CASSIDY LAKE MISADVENTURE See Editorial Page C, 4c A6V A& 4 t .Aitr an ~~Iait HEATED High-87 Low-65 Partly sunny; warmer Vol. LXXIX, No. 64-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 13, 1969 Ten Cents 111controversore problems, no ans By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN member of the intramural corn- funding plan, it is becoming un- committee in its funding report health Prof. John Kirscht's Bio- willing to pay at all said they were Study,t Daily News Analysis mittee, and has generally b e e n likely that a compromise on the cited "apparent general student statistic 530 seminar, the Kirscht not willing to pay more than $10 funding Although f e w student leaders viewed as a method of decreasing funding question can be worked support" for the use of tuition Study was primarily concerned a year. defeated or administrators are presently student opposition to the funding out. revenues, with discovering the recreational The total of those unwilling to But o: talking about the question of proposal. Administrators continue to ar- This finding was based on the interests and needs of the Univer- pay anything and those willing to ministr funding for the proposed multi- If the fee increase were insti- gue that new facilities are needed "Kirscht Study" which, the in- sity community. But two questions pay only up to $10 a year includes dent R million dollar intramural facili- tuted immediately, proponents of and should be built. Like it or not, tramural committee stated, shows concerning the funding of pro- 67.4 per cent of those students sur- pressed ties, controversy is almost certain the deferred funding plan argue, they say, an increase in student that "57 per cent of the students posed new facilities were included. veyed. of an S to flare up again this fall. some students would be paying for fees Is the only source available surveyed approve of the use of stu- Asked to choose between a num- In addition, the Kirscht Study Under a proposal now up for facilities they would never be able for the necessary funds. dent fees to finance new indoor ber of suggested sources for fund- notes, "Written comments (on the Both consideration by the executive of- to use. Student leaders, meanwhile, facilities." ing the new facilities, only 6.3 per funding question) indicated that last fall ficers, two new building's would be But despite the attraction this have agreed that n e w facilities But while this statement in the cent of those students surveyed a few of the students interpreted and exe constructed w i t h funds coming plan holds for some members of would be desirable. But they have intramural committee report is ac- picked student fees as the sole the question as referring to an dication from a tuition increase of "up to the University commuity, deferred objected strongly to the use of tu- curate, it is far from complete. source of funds. amount to be taken from tuition" pus-wid $15 per term." funding may simply be unfeasible. ition monies for this purpose. Op- Although only 43.3 per cent of The study shows that 63.2 pr rather than an increase in tuition, reflect t The proposal, drafted by the tri- Vice President for Academic Af- position to the proposed tuition those students surveyed in the cent of the students expressed pre- With these general objections Inste partite Committee on Recreation fairs Allan F. Smith - who had increase has been expressed by a Kirscht Study said they were not ference for the use of student fees to the Kirscht Study and to the statistic and Intramurals, suggests, how- originally asked t h e intramural wide range of student groups, in- willing to pay for new facilities, in combination with one or more presumption of student support for bly tak ever, that the fee increase should committee for the funding recom- cluding S t u d e n t Government the remaining 56.7 per cent did other source-user fees, city taxes, the tuition funding plan, student very R be "deferred until completion of mendation - now says construc- Council, the Tenants Union, Pan- not express unlimited support for or faculty fees. leaders are pressing for a binding prefera the buildings." tion could not begin unless mon- hellenic Association, Interfratern- the tuition funding plan proposed In addition, while the intra- student referendum on the ques- that su The plan to defer the fee in- ey were already available. ity Council and Inter-House As- by the intramural committee. mural committee report calls for tion in the fall. crease was originally suggested by And with the elimination of pos- sembly. Conducted as a class project the levy of up to $30 for two terms, And if voting patterns followed mission education Prof. Loren Barritt, a sible implementation of a deferred Nonetheless, t h e I ntramural during the winter term by public almost half of those who were the views expressed in the Kirscht the Int Four Pages Wevers the intramural committee recommendation would be I by a margin of about 2-1. n this and other issues, ad- tors like Smith and Presi- obben Fleming have ex- doubt about the legitimacy GC-run referendum. cite the "low" turnout at 's runoff for SGC president cutive vice president as in- s that the results of cam- e votes do not necessarily the views of most students. ad, Fleming suggests that ally valid surveys-possi- en by the University's Sur- esearch Center-would be ble. And it is just possible ch a survey will be com- ed in the fall to handle ramural problem. Student loan bill stalled in House By The Associated Press With classes scheduled to begin soon at colleges and uni- versities, legislators are struggling to revive t h e faltering guaranteed student loan program. The program has been stymied because the present inter- est ceiling on student loans is seven per cent. Funds h a v e dried up with the prime interest rate at 8%j2 per cent. Backers of the program are now pushing legislation which would authorize subsidy payments to banks which grant the student loans. The subsidy payments could mean a yield tok banks of 10,per cent on the loans. But although the bill passed the Senate yesterday, efforts to bring a similar measure to the House were blocked for the second straight day. And Congress is scheduled to begin its three-week summer re-, ceis today. Democratic Leader Carl Albert of Oklahoma said after the Sen- ate vote that barring some emergency no other legislative business is scheduled before the recess. Albert said he did not anticipate the bill would be called up today. The proposed legislation could affect as many as 220,000 stu- dents who might be denied loans in the fall. Efforts by Carl Perkins (D-Ky.), chairman of the House Educa- tion Committee, to push for action on the bill were hung up on a de-1 sire by some members to use the legislation as a vehicle for punishing student disruptions. Another controversy has grown around amendments added by Democratic senators to the loan program - which was proposed by the Nixon administration. Republicans said that the. amendments would hold up the bill until Congress returns from its recess. During those weeks thousands of students will be seeking the loans. One of the amendments objected to by the Republicans provides that banks cannot require a student or his family to agree to main- tain an account with them in order to receive the loans. The amend- ment, offered by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) and other Demo-j crats, passed by a 72-21 vote. The other amendment authorizes $295 million of increased pro- grams for low-income students. An attempt by Sen. Everett Dirksen. R-Ill) to strike this provision from the bill was defeated by a 56-38 vote. The programs are the National Defense Education Act directc loans, educational opportunity grants and the college work study program. Republicans contended the amendments pushed through by Ken- nedy in committee upset negotiations to rush action on the bill. The Senate seemed to be aware of the possible difficulties facing the program and yesterday wrote in an Aug. 15 date for the subsidy plan to take effect. Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY), who proposed the date, said if final; action on the bill was delayed until September he hopes the Aug. 15: date would encourage banks to go ahead and make the loans under the assumption that the subsidy eventually will be available, The final bill passed the Senate by a 92-1 margin. Dirksen cast the lone nay vote. The bill would have come before the House Monday but was! thwarted because backers attempted to suspend the rules, a procedure which bars any amendments and thus would have prevented any anti-t disruption riders from being attached.- When Perkins asked unanimous consent of the House to use thisl procedure, Rep. R. R. Gross (R-Iowa) objected. He and several other members contended the House should have the chance to amend1 the bill. -Associated Press Apollo 11 story Astronauts Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong tell how they would not Tiave been able to land on the moon if they had not found a landing site just when they did. "Another 15 seconds, and the mission would have failed," they told newsmen at a press con- ference at the Houston space center. Tonight the astronauts will attend a gala state dinner at the California home of President Nixon after a round of parades in New York and Chicago. SOUTH U. CASES: Brutality committee to report next week By JUDY SARASOHN Mayor Robert Harris' committee to investigate police brutality charges resulting from the South University Ave, confrontations in June is expected to make a report on its findings next week. The two-man committee consists of James Sumpter, a member of the Human Relations Commission, and Sgt. Ken- neth Klinge of the city police department. Both members have full authority to examine police records concerning the South University incidents. Both members have been investigating citizens' com- plaints and have made progress reports to City Attorne3 Jerald Lax, who was appoint- ---- - - - ed by the mayor to coordinate the committee. Sumpter said yesterday that be- fore he submits his final report to the city attorney, he would like to I investigate complaints from peo- ple who have been arrested. He said he has heard of many alleged By JUDY SARASOF complaints of police brutality Following in the footsteps 4 from people who were arrested, C but that these people have not naw County Sheriff's deputie come forward yet. mand officers of the Ann Arb Sumpter would not comment partment voted Monday to joi about evidence he may have sters Union. found in his investigations. Both The major event leading to he and Klinge investigate each unionization was a running complaint. the County Board of Supervis Lax would only say that "pro- ing overtime pay. But money d gress is being made." The com- to be a factor in the comma mittee has set up more interviews decision. for this week, Lax said, and there Instead, the issue is job se should be a final report released Istead they is jo next week. cers have said they want toh . , . cause of insecurity in thei Collins exam moved Pre-trial hear set for tomorr attorney iam The preliminary exa tion of accused murderer Norman Collins was r yesterday from Ypsilai one of the circuit court: ties in the County Build Ann Arbor. Authorities also said yes t h a t attorney Richard R3 the law firm of Burke, Bu Ryan has been named to Collins. The announcement thatt row's court proceedings hat moved to Ann Arbor cameE vote by the three judges 14th District court.