Daily - hone
Sir 43au
Vol. LXXX, No. 1-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, MoV 7, 1969 FREE ISSUE
Detroit public schools lan joint pro
By SCOTT MIXER Bureau of School Services, school students by showing them The proposed education school itiate a revision and updating of established library system fres- result i
Many of the chronic problems Leach and Dr. William L. Cash, they can handle college-level program would allow education the library system of the Detroit ently operated in a traditional On th
faced by educators in cities will be assistant to Fleming for human work. At the same time they will students to take classes, live and public schools. Members believe manner. are Car
under study as the Detroit public relations, suggested the liaison, be receiving preparation for col- student teach in Detroit's inner the library should be a 'service for Secondly, new equipment and erintend
school system and the University They submitted their proposal to lege courses. city over a two-year period. providing instructional materials. organization must be introduced instruct
begin to move toward a produc- Fleming who in turn contacted Eleventh and twelfth graders " The University probably will This approach, Leach says, ex- into old buildings. Space and deputy
tive coalition of resources and Drachler. Detroit school adminis- would be eligible for the courses, form a team to study the exact pands the perspective of the structure limitations may impede adminis
personnel. trators were immediately niter- which would be similar to other academic location of the ninth capacity of the library beyond a some of the more sweeping Cutcheo
President Robben Fleming and ested in the formation of the p r o p o s e d college preparatory grader. There has been no pre- book-loaning service. "Instruc- changes, such as complete audio- for sta
D e tr o i t School Superintendent committee, Leach explains. courses now awaiting funding. vious in depth study, and the tionla materials implies a whole visual departments and equip- Sain, a
Norman Drachler each have Leach outlines five primary University officials hope the cur- committee hopes to define a ninth spectrum of new educational in- ment. Leach explains. tendent
named six representatives to 'a areas of initial concern for the rent Martin Luther King Memor- grade student as either a junior or novations, including microfilm. Committee members have also executiv
liaison committee to formulate committee. ial Fund campaign will support a senior high school student and audio departments, and visual discussed the possibility of con- On th
joint programs. The committee 0 The committee will be work- some of the effort. , set a precedent to be followed aids," he explains. centrating several innovative ed- versitya
which convenes monthly already ing toward establishing a precol- 0 The University Education elsewhere. The committee is faced with ucational practices in a particular ard L. C
has met twice. lege education program for disad- School may begin preparing ! Steps will be taken to tie two major problems in the Detroit Detroit school and the use of the urbans
Named as chief liaison person- vantaged high school students. teachers for specific assignments in University television program- school system's 245 libraries, University's Rackham Extension mann,
nel for the Detroit schools and The program may include some in Detroit schools. The committee ming with the five Detroit tele- Leach says. First, it must re- in Detroit for the pre-college pro- School
the University are Dr. Charles J. courses in Detroit schools taught may formulate a combined pro- vision stations to offer University educate librarians to appreciate gram. Lowther
Wolfe, executive deputy school by University faculty. gram with the Education School, lectures and classroom activities the potential of an expanded At the second committee meet- educatio
superintendent, nad Dr. Kent W. The program will be aimed at which is considering a new urban in Detroit schools, instructional materials service, ing an agenda was proposed for Shaw, a
Leach, director of the University e n c o u r a g i n g borderline high education program. 0 The committee hopes to in- which means an attack on a well- a June 5 meeting which should ary coll
Eight Pages
n some definite action.
te committee from Detroit
1 L. Byerly, associate sup-
ent for improvement of
ion; Julia M. McCarthy,
superintendent for school
tration; Aubrey V. Mc-
n, deputy superintendent
ff relations; Leonard F.
ssistant to the superin-
and Charles E. Stewart,
'e administrative assistant.
e committee from the Uni-
are William L. Cash; Rich-
"utler, special assistant for
affairs; Charles F. Leh-
assistant dean of the
of Education: Malcolm
, associate dean of the
an school, and James W.
.ssistant dean to the liter-
con inues
Students hold union,
o vacateoa building
special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE - After consultation with high university
officials the Purdue Union announced early this morning that
it will allow approximately 350 students to continue their six-
tdday sleep-in at the Union.
On Monday night 229 students were arrested for trespass-
ing in the Union, and the administration yesterday had
decided that the Union would be closed at 1 a.m.
However, the director of the Union, J. 'C. Smalley, an-
nounced that following consultdions with the president ofver
the university, Frederick Hovde, and the student body presi-
dent the Union would not beA
closed last night.
R ege ts Student speakers at the Union G<
called for a classroom boycott to {
dramatize the demand for amnesty
ET for students arrested Monday.
A% cl se /About 75 State troopers were
called to Purdue late yesterday
afternoon when over 8100h students
eno se h occupied the University sai
School0 istration building. Plaiiiclo thes 11
1As the troopers entered the -'
By ARTN HRSCmtA building around 7 p.m., however, ;REFERA FRO LSD~
ByMATN 3ISH1lEN most of the students were in the ILriiiL A
so* University School will begin. process of leaving and the 100 or
to cosenex mothfollowing so remaining voted to leave under
to cosenex moththe, threat of expulsion by Gov.
the Regents' decision last week Edgar Whitcomb. AU
junior high school will be ministration building said they,
The Tenants' Union, facing
an attempt by seven landlords
to obtain a permanent injune-
tion against the rent strike,
has decided to accept binding
arbitration for 101 remaining
eviction cases rather than seek
jury trials.
Legal spokesmnan Dale Berry
yesterday explained that the Ten-
ants Union accepted arbitration
P because the rent strike wants to
- a o .cc rr : focus its legal efforts on the in-
junction case.
In a trial scheduled to start
May 26 the* landlords will attempt
to show that the rent strike in-
volves a conspiracy to violate ex-
isting and future leases and to
obtain libelous articles in The
"Our chances of winning are
good," said Fred Arnstein of the
[ia n maces Purdue student
ails for stul
Berry Glotta
terminated this year, and the
elementary s c h o o 1 will be
closed in June 1970.
The regental action, which cli-
maxed severalweeks of contro-
versy, camne after Wilbur Cohen,
dean-designate of the education
school, told the Regents he sup-
ported the administration recom-
mendation that the school be
Some 50 parents of University
School students attended the spe-1
cial Regents meeting and their
representative, Ojars Riaj in, ex-
pressed opposition to closing the
school when he was allowed to
Several faculty members who
have opposed closing the school,
See REGENTS, Page 5
too, were protesting Hovde's re-
fusal to grant 'amnesty to those
Rarrested in tip union Monday. o 1 0
The protest had started over o f
tuition hikes.
Meanwhile at Dartmouth Col- By ERIKA HOFF
lege in Hanover, N.H., about 60,
studens seized th ., adinistati Senate Advisory Committee on
buildn s seized e a ministiio University Affairs discussed the
fought back with a court order question of academic accredita-
ordering them to leave. The stu- tion of ROTC at its April 29
dents eventually left. They were meeting and recommended that
testing Reserve Officers Training Senate Assembly's Academic Af-
fairs Committee undertake an ex-
Corps on campus tensive study of the issue.
At the University of Wisconsin,tuh
Madison, Mayor William Dyke said Education Prof. Joseph Payne,
he would reduce the number of thednewly elected chairman of
police who had been patrolling SACUA, said SACUA members
streets. Students leaders earlier agreed that a thorough study of
yesterday urged the protesters toI ROTC is necessary before any
cease disorde's and to review Senate action can be taken.
grievances 'with a committee. SACUA action on the ROTC
C accreditation
issue came in response to a letter
from Dean William Hays of the
literary college asking for a Sen-!
ate Assembly review of the ques-
The literary college curriculum
committee har ecommended that
the college withdraw credit fromk
all ROTC courses, but the college'sj
executive committee declined to
act on the proposal.
Instead, the executive commit-
tee suggested that Senate Assem-
bly formulate "a set of policy
statements and recommendations
that might be addressed to the
Lomax di sc,
The University might become
a "white anglo-saxon middle-
class cookie cutter unless it stops
acquiescing to the status quo,"
says author Louis Lomax.
Lomax, who wrote Negro Re-
volt spoke Monday at a public
session of the Afro-American re-
treat being held here this week.
The idea for the conference
emerged from meetings between
members of the Black Student
Union and President Robben
Participants in the conference
include faculty and resource
neonle from other ,iniversities
iot become involved with each
Lomax said the University has
alowed itself to become the
power arm of the establishment
and must take the blame for
the perpetuation of inferiority
The University should have
gone to the forefront to get rid
of these myths, Lomax added,
but the questions were never
raised in the classrooms and the
University did not take a role
of leadership, Lomax claimed.
Instead it resorted to becoming
a "cookie cutter," he said.
Lomax asked, why professors
The academic affairs commit-
tee, which would conduct the pro-
posed study of ROTC, acts as an
advisory committee to Vice Presi-
dent foi' Academic Affairs Allan
Contacted after the meeting,
Smith said he intends to act on
SACUA's recommendation, but
suggested that the question of
credit foi ROTC is pertinent only:
to the literary college.
"None of the professional schools
currently give credit for ROTC,"
said Smith. "The engineering
school, which supplies a large
ROTC, does not give any academic
credit for ROTC courses. However,
some courses in the engineering
school do count towards fulfill-
ment of ROTC requirements."
In other action. SACUA dis-
cussed a letter from Smith rec-
ommending that the University
institute a policy requiring all
departments to givernon-tenured
professors adequate notice of dis-
missal or denial of tenure.
"Presently," said Smith, "each
department has a different and
often unclear policy on how long
in advance professors are told
whether they will receive tenure
or be reappointed. Smith said a
clear University policy is neces-
sary to give professors who believe
they have been treated unfairly
some basis for appeal.
"The recommendation made by
my office," Smith said, "is very
similiar to the policy outlined by
the American Association of Uni-
', -rc , 7Pvna -n.c "
Tenants Union. "The charges are UNREST:
absurd. They are charging us with CAMPUS
irreparable and immediate dam -________________
ages, yet they have been saying no
one has been harming them."
"They think this will end the L uber Com te
rent strike," Berry said. However, 1, br 0 1 111 1 e
he predicted that a defeat would
not preclude future organizing.
"If we win," he added, "it may
prove to be the decisive victoryi
for the rent strike."L U r pt
The suit charges that the ulti-
mate goal of the rent strike is an
attack on the concept of private LANSING (i--Aiming to prove the Legislature is not
property. Ninety-one defendents "fiddling while the state's higher education system is burn-
are named; twelve are charged ing," the Senate Committee Studying Campus Disorder prom-
with n the complaint as ises a report to the people Friday.
leaders are Berry, Stuart Katz, Sen. Robert Huber (R-Troy) announced the report on
David Goldstein, Peter Denton, the Senate floor yesterday as a few colleagues joined him in
Nancy Holmstrom, Barry Cohen, denouncing recent campus protests.
Janet Handy, Mary Crawly, Al- "superfluous" a letter to Gov.
Ian Kaufman, David Shapiro, Huber termed"William
Steven Marston and Maria Maz- Milliken from Senate Majority Leader Emil Lockwood (R-St.
zaloni. Louis) who proposed a meeting of college and university
The plaintiffs are Apartments officials to discuss various-
Limited, Arbor Forest Apartments, methods of coping with cam-
Charter Realty, Brady Anderson, I
'Charlotte Van Curler, WilliamI pus , e ts
Sr L. Ship- Huber cited "how difficult it is'nseadRbtp
man. to get cooperation" in an investi-
See RENT, Page 5 gation and says' it would take"
"four months for (the governor)
to catch up with us" if he took
Linde mr eri Lockwood's suggestion. I
The majority leader maintained, 1
however, that a move by the gov- I* '0 r
nam ed Regent ernor would "not stop the com-
mittee." "I don't feel it would be
Lawrence Lindemer returned to a duplication of efforts," Lock- A National Emergency Commit-
theUnvesits R demen tre last wood said, explaining that some tee of Clergy and Laymen Con-
month as Gov. William Milliken university trustees already had In- cerned About Vietnam, Michigan
appointed him to fill the vacancyi dicated a desire to know how dis-. CALCAV, and the Interfaith
created Apiil 10 by the death of. orders were handled on other Council for Peace in Ann Arbor
Alvin Bentley. campuses. will lead a protest at the annual
Lindemer was originally ap Huber mentioned a previous stockholders' meeting in Midland,
mpointed, to the Regents inMay,- move by Central Michigan Uni- Michigan today.
1968, by former Gov George Rom- versiy to organize such ameet- Dick Fernandez, a member of
ev asa byrmplaemGent for Robering and said the effort "slowly the National Emergency Commit-