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August 05, 1969 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1969-08-05

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second front page




NEWS PHONE: 764.0552

Tuesday, August 5, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

House ct
WASHINGTON (R) - Drafters of
the tax-reform bill say more changes
are on the way -- especially involving
inheritance - even though t h e
changes they already have written are
probably the most sweeping ever.
The House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, in its report on the 168-page
bill, said it is going back over the field
of estate and gift taxes and expects to
send more legislation to the House by
next year.
Additional income tax problems also
are due for more analysis and study,
the report said.
The question whether capital gains
should continue to be tax-free when
passed on by inheritance is believed
high on t h e committee's continuing

The report does not promise fur-
ther tax-relief - but it does note that
its revenue calculations do not take
into account the normal increase in
revenues from growth of the economy
- a figure that could run about $10
billion a year in succeeding years.
The report says that applying the
changes made in the bill to current
economic figures indicate that in 1970
revenue increases would be $4.1 bil-
lion, offset only partially by tax-relief
provisions amounting to $1.7 billion.
This would maintain fiscal restraint,
the report says - a main element in
the government's fight against infla-
By 1979, the drafters estimate, rev-
enue pickups and tax relief will be ap-
proximately in balance at about $6.8

promises more tax reforms

By 1972, the report says, an average
family of four with income of $3,500
would be relieved of all tax. At $4,000
the tax reduction would be 50 per cent,
at $7,500 10.3 per cent, at $10,000 8.5
per cent, at $15,000 6.6 per cent, at
$20,000 3.5 per cent.
Single persons 35 or older, widows
and widowers would receive greater
proportional reductions.
The committee says it tried to tail-
or the bill "in such a way that all in-
come classes below $100,000 received a
tax reduction of at least 5 per cent of
present tax without regard to the ex-
piration of the 10 per cent surcharge.
T h e report terms the measure "a
substantive and comprehensive reform
of the income tax laws" and a d d s
"your committee is not aware of any

prior tax reform bill of equal substan-
tive scope."
In a letter to Rep. Wilbur D. Mills
(D-Ark.), the committee chairman,
Secretary of the Treasury David M.
Kennedy endorsed the legislation, say-
"We believe that the bill is a mile-
stone in tax legislation and will be
long remembered as a major advance
in achieving an equitable tax struc-
"While, of course, we have s o m e
reservations about some of the pro-
visions in the bill and would plan to
make some suggestions for revisions in
theprogress of the bill in the Senate,
we sincerely believe that, in general,
the bill represents a major step for-
ward in tax legislation and urge its

prompt passage by the House of Rep-
However, seven of the 25 members
of the committee appended individual
views criticizing some provisions or the
method of handling the bill.
R e p. Charles A. Vanik (D-Ohio),
called on other Democrats to help him
open the bill for amendments so that
the extension of the surtax from Jan.
1 through June 30, 1970, at 5 per cent
could be voted on separately. Vanik
opposed the extension.
Vanik complained also too m u c h
rate reduction was applied at the up-
per end of the income scale.
Rep. Sam W. Gibbons (D-Fla.),
termed the measure "only a very lim-
ited tax reform."

' '!



City Council looking closely
at pornography in Ann Arbor

N.wswee Kathleen Carroll, N.Y. Daily News

(Continued from Page 1)
Times. "No matter what kind of
legislation we pass, there will still
be a gray area between what is
permissible and what is not."
That gray area, says attorney
Lax, is what would permit two
different juries to come out with
two opposite decisions in an ob-
scenity trial.
Some politicians feel that new
ordinances will not only fail to
clarify legal problems, but create
new dangers in themselves. Coun-
cilman LeRoy Cappaert (D-Fifth
Ward), who has extensive exper-
ience working as a principal with
children in elementary schools,
says "although distribution of
such material to minors creates
some problems," don't think any
additional legislation is needed.
"The obscenity issue is tied to
general dissatisfaction with the

quality of law enforcement," he
argues, "and people want harsher
law enforcement.
"There's enough repression in
general being sought these days-
and I'm wary of adding any fur-
ther dimension to it," says Cap-
paert. I
Advocates of stronger laws, like
Stephenson, deny their efforts to
crackdown on the Argus and Pan-
ther papers are politically moti-
vated. Roy Weber (R-Fourth
Ward), however, adds that "these
papers use terms and obscenity as
a means of getting people to read
things for their own political pur-
poses. Most kids wouldn't read it
if it weren't for the obscenity."
And using "distasteful words for
political purposes." Lax points out,
is a right explicitly protected by
the Constitution's First Amend-
Law enforcement officials,
meanwhile, have tried to restrict
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. subscrip-
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by

the sales of obscene materials to
minors using statutes which al-
ready exist.
White Panthers Skip Taube and
Pun Palamondon were arrested
in March for distributing "ob-
scene, lenxd, lascivious" literature
to minors-a White Panther leaf-
let. Taube and Palamondon have
posted bond and await trial in cir-
cuit court.
Chief of Police Walter Krasny,
however, says the laws could be
better. "We should have laws that
are clear enough so we know
whether or not we'll get support
from the city when we prosecute,"
,says Krasny.
Now, according to the police
chief, only "a very few" obsceni-
ties cases make their way into
court-mostly via the county pros-
ecutor. "I'd like to see the city
take a case into court," declares
If the public and some council-
men keep pressing for action, it
looks like the city may put some
new laws on the books after all-
and local underground papers may
get into 'some legal squabbles.
But at least one city official is
sorry the whole campaign started.
"If I were speaking to citizen
groups," he says, "I would tell
them they have more important
things to worry about in the world
than obscenity."




the M~c

"**'"-New York
"A Gera" Washington
"A Smash"-Chicago

Ar F 9&

Police hunt
for friend
of suspect
(Continued from Page 1)
lins but that he expected to hear
from the detectives soon.
Police are also investigating
some murders in Ontario, which
"may involve some of the people
under suspicion here."
However, local police officials
are highly skeptical of a connec-
tion. "There's not much stock in
the Canadian cases," said Krasny.
Police also are checking Col-
lins' belongings to see if he has a
.22 caliber gun. A .22 caliber cart-
ridge casting has been found.
EMU student Frank Boynton, a
former fraternity brother of Col-
lins, told police he had seen Col-
lins use a .22 caliber gun when
several friends were skeet shooting
in the LeForge Road area. Boyn-
ton said they were near the aban-
doned farm where Dawn Basom
was murdered last April 16.
University law student Jane
Mixer and sociology graduate stu-
dent Alice Kalom were killed by
.22 caliber bullets fired into their
. : : o" "f,'"s.'":e ..i vi
(Continued from Page 2)
Mehr Technical University, Teheran,
Iran. Aug. 6-10.
Doctoral Exams
Norman Wayne Edwards, Civil En-
gineering, Dissertation: "A Procedure
for the Dynami'Analysis of Thin Wall-
ed Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks
Subjected to Lateral Ground Motions,"
on Tuesday, August 5 at 10:30 a.m in
300 VWest 'Engineering Building, C-
Chairman: R. D. Hanson an d L. .
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Peace Corps Test given Aug. 16, at
downtown branch of Post Office, Main
at Catherine Streets at 1 p.m. Test is
to help determine in what capacity you
may serve. Pie k up applications at
Placement Services and complete, take
to test center.
Current Position Openings Received
by General Division, please call 764-7460
for further information.
To the b e Bt of our knowledge all
companies listed by us are equal op-
portunity employers, however almost
without exception companies stress the
desire to consider minority group can-
didates. We therefore encourage all of
the student body, and others reading
this column, to seek rnore information
on these employers and explore oppor-
tunities listed with Placement Services:
State of Texas: Data Processing per-
sonnel. Sanitation Inspector.
Harvard University Personnel - New
graduates: Research Assts, degrees in
biol., chem., biochem. Receptionists and
secretaries. Staff asst in counseling of-
fice. Experienced personnel: Exec. Sec-
retaries, Law School, German Research,
and Urban Law areas. Research asst.,
biochem bckrnd. Programmers.
Richard Shoemaker Enterprises offers
part time college representative oppor-
tunity for student next fail, and full
time in summer if desired.


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Beautiful Movie in

-New Yorker
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news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
THE HOUSE PASSED a six-month extension of the income
tax surcharge yesterday and sent it to President Nixon. The roll
call vote was 237 to 178.
The compromise measunre was passed in the Senate last week.
The House had passed a twelve-month extension - what the Presi-
dent asked - but the Senate passed only the six-month continuation.
The additional extension through June 30 which Nixon wants is
tied to a tax reform measure the House will begin debate on Wed-
* * *
.PRESIDENT NIXON yesterday briefed 22 top congressional
leaders of both parties on his around-the-world tour.
White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nixon told the
congressmen that although the United States intends to remain a
power in the Pacific, the Asian nations must be more self-reliant in
defense measures. The United States would consider intervention only
in cases of external aggression, Nixon added.
Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said Nixon em-
phasied that this represents an important shift in American policy.
Mansfield said Nixon indicated an announcement of a new troop
withdrawal would come in August, but that actual movement of troops
would probably come later.
Ziegler added that Nixon said the United States would not sup-
ply ground troops to Thailand and this position had been accepted by
Thai leaders.
In discussing his two days in Romania, Nixon was quoted as ex-
pressing hope for an increased cultural exchange with communist
Nixon's journey took him to Thailand, Vietnam, India, Pakistan,
Romania, and Great Britain.
* *
DISTRICT COURT JUDGE James Boyle apparently is re-
quired by law to grant a request for an inquest into Sen. Edward
Kennedy's July 18 auto accident, court sources said yesterday.
The inquest is being sought by District Attorney Edmund Dinis.
Boyle received formal notification of Dinis' request yesterday but said
only that he would comment "within a reasonable time."
Dinis mailed his request to Boyle last week but did not say why
he wanted the inquest.
Boyle presided while Kennedy pleaded guilty July 25 to a charge
of leaving the scene of the accident, in which Mary Jo Kopechne was
killed. Boyle gave the senator a suspended two-month jail sentence
and a year's probation.
Dinis is known to be investigating the possibility of asking that
Miss Kopechne's body be exhumed to permit an autopsy.
Meanwhile, Chief Justice Kenneth Nash of Massachusetts Dis-
trict Court declined to intervene as asked by Dinis in a separate letter
asking for an inquest into Miss Kopechne's death.
U.S. STEEL said yesterday it will back down on some of the
price increases it announced last week.
A spokesman for the nation's largest steel producer said price
cutbacks were caused by the failure of other steel makers to follow
U.S. Steel's lead. These cutbacks affect galvanized and aluminum
coated sheets and long terns, which accounted for over 5 per cent of
the industry's total shipments in 1968.
Price hikes on hot- and cold-rolled sheet and strip remain un-
changed and are scheduled to take effect tomorrow. These products
account for nearly half the industry's total shipments, and are used
in the auto and can industries.
Other steel producers have also raised prices on these items.
While U.S. Steel's original price increases drew no official re-
action from the White House, General Motor's Fisher Body Division
halted shipments of steel pending a study of the new rates.
* * .*
cial Socialist party support yesterday for an all-Christian Demo-
cratic minority government designed to end Italy's 30-day gov-
ernment crisis.
Francesco de Martino, secretary of the leftist Socialist party, said
his party's leadership had decided to take a "responsible attitude"
toward the stopgap government that would resign after a definite
term and permit Socialists to return in the Cabinet.
Italy's other major Socialist party, the more moderate Unitarian
Socialist party, announced its support of the minority Cabinet earlier
in the day.
MARINER 7 sent back the best look yet at one of Mars'
"canals," and then headed yesterday for a sweep past the planet's
south polar ice cap.
Mariner 7's 38th approach picture, taken Sunday when it was
716,250 miles from Mars, showed a dark streak 100 miles wide and
750 miles long about half-way between the equator and the South
Scientists identified it as the Canal Agathadaemon, which has
been photographed by ground telescopes but with much less detail.

Picture 38 also was the clearest yet of a large dark splotch, Solus
Lacus, known to astronomers as the "eye of Mars."


SAB Ticket Office, Discount Records and Hudsons



Another delightful APA revival of an American classi


Ghelderode's E-
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by the author of the APA hit "Pantagleize1

ArtShow-Paintingsandsculptures guitar, or writing poetry, or mold-
on trees, on grass, surrounded by, ing clay, stop by one of our work
the Hudson valley, will be dis- shops and see what you can give
played. Accomplished artists, and take.
"Ghetto" artists, and would-be art- Food-There will be cokes and hot-
ists will be glad to discuss their dogs and dozens of curious food
work, or the unspoiled splendor of a d ombsnatioso r
the surroundings, or anything else ment with
that might be on your mind. itf etwh
you're an artist, and you want to Hundreds of Acres to Roam on-
display, write for information. Walk around for three days without
seeing a skyscraper or a traffic
Crafts Bazaar-If you like creative light. Fly a kite, sun yourself. Cook
knickknacks and old junk you'll your own food and breathe un-
love roaming around our bazaar, spoiled air.
You'll see imaginative leather, ce- Msic strts at 4:00 P.M. on Fri-
ramic, bead, and silver creations, day, and at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday
as well as Zodiac Charts, camp d and nay-t':00 nfP.M. on trd-
clths, and worn out shoes. and pSund ay-tl rn f or 1 2 contin-
clotes, nd wrn ot shesuous hours, except for a few short
Work Shops-If you like playing breaks to allow the performers to
with beads, or improvising on a catch their breath.
Please Print
p Send me information on the WOODSTOCK MUSIC & ART FAIR .
1Send.me tickets for Fri., Aug. 15, at $7.00 each
Sendme -ticketsfor Sal., Aug. 16, at $7.00each,
Send m tckets for Sun., Aug. 17, at $7.00 each
Aan me 2 drt ickts or ri.A Sat.. Aug. 15,16,


DJirected by Jahn Houseman


C , . nh

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