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August 12, 1969 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy,

Vol. LXXIX, No 63-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages


Senate passes controls
for chemical weaponry

'Viet at




rare moment of unanimity on
a military matter, the Senate
voted yesterday to impose un-
precedented restrictions on
the testing and transportation
of chemical and biological
But after that 91-0 roll-call
vote, the chamber's deep division
over defense spending flared anew
when Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss)
protested what he called a mood
of "mistrust, distrust, down with!
the military, down with the sen-
ators' who are in line with the
The chemical and biological
warfare amendment, cleared in
advance by the Pentagon, swept
through the Senate with only an
hour's debate.-
i't was eatcompromise package
of amendments originally pro-
posed separately by nine senators.
House concurrence will be required
to make it effective.
The key terms:
-Newer restrictions on open-j
air testing of chemical agents or
germ warfare materials. Such
tests could be conducted only if
the secretary ofrdefense ruled:
them necessary for national se-:
curity and the surgeon generalI
determined they would not menace
public health.
Those findings, the time and
,place of the test and the agents~
involved would have to be report-
ed to six congressional commit-
tees at least 30 days prior to any
testing. t
-Notification to Congress at:
least 30 days before any transpor-
tation of lethal, chemical or bio-
logical agents. Transportation also
would have to have advance clear-
ance by the surgeon general.
Whenever practical, the material
involved would have to be detoxi-
fied before shipment.
-An outright ban on Pentagon
spending on weapons designed for
the delivery of gas or germ war-
fare elements.
-A ban on shipment or storage
of CBW agents outside the United
.States without advance notice to
the nation involved and clearance
by the secretary of state.
-A requirement that congress
specifically approve any money to
be spent on CBW.


SAIGON UP-The enemy attacked more than 100 allied
cities, towns and bases across South Vietnam early today with
rockets, mortars and infantry charges in what may be the
Ekickoff of an autumn offensive, military spokesmen reported.
Saigon, Da Nang and the old imperial capital .of Hue
were among the targets.'
Also hit were three provincial and district capitals near
the Cambodian border north of Saigon.
The hardest hit area, where the heaviest ground fighting
raged, was in the three northern tier provinces of the Third
Military Corps zone, an area along the Cambodian border
110 miles wide and 50 miles deep and roughly 60 to 80 miles
northwest to northeast of - -- -

-Daily-Richard Lee
Cmmencement blues

Summer commencement Sunday was seen by most observers as
a rather dull affair. While most of the 2,500 degree recipients
appeared unimpressed, however, one youngster was rather sad-
dened by the display.
housing cOde action
City Council last night tabled proposed tenants rights
amendments to the city housing code for two weeks until
the city attorney presents cpuncil with a report concerning
several suggestions to make the legislation stronger.
The amended housing code ordinance would enact parts
of new state tenants rights legislation Into the code. The
ordinance amendments are basically concerned with inspec-
tion for code violations and the prevention of the Housing
Board of Appeals from granting variances from the require-
-_--_------- ments of the State Housing
l an ower Councilman Robert Faber (D-
Second Ward), who motioned to
d table the ordinance, complained
SY S the legislation "needs teeth in it."
I I would like some recommenda-
Gov. William Milliken has tions from the city attorney on
named 27 experts to a special how to strengthen the city's hand
manpower commission, including so that code violations would not
three University professors. The be repeated," said Faber.
commission has been charged with Faber noted specific time limits
formulating recommendations to .were not included in sections con-
help the state prdvide "meaning-
ful employment opportunity for cerning compliance with the hous-
all citizens." ing code. The lack of time limits;
Appointed to the . commission could give the code permissive or,
were economics Prof. William Ha-, vague nature,,;he said.

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
JOAN BAEZ discusses resistance at a press -conference yesterday in the Student Activities Bldg. The
singer will perform a special benefit concert tonight in the Events Bldg. for the rent strike and
Tenants Union.
Rent reductions secured
in3 strie setleents


By N. R. COHODAS The tenants charged that Sum-
Rent reductions for Tenants mit had failed to provide adequate

Union members were negotiated
out of court recently in three cases
involving Summit Associates.
These bring to 12 the number
of rent reductions granted to Ten-
ants Union members in nearly a
month of eviction case proceed-
In one recent case rent strikers
John Carol, Boyd Johnson and
Daniel Zwerdling, won a $365 re-
duction in $1,400 due-the largest
monetary reduction awarded out
of court.'

hot water and plumbing in their!
816 Hill St. 'apartment. They
claimed often there was no hot
water for showers or for washing
dishes. Thetenants also said the
toilet often could not be flushed.
Exposed wires in the basement
were not removed, the tenants also
charged. They further claimed
Summit did not repair a stopped
up fire place or repair "dilapidated
Thomas Bailey, Philip Brown

'Ann Arbor street people form
alliance for self-defense, recall

The formation of a "loose
working alliance" among the
White Panther party, the Black
Berets, the Congolian Maulers,
,the Sunngygoode St. Working
Commune, and God's children
Motorcycle Club was announced
at a press conference yesterday.
Spokesmen for four of the five
groups said they were forming
the alliance as a result of in-
creased police harassment of their
Members of God's Children,
Motorcycl6 Club were not at the
conference because . they have
been harassed so much they were
afraid to appear before televis-
ion cameras, explained Genie
Plamondon, a member of the
White Panthers.
Spokesmen of the groups that

were present each named several
incidents of police harassment.
These ranged from alleged forced
searches of several of the group's
members and their homes, to
charges of kidnapping brought
against members of the Sunny-
goode St. Working Commune.
A press release issued by the
new alliance says, "Each of these
groups have been the victims of
continual police harassment."
"The White Panther Party has
long been the focal point for much
police harassment, and the most
recent example has been the sen-
tencing of John Sinclair, minister
of information for the party, to
10 years in prison on a trumped
up charge of possessing 2 joints,"
the statement said.
The press release goes on to
explain cases of police harassment

ber, assistant to the University's
executive officers; political sci-
ence Prof. Charles Rehmus, co-
director of the Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations; and so-
cial work and psychology Prof.
Jesse E. Gordon, co-director of
the program in manpower studies.

The ordinance would provide
for a fine of $100 for anyone con-
victed of a violation when the per-
son had already been convicted of
the same charge. However, Faber
said he was not sure whether or
not the fine would be effective in
preventing health hazards.


of each of the other four groups
which comprise the new alliance.
White Panther Minister of De-
fense, Pun Plamondon, said the
alliance's main task will be to
help its members end police har-
assment. "We have tried to, ex-
haust all legal means" of fighting
harassment, he said.. "We will
try to amend the city charter."
Currently the White Panthers
and the Black Berets are working
on the RECALL campaign to re-
move County Sheriff Douglas J.
Harvey from office. They have
helped RECALL collect signatures
on petitions calling for a special
election for that purpose.
Concurrent with their work on
RECALL, the White Panthers and
the Black Berets have decided to
begin circulating a petition calling
for a referendum which, if passed,
would establish autonomous com-
munity police groups under joint
control of police commissioners
and the people of each community.
Under the plan, each police of-
ficer would be required to live in
the community where he worked
so that "if he harasses us, we will
be able to get back at him when
he goes home at night," explained
The other groups in the alliance
now plan to begin working on both
referendum campaigns.
The representatives of the vari-
ous groups said they expect more
harassment as they become more
Organized. "Harassmentmeans we
are more threatening. We want
this. We look for more harassment.
That is how we gage our effective-
ness," said Plamondon.
"Radical revolutionary change
of all people in the community is
what it takes.to destroy the exist-
ing structure todcreate a new one,"
Plamondon said.
The groups also plan to continue
the education of their members in

and Thomas Bloor, tenants at 121
E. Hoover who won a $350 reduc-
tion from $1,300 rent due, charged
the landlord failed to repair ex-
posed bare wires in utility areas
' which often caused sparks.
Summit was also charged with
violating Ch. 105, Sec. 8:509 of
the Ann Arbor City Code for fail-
ing to replace hollow doors on the
furnace room of the apartment.
The tenants also claimed the
landlord did not repair broken
hallway doors leading to the fire
escape until eight months after
the lease began. In addition, they
charged Summit failed to maintain
the fire escape in safe condition.
A $100 reduction in $1,120 rent
due was negotiated for Mark
Rogers, Peter House and Steve
Simmons, tenants at 908 Sybil,
apt. 9. The tenants charged Sum-
imit violated the city housing code
by failing to clean the apartment
before occupancy. They also claim-
ed the landlord failed to keep
heating and plumbing facilities
in good condition.
Summit did not remove ice and
snow from the common walkway
or repair a leaky bathtub, the
tenants further charged. They also
said the landlord did not provide
locks "capable of minimal lock
security in that some can and have.
been burglarized."
Jury trials involving Tenants
Union members and Dahlmann
Apartments are scheduled to begin
next week. Presently, no eviction
cases are set for trial this week.
Three of the 12 reductions grant-
ed to rent strikers in the last
month were won in court through
jury trials. One involving Renken
Management was settled in cham-
bers by District Judge Pieter Tho-
massen. The other eight were all
negotiated out of court prior to
the time cases were scheduled for

Enemy commandos invaded the
headquarters of the U.S. 1st Ma-
rine Division at Da Nang, killing
two Americans and wounding
nine. The U.S. Command said
material damage was light, and
five of the raiders were killed.
By midmorning, fighting was
continuing in the Quan Loi-An
Loc-Loc area, but it had tapered
off to light contact. At least five
Americans had been killed and,
39 wounded from three ground'
attacks on American bases in the
The fighting and shellings
broke an eight-week lull in the
war. The action was the heaviest
in three months since last May 11
when more than 2090 allied bases
and towns were shelled and sev-
eral ground attacks launched.
There was no firm count on
casualties, but. U.S. Headquarters
said on the basis of fragmentary
reports that they appeared to be
Military spokesmen, commenting
on stepped up enemy activity1
Monday, had warned:j
"The intelligence we have
indicates the enemy is preparing
for a fall campaign to be con-
ducted during August and Sep-'
The U.S. Command said the at-
tacks were spread throughout all!
four tactical corps zones of South
The command declined to
characterize the stepped up at-
tacks as an offensive.
"It's at least a highpoint," said
a spokesman, meaning a peak of
enemy attacks which have been
the pattern of the war since last
"We're not characterizing it at'
all right now, It's too early to
make a determination, too early
to say whether it's the start of an
offensive or just a highpoint."
The Tuesday attacks followed
by 48 hours the heaviest ground
fighting in nearly two months
across South Vietnam. North
Vietnamese troops launched fierce
ground attacks on U.S. forces
along the Cambodian, Laotian and
demilitarized zone frontiers, bat-
tied American infantrymen in the
populous coastal lowlands south
of Da Nang and shot down three
American helicopters.
In two days of fighting Sunday
and yesterday, American losses
were put at 41 killed and 170
wounded. North Vietnamese los-
ses were 195 killed, U.S. head-
quarters said.
An Associated Press photogra-
pher reported that enemy gun-
ners scored two direct hits on a
Navy hospital in Da Nang. First
reports said 20 Americans were
This shelling was the second
See, 100, Page 3

Vote set

on student
loan bill
Senate plans a last-ditch ef-
fort to revive the college stu-
dent guaranteed loan program
before Congress leaves on its
three-week recess tomorrow.
But Republicans charge that
amendments pushed successfully
by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-
Mass) in the Labor Committee
last Friday have upset negotia-
tions to rush action on the bill.
Extensive cloakroom negotia-
tions yesterday failed to resolve
the controversy over these amend-
ments although Senate leaders did
win an agreement for a vote on
the bill today.
Republicans said they would
seek to eliminate one of the Ken-
nedy riders and perhaps both.
Even if the Senate passes the
measure there is no guarantee the
House will follow suit before the
summer recess begins tomorrow
Consideration of a similar
measure was blocked yesterday in
the House. Some members there
wish to use it as a vehicle for a
provision to punish students in-
volved in campus riots.
The key provision of the Senate
bill is a subsidy payment which
could mean ,a yield to banks of 10
per cent on the student loans.
The present interest ceiling is
7 per cent. This has meant that
loan funds have dried.'up with the
prime interest rate now at 81/z per
The Senate committee was told
about 220,000 students seeking to
enroll this fall will be denied loans
because of the tight money situa-
tion unless Congress votes the
One of the Kennedy amend-
ments wouldhprohibit a bank or
other lender from requiring a stu-
dent or his family to have an
account with it to obtain a loan.
Republicans said they definitely
would try to strike this from the
The other would raise by $170
million the authorization for two
aid programs for youths from low
income families -the educational
opportunity grant program and
the college work-study program.
A GOP effort also may be made
to eliminate this.

Mothers ask f.,,.unds for fall

The County Welfare Rights Committee
(WRC) yesterday presented the County
Social Services Board with a detailed re-
quest for increased school clothes allow-
The Social Services Board met later yes-
terday afternoon with the health, educa-
tion, and welfare committee of the County
Board of Supervisors, but no recommenda-
tion was made when the board discovered
it can meet tomorrow with the state direc-
tor of Social Services,
WRC is composed of approximately 200
members of four local welfare groups-
Humanizing Existing Welfare, United
Friendship, Ypsilanti Welfare Action, and

were ,not receiving any allowance for
clothing from the county.
George Stewart, attorney for the wel-,
fare mothers, told the board a sample
of 52 clothing applications which. repre-
sented 160 children indicates that an
average of $120.27 is needed per child.
"$120.27 is what we consider to be a
realistic figure," said Stewart, The actual
average county payment would be '$109.
when the state's allocation of $11 is sub-
tracted, Stewart added.
Shirley Heywood, a welfare mothers
spokesman, told the board that $120.27 is
the "minimum need" for the children.
"Mothers had to come back in December
for more money for wainer clothes,"
she said of conditions last year.

terested in getting clothes for children or
motorcycles and dogs for the sheriff?"
asked Stewart.
Barnett asked WRC members why the
need for clothing exists.
"The need exists because the mothers are
not getting enough money," said Stewart.
He explained that the welfare aid is based
on the 1961 cost of living, although the
cost of living has "gone up dramatically"
since then "but not the assistance."
"The mothers can't buy both food and
clothes," said Stewart.
Barnett suggested the availability of used
clothing . . . a plan which was met with
'considerable criticism of WRC.
"It is important that a child is dressed
like other kids. If not, the child won't want
to sta in scool.1" 'sid Stewart.

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