94 e 3ir4ihign Baikj Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN Looking at the pollution mongers POLLUTION CONTROL and conserva- tion are getting out of hand but with luck and firm aggressive action it may be possible to end their deadly hold on the American landscape. Each month, in highly reputed slick page magazines powerful corporations boast of their contributions in the quest to overcome pollution and to preserve the natural beauty of a country cursed with noxious gases and unsightly wastes. Olin-Matheison tells of the forests it is helping to preserve and Standard Oil speaks in glowing terms of the Eden they maintain "right in the middle of an oil field" providing a home for herons and alligators. Trans Union Corporation soft- ly murmurs in/stark black type the death of Lake Erie and the "better business" they will have in their effort to save the next one. It might seem, viewed in the proper perspective, that an attack on pollution by the private sector-those who are, in fact, responsible for the polluting-would be the best of possible solutions. If the corporate interest, powerful and wealth as it is, could be turned upon this task s u r e ly the environmental dilemmas which beset the nation could be dealt with in short order. By concentrating a massive effort, all the junk and poison could be cleaned up. Such hopes ignore a great deal of reality. But there is a hint in all of this expen- sive advertising that the noble exertions are slightly less than altruistic. Pollution today is a really soft sell. Everybody likes Fair warning POPE PAUL VI deplored Sunday the near nudity of climbers and drivers on the crowded highways during Europe's August vacation days. In giving his Sunday noon blessing to tourists at his summer palace in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, the Pope wished them happy holidays, but warned against "un- bridled worldly amusements that seem to have become the fashion these days." He mentioned specifically "the sham- less naturism at certain beaches and camping places, the ill-considered risks of some Alpine ventures, and imprudent driving on highways." The Pope told the crowd gathered for his blessing to have a good time, but not to forget in their quest for amusement that the holidays also were intended "for the recovery of physical and spiritual strength." The Pope also condemned, in his speech, the terrorist bombing of trains. -THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Summer Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON .........Co-Editor CHRIS STEEL........ .. Co-Editor MARTIN HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FORRESSTER.............Summer Sports Editor LEE KIRK..........Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEAUX ................. Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodas, Martin Hirsch- man, Judy Sarasohn, Daniel Zwerdling. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Laurie Harris, Judy Kahn, Scott Mixer, Bard Montgomery. Business Staff GEORGE BRISTOL, Business Manager STEVE ELMAN . Administrative Advertising Manager SUE LERNER ..............Senior Sales Manager LUCY PAPR..............Senior Sales Manager NANCY ASIN..........Senior Circulatin Manager BRUCE HAYDON ................Fi~nance Manager DARIA KROGULSKI...... Associate Finance Manager BARBARA SCHULZ .............. Personnel Manager to read about it and everyone is happy when they see someone is doing some- thing about it. But more than being popular, pollution has the added, most enticing advantage of being profitable. Perhaps the people at Olin, one of nation's 50 largest defense contractors - have established an office for high-mindedness and possibly the Standard Oil, long time sponsor of oil depletion allowances and one of the origi- nators of the giant monopoly, has de- veloped a division in charge of altruism. Somehow it seems a little bit unlikely. Rather than a welling-up of public con- sciousness the recent trend toward volub- ly proclaiming a heartfelt concern for the problems of pollution and the destruction of natural beauty is more likely an ex- pression of the same money hunger that has always directed the course of these companies. RIGHT NOW concern over pollution is making money for these and many other corporate giants. Pollution is big business and everyone wants to cash in on it. Perhaps the most repulsive of the ad- vertisements of this genre to hit the slick magazines in recent months has been one sponsored by the R. J, Reynolds Corp. Reynolds himself tells the reader of the two page ad that the nation's junk piles may become the aluminum mines of the future. He explains that because of aluminum's extraordinary weather resistant capaci- ties it will remain, shining and clean as the day it was born, while other metals will corrode. Thus all those discarded pop-top cans will, as they pile up in mag- nificent testimony to the beer-bellies and decayed teeth of the world, provide a valuable replacement for the earth's limited supply of bauxite from which Reynolds makes his metal. THE PICTURE Reynolds draws is one of continuous re-circulation. His com- pany makes the cans. They are used and discarded. Then, under the plan Reynolds puts forward, can drives may be spon- sored by the Boy Scouts to gather cans to be sold back to Reynolds. The pro- cess starts all over again and everyone, presumably is happy. The moral of the story is that, in our society people will do anything for a buck. People will splash pro-conserva- tion advertisements all over magazines if it makes their corporate image look better. They will conserve all the alumi- num they can get ahold of if it will boost the profit margin. UNFORTUNATELY those motives can- not be depended upon to preserve what little there is left in this country. If pollution goes out of style no one will continue to push anti-pollution cam- paigns. If recirculation of metals proves to be not so desirable for the profit margin it will be scraped along with a lot of metal that just sits there and gleems and never rots away. No, it is not the private sector of money makers that will save the country from poisoning itself. It must be strict fed- eral control and regulation. Rules must be enforced to restrict the pollution of the environment as well as to end the production of unnecessary items the need for which is created by the corporate geniuses rather than the desires of people. Only when the federal govern- ment acts can we hope to control the desecration of the world. CHRIS STEELE r e _ ; The Texas Wedge By DREW BOGEMA THE SUN IS not shining on campuses these days. Increasingly, Americans are coming to believe that their foreign policy is a reactionary sham, that their government is run by a bourgeois clique of fascists, self-seeking politicians, and puri- tannical prates, that the tyranny of the majority cannot be changed from within but only through armed revolt and drastic transformation of the existing regime. Actually, this is one of the worst things that could have happened for the campus crowd. University folk have always set themselves far apart from the coarse redneck and run-of- the-mill bland, uninspiring suburbanite. Everyone knows they lead their lives in a world of unimaginative desperation. The campus, however, has styled itself as the aristocracy of value for the remainder of the nation, carefully choosing from the vast array of human experience what shall be called good, worthwhile, meaningful, and relevant. Unfortunately for the connoisseurs on campus, however, a drastic change has occurred in the ways of the humdrum .American. They have grown tired of copying the manners, mores, and desires of the rich. They have become impatient with the trappings of security that everywhere surrounds them. They are beginning to complain of being channeled, marketed, packaged, and programmed, dangerous notions to capture the mind of any commuter. And, they are rapidly turning toward copying the avant-garde of taste. SUBURBANITES and rednecks, have, in the past, urgently sought to somehow equalize their status with the intellectual and cultural vanguard that are so painfully evident upon the campus. Previously, however, awed by the exorbitant pre- tensions of the thinking man, they concentrated their atten- tion upon the successful businessman or the long-entrenched well-to-do to distate how they should live. They purchased homes in the suburbs with trees and grass that strangely resembled Queen Anne miniatures in Grosse Pointe or Westchester. They spent hours examining the fine points of that homogeneous motley Detroit annually offers, deciding finally upon the car that carried the most distinctive flair. They searched every nook and corner of the neighbor- hood F-Mart for the fashions of their uppers. Today, however, they have scrapped their materialistic ambitions, instead opting for subsistence living with the hard- core staples of day-to-day existence. No more college insurance te- plans for their children, thirty-year mortgages in Happytimes in- Valley, despicable credit-cards or auto loans. Ten-to-one, it ch one picked a random sample from the Sunday-morning at- oks tendance in church, less than ten per cent would tell you they u- believe in life after death. 40 F' s I r- dh " i " Nw -I I a I . . , . b, 'T C Mrivreppor 'ttr~ur ? Mankind's Magnificent Obsession Ont being inarticulate By DANIEL ZWERDLING "NOW LISTEN, motherfuckers, we're going to shit on the world and bust the bum trips " anonymous underground press. The same citizens who brought, us anti-sex education have now launched a frenzied attack on un- derground newspapers which foist terms of human sex and body functions on the virgin public. Perversely, they may be right: all- purpose four letter words and epithets should be scourged from the newspapers, but to identify and sentitize human expression in- stead of oppress it. Underground papers have been shoveled underground by most of, the publicbecause it views these papers like moles, crawly dirty things which grovel in the earth we walk on. That's what the same people think of their bodies: they hide them on smut stands run by grizzled New York bums or in the naughty secret of a room with the door closed and the lights out and the kids asleep. Fortunately, t h e s e anti-ob- scenity advocates won't get far trying to abolish the four letter apithets they abhor because the words and thoughts persist in peo- ple's minds, and the Constitution guarantees our right to print and say them. Free speech and polit- ical expression are cherished American ideals-even if we often trample them-and the Supreme Court at least has recognized the right of people to use any words they want to express themselves. But the fact is the copious fucks of some underground publications are killing sensitive human com- munications. Americans speak a marvelous language which can ex- press the wonderful peculiarities and nuances and fine variations of human existence. Too many papers trying to liberate them- selves from society's v e r b a 1 shackles and taboos spread their liberated terminology so thick, that in their zeal they have suf- focated complex subtle expression with a gross cloak of inexpressive rhetoric. THIS IS IRONIC. The liberated of the left, many of the same peo- ple who thrive in T-groups and Esalen encounters and bemoan the insensitivity of America's so- cial machine and the communica- tions breakdown between human beings-many of these same peo- ple live their verbal lives in the all-puprpose world of "mother- fucker" "pig" and "shit," words now so comnon and indiscrim- inately applied that they have lost all their meaning, They are, among student-aged groups especially, not even much good as curse- words: the words are too unspe- cialized to relieve the frustrations which a cautiously chosen "damn" could in parlors of the 1920's. (A British magazine, in fact, has proposed a Royal Society for the Preservation of Profanity which would devise a new set of three-letter words "which will provide the harrassed male with the same blessed release he could obtain from our late-emasculated four-letter variety.") THE ONLY consolation for this increasing inability for sensitive verbal expression is, the estab- lished media invented it first and rammed it down our throats. So some underground papers are simply a radical version of the rhetoric name-calling and label- ling which the New York' Times and Newsweek and TV news par- cel out wholesale. The media-and consequently, the people who absorb them- cannot deal with complex indi- vidual qualities. Thus, John Brown, a marvelous living network of protoplasmic existence who has lived through intense experiences and thoughts and metamorpheses, becomes in Time magazine: "John Brown, 22 year old hippie." What is a hip- pie? Apparently only Time knows for sure. THIS SAME labelling produces problems on the left. What is a "pig"? A man who works for a police force? Yes, but as ca gorical "pig" he is laden withi stinctive value images of hum brutality and oppression, in mu the same way as our civics bo taught us to picture "comm nism." Much as someone abhors t oppressive trend and brutality the American police system, cannot categorically denounce employes as "pigs." Some of th are wretched, sadistic humant ings-let's call them that. So although unfortunately in -t minority, sincerely want to co tribute human compassion to system which has largely beco a foul machine. But once we call a policem "pig," without first looking at face and personal crises and sm ing moments and nights of lo making and his individual acti on the job: then we denyl humanity, and fall guilty oft same insensitivity and blindn for which we despise the wc police or corporate presidents disapproving old ladies ont streets. All the businessmen, the po ticians, the country-club membe the bureaucrats and ev'ery people who exploit and dest others-they are condemnable, b better condemned than as mo erfuckers. People can more dee ly understand each other, wa m o r e effective struggles a translate their feelings so oth may grasp them, if they intens and sensitize their communi Lions- and make "shit" a: "motherfucker" more liket excrement and Oedipus child th used to be. the of he its em be- me, the on- a me ian his il- ve- ons his the less arse or the oli- ers, day roy but th- ep- age %nd ers ify ca- Lnd the hey WHATEVER THE cause of this massive change, confusion reigns in campus quarters. Who would have thought, some ask, that mainstream America would. have picked up on antiwar protest, libertarian life-styles, and drugs? What will we do if the ugly freeways and monstrous shopping centers are transformed into the lush greenery of rural hamlets? How will we deat with lhe , real world if our beloved suburban creeps forego the middle-class consciousness and join the brotherhood? How will we distinguish ourselves from the ordinary crud that one encounters elsewhere in America? Are we to be crushed by the homogeneity of a new American whole of our own design? How could they do this to us? Realists among the campus crowd now point out that only two alternatives exist. One is the ancient doctrine of stand- pattism, which says the only thing to fear is fear itself, that campus doctrines should be shored up to aljow the campus to capture the leadership of the new movement. The other calls for en energetic leap into vast unknowns- the land originally charted by the hippies-irk order to keep the muddling middles from gaining parity with the campus. NEITHER OF the two proposals seems to be gaining sup- port. Most of the campus crowd seem to be resigning them- selves to an unthinking, unfeeling lethargy that shackles the spirit with an emptiness scarcely imaginable. Some, we are told, have allowed their dress to deteriorate badly. Others constantly keep one eye at the blinds to witness the invasion of the suburb creeps. Many have stopped smoking dope and turned instead to bourbon. Coffee has strangled the throats of thousands as they hastily dash from conference to conference to discuss the fate of their subculture. The campus may never be the same. '1 JAMES WECHSLER.... Agd da for ieu wi PRESIDENT NIXON'S visit to Saigon was predictably hailed by spokesmen for the nervous Thieu-Ky regime as a "political windfall." An aide to Thieu re- marked jubilantly : "It was a very good day." But none of the dispatches de- scribed what kind of day it was for the thousands of political pris- oners rotting in Saigon's prisons -including Truong Dinh Dzu, the peace candidate who finished sec- ond in the 1967 elections, and many others imprisoned for no graver crime than the advocacy of peace talks (before the talks began) and the creation of a representative, coalition govern- ment. been so triumphant an atmos- phere among the Thieu cheer- leaders. In effect Mr. Nixon had blessed Thieu in the fashion he used to reserve for Republican Congres- sional candidates. The difference is that in Saigon he was playing with life-and-death matters-and the ruling cabal will almost surely construe his performance as a Washington for his father'sre- lease. IT IS NO ANSWER to criticism of Saigon's cold terror to remind us that Hanoi and the Viet Cong have long dealt cruelly with po- litical opponents. The Amerien investment- of blood and resources in South Vietnam has been justi- fieg' as an effort to secure "free- dom" and "self-determination" for the long-suffering Vietnamese people. Such slogans are tarnished and caricatured each day by the Dzu case and its many replicas. "It is a fact of political life in South Vietnam that President Thieu's power grows in large measure out of the support he en- joys from the American govern- ment," a Times correspondent wrote from Saigon yesterday. That has been the simple truth for an interminable period. It also makes the U.S. a vulnerable ac- complice to the political terrorism waged by a cabal which depends for its survival - despite all the rhetoric about "Vietnamization" of the war - on our arms and men. To suggest that it would be an invasion of Saigon's sovereignty to insist upon the release of Dzu and 4. 0 d d ' tro ut'sn T'a t 4i FAR O. (it~)44 I «4os~r~ra"em __. -1i UJ4 e wA5 Z PUR 1. A AN- ME1'P eti sltl - 0 - 11K+ TRIUrtIPH- 30H13 gL>RFG Al3CH S Rib'NDS FootrA,, A5 gIX.E 4 G ( 1tyR40.. f! [NAB&n H AND 6AUf.u i top 40 " " v j X tom. oXl icz... L ! Last month a U.S. study team, composed of clergymen, Congress- men and other respected citizens, spent seven days touring South Vietnam. On its return it reported that thousands of civilians had ben jailed without trial, many on "flimsy evidence" or mere sus- picion; men, women and children "have been tortured" and dissent "brutally suppressed" - especially among the large Buddhist sector of the populace. The investigators-among them Ky terms offered by Thieu and Ky, Mr. Nixon has further encouraged new delusions in Saigon. For it is }!: "Y