f a special feature the summer daily by howard kohn WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1969 NIGHT EDI "- ;, r,- - Roosevelt Love ma- -- TOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON ligned the school's au- thority and fostered stu- dent unrest." -Gilford Johnson "Gilford Johnson is a racist. He wante the students to kiss his ass and sing gospel songs. I told them that just be- cause they were prison- ers didn't mean they were niggers." -Roosevelt Love Cassidy Lake: Prison as a school, Sc hool as a prison A Learning to love your G;ILFORD JOHNSON may lose one of the poshest jobs in the Michigan penal sys- tem because his prisoners forgot w h a t prison is all about. Johnson wears a short, nervous smile as superintendent of Cassidy Lake Technical School, the only minimum security prison in the state. Cassidy Lake is bedded down in the woodlands of Chelsea, on a quietlake filled with, stunted perch--20 miles from Ann Arbor. Built as a model for prison schools,.Cas- sidy L a k e was accoladed with national publicity at its inception in 1945. The school is a training center for 235 first of- fepder felons, most of them from South- ern Michigan Prison in Jackson. Johnson came to Cassidy Lake as a vo- cational education teacher 15 years ago. He is a mild-mannered man, 48, with a teaching certificate from Central Michi- gan University.- "A BOY WOULD come here wanting to learn a trade so he could make it on the outside," Johnson remembers of the 1950's. "But that's changed now . . . the attitudes are different . . . there's less re- spect for honest work . . . they want something out of it." The average age at Cassidy Lake is 18- 19. The racial balance is 65-35 black-white, nearly triple the proportion when Johnson first arrived.- Johnson worked at Cassidy Lake until 1960, then t o o k an eight-year absence touring state prison camps. He returned in January, 1968, as superintendent.- "We're still getting the cream of the crop -. the guys with the best chance for rehabilitation," he explains. "But the cream of the crop isn't what it used to be." Johnson blames judges and social work- ers for "giving juveniles opportunity after opportunity after opportunity before send- ing them to prison where they belong." JOHNSON'S HOMECOMING coincided with the founding of an Afro-Ameri- can Club at Cassidy Lake. The club want- ed black influence in an all-white admin- istration. Johnson did agree to a b l a c k history course to start in January of 1969. But t h i s spring Johnson suddenly strongarmed the Afro C 1 u b, sending 19 'Members back to their parent prisons and firing their faculty advisor. '$ilford Johnson is a racist. He w a s gfrAid of what these black kids were learn- ±n," indicts Roosevelt Love." He wanted them to kiss his ass and sing gospel songs." LOVE IS THE ex-faculty advisor of the Afro-American Club and the ex-teach- er of the black history course. Love is an ambitious man, 25, with a teaching certificate from Western Michi- gan University. Love is also an ek-convict. A Tom Sawyer boyhood of "dealing, rob- Ming, fighting a n d pimping' on Detroit streets was the start of his education. He graduated from high school. And a basket- ball scholarship tripped him to Nashville (Tenn.) College for a semester. He drop- ped out and drifted to a foreman's job with when their girlfriends would come to see them." BUT LOVE was silent and impressive enough as an intern to win a special parole and entrance to Western Michigan, where he majored in history. He returned to Cassidy in January of this year to teach black history. Love's ex- con status raised some questions with the State Board of Corrections and with John- son.- "He was a probationary case," Johnson notes. Love used, a mildly militant reading list which included both King and Cleaver. He taught integrated classes with an average reading level of s ixth-through-eighth grade: ""."t r "::".":4"":'Y :.".": :. 4:.1 ":: 14t,14441VrJ."::.:11! ". .': l: r2%2t:15 !a :"r .at r.14 ". Green Giant Corporation (Belvedere, Ill.) but got turned out when he tried to or- ganize a union for migrants. Back in Detroit he lazed into s t r e e t crime again. And'he says he slept through a furniture store robbery on a sofa. He was arrested for the robbery, his first felony, and earned three-to-ten when he refused to cop a lesser plea. LOVE WENT to Jackson in June, 1963, where he was quarantined off for test- ing. He did not like the surreptitious exam- iners. "Jackson is a mental breaking station because here they're supposed to teach you to come back into society and live accord- ing to society's rules. But me, especially-be- ing a black person, how could I expect to live by society's rules if society's r u l e s aren't gonna meet my needs?" he asks bit- terly "All the average black man in prison can hope to achieve is some kind of token- ism. You say, 'Well, cool it, I accept this job and want to be taught.' Well, that's not m. Love was surprised, though, when he placed extremely high on the tests and was offered an internship teaching English at Cassidy Lake. "This was a ,hell of a thing, you know, me being a teacher," he says. He accepted the job and became the first black intern at Cassidy Lake.' "When I got there I could see a lot going on that wasn't in the curriculum. The black students were blamed for everything that went wrong and w e r e constantly being harrassed - Ii k e their spending money would be withheld or they'd be locked up Still Johnson needed someone for the course - and Love had been a good intern. So he was hired as the prison school's first black academic teacher. Before starting, though, Johnson pri- vately asked Love to change the name of the course to waylay potential community displeasure. Love refused and Johnson gave in, grudgingly. But the lines of de- marcation were drawn. LOVE USED a mildly militant reading list which included both K i n g and Cleaver. He taught integrated classes with an average reading level of sixth-through- eighth-grade. "Everyone read all these books," he says. "Pretty soon the blacks became real po- litically conscious. And the wvlite students weren't uptight but were cool." Classroom discussions carried over into Afro Club meetings. And Love set up a Malcom X Day in March'as an assembly version of his class. "The shit started coming down a f t e r that. They wanted me to put down Cleav- er, who naturally was most popular among the students. Well, I wouldn't." Love claims the Afro Club became the scapegoat for all Cassidy Lake problems. Love accuses Johnson and his aides of inciting white reaction against the club. "Nothing like that happened," denies Johnson. "But I would guess t h a t the whites would be categorically against the club because of its nature." W HEN FIGHTING erupted between white and black students June 9 on the eve of Ronald August's acquittal in the Algiers case, three blacks were transferred warden back to Jackson. Johnson recommended time be added on their original sentences. The club protested the transfers, asking for a meeting with Johnson to discuss dis- cipline policies. They vowed they would .not eat until Johnson complied. Johnson did not comply. . Instead on June 12 he telephoned Wa- terloo Prison Camp, 10 miles down t h e road, reported a riot and ordered in the Waterloo riot squad. Except for the symbolic hunger strike, no one had even threatened a riot. But when the riot squad arrived, armed with Mace a n d loaded shotguns, it found 19 Afro Club members gathered in the hall outside Johnson's office. They had been summoned there on the pretext Johnson was willing to talk to them. They w e r e handcuffed and bussed to Jackson, from where they were scattered to other penal camps. "WE HAD TO get rid of the troublemak- ers," Johnson explains. "They were threatening the security of the school. They were aggressive predator types who coerced other students into joining them." "Bullshit," Love refutes. "The club gave the guys self-respect, which is something a prison warden can't tolerate." Most students have lower-class back- grounds like Love. Besides changing their attitudes about themselves, Love tried to change their values about societal status. "Man, you know the cats at Cassidy all want to get somewhere," Love explains. "But come off it they ain't ever gonna get a college degree and some white-collar job. They're gonna end up back on the streets with no purpose-except to get high, lose a lousy job, then jack a store and get busted." Cassidy's record of rehabilitation is bet- ter than most prison schools-but nowhere near its stated ideal of 90 per cent. The Afro Club had planned to coordinate post-prison schooling and job placement for its members, independent of Johnson. It also wanted students to continue as cor- responding members after being released. "Solidarity is a dangerous thing in a prison," Johnson surmises. "It undermines authority." JOHNSON SKEWERED Love on the pointed sticks of "maligning authority and fostering student unrest" when ' he fired him the day after the transfers. Johnson's prime example was an in- cident on the transfer day. Love watched the shotgunned squad march the 19 away in helpless rage. Finally he asked Paul Maynard, head counselor, to intervene on behalf of the club. When Maynard just grinned back, Love called him a "punk jackass." "To use abusive language in talking to a superior shows a definite lack of respect for our system of authority," Johnson claimed later at an appeal hearing. THE TWO-NIGHT appeal before the . Chelsea Board of Education also fo- cussed on Love's bureaucratic faults e.g. filing late teacher reports-information supplied by Maynard who admitted spying on Love since Malcolm X Day. Chelsea's school board had jurisdiction over Love because he'd been hired under a special proviso which gave Chelsea extra state aid in exchange for formalizing his contract. Chelsea has since discontinued this prac- tice, disavowing any affiliation with Cas- ..idv LaT.al -ki on Gus Harrison's door. Harrison is direc- tor of the State Board of Corrections. The group demanded an investigation of Johnson and a guarantee no time would be Added to the sentences of the transfer- red men. Harrison mollified them by agree- ing to the latter in writing, although added time is almost automatic with a disciplin- ary transfer. Lambert Pierce, one of the 19 club mem- bers; was to have been released June 20. None of his relatives had joined the group and it was mid-July before anyone dis- covered someone had glued an extra 10 months on the expiration date. Jackson prison officials could give no reason for the addition. So the group went back to Harrison's office July 18. They watched grimly as Harrison ordered Pierce's release. "Before they let me go, though, a prison official came down and told me to tell Photos by Thomas R. Copi everyone to lay off-or the rest of the guys would pay the consequences," Pierce says. BUT THE CASSIDY LAKE incident is not over yet. State Rep. James Del Rio (D-Detroit) and State Sen. Basil Brown (D-Detroit) want the state legisla- ture to investigate. In an apparent move to head off an investigation, Harrison has pledged "to take all steps necessary to (resolve the situ- ation." At the same time, he's been trying to discount the continuing line of attacks against the Johnson administration. A similar story of politically based trans- ferring involves James Robinson, a Univer- sity of Michigan student convicted on a narcotics charge. He was hustled out of Cassidy Lake last September when he chal- lenged Johnson's policies. Robinson was editor of the student news- paper. He questioned Johnson's record on allowing few black students into a preferred studies-pass program which caters Cassidy students to community colleges. AfterJ ohnson refused tn cnmment nn the Pitton blasts Johnson for ignoring al- leged homosexual attacks by white students on black students. Johnson confirms the existence of homo- sexuality at Cassidy Lake-"you have it wherever you 'have men living together but we try to control it." He denies that it is a problem. PITTON ALSO describes discriminatory rule enforcement, "We are basically scared little people who wouldn't be here in the first place few didn't need ,help," he says. "After we get a taste of prison, of its hypocrisy and dehumanizing effect, it is no wonder that such an alarming number of us return to crime. "How can we be expected to become good citizens when we are treated like slaves with no rights? "I'm going to tell the truth until they find a way to silence me," he concludes. That was Pitton's statement in July, Early this month Pitton was sent back to Jackson. Love joins in, "Prison teaches black men they were right to have no respect for the law." But Johnson maintains that Cassidy Lake is different. "We're all counselors here, not custodians." "Everything's back to normal now," Johnson insists, painstakingly avoiding mention of the chapel's partial burning in a demonstration which followed the trans- fer of the 19. (If Johnson handed out any punish- ments for the burnings, he's not admitting any.) IN FACT he'd rather not talk about the entire controversy. "Our Lansing office has the offical report on it," ,he advises. "Maybe you could talk to them." If the investigative threat gains momen- tum in'the state legislature, Johnson would be a likely purge by Harrison to insure stability of the overall penal system. "I worked my way up here at Cassidy Lake," he reflects faintly. "I like it here ... and my family likes Chelsea." LOVE, WHO got married last month, is living in An Arbor now, working as a A Aq I