgment. BUT, MORE LIKELY, is seems that southern opposition is a diversionary construct engineered possibly by the President himself, possibly by Sen. Strom Thurmond who has' verbalized support for a more conservative judicial candi- date, The effect of receiving criticism from both sides, of course, is to put the Presi- dent smack in the middle-right where Tricky Dick has always liked to be. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Summer Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON.................Co-Editor CHRIS S=ELE ..............Co-Editor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESTER ............Summer Sports Editor LEE KIRK.........Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX .............. ....Photo Editor Pentagon bidding - few surgeon generals would publicly oppose the secretary of defense if he requested chemical testing The Dugway, Utah proving grounds incident, in which 6400 sheep were killed by chem- ical agents, shows just how dependable public health officers with vested inter- ests in their governments can be. T h e state health superintendent and highly reputed doctors suppressed evidence the chemical testing had killed animal life and infected humans, because they did not wish to jeopardize the town's major source of income: the chemical warfare base. THE PENTAGON must alert Congress 30 days before transportation of any le- thal chemical or biological agents. When- ever practical, the agents must be detox- ified. Irate Congressmen will have little time in 30 days to cut through the legislature's bog of bureaucratic trivia and procrasti- nation, whip Congress and the public in- to an outrage, exert pressure on the Pres- ident and halt the massive machinery of the Pentagon, half the wealth of Ameri- ca already in gear. That is why the Pentagon began de- ploying radar installation equipment for the ABM long before the Senate began voting on ABM amendments the Pen- tagon knew simple inertia a n d money down t h e drain in preparations would override objections once Congress finally took action. Will the military detoxify agents? Per- haps, when the Pentagon decides it is "practical." It took Congress several' months to persuade the Pentagon not to tote tons of lethal chemicals from Colo- rado across the nation, and dump them in the Atlantic - and instead simply de- toxify them right in the arsenal. FINALLY, the Senate "bans" shipment or storage of CBW agents outside the United States without advance notice to the nations involved and clearance by the secretary of state. The Senate's resolution demands "ad- vance notice," but not permission - so the Pentagon could h a v e avoided the Okinawa controversy merely by first calling the prime minister of Japan. Will the secretary of state publicly oppose the Pentagon and armed forces and d e n y clearance? Prospects are not great. None of these provisions will stop chemical - biological warfare research, testing. and development in the United States. They may hinder the Pentagon from time to time when angry Congress- men and an irate public, can whip to- gether enough antagonism and pressure and strength. But even the tremendous public and Congressional strength mobil- ized now against Pentagon spending and weapons deployment has hardly blocked the military - it merely ruffles the Pen- tagon as annoying but beatable obstacles are thrown in its path. The only possible way to control chem- ical-biological warfare testing is to stop it: eliminate research, eliminate testing strike the concept once and for all from America's military dabbling. Historically, such dabbling has almost always ended up on the battlefield -'because as long as the nation has weapons, it uses them. WE HAVE ALREADY bought our ABM system. But we still have time to obliterate our chemical and biological warfare system - so if we somehow es- cape melting in a nuclear blast, we will not fatally convulse from poisons in the air. -DANIEL ZWERDLING A "BOLD" Mr. Nixon has finally proposed his domestic panacea for the poor-namely a "revolu- tionary" welfare program which supports the "radical" philosophy of a guaranteed annual income. But Nixon's plan-which doesn't even look good on paper - will prove grossly ineffective once it is implemented, if it gets that far after a session or two with the House Ways and Means Committee and the rest of our do-nothing Congress. The President has been lauded by newspapers and commentators as a compassionate, insightful and resourceful leader because he alone has dared to walk where angels fear to tread when he in- troduced his quasi progressive concept of the guaranteed annual income. The Nixon formula will not miraculously revamp Amer- ica's social and economic prob- lems; it will not suck the nation's poor into the mainstream of Amer- ican life; it will not break the de- moralizing welfare cycle; and it will not alleviate overburdened city and state budgetary problems. Nixon's attempt to provide a piece of golden America for the destitute begins at $1600 a year, and with sufficient padding from myriad governmental compensa- tory programs, it can go as high as $3920-but one dollar in excess of that magic figure and Uncle Sam demands a proportionate kickback. In 1966, the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. suggested $6000 as the minimum guaranteed an- nual income, and George Wiley of the National Welfare Rights Or- ganization set $5500 as a reasonable amount for 1969. Both men based their findings on statistics released by the Labor Dept. during 'the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon ad- ministrations. In view of this, the Nixon figure of $1600 can be look- ed down upon as a mere pittance offering a family of four the only progress of going from total gov- ernment subsidy to a partial fund- ing. THAT PART of the Nixon pro- gram designed to break the wel- fare family cycle provides the most explosive provisions against the poor. Male members of a family of eligible age not in school and unemployed would have to go into some type of job training prograni. As bait the government is offering an extra $30 a month to such families. Also, women whose chil- dren are over six years of age will have to register for the first time with their local employment agen- cy. These mothers then become eligible for job training. This mandatory work provision is detrimental for three reasons. First, it deprives matriarchal fam- ilies of important revenues former- ly received under the Aid to De- pendent Children clause, because mothers with school age children will be considered legal breadwin- ners who must accept full time employment. The second evil is an extension of the first. Since job training and employment will be handled at the local level, it will provide, partic- ularly in the South; an unlimited reservoir of coerced, passive, cheap labor-namely the women who are heads of family. Finally there is no concrete guarantee that job training sites will provide anything more than menial labor skills. Also there is a notorious lack of government funded training programs since the administration axed one half of the Job Corps camp sites estab- lished by President Johnson, and industry has not been conscien- tious in helping the underprivi- leged. Also, Nixon's plan to provide local government with 10 per cent of federal tax monies to operate the new welfare program slights large industrial states and their urban centers. For example, New York City- appropriates $43 million for its one million welfare recipi- ents. Mayor John V. Lindsay es- timates the Nixon proposal would provide a mere $20 million for the City. In New Jersey a family of four is entitled to $287 a month, or $3444 a year in welfare payments. CERTAINLY industrial cities and states are not going to slash their budgets between 50 and 200 per cent just to accommodate fed- eral guidelines. Actually the only states that will benefit greatly from the federal program are the Southern states like Mississippi, where a family of four are entitled to only $30 a month. In addition the Nixon plan will neither insure family security and togetherness in poor families nor will it stop the migration from the South to the North, or what worried government officials term the influx from low paying' wel.- fare states to high paying welfare states. It is absurd to think poor people, specifically blacks, leave the South and come North be- cause they know its welfare code, when t h e y aren't completely knowledgeable of all the benefits entitled them in their home states. Rather the black exodus f r o m South to North is similar to the European migration to the United States. Spurred by prejudice, un- fair hiring practices and inade- quate educational facilities, t h e poor black is attracted to a myth- ological North supposedly bounti- ful in equal opportunity and brotherhood. The only favorable outcome of the August 7 presidential address to the nation is the obvious fact that George Wiley has effectively mobilized an important faction of the poor welfare recipients and thereby 'compelled the federal government to reluctantly assume some responsibility for the plight of its indigent citizens. A MORE FEASIBLE and mean- ingful program, providing a nec- essary flexibility absent in t h e Nixon plan, would require each state to establish its own mini- mum annual income on the basis of local employment and consum- er reports. The states would then submit their proposal to the De- partment of Health Education and Welfare. The federal government in turn would subsidize each state in pro- portion to federal taxes collected in that state. The states would be required to reconsider the mini- mum annual income whenever its legislature made appropriations ,for the new fiscal year. The Nixon welfare farce, which will spend on the poor one half of what the United States allocated to send three men to gather moon rocks, is like sending a man afloat on the Atlantic Ocean in a ply- wood canoe with half a paddle. I1 On4 freshmeon By BARD MONTGOMERY SUMMER BRINGS a heat-laden sluggishness to the Univer- sity community, thinning class-change crowds on the Diag to penetrability, and reducing the departmental duties of the remaining sandalled academics to an amiable routine. Similarly, student activism, deprived of the masses which have sustained consumer boycotts, rent strikes, welfare sit-ins and course evaluation pamphlets( falls td unregarded gestures like walkouts by student members of advisory committees. Even The Daily, monitor of all that deserves attention, de- clines to a flimsy four pages. But even now fresh currents are finding direction in the murky Summer Orientation channels of this scholarly sea of tranquility. Cosmopolitan crowds of tanned youngsters from New York to Norway (Mich.) emerge periodically from Mosher or Jordan to trek diligently among the $200 million worth of features on this campus which will harbor them from their parents and General Hershey for the next four years./ THEY ARE NOT as naive as we, with our veterans' super- iority, would like to think they are beneath those blazing sports shirts, flowered dresses and penny loafers. Theirs is a pioneering spirit, a sense of shaping their own destiny, which has perennially warmed the greetings of stodgy deans and advisors, and is as genuinely well suited to planning a course schedule as it is to scaling the heights of the hill. WITH ENTHUSIASM unabated by dorm food and bureau- cratic snafus, they return home to nurture hopes and plans for the fall. Not long from now, the men will have grown their locks long in disillusionment, and women's newly liberated breasts will bounce brassiereless. They will'have learned what bearded leftist ancients would have told them on the second day of ar- rival at 8:00 p.m. had not the lesson been lost in a 15-minute pep-talk on revolution: that their life will be patterned less by choice than by class schedules and library hours and fratern- ities and friends. And so, with a bit more fire, stoked by a renewed sense of purpose, or perhaps a renewed sense of social advantages, and a bit less cheer, students will thread the thickened Diag crowds, they will picket grape marketers, withhold rent, produce mus- icals and course evaluations, and fill at least ten pages of The Daily until next summer. Associated Press (-olor blind? i I Letters: Optimism and a Radical Union To the Editor: AS ONE of the "optimistic" radicals who strongly supports the Radical Union proposed by Radical Caucus last week, I would like to comment on Dan Zwerd- ling's editorial in last Friday's Daily and Bruce Levine's response on Saturday. First of all, I fully agree with Dan's criticism of SGC and with some of his analysis of the need for a University-wide student union with mass-based support. I was very disappointed by Bruce Levine's attempt to avoid this question with declarations imply- ing that co-operations between "the most rock-ribbed conservative and the reddest radical" is impos- sible. It is perfectly clear, I think, that conservatives and radicals can indeed co-operate in areas of com- mon oppression - the Tenants Union is just one example. However, personally I believe that it would be a serious strategic error for the Left to provide the impetus for a student union. Any democratically controlled union would probably be concerned, at least in the beginning, primarily with the student role in the Uni- versity and with other questions involving the oppresion of students as students. But I think that it would better serve the interests of the students and of the Amer- ican people to raise issues pointing toward their oppression as women, as blacks, or (most importantly) as future members of the working class. By working class, I mean not only blue collar workers, but also housewives, white collar work- ers and the so-called professionals like engineers and teachers. The working class is, essentially, that class of people who live off their wages or salaries, not their divi- dends, their rent or their other profits. IT SEEMS to me that a great many student power issues are reactionary when viewed in the larger context of the fundamental social crises of our country. For example, putting ROTC, recruit- ment by war contractors, or war strike, the proposed bookstore, etc.) are progressive and must be supported by the Left. In this light I view Dan's suggestion for a stu- dent union with mixed feelings. When such a union could act as a progressive force, clearly radicals should back it. Dan's proposal is, however, largely irrelevant to the debate over a Radical Union. The forma- tion of a RU would not delay, or hasten, a student union. The only objection to a RU which rings true to me is the fear that Radical Caucus, the Independent Socialist Club and local SDS cannot over- come their political and personal differences enough to meet to- gether in one room without chaos developing. This is, frankly, a very serious problem. AMONG RADICALS here this summer at least, there seems to be general agreement that some kind of co-operation on actions and issues is necessary in order to bring the Left's critique of our society before the University com- munity and the rest of Ann Arbor. A great deal of sentiment seems to favor co-ordination by a liaison committee with little decision making power in itself. I fail to see how such a committee would be able to respond to rapidly develop- ing events in a crisis. Its members, after all, would be little more than divisions have been articulated by the leaders of the various groups and these are the people who will make up the committee. Some op- ponents of the RU have suggested that the meetings will be open to the public or to the members of the component groups. But this would merely raise the problems of conducting a large meeting wth supposedly hostile factions, the very problem they say will destroy any real Radical Union. IN SHORT, the concept of a co-ordinating committee fails to remove the objectionable features of a Radical Union, but increases the danger of splits and bureau- cratic manipulation. A co-ordina- ting committee would probably be ignored in a crisis sitgation and would, therefore, fail to meet the need of the Left for increased com- munication a n d co-operation among the various sects. It may well be that differences (partic- ularly the ones between Radical Caucus, ISC and local SDS) will cause the Radical Union to dis- solve. But the Left would then be little worse off than it is now. Radical Caucus, for one, has indicated i s desire to form such a union, as has ISC. The only real question-mark remains local SDS, which has been inactive here in Ann Arbor this summer. Those prophets who fore- tired from classes, and just stay home watching TV. Dinner time? Heavens no! Who- ever eats dinner in the summer? Saturdays and Sundays? Don't be absurd. Students sleep all day Saturdays and Sundays. Morning to 3:30 p.m.? Good. That is the time students cut classes and flock to that wonderful heavenly place; the Michigan 'Union Mug Cafeteria. Don't forget that it is also the time the University em- ployes take their coffee breaks. The genius or collection of gen- iuses that devised this wonderful new time for the union cafeteria deserve the award of the year. -Joe Berman, '69 Aug. 8 Okrent strikes To the Editor: IN HIS REVIEW of Shirley Po- vich's All These Mornings, Eric Siegel refers to sportswriting as a "profession in which the hack- neyed is quite often the common- place. In his next paragraph, referring to Povich, Siegel says, "Yet, de- spite the literary ability of this Liberace of the blue-ribboned key- board who weaves a symphony of sports memories..." In other words, Siegel proves his point. -Daniel Okrent O d b W USEVEN:T i w£ i uY O M ~ t T e t s 1 S M i CF ,j ltO O ' oa "d w.1 vautY. paUotsvK 1ry ClIvE iFH tRE'" ,R J DINfit aFSeK.. ate SAO "Vg_ ( rrtE ;.. 8aN MI A% cuxas..c ... a g 2YeCaYt txitYa, """ C' L "' ^"" ' S : j,, caoCPAt reaJiv% HP+4P N WIT ,rat Ko ov+ IN . . " a " ., Ot3VE GRAouP+SEa, NuC h... NOW 4OURE ' AN 1N'tE .4ECTv A ". %win..i