j l;' #n ga41 1 Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Congress and the broadcast lobby 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone; 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN I Nixon's welfare plan. A few cup1 SIXTEEN HUNDRED dollars for a family of four. That's about $400 per person or about $1.10 per day. $1.10 is enough for a few cups of coffee, perhaps a dough- nut, and a token for an all-night subway ride. Looking beyond the alternately tough and compassionate rhetoric of President Nixon's welfare speech last night, it is clear that the backbone of his new pro- gram is this wholly inadequate $1600 family subsidy. In some states, of course, the proposal would constitute an improvement over existing conditions. In Mississippi, for ex- ample, only $39 is presently provided each month for a family of four. And there are other positive steps out- lined in the President's plan. By elimi- nating Aid to Dependent Children and substituting the family subsidy plan, pro- visions in existing laws which compel fathers to leave families they can not support would be eliminated. In addition, the President's suggestion to graduate decreases in welfare payments to pov- erty-level families with small incomes is a sound (though hardly innovative) re- sponse to complaints that it is presently impossible to work one's way off the welfare rolls. Expansion of day care cen- ter facilities would work toward the same end. Hopefully, Congress will accept these reforms in the present welfare system. BUT REFORMS are not enough. As the President noted last night, there is a crisis in the welfare system today. Un- of coffee fortunately, the President does not fully understand the nature of the crisis. The most fundamental problem facing the welfare system today is the pitiful lack of monetary support which it has received from federal and state govern- ments. In this state, for example, welfare payments are based on 1961 cost of liv- ing statistics. But, by and large, there is little the states can do. Plagued by antiquated rev- enue systems and conservative legisla- tures, state governments have, in general, been unable or unwilling to provide ade- quate funds for welfare. Thus, as has been the case with civil rights and voting rights in the past, it becomes the responsibility of the federal government to provide the necessary funds and guidelines. But the President's proposal, far from taking this step, still leaves the states with the final determination of the size of welfare payments. Very likely, a num- ber of states will choose not to add funds to the $1600 per family. And there is nothing in Nixon's plan which would in- duce them to do so. THE ULTIMATE solution can only be a dramatic takeover of all welfare fund- ing by the federal government. Only in this way, can welfare payments become sufficiently high to provide adequate food, clothing and housing for the nation's poor. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN By WALTER SHAPIRO Associate Editorial Director 1968-69 WASHINGTON ADMIRERS describe S e n a t o r John Pastore of Rhode Island as "peppery." Pastore, basing his support on the Italian ethnic vote in largely Catholic Rhode Island, is the anti- thesis of his Senatorial colleague, the dignified and patrician Clai- borne Pell. A loyal supporter of the war during the Johnson Administra- tion and mildly liberal on domestic matters, Pastore can be viewed as a less publicized version of Con- necticut's Tom Dodd. Pastore is, however, the favorite Senator of the broadcast lobby. It was the Rhode Island Demo- crat, chairman of the Commerce Committee's communications sub- committee, who introduced the bill (S. 2004) which would forbid the F.C.C. from considering competing applications in the renewal of broadcast licenses. This bill is the industry's response to the Com- mission's decision last January to revoke the license of WHDH-TV in Boston and grant the frequency to a competing applicant. However, o n 1 y Broadcasting Magazine, the slick trade journal of the industry, reports this side of John Pastore. QN THOSE rare occasions when Pastore makes the daily news- papers, it is generally a result of his harsh attacks on the broad- casters for excessive violence on television. This apparent legislative schizo- phrenia is explained by a Senate aide who calls it "Pastore's magic act. The aide explained that when Pastore "rants about violence on television, he knows damn well that there is no Constitutional way for Congress to do anything about it. The violence hearings are all a charade, so Pastore can do his real damage on this." Not surprisingly, Pastore was the featured speaker at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Convention on March 24. There he promised a highly receptive audi- ence that he would do something Senator Scott dling the bill for Hart, claimed that the day Pastore introduced the bill, "Every member received a sheaf of telegrams-so thick they almost looked like a pad- from his local broadcasters urging 'him to support the measure." Comstock denied that the NAB had supplied a form letter and said "send it to your Congressman." But, he admitted, "they may have taken my governmental affairs re- port, taken their name off it and stuck on a 'Dear Congressman'" SINCE POLITICIANS are large- ly dependent on local radio and television stations for personal ex- posure, it is hardly surprising that the telegramsshould have such a substantial impact. And if broadcasters can so easily influence Senators who have six- year terms and fairly secure polit- ical bases, House members, often without even local reputations, are twice as quick to recognize their obligations to the owners of the media. As of July 23, 74 bills virtually identical to S. 2004 had been in- troduced in the House and re- ferred to the Interstate and For- eign Commerce Committee. Its chairman, Harley Staggers of West Virginia, who is no particular friend of the broadcasters, has shown little inclination to hold hearings until prodded by the Sen- ate. There is little mystery to the proliferation of House bills similar to Pastore's. The legislative aide to one border state Democrat admitted that "no Congressman makes news himself; he has to stay on good terms with the local media. When we introduced the bill," he continued, "we sent out letters to all the stations in our district." But, the aide said, "We know that it's a poor bill and hope it never gets out of committee. If it does ever get to the floor, we'd probably have to admit we goofed and oppose it." Two Representatives who have introduced bills similar to S.2004 reported earlier this year, as re- quired by the House, that they own more than $5,000 worth of stock in the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). RCA owns t h e National Broadcasting Company. one of the most active proponents of the bill. William Minshall, an Ohio Re- publican, refused to comment on any possible conflict of interest arising from his stock ownership. But Dave Martin, the incarna- tion of an elderly Nebraska Re- publican, said in an interview, "I introduced the bill because the 33 radio stations in my district, that I make tapes for, felt it was un- fair for someone to come in and apply for their license when it is up for renewal." But he contended, "What little stock I have in RCA doesn't amount to a row of beans. I didn't even think about it when I intro- duced my bill." DESPITE THE OUTPOURING of Congressional sponsorship for S.2004 and its 74 House versions, its passage is by no means assured, With the exception of Pastore and perhaps a few members of the House, almost no one in Congress feels strongly about the bill, Typical is the attitude expressed by Sid Bailey, legislative aide to Hugh Scott. Bailey recommended that the Pennsylvania Republican co-sponsor t h e Pastore bill be- cause otherwise Scott will have nothing to counterbalance his support of cable television in op- position to the broadcasters. Such highly pragmatic and po- litically calculated support could evaporate if the bill becomes widely publicized as special inter- est legislation. W h epn fbrced to choose between aroused constitu- ents and powerful lobbies, some successful politicians have occas- ionally sided with the voters. But to date there are almost no indications that these legislative supporters of the broadcast lobby will encounter any extensive po- litical opposition. Even if the bill fails to pass, it is uncertain whether the F.C.C. will further apply the precedent it established in the WHDH case. Nixon has been asked to name, successors to two of the three Re- publican Commissioners. One of them, former UN Ambassador James Wadsworth, sided with the majority in the WHDH case. However, the Republicans are expected to take control of the F.C.C. when the seven-year term of liberal Democratic Commission- er Kenneth Cox expires next year. During the March 5 hearings of the communications subcommit- tee Cox described his chances for reappointment as "a little 1 e s s than . . . a typical license at the end of his three year term." When informed of Sox's lame duck stat- us. Senator Norris Cotton of New Hampshire suggested, "why don't you consider turning Republican?" WHATEVER POLICIES are en- unciated by the F.C.C. in the next few years, the WHDH case illus- trated that the Broadcast Act of about the "harassment of broad- cast licensees." If a lobbyist is someone who keeps a straight face when he talks of Senator Pastore's "great leadership," then Paul A. Com- stock is a lobbyist. Comstock, the NAB's vice president for govern- mental affairs, was rather effusive in describing Pastore during an interview at the Association's modernistic Washington head- quarters. And if leadership means attract- ing followers, then Pastore is ad- mirably qualified. He has 18 co- sponsors for S. 2004, including Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, Minority Whip Hugh Scott, Com- merce Committee Chairman War- ren Magnuson and Edward Brooke, the occasionally Negro Senator from Massachusetts. In all, 9 of the 19 members of the Commerce Committee and 6 of the 10 members of the com- munications subcommittee a r e sponsors of the bill. Michigan Democrat Philip Hart may be the only opponent of the measure on the subcommittee. Jack Blum, an aide who is han- Senator Hart 1934 provided the Commission with the legal machinery, if not th e political will, to effectively diversify media ownership and ev- en upgrade t h e programming quality of commercial broadcast- ing. Before one raises the spectre of F.C.C. censorship, ponder the suc- cess of the laissez-faire. First Amendment in fostering a com- petitive and diverse daily press in America. RSU-: Bridging The final solution: 1-A the differences IN A RECENT' St. Louis address, Con- gressman Richard D. Ichord (D-Mo.), chairman of the powerful House Internal Security Committee formerly known as t h e House Committee on Un-American Affairs, revealed what seems to be an un- fortunate misunderstanding of h o w to deal with campus disorders. Speaking to the newly-formed Missouri Council on National Security, Ichord said he was prepared to introduce legislation that would end all draft deferments for college students. He maintained that the deferments are "one of the primary un- derlying causes of campus disorders. Fresh out of a series of lengthy hear- ings on Students for a Democratic Soci- ety, Ichord concluded that "many of the anarchists on our college campuses are there solely to get a deferment r a t h e r than to get an education." Ichord's argument contains at least two dubious and even dangerous points. First, his claim that college deferments are a major cause of campus disorders has no substantiation. The Congressman would ,have us believe that college students are disruptive because they are deferred. So reclassifying them all 1-A and sending them. induction notices presumably will solve the entire problem. Ichord naively seems to think this course of action automatically w il1 re- move the "anarchists" from the campus- es. But, does he really think they'll leave college and join the armed services? Does he really believe that piece of paper with 1-A and "Congratulations -you've b e e n Letter drafted" will send them all to the near- est induction center? One would hardly think so: More likely there would be an enormous number of college-age men going to Canada or to prison for refusing induction. Or, per- haps, the nation's doctors would be de- luged by men trying, to find defects in their mental or physical health. MORE IMPORTANT than Ichord's ap- parent naivety, however, is what his solution essentially stands for - stifling dissent in the same manner a totalitarian state would advocate. Find the dissenters and remove them from society by sending them to fight the war they oppose. Or im- prison them if they won't go. What Ichord seems to want is 100 per cent approval - a nation of yes-men in- habiting the campuses to learn the same things he learned and declare "My coun- try, right or wrong," after each class' is over. Although Ichord claims he is merely trying to "defend our democratic institu- tions," his solutions are both absurdly im- practical and disturbing. They are based on an unproven premise - that draft ex- empt students c a u s e disorders because they are deferred. His formula for draft- ing them all is totally unpalatable. ONE ONLY HOPES that other Congress- men with a better understanding of the campus dilemma than Ichord will de- feat his proposed legislation. -NADINE COHODAS -. i The far side of the Defense Budget By BRUCE, LE'VINE Daily Guest Writer THIS SUMMER, the Radical Caucus, Resistance and the Independent Socialist Club began preparing for the creation of a Radical Stu- dents Union (RSU), hopefully to embrace these three organizations plus the Tenants Union, SDS, Women's Liberation and unaffiliated radicals. Daniel Zwerdling's attack' on the proposal (Daily, Aug. 8) is a study in contradictions. UnderstandablWbemoaning the splintering, last year, of the Uni- versity's SDS chapter into groups "too weak and crippled to act on their own," Zwerdling correctly observes that the split was caused by fundamental conflicts "over basic political issues." He then scoffs at the idea that "suddenly SDS, Radical Caucus. the Tenants Union, and Resistance, and bits and pieces of independents will merge into harmonious embrace, sift and cull their bitterly divided politics, and emerge with a common denominator of action and thought. He sensibly adds, "It sounds good, but will not likely work." Having decided that a mass-based radical union is hopeless, Zwerdling reveals what will work: "a .coordinating-communications umbrella organization with no power of its own" made up of repre- sentatives from radical groups on campus which would "hash out grounds for coordinated action." Zwerdling explains, "When important issues flare suddenly, the coordinating group could unify radical action." Indeed his group would accomplish everything an RSU might accomplish only without adding just "one more cumbersome organization fraught with the sum of all the pitfalls and disagreement which rack every individual organization on campus." ZWERDLING'S is a thoroughly bureaucratic solution, and one which is internally inconsistent to boot. It seeks unity despite politics (or at the expense of politics) rather than because of it% Abandoning hopes to unite the group's membership around some basic agreements, it looks instead to a leadership committee to do the job from the top down. Not a very admirable formulation. In addition, while Zwerdling insists it would "have no power of its own," he'asserts with equal vigor that it would "accomplish everything" which an RSU could. Well, it's one or the other; not both. Either this leadership committee attempts to substitute itself for a mass organiza- tion (in which case it would be quite powerful indeed, even by defini- tion), or it will be a harmless social club. Neither model is overwhelm- ingly attractive. ANYWAY, HE ASKS, who needs "another glorified Radical Caucus or Tenants' Union?" What we do need is a campus-wide, non-, super-, or pan-political (choose your prefix) group which will include everyone from the rock-ribbed conservative to the Reddest radical. Great; organ- ize them to do what? To fight ROTC? Enoi war research? Demand student control or tenure, curriculum, and finances? Zwerdling can't imagine a union involving SDS, Radical Caucus, Resistance, etc., but doesn't bat an eyelash at proposing to dump all these plus the Young Republicans, Young Americans for Freedom, and the "Conservative Union" into one bag. Zwerdling concludes by noting that his plan has the double ad- vantage of coordinating radicals while transcending radicalism, uniting all students and ending "the useless exercise of radicals organizing radicals." The campus Left is divided, of course. If, on the one hand, the road- block to cooperation was merely redtape, a' bureaucratic solution like Zwerdling's committee might serve. If, alternatively, the political divi- sions were hopelessly deep, no organizational measures would help seal the breach. Hopes for a Radical Students' Union are based on the proposition that the divisions, though real and political, are not unbridgeable. But to span them will require dealing with political issues politically. No delegated committee can do that. The memberships of the groups in- Reporter misrepresentation To the Editor: PLEASE PRINT the following in the hope that some other people might not be fooled as I was. On July 19th a young man called our home, identified himself saying he was a friend of an ex co-worker of mine, who had recently been dis- missed as a teacher at Cassidy Lake. Since he seemed to know my friend, I agreed to meet with him. I asked specifically if he represented the Argus and he said, "No, I am with The Michigan Daily." I make this plain because much consideration has been given to our project and we had come to the decision that only "above board" measures must be used and that we must substantiate all state- ments we made. Anxious that the truth be known concerning Cassidy Lake and situa- tions which had arisen while I was employed there, I consented to an in- terview after he said he was one of the editors. Shocked at hearing of and seeing the "splash" in the Argus, I therefore called The Michigan Daily (which I admit I should have done be- fore) and discovered that he, at one time, contributed articles but was not on the staff. APPARENTLY posing for one paper while obtaining information for the Argus is common practice. If the printed inaccuracies are a classic ex- ample of their journalistic endeavors, I can understand why they must re- sort to an underground press. While much of what was printed in the ar- ticle was true, how is the unsuspecting reader to know where the truth ends and their version begins. While it is true the Department of Corrections has released articles con- taining inaccuracies, this is not a con- test to see who can outdo whom with the biggest fabrication. Our prime ob- jective is to make people aware that our prisons are not doing the job they say-to protect the public by aiding in the prevention of crime-because FBI statistics show that over 50 per cent of inmates released in 1963 had returned to crime within four years. We desire to help the .imprisoned individuals re- direct their thinking toward a produc- tive non-criminal life and can prove that in many instances, the effects of today's prisons are doing the opposite. If anyone shares our interests, that of true rehabilitation of criminals, we welcome you to join us (Chelsea 475- 7276), but it must be a fair and honest struggle. -Alfred C. Smith Gregory, Mich. Aug. 4 (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily has received several complaints over the past few months concerning people who is represented by the Legal Aid Society, is seeking eye witnesses of events involved in his arrest. He is accused of being part of a crowd of people who were on Church Street, near its intersection with S. University, directed obscene language at police officers, thus creating a dis- turbance. This is said to have taken place June 17 (Tuesday) at or some- time before the first police charge down S. University. His actual arrest occurred shortly after the first charge, on Forest, north of S. University. His arresting officer was Sheriff Douglas Harvey, who on that evening wore civilian clothes and carried one arm in a sling. -