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YI e
46F A&
r tgan
Partly cloudy
and cooler
Vol. LXXIX, No. 61 -S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 8, 1969 Tn Cents
Four Pages
udsge Deake delays
Collins examination
U S. gdr
Ypsilanti District Judge Ed-
ward Deake postponed until
Aug. 14 the preliminary exam-
ination of John Collins, ac-
cused murderer of Eastern
Michigan University coed
Karen ,Beineman, when the
suspect told district court he
lacked funds and asked for a
court-appointed lawyer.
Collins was to have faced a pre-
liminary examination yesterday.
However, after Deake read the
murder charge against the de-:
fendant and asked if the prosecu-
tion and defense were ready to
proceed, Collins' lawyer, John M
Toomey,. asked permission to ad--{
dress the court.
Toomey said Loretta Collins, thef
suspect's mother, requested a;-.- .
court-appointed attorneybecause
~she lacked the financial resources
to continue retaining a lawyer.
Mrs. Collins had originally re-
tained Toomey and his partner NEWS REPORTERS mill around the Ypsilanti
Robert Francis, but the two at- Collins, a student at Eastern Michigan Universi
torneys said additional funds charged last Friday with murder in the sla
ated Press would be needed if they have to csi
Natedores conduct ballistic and blood tests E
Norman different fromthose made by po- SENATE ACTION NEXT:
t Court- lice officials. N_._
According to Toomey. Collins'
S -- had told him he would do "what-
, ever his mother suggested" con- L
ceringattorneys. Collins later ~f ~ l
erin~g 'ar'~''s""3n= Hu epas.
said in court that he wanted
Toomey .and Francis to withdraw,
from his case. 9
(1 The Collins' family lawyer, Hale{
Saph III, also addressed Deake xrl e
concerning the court-appointment
Sof lawyer.
S pock",cas~e
WASHINGTON (MP - The government yesterday aban-
doned its case against Dr. Benjamin Spock. It yielded without
appeal to a circuit court's reversal of the famed pediatrician's
conviction on a charge of conspiring to persuade young men
to avoid the draft.
At the same time, the Justice Department asked - and
was later granted - more time to study whether to seek a
Supreme Court review in the, cases of two Spock codefendants.
The decision not to puruse the Spock case was disclosed
after Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold filed a petition ask-
ing another month to review the reversal granted July 11 by
the U.S. 1st Circuit Court in Boston.
Griswold's motion pointedly sought an extension only for
the cases of the Rev. William- - _-------
-Associated Press
I District Courthouse yesterday where John Norman
ty, was taken for a preliminary examination. He was
Ping of Karen Sue Beineman.
FRATERNITY BROTHERS of accused murderer John'
Collins gather on the lawn in front of the Ypsilanti Distric
house yesterday.
Feldkamp di scios
dorm surplus dro
John Feldkamp, director of University housing,
yesterday that this year's General Student Residence
contains funds under the minimur amount recor
by the University. The disclosure wa.s made at a m
the Student Advisory Committee on Housing.
The reserve is a holding account created from p
the residence hall system. It is used to refurbish do:
and to defray costs on new projects instituted by the
office, said Edward Salowitz, associate housing direc
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, the f
ses massive
pa ckage
eeting of
profits of
fund had
"Because of this lack of funds V
we feel the financial resources of yest
Washtenaw County should be en- pron
listed for a court-appointed coun- at I
sel," said Saph. the
Deake then proceeded to ques-' A
tion Collins from a written form' mea
about his financial status. He new
asked Collins about his possession visi
of stocks or bonds, bank accounts naI
and a motor vehicle, this
Collins replied negatively to A
each question except the one con- wou
cerning the motor vehicle. "I have char
a motorcycle," the defendant said, the
Once Collins signed court papers F
requesting an appointed lawyer, taxp
Toomey informed the court that 11971
See COLLINS, Page 3 rin
WASHINGTON iPi-The House, A special low-income allowance for business spending on equip-
,erday passed a massive tax bill would remove t w o million poor ment repealed; dozens of tax ben-
mising ultimately tax cuts of families from the tax rolls and efits trimmed and an .o v e r-all
east five per cent for all but extend its benefits well above the
upper income brackets. actual poverty line. The standard minimum income t a x would be
394-30 vote sent the bulky deduction also would increase, imposed with the intention of
sure to the Senate, where re- helping millions who do not have guaranteeing that no high-in-
ed battles over its major pro- enough special deductions to item- come recipient could use any re-
ons are' expected to delay fi- ize. maining shelters to avoid taxa-
enactment at least until late Other provisions would grant tion completely.
year. additional relief to widows, wid- Proponents called the measure
major disputed provision owers and single persons over 35.; the most sweeping revision of the
ild extend the income tax sur- The relief would be only partly tax laws since the income tax was
rge-at five per cent-through offset by the provisions aimed at voted in 1913. Some critics, how-
first six months of 1970. wealthy individuals and corpora- ever, said it does not go far enough
or. the bulk of middle-income ' tions using tax shelters. - - while others asserted it is pun-
)ayers, relief would come in The oil depletion allowance itive.
and 1972 through reductions would be cut from 27.5 per cent to Tables compiled by the House
ates. 20 per cent; the investment credit Ways and Means Committee gave
among examples of the bill's ef-
Sloane Coffin, Yale University
chaplain, and author Mitchell
Goodman, two codefendants
in the case.
Asked why no mention was
made of Spock and Michael Per-
ber, a Harvard University grad-
uate student convicted on the
same charge, a Justice Depart-
ment spokesman said officials had
decided not to appeal . in these
The appellate court directed ac-
quittal verdicts for Ferber and
Spock and ordered new trials for
Coffin' and Goodman.
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger
granted Griswolduntil Sept. 9 to
file petitions seeking a review of
the appellate court decision as it
pertained to Coffin and Goodman.
Spock, sailing off the east coast,
could not be reached immediately
for ;comment.
But Ferber, in a telephone inter-
view in Boston, responded with
only partial enthusiasm.
"It's been going on so long now
and changing so many times that
I don't feel that strongly one way
or the other any more," he said.
"I guess I really won't be pleas-
ed until we're all found innocent,"
he added.
The four men were convicted
June 14, 1968, of conspiring to
counsel young men to violate Se-
lective Service rules. Five had been,
indicted on the charge Jan. 5,
1968, but one defendant, Marcus
Raskin of Washington, was ac-
quitted by the trial jury.
The appeals court held there
was insufficient evidence that
Spock and Ferber intended to use
illegal means or adhere to illegal
aspects of an antiwar, antidraft
It ruled that Coffin and Good-
man were not entitled to acquit-
tals but were entitled to new trials
because their rights had been pre-
judiced when U.S. District Court
Judge Francis J. W. Ford told
their jury to answer 10 specific
questions in addition to returning
The Circuit Court's ruling was
written by Chief Judge Bailey
Aldrich and concurred in by Judge
Edward M. McEntee.
Each of the four had been sen-
tenced to two years in prison, and
Spock, Coffin and Goodman also
were fined $5,000 each. Ferber
was fined $1,000.
Nixon to
speak on
weif are
WASHINGTON (41) -President
Nixon will announce a new $4 bil-
lion program designed to provide
an income floor for needy Amer-
icans and to require the able-
bodied to be available for work,
the Washington Post said in to-
day's edition.
Nixon is to address the nation
by radio and television at 10 p.m.
ED today on his welfare pro-
Education school Dean Wilbur
Cohen is scheduled to be on an
NBC reaction panel following the
president's speech.
The Post said the new plan to
replace the present system of pub-
lic welfare provides the first fed-
eral payments to the working poor
-families with a man in the house
whose income is below poverty
The aid to dependent children
would be abolished, it said, ani
the present food stamp program
virtually Junked.
Other provisions in the proposed
program, according to the Post,
-A federal minimum floor for
welfare recipients in every state
-about $1,600 a year for a family
of four.
-Every head of a household re-
ceiving the federal payments
would be considered an applicant
for training and employment and
would lose hiĀ§ benefits by reject-
ing such offers unless he were
physically or mentally unfit.
-Mothers who head households
would not be required to accept
training or employment if they
have to care for preschool chil-
dren, but a major new system of
day care centers would be provided
to encourage them to do so.
Following his speech, the Presi-
dent is scheduled to leave for Cali-
fornia tomorrow to spend more
than a month working and relax-
ing at his San Clemente home.
only $290,286,far below the
Credit union
elecats board
The newly-formed S t u d e n t'
Credit Union yesterday announced
it will begin accepting applica-
tions for loans Sept. 15.
Any student, member of a stu-
dent family or special adviser who!
pays the $5 entrance fee will be
able to obtain low interest loans
and maintain savings accounts
with dividends returns.
At a meeting last night the
nine-man board of directors elect-
ed Gene Smith, president; J. Miv-
hael Senger, vice president; Tom
Brown, secretary and Marelen
Duffey, secretary.
Other board members include
William Bachmann, Mary Farrell,
Neil Hollenshead, Patrick Murphy:
and Jane Moore.
$500,000 limit the University
recommends as the minimum
amount for the fund.
Feldkamp explained that at the
beginning of last year the fund
held $1,754,678. However, he said
substantial expenses were incurred
on maintenance 'and improvement
projects on North Campus, Mosh-
er-Jordan Hall, in the Residential
College and in the food service.
In addition nearly $97,000 was.
spent to defray debts in South
Quad, Markley Hall and Oxford
Co-op. This was necessary, Feld-
kamp said, because these halls did
not operate at full capacity. last
For the fiscal year which began
June 30, 1969, the reserve 'hasf
However, a fire alarm system is'
being installed within the housing
system which will deduct $100,000
or more from the fund. If meat
portions are increased, another
$32,000 will be deducted.-
Salowitz said another $500,000
will be added to the reserve if on-
See REVEAL, Page 3
Senate affirms stand on ABM
by defeating more amendments
fect, if it were enacted and fully
in operation:
A family of four with income of
$3,500, now paying $70 tax, would'
pay none; a similar family at the
$7,500 level would pay $576 in-
stead of $687; at the $15,000 lev-
el $1,846 instead of $2,082.
! WASHINGTON P-The Sen- computers at the two initial Safe- Fulbright cited a July 18 letter While the rate cuts would go
, ate cemented its approval of the l guard sites in North Dakota and he received from the office of the all the way up the scale, the com-
Safeguard missile defense system Montana but to withhold authority Comptroller General, saying that mittee estimated that elimination
yesterday, but Democratic Leader j for deployment of its missiles. on May 12 the Army gave the or reduction of privileges would
Mike Mansfield expressed hope Mansfield, noting statements Bureau of Public Roads approval increase over-all taxes for those
President Nixon will delay deploy- by President Nixon that he "would "to program preliminary access with incomes of $100,000 or more.
ment to spur arms control talks 'be guided by events as to whether roads" near the Safeguard site in; Widows, widowers and mature
with the Soviet Union. or not he would deploy the ABM," North Dakota. single persons, given treatment
The decision to deploy the Safe- told reporters he wouldn't be sur- The letter adds that the Fed- like that now afforded heads of
guard system, made in two tight prised if Nixon decides to hold off eral Highway Administration in households, would have substan-,
votes Wednesday, was hardened as deployment for a while. turn authorized North Dakota's
both proponents and opponents of "I am encouraged by his state- highway department to spendti
the ABM teamed to defeat an ments," Mansfield said. $75,000 "for preliminary engin- Such persons with $1,700 in-
amendment by Sen. Thomas J.' But Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D- eering related to accommodate come would pay no tax; at $3,000
McIntyre (D.-N.H.). Ark.) said "They're already de- construction traffic and future they would p a y $75 instead of
The vote was 70 to 27 against ploying." He said preparations are operational traffic" but that no $329; at $7,000 $975 instead of $1,-
the proposal to approve deploy- Iunder way to build access roads construction is planned before 168 and at $16,000 $2,532 instead
ment of the ABM's radars and ' at the first two ABM sites. spring 1970. of $3,154.
SGC discount store
joins Union
Expansion is a sign of success,
they say. And so it is. with the
Student Government Council
Discount Store.
After seven months in a two-
room set up on the first floor
of the Student Activities Bldg.,"
the store will reopen Aug. 25 on,
the second floor north lounge
of the Union.
"Everybody knows where the
Union is," says store manager
Dennis Webster, "but not every-
body knows about the SAB.
We're a lot more accessible here
and we'll have office and stor-
age space, as well," he adds.
SGC received regental ap-
proval for the store in November.
But because there was "a good
deal of pessimism" about the
success of the store, the Regents
store's success as a non-profit
project> since it fell about $900
short of meeting operating cost.
Most of the loss came on a four
week experiment of staying open
Sundays and week-nights.
Nobody came.
Although the store has done
only $3000 business monthly in
May and June, compared to
$7500 per month during the reg-
ular term, its sedate business
hours-12 p.m.-5 p.m. every-
day except Sunday-have al-
lowed it to come within $20 of
breaking even.
Webster hopes that a promo-
tion campaign centered on the
store's new and better known
location will attract the fall
rush in full measure. This may
boost the average 15 per cent
sales' discount to 20 per cent,
and pay off SOC's funding out-
The McIntyre amendment mark-
ed the final effort to limit the
ABM in the current debate.
Many of the most outspoken
ABM critics, including Sens. Mans-
field, John Sherman Cooper (R-
SKy), and Philip A. Hart (D-Mich)
opposed it on grounds it would put
them in the position of approving
a partial deployment on the Safe-
guard system.
McIntyre, who had pushed, his
proposal for weeks as a "com-
promise" but never elicited en-
thusiasm from either side, said a
heavy vote for his proposal would
strengthen- President Nixon's hand
in arms talks.
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC),
opposing the amendment, said it
"would cast a cloud of ambiguity
over the entire Safeguard devel-
With the ABM issue disposed
of-at least until the defense ap-
propriations bill is considered later
this year-the Senate turned to
the rest of the $20 billion military
procurement authorization bill.
But Mansfield was unsuccessful
in trying to hold a Saturday ses-
sion in an effort to complete the
bill before the Senate starts its