1e 3ir4ian aihj Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Administration by fantasy martin hirschmn II 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS 1 Communicating for radical organization THE RADICAL Student Union whose name Radical Caucus optimistically ushered into existence Tuesday c o u l d make useful inroads into campus politics if it ever worked. But there is a nagging doubt that the union will ever get off the ground. The question is not so much whether the cam- pus-at-large is ready for a radical union, but whether the radicals forming it are. Over the past year, radical organiza- tions shook with internal squabbles and disemboweled themselves of the guts needed to take hard effective action. Stu- dents for a Democratic Society split so violently over basic political issues last fall that it remained paralyzed the rest of the year and accomplished nothing- except setting back radical politics one year. And the three groups which re- formed from the ruins were too weak and crippled to act effectively on their own. So now, with this'sad history of tribal feuds fracturing radicalism on campus, hope glimmers that suddenly SDS, Radi- cal Caucus, the Tenants Union, Resist- ance,sand bits and pieces of independents will merge into harmonious embrace, sift Itpays to testify DETROIT AUTHORITIES are taking good care of their star witness in the case against Rafael Viera, who has been charged with the shotgun slaying of a police officer in the notorious New Bethel Church shootout of last March. Witness David Brow ft was originally charged with 'assaultwith intent to com- mit murder for allegedly shooting at police reinforcements who reacted to the officer's slaying by shooting their way into the church where more than 100 members of the black separatist Republic of New Africa were meeting. -But after police discovered Brown claimed to have witnessed the shooting by Viera, they decided to treat the 19- year-old Brown as a juvenile rather than as an adult, an option allowed the police under state law. And now that Viera has been bound over for trial--even though the slain pa- trolman's partner could not identify him as the killer-Brown has been released to three years probation in his home state of California. This is hardly the usual treatment for those charged with assault with intent to commit murder-even in Detroit. -M.A. and cull their bitterly divided politics and emerge with a common denominator of action and thought. It sounds good, but will not likely work. WHAT'S WRONG w i th attempting to make the union work and then fail- ing? Nothing, except in t h e meantime radicals could expend valuable energy and invaluable time by forming a more feasible organization which will work: a coordinating - communications umbrella organization with no power of its own. Under such an umbrella, representa- tives of radical groups on campus would meet regularly to discuss common con- cerns, and hash out grounds for coordin- ated action. When important issues flare suddenly, the coordinating group could unify radical action faster and more ef- fectively than if groups were left to their own devices. The coordinating group would accom- plish everything a radical student union might accomplish - only without adding just one more cumbersome organization fraught with the sum of all the pitfalls and disagreement which racks every in- dividual organization on campus. STUDENTS at the University, further- more, don't need another glorified Radical Caucus or Tenants Union - un- less it seeks to represent and involve all students no matter what their political beliefs. And this means trying to estab- lish a representative student organiza- tion which will replace Student Govern- ment Council as the official student voice in University affairs. Now, SGC with its handful of councilmen represents the students as pathetically as the adminis- tration committees it attacks. A representative organization, natural- ly, would not be as politically sophisticat- ed or radical as some would like. But at t h i s point, simply organizing students, fighting to maximize each student's voice in campus affairs and constantly creating issues which involve all students will do far more to radicalize students than ig- noring them. Radicals can join together and surpass the accomplishments of their individual organizations if, after laying the ground for cooperation among themselves with a coordinating group, they begin forming a union to coordinate all students - rad- ical and conservative alike. FORMING a radical student union now would simply perpetuate t h e useless exercise of radicals organizing radicals. This campus needs its radicals now to form a union which will help organize others. -DANIEL ZWERDLING THE CONTORTED series of events sur- rounding last month's regental veto of plans for a University-sponsored dis- count bookstore casts a heavy shadow of doubt on claims by the Regents and the executive officers that they acted in good faith. While the administration-as well as virtually all of the Regents-argued that the proposal of Student Government Council would damage the fiscal posi- tion of the University, it is now becoming clear that there was little substance to this claim. The basic objection expressed by the executive officers (the vice presidents and President Robben Fleming) involved SGC's proposal for a one-time $1.75 tuition as- sessment to provide part of the book- store's initial capital. The assessment had been overwhelmingly approved in a March campus-wide referendum. At the July Regents meeting, Fleming argued that { regardless of the results of any referendum, the Legislature would look upon a special fee assessment as an increase in tuition revenue. Seeing this, he said, the Legislature would cut next year's state appropriation to the Univer- sity by a corresponding amount. Partly in response to this argument, partly because of their general antip- athy toward the concept of a University bookstore, the Regents unanimously voted down the SGC proposal. SINCE THE Regents' meeting, Fleming has switched his line on the effect of the $1.75 fee assessment. Now, he argues, the effect of the assessment on state appro- priations is incalculable. In effect, he is saying, the ways of the Legislature are strange and difficult to analyze. Perhaps. But if the administration had bothered to ask the Legislature about possible response to the assessment, they might have discovered otherwise. Yesterday, I called up Rep. William Copeland (D-Wyandotte) and asked him about the possible effect of the proposed assessment on legislative appropriations for the University. As chairman of the powerful House appropriations committee, Copeland seemed to be among the most obvious people to ask. His voice alone carries considerable weight every year in the determination of the University's ap- propriation. But the representative was surprised when I explained the situation to him. He had never discussed the possibility of a bookstore assessment with anyone from the University. President Fleming Furthermore, Copeland said flatly that the assessment as proposed by SGC would have been considered separate from the normal tuition revenues of the Uni- versity and would not have had an affect on next year's appropriation. POSSIBLY, .theadministration does not trust Copeland's word as the final say on legislative appropriations. Cer- tainly, when the Legislature is considered as a whole, he is one of the more fiscally liberal members. When the University comes around annually, with its hand out, Copeland is usually among those ready to offer the most money. But if the administration does take the words of the appropriations committee chairman lightly, then clearly they do so with some selectivity. During the debate, over University School last May, one of the most important documents used by the executive officers was a letter from Copeland recommending that the school be closed. This was the position taken by the administration and finally supported by the Regents. IN CONNECTION with the administra- tion's argument concerning the possible reaction of the Legislature to a fee assess- ment, the role played by Arthur Ross is also of considerable interest. As vice president for state relations and planning, Ross should have been an im- portant figure in deliberations by the ex- ecutive officers concerning the fee assess- ment. Nonetheless, Ross now says he had little to do with the decision. And if Fleming consulted him at all, it is unlikely that the vice president said much to alter the ad- ministration position-Ross' view of the effect of a special assessment was similar to the president's, and similarly unfounded. INTERESTINGLY, the question of the fee assessment is not one limited solely to the bookstore issue. At this very moment in the history of the University, the execu- tive officers are considering another- much larger--special',increase in tuition to support construction of two new intra- mural facilities. Spread over several years, a $10 to $15 assessment for the new buildings would raise from $6 million to $11 million. The one-time $1.75 bookstore assessment would have raised only about $70,000. Nonetheless, there has, at least until now, been little consideration- by the ex- ecutive officers that the IM assessment, despite its size, would have any effect on legislative appropriations. In fact, while -the administration was busy scuttling the bookstore assessment, at least two of the executive officers-Ross and Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith-gave their tentative ap- proval to use of tuition for IMs. Ross now admits that the assessments for the bookstore and intramurals are "logically parallel" and Fleming agrees that there is a real problem with the cur- rent IM funding plan. But because the executive officers feel IMs are important (and, apparently, that the bookstore is not) they seem ready to go ahead with the assessment for the new buildings and risk legislative reaction-this time. SINCE THE INTEREST of the students is paramount in both the bookstore and the intramural facilities, it is striking to note how the stance of the executive officers has differed from the wishes of the stu- dents on these two questions. Students have demonstrated overwhelm- ing support for the bookstore-and for the $1.75 assessment-in a democratically run referendum. Despite this mandate, the exe- cutive officers-except for Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell who has supported SGC-turned thumbs down on the proposal. Meanwhile, the question of intramurals has brought only opposition from student groups. (SGC, Panhellenic Association, In- terfraternity Council, the Tenants Union, Inter-House Assembly and a slew of house governments have opposed the IM tuition assessment.) But the executive officers have resisted suggestions that they await the outcome of a referendum in the fall. Instead, support for the IM tuition fund- ing plan has been cited in the so-called Kirscht study-a poorly constructed sur- vey taken by a physical education class. In fact, the survey was designed only to I' Vice President Ross discover what facilities were desired;' there was no mention of tuition in the Kirscht questionnaire. CLEARLY, despite the much touted gains made recently by students in University decision-making, the executive officers have reserved the power-and the inclina- tion-to act arbitrarily and ignore views expressed by the students. And if supremacy in decision-making re- quires distortion and manipulation of in- formation, the executive officers have demonstrated that they are prepared to fantasize on a moment's notice. Laughing at the cultural revolution By CHRIS STEELE IT HAS gotten pretty easy to dis- parage the idea of cultural revolution lately. Liberals laugh off "the revolu- tion" as some flamboyant man- nerism of speech common to a somewhat misguided and probably. they suspect, less educated class of people. Conservatives, t h o u g h frightened by those who threaten the serenity of their stodginess, can dismiss the whole thing, in less impassioned moments as the ravings of a tiny group of maniacs. And a lot of young people seem to think the cultural revolution is synonymous with a change of style in clothing-magnificently important today as any fad is but as changeable as next month's "Vogue." The arguments of theliberal com- munity against the cultural rev- olution have become commonplace enough to warrant extensive feat- ure coverage in the "New York Times Magazine" of two weeks ago. The article, by St. Louis Uni- versity history Prof. James Hitch- cock, gives a revealing picture of the underlying feelings of those who oppose the cultural revolu- tion. In f r a m i n g his arguments against the cultural revolution, Hitchcock employs an historical model. He argues that change in the past has taken place only through political revolution-that cultural revolution can only fol- low, never precede, political rev- olution. From there he argues the pres- ent advocates of cultural revolu- tion are in reality counter-revolu- tionary. He says they can never accomplish political revolution be- cause they are too soft and hedon- istic. "Historically, of course, rev- olutions can be shown to have occurred only as the result of dis- cipline, extremely hard work. great patience and privation, and finally luck," says Hitchcock. Hitchcock then embarks on a long, and by now relatively well worn explanation of the way in which the present younger genera- tion is really not much different from older generations and how 'the cultural revolution simply plays into the hands of the Madi- son Avenue consumption market. THE WHOLE argument sounds like an axiom frequently used by another generation. Something about "I went through the war and the depression. I worked my way up. I struggled and fought. But you-what do you know., Nothing." While there are certain unchallengeable truths in the argument it doesn't prove much. There can be no doubt that the political revolutions of the past have required hardwork, diligence JAMES WECHSLER.. James Farmer and the Washington hatchet men and, yes, even privation, on the part of the organizers. Revolutions, even the more seemingly chaotic ones, like the first French revolu- tion had strong powers operating to steer and direct their move- ments. Yet with all of that granted thereremains a very salient "so what.", Did those revolutions accomplish genuine cultural change? Did they alter the fabric of people's lives? Did they change in any significant and lasting manner the relation- ship between the work a man does and his ability to live from day to day? The answer to all of these ques- tions, more or less qualified in each instance, is no. And the rea- son is that while political change- over ocurred it was accompanied by little or no cultural innovation. Even in the Russian revolution, where some of the revolutionaries at least understood the nature of the problem, little was done along these lines. While massive changes' were imposed on the lives of enormous numbers of Russians, the reforms were carried out large- ly at gun point rather than by education. Eventually most of the changes succumbed to drives for economic growth. The result has been a society nearly as tied to production, consumption and daily toil as this one. THE EXPLANATION for why social systems remain remarkably the same in the face of gigantic political upheaval is two fold. First, people, the mass of people, continued to be bound into the same old social miasma by the decrepit values handed down to them by past generations. The most outmoded axioms are, seem- ingly, the most difficult to change. Second, where there has been an attempt to restructure the societal values it has followed the patterns made necessary by a successful revolution. And these are the very values Hitchcock rightly claims have been necessary to political overthrow-dedication, submission to authority and denial of in- dividual freedom in response to the needs of the revolution. But it is this damning aspect of revolution-that which has kept it from being meaningful in the past-which is overcome by the proponents of the cultural revo- lution. IN PLACE of the stale formu- lary of political revolution, the found in the nature of learning itself. By living the values they ,espouse, rather than simply mouthing them in the way the existing social norms coerce us to, the cultural revolution offers the most effective means of molding new social directions. Through the promotion of cultural divergence the hold of the present system on the minds of the people it controls may eventually be broken. Contrary to Hitchcock's charge it is not long hair and sex and marijuana that c o m p r is e the meaning of the cultural revolu- tion. Instead it is through com- munal life, and the respect for humanity it involves, that the revolution finds its real expression. In a life separated from the main- stream of the economic system, these people' practice the belief in humanity which forms the basis of their philosophy. In this communal environment the meaning of that humanism achieves its purpose. Those who make up the cultural revolution are not the flat lifeless characters that fill the pages of the dozens -of utopian novels which have been written. They are real people who have real differences and real per- sonalities. But, as far as the limitations the society has imposed on them will allow they seem able to cast off many of the grosser evils to which men in our society have fallen heir. Humanity truly is the key. IT WOULD BE WELL to note that there are dangers along the way. Hitchcock points out the very real possibility of this con- sumption oriented economy rob- bing anything of its meaning. He explains, and quite correctly so, the capacity of Madison Avenue to make anything fashionable, desirable and therefore highly ac- ceptable. He points as well to the very real danger of an admittedly hedonistic movement falling prey to that capacity of the consump- tion economy.sWilling to pander to any hedonism, the American advertising community has al- ready demonstrated a desire to use the cultural revolution as a way of increasing their revenues. Yet, if the proponents of the cultural revolution can resists the attempts of the consumption- production economy to turn them into just another fad, they may 4 181 THINGS ARE GETTING rough be- hind t h e scenes in Washington. Attorney General Mitchell's hatchet men are at work - in collaboration with Mr. Hoover's FBI; as might have been anticipated, an early target is James Farmer and, beyond Farmer, the man suspected of offering sanc- tuary to a lonely liberal bloc in the Nixon Administration - Health, Ed- ucation and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch. Amid mounting signs that Mitchell is emerging as the strong-arm man of the Nixon era, an' obviously "leaked" story to columnist Paul Scott, who has often served as a Justice Dept. mouth- piece, spells out the Mitchell-Hoover offensive. It reports t h a t the "lax' security practices" used by Finch have "caused growing concern within the Nixon Ad- ministration" and that Justice Dept. officials have "alerted the White House that security investigations on more than a half ,dozen officials have been waived by Finch, one of the most liberal members of the Nixon cabinet." The case of James Farmer, former head of the Congress of Racial Equal- ity, is described as "most illustrative" There ensues in Scott's dispatch a lengthy recital of Farmer's allegedly dubious record as contained "in the FBI file." (Although such files are of- ficially secret, t h e y are recurrently made available to reverential journal- ists.) The "evidence" is another damning exhibit of the quality of FBI dossiers. Farmer, for example, is described as one of the "parents" of the "Commun- ist-controlled" Students for a Demo- cratic Society. Actually his connection was with the Student League for In- dustrial Democracy, long a Socialist group, Norman Thomas-oriented, that was later transformed into SDS and captured by extremist (but non-mon- olithic) youths. FARMER'S ROLE as director of CORE is also cited as proof of his questionable history. Anyone remotely familiar with his real background knows that he was a steadfast advo- cate of nonviolence and became a whipping-boy for reckless "militants" who moved into CORE and hastened his departure. It is demeaning to Farmer to offer such testimonial in his behalf; he was always a spirited, eloquent figure who never, for example, accepted the doc- trine of Hoover's infallibility. But the FBI's tenacious refusal to differen- tiate him from the fanatics and Mao- ists who invaded the civil rights move- ment is another sad commentary on Hoover's obsolescence. Hoover's recital before the House group, as reported by Scott, was a dis- tortion of the true chronology. It is true that Farmer was appointed (at a time when the Nixon Administration was desperately seeking a respected Negro face) before the FBI inquiry took place. But when his appointment was announced it was explained that he would not take office for several weeks because of other commitments. During that interval he was subjected to what he described last week over a telephone as "a very full FBI investi- gation." On the basis of the FBI report (tech- nically, the agency presents "facts," 1%, Aq He acted - to the murmured dis- satisfactinn nf s n nd cnhnrts in the In view of the initial and deepening estrangement between t h e Adminis- m I