See Editorial Page
S ir C
Chance of rain tonight, but
the rest is sweetness and light
Vol. LXXIX, No. 59-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 6, 1969 Ten Cents
Six Pages
House passes
B proposal
By The Associated Press
In an unexpected move yesterday, the House voted ap-
proval of a $2.5 million deployment fund for the Safeguard
antimissile system.
The money was included in a $1.55 billion military con-
struction authorization bill, assertedly by mistake.
The House decided by a resounding voice vote to leave
the section with the ABM funds in the bill. The Pentagon
said Monday the $2.5 million item was included in the House
measure some time ago on the assumption Safeguard deploy-
ment would have been approved by now.
Although the House has passed the measure, the ABM
proposal must face the Senate. Voting in the almost evenly
t--- "balanced chamber is sched-
A 1 uled to start today.
as dri
An aquaintance of John Col-
lins, accused murder of East-
ern Michigan University coed
Karen Beineman, has idienti-
fied Collins as the driver of
the car which may have
picked up EMU coed Joan
Schell, when she was last seen
alive June 30, 1968.
to accept
econ post
Gardner Ackley, who has been
serving as U.S. ambassador to
Italy, is returning to the Univer-
sity to ,accept a Distinguished Uni-
versity Professorship.
The former chairman of the
President's Council of Economic
Advisers will fill the newly estab-
lished Henry Carter Adams Uni-
versity Professorship of Political
"We are very happy that Profes-
sor Ackley has decided to resume
his active association with the
University," University president
Robben Fleming said.
Ackley was chairman of the
University's Department of Econ-
omics in 1962, when he asked for
a leave of absence to accept Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's offer to
become a member of the Council
of Economic Advisers.
President Lyndon B. Johnson
named him chairman of the Cotn-
cil in 1964. In January of 1968,
Ackley was nominated to be am-
bassador to Italy.
The University's Economics De-
partment suggested the Distin-
guished University Professorship in
the name of Henry Carter Adams,
who taught economics here from
1881 until 1921. The faculty also
proposed Ackley for the chair. The
professorship and the appointment
were informally approved by the
Regents earlier this year.
"Ackley's career to date," said
urrent department chairman
Prof. Harvey E. Brazer, "provides
ample evidence of his tremendous
capacities as outstanding scholar,
teacher, and public servant. Clear-
ly he is distinguished, as was
Adams, in all three areas of en-
Ackley, who earned his master's
degre and Ph.D. -from Michigan
after undergraduate years at West-
ern Michigan University, was born
in Indianapolis. He joined the
University faculty in 1940, served
with the Office of Price Admin-
istration during World War II, re-
turning to the University in 1946.
During the Korean War he was
V assistant director of the Office of
Price Stabilization. He was named
chairman of the economics depart-
ment in 1955. Ackley is author of
the widely-used "Macroeconomic
Theory," published in 1961.
Supporters of the ABM said they-Collins was also positively iden-
delyen n t cqiiin i t3Oi Cu63in rfie b thnceAeUc, nny
would win 51 to 49, while oppo- Ltied b an y h lre cht 1nsda
nents claimed 50 votes, one shortmsr friend of Roxie Phillips who dis-
of the necessary majority, with asperre a da te cllin
to etorstl mu ommtted Albrecht in Salinas, Calif., accord-
- - --------- - ----- -----ing to California officials.
The initial test will come on an Phillips disappeared June 30
amendment by Sens. John S aher- andwas found dead in a gully
man Cooper (R-Ky), and Philip:--Associated Press near Carmel, Calif. on July 13.
A. Hart (D-Mich, to bar ABMS ichell was last seen hitch hiking
deployment and site acquisitionn front of the EMU McKenny
but to permit a continuation ofuanUnion. A car with approximately
research. dtree young men stopped and one
Int hoevteattleadw ikAnrbr con-Cif ale
oiuhwvr h ate willon (at right) records the picture as number 17, officials says it is really picture 16. time.oftemnithcaid-
tined wit bontide n anyindthca e
to retrieve much, of what could r s-yd, iein ins a the ersond
te losa y by aone or two -s cEE drS STATE APPROVAL:k claimed the suspect said he would
vot magin __________________________________drop Schell off after his two Pi
Many regard today's vote as 'd friends left. The acquaintance, -
primarily of symbolic importance, T . )woe aehsnt1enrlae
demonstrating congressional desire t h m h t p u sh e s f or by police, said there had been an
to curb Pentagon spending and\tRTe a rn msh s-younderstanding that Collins was
reorder national priorities to meetss going to pick up Schell later that
domestic needs. . day.
In fact, Democratic Leader Mikeea st ini hs. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Mansfield of Montana, an ABM ' s D ns- dr dKrasnywh said last night that the
oponent, said a narrow adminis-msmsgxnperson wo ietie Collins has 1
traton ictry ouldrealy e anot yet positively identified Schell. J
triumph for his side. By M1. ABRAHAM HIRSCHIMAN mitted that jurisdiction in this from legislators has been affirma- >Ibleei sa aeo wel
"If e lse y oe ortwovots,"I ~ . ~ . reawasnot lealy efied, he!tiv.~'beginning to spin' and the person
Thfe losebynorwovoes"rVice President no State Rela- wrhwasno t inedtth Bad fE aiRssd o knows he was in a car with
Mansfield told reporters, "we will tions and Planning Arthur Ross vice presidentsaid there was! Although Ross said he does not Collins and picked up a girl now
win in the long run. will meet later this month with general agreement that, in this expect too much trouble in the believes the girl might have been de
terda as losin speches ere oss nted esteray tat se , oappoatwudty einecessaryn handgedoyver rma twophonafur- pks frtepliecmad
It will indicate the depth of the State Board of Education to cae Coval would e che roatoo anfourgSchell," said Krasny.
feeling here, and it will indicate discuss plans for expanding the The Dearborn campus is cur- year college, he noted that the However, the youth has report-de
that the Senate intends to look University's Dearborn campus into rently one of the only institutions question of independence from the edly been afraid to talk to police Wo
very closely at the requests of a four-year institution in the country which offers "up- University was more volatile. about the incident which happened
the Department of Defense," he A special Dearborn study co per-division instrction"u - a h- In addition to discussing under- 13 months ago. The person s1- Con
ade. ite eomede hi p i' or-senior level curriculumdut epasonpln with h etdt be the witness refused
ade.mte eomne hssrn limited graduate school program. altd
The two senators who are be- that freshmen and sophomores be Rswaopistc uthe Board of Education, Ross said to speak to reporteis yesterday.
lieved to hold the key, Republican admitted for the first time in fall chances for obtaining approval oftp aearaybe ae o rsysi h a a o na
John J. Williams of Delaware and 1970 as a key step toward inde- the plan for expanding Dearborn. begin extending present graduate protective custody but that an of-
Democrat Clinton P. Anderson of pendence of the campus from the "There is widespread acknowl- prothis ew Deon we asdeinccordseing onCutis Sndtfimd
New Mexico, remained silent yes- University. edgement of the need for educa-thsnwdvlpetasbig AcrngoCuisSdfl,
terday as closing speeches were Ross noted yesterday that the tional opportunity in western handled by Dean Stephen SpurrI spokesman for the police command
delivered under limitations that State Board of Education "must,! Wayne County," he said, of the graduate school, center in charge of the area mnur-
divided the time equally between approve major changes in aca- In addition, the vice president In addition to expansion of un-des.plcatheenrdino
the two sides,. demic programs." While he ad-; noted that "the general reaction dergraduate and graduate pro- caenguasconetionletwdee n-o-
- --- ---- - -grams, the Dearborn study com-n- _.._
John Colliis Andrew Manuel
Caucus proposes
Radical Caucus voted last night to form a Radical Stu-
nts Union comprised of Radical Caucus, Resistance, Stu-
nts for a Democratic Society, Independent Socialist Club,
omen's Liberation, and the Tenants Union.
The group also initiated efforts to form what could be-
me a new national student radical organization as an
ternative to SDS. A letter will be sent out to other radicals
.und the country with similar polifics and explaining the
-- - ------Radical Caucus position.
The Radical Students' Union
(RSU) would ideally "attempt to
solidify the left and enable co-
hesive action on various issues"
. r; r,- the proposal states. Currently
In weita e
House. unit extends tax relief
mittee made these chief recom-
mendations as part of a five-year
plan in preparation for inde-
to low, mid
WASHINGTON () - The tax
reform bill was sweetened yester-
day-the eve of House debate-
with an additional $2.4 billion of
tax relief, mostly for low and
middle income taxpayers.
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee acted unanimously after crit-
ics, led by the moderate-liberal
Democratic Study Group (DSG)
complained the bill skipped some
three or four million taxpayers in
its relief provisions and did not
fulfill its promise of at least five
per cent tax reduction for all but
the rich.,
-A new name should be chosen
le incomebrackets for the campus to "connote the
autonomy of the campus and fa-
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D- married couple filing jointly, in dependent status;'"
Ark), however, said the change taxable income-after exemptions -The chief executive officer of
merely carries out the committee's and deductions. I the campus should carry a title
original intention. The tax tables ' other than dean-perhaps provost
as first drafted, he said, indicated committee has now decided or chancellor-and report to the
there had been "misunderstand- on aoes perthe poktcut ipresident and other executive of-
9nw "" twppnth e p n the rates for these brackets to ficers:
lins and the Schell murder.
Capt. Dan Myre, head of the
state police detective division said
yesterday, "We don't have Collins
definitely tied in with any of the
other killings. There are no facts
to indicate a connection between
the Salinas killing and the killings
in Michigan."
Although Krasny said Califor-
nian officials will have to conduct
their own investigation which has
no bearing on the case that Mich-
igan authorities allegedly have
against Collins, evidence indicates
that Collins is a "fair suspect" in
the slaying of Phillips in Salinas.
Capt. Darol Smith of the Mon-
tery, Calif. County Sheriff's office
said yesterday officials there have
established that Collins was in
Salinas the day before the disap-
pearance of Phillips.
Albrecht told California officials
that she had been stopped on the
See COLLINS, Page 3
The Washtenaw County Social
Services Board will meet this
morning with the ,County Board
of Supervisors Health, Education
and Welfare Committee to see
how much money might be avail-
able for school clothing allow-
Monday the board meets with
the Welfare Rights Organization
which represents about 200 ADC
mothers, for further negotiations
about the mothers' requests.
The mothers have-asked that
each mother be allowed to decide
how much money her children
need for clothing. In addition they
have requested clothing allow-
ances for children from birth to
age 21 who have to leave home
daily; clothing allowances for
m o t h e r s attending vocational
training schools or working; and
enough money to buy two or three
changes of clothing for each child.
there has been no action taken by
the other five groups to form a
The motion states that the RSU
may sometime in the future dis-
pel the need for individual groups.
However, the proposal adds "this
is not immediately forthcoming"
and recognizes the need for Indi-
vidual groups to go on function-
The proposal also states that
the RSU should be "a continually
functioning mass organization ...
with open meetings . . . and de-
cision making power."
A similar proposal defeated In
favor of the Radical Students
Union suggested there be only a
coordinating committee between
the leftist organizations on cam-
pus to increase communication be-
tween them.
According to Bruce Levine, this
would merely "centralize power"
and could not attract independent
leftists who are not presently if-
See CAUCUS, Page 3
the staff Aof the 'Trery.v"
The committee's original taxj
rate revision did not include any
rate cuts for the lowest five in-
come brackets, counting on other
special low income provisions to
provide relief there.
These brackets run up to $4,000I
for a single person, $8,000 for a,
go into effect in two stages in!
1971 and 1972.
The reduction will affect not
only persons whose entire income
is in those brackets but everyone
with higher income, reducing the I
levy on the first $4,000 or $8,000 '
income taxed.
The committee also provided an
extra one percentage point cut fort
the two brackets covering taxable
incomes from $10,000 to $12,000;
for a single person, $20,000 to
$24,000 for a couple.
The additional $2.4 billion tax
relief. raises the bill's ultimate
total in tax cuts, by 1979, to $9.2
billion, no longer completely bal-
anced by revenue-raising changes,
which amount only to $6.8 billion.
The tax writers' quick revisionj
came midway during a hearing byI
the House Rules Committee on
procedures for handling the bill
today and tomorrow on the House
floor. A vote is expected tomorrow.
Mills asked for the closed rule
customary on tax measures, bair-
ring amendments except those
proposed by the Ways and Means
Committee itself.
Members of the DSG, however,j
pressed for a modified rule that'
would have allowed them to offer
amendments on the rate scale and
also to delete from the bill its pro-
vision continuing the income sur-
charge at five per cent from Jan. 1
through July 31, 1970.
Congress already has extended
the surtax at 10 per cent through
-The Dearborn campus should
be advised by a citizen's commit-
tee appointed by the Regents and
broadly representative of the
metropolitan area:
-A capital building program,
including a new library building,
student activities facilities and
addtional campus housing should
be undertaken.
Reforms spice up dorn
Sweeping recommendations for
improving dormitory food serv-
ice will be at least partially in
effect by September, Assistant
Director of University Housing
Edward Salowitz said yesterday.
The report, done by a team
of experts who visited each dorm
on campus, found that the food
service system suffers from over-
institutionalization and inef-
ficiency and criticized the food
service staff for treating stu-
dents as a captive audience
rather than guests.
Salowitz and Housing Director
John Feldkamp said some of the
recommendations have been act-
ed on already and others are
being studied. The report by the
firm of Laventhol. Krekstein,
hall ordering an end to the prac-
tice of dishing up food before
serving it. Several dormitories
will have heat lamps in the fall
for the hot foods sections of
serving lines, he said. The report
had recommended installing the
All dormitory directors have
been instructed to organize staff
food committees which will act
as liaisons between kitchen super-
visers and students.
Salowitz said food service
managers are being encouraged
to be in frequent contact with
students during meal hours to
get direct student reaction to
the meals. Suggestion boxes
presently are being placed in
each dormitory.
The report stated that the crux
nf the nrnhlemn nf the food serv-
The report had recommended
that the staff become "service
oriented" and drop their "ex-
cessively institutional outlook."
Salowitz said several basic
student complaints are currently
being dealt with. To eliminate
overcooked meat, for example,
kitchen staff will be more in-
tensively trained and new meat
thermometers will be used.
Vegetables will be cooked in
smaller quantities for better
As - the report suggested,
starchy foods have been more
evenly distributed in the newly
revised menu. Staff training and
improved "guidance" f r o m
supervisory staff will help elim-
inate greasy foods.
Labor costs will be reduced
Next semester Salowitz said
one dormitory will be used to
experimentally introduce these
foods-a few at a time-to both
students and staff. A permanent
product evaluation committee is
being formed as part of this
The creation of a baking
facility at Markley to serve all
dormitories on the hill is pres-
ently under consideration, Salo-
witz said.
Also under consideration is a
plan to merge the food produc-
tion units of Newberry and Bar-
bour Houses and Lloyd and
Couzens Halls. However, Salo-
witz indicated that currently the
housing office does not have the
necessary funds to begin the
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