:..... :.:::i17L'RRAY 1 EbiPTO ~;, , lyS3iryhjan PBaIIU Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 1 40- Viewing life 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN Sheriff Harvey and the matrix of power THE RECALL Harvey movement appears on the surface like an effort every red- blooded anti-Harveyite should support, but tactically the movement is unsound, politically it may be disastrous. Even if RECALL gathered 15,000 signa- tures-- and the organization needs 13,- 000 more in the next three weeks - Har- vey would almost certainly win a recall election by a substantial majority. A pop- ular base elected him in the last election, and since welfare demonstrators went to jail and people were beaten on South Uni- versity, Harvey's support has grown. De- feat in a recall election would embarrass the, Harvey opposition, strengthening the already formidable pro-Harvey forces - and destroy the u n i t y of anti-Harvey sentiment which might otherwise have some chance of battling him. But politically - and this is most im- portant - the Recall Harvey movement ignores the crucial issues which will per- sist long after one Sheriff Harvey is gone: the growth of police as an independent political force, police ties to the govern- ment and vested interests, and the total inability of the community-at-large to exert any control or checks over a police force meant to protect it, a police force which the people created a n d sustain with their own taxes. Harvey, obviously, menaces any hope for social justice and humanitarianism in t h e community; h is an incompetent sheriff; and consequently the public should oust him from office. Replacing him with an intelligent law officer train- ed in community social problems might ease the tension over Sunday concerts in the parks and lift the yoke of paranoia which prevents students and other mi- nority groups f r o m living their rights without fearing billy clubs or jail. BUT OUSTING Harvey will not change the matrix of power between the po= lice, government and the community. And that is precisely where democracy in this country will ultimately win - or crum- ble before an American fascism. America formed its governments, our national philosophy tells us, to execute the people's will. And the people formed police forces to ensure the common wel- Suimmer Staf MARCIA ABRAMSON ...................... Co-Editor CHRIS TEELE...... .................Co-Editor iARTINI HIRSCHMAN .. Summer Supplement Editor JIM FPOIRESTER............ summ~er Sports Editor LEE KIRK ... .... Associate Summer Sports Editor ERIC PERGEA JX .Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodas, Martin Hirsch- man, Judy Sarasohn, Daniel Zwerdling. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Laurie Harris, Judy Kahn, Scott Mixer, Bard Montgomery. Business Staff GEORGE BRISTOL, Business Manager STEVE ELMAN .. Administrative Advertising Manager SUE LERNER................ Senior Sales Manager LUCY PAPP............ Senior Sales Manager NANCY ASTN...........Senior Circulation Manager BRUCE HAYDON .................Pnance Manager DARIA KROGULSKI......Associate Finance Manager BARBARA SCHULZ...............Personnel Manager fare of the community and the freedom of its individual citizens. Citizens pay for the police: with our taxes we pay their salares, purchase their guns and g i v e them tear gas. Yet the community ha's lost control ov- er police actions and as a result supports a police which arrests whom it pleases and represses minorities it dislikes, What has happened in Ann Arbor? the mayor, of this city - the mayor - fears the po- lice force and so do many citizens. THESE ARE the issues the community must face, but which RECALL ignores. Until the community gains control of its own police, the people will face m o r e South Universitys. Now, in fact, the RE- CALL movement not only ignores the is- sue of community control but unwitting- ly denounces the people who try to raise it. RECALL organizers circulate with their petitions a Detroit Free Press editorial, which, while denouncing Harvey as "one dumb cop" - a fine phrase coming from a conservative newspaper - also de- nounces the students who fought hi m a n d urges their prosecution under the very legal and police system t h e y are struggling against. Eventually, there will be South Univer- sitys .not o n 1{y of radical students and street people, but of the respectable lib- eral middle class. Because the humani- tarian ideals liberals profess abhore the billy club justice of the Harvey's - and if white collar liberals practice what they preach, the police phalanx will strike at them too. SO WE ALL shrink from a common threat together: student, radicals, liberals, adults. We should work together, organizing throughout the community, knocking on doors, talking with citizens and explaining that community control of the police is essential to real free- dom in our society. Educating the community, debating in the community, showing e y e r y citizen why he must grapple with police power- this is where the Harvey opposition should be. The task is not easy, and perhaps even a majority of the community will support the club-but without focusing the issue before the public, the concept of community control will be buried in an inarticulate hatred of Harvey. This will solve nothing. If the public can throw Harvey out of office, naturally it should try. State confidence in the sheriff has plunged in the wake of the murders and organized public pressure might force Governor Mil- liken to investigate and oust him. This is a far more feasible tactic than a quix- otic recall movement - and if it worked, life in Ann Arbor would be more pleasant. BUT OUSTING HARVEY-a single man -will achieve nothing substantial for the future. What we must oust is an en- tire system. -DANIEL ZWERDLING conventnally DR. MILTON EISENHOWER'S National Commission on the Causes of Violence seems to release the reports of its task forces with less enthusiasm and pride than they deserve: very little else can be said for a recent history conditioned by national disasters, but it does seem to have concentrated the intelligence and improved the coherence of the behavioral sciences. "The Politics of Protest," in Dr. Eisenhower's series, is the report of his Task Force on Violent Aspects of Protest and Confrontation, Dr. Jerome Skolnick, director. Skolnick's compilation is especially cogent and striking in its dis- cussion of policemen. First of all, it discards the notion that the decision to join the force springs from "sadistic or even authoritarian" impulses. The usual police recruit appears to it, on the contrary, to be "an able and gregarious young man with social ideals, better than average physical prowess, and a rather conventional outlook on life, including normal aspirations and self-interest." THE APPEAL of police work in general has been strongest during periods of depression, when it offered job security, and weakest in times like these when the wage is low. It would be natural then that, as in most other areas of the civil service, "the older policemen are better educated and qualified than the younger policemen-a reversal of the trend operating in almost every other occupation." But that is a problem of manpower training; the basic trouble is described by the words, suggesting proper adjustment to things as they are: "an able and gregarious young man with a rather conventional view of life." We occasionally forget what the conventional view of life in America really is. The Skolnick report gives us a useful reminder: "Whites opposed, by close to a two to one majority, the lunch counter sit-ins in 1960, the freedom rides of 1961, the civil rights rally in Wash- ington in 1963." So then, in his time, the conventional view was op- posed to each of the things Martin Luther King did in succession. Times change very rapidly, of course; Martin Luther King is now a saint and the things he did are accepted glories of conventional history in most places. Policemen, then, as conventional people, are opposed to any stirring in the streets. Their explanations of riots run very heavily to "outside agitators"; and that is conventional view also; when Lou Harris asked a sample of white Americans for the cause of Negro riots, the first answer of 45 per cent of them was: "Outside agitation." NOW THE POLICE have appeared as a political party. They have organized as a union, for conventional union purposes; they have also organized as a force for conventional morality. Off-duty policemen check the courts as part of the law enforcement group's study of soft judges. The Police and Fire Assn. of Los Angeles collects dossiers on its political enemies. The Mayor of Boston confesses that he does not con- trol the police department. Policemen yield to that same contempt for authority which is almost conventional for Americans now; "Wanted for Murder" posters of Mayor Carl Stokes hang in Cleveland police stations. Suddenly all of us are commencing to recognize the rebellion gf the white lower middle class. These are people whose anger is generally accompanied and even increased by the sense of having no power; alone among their fragments, the police groups have cohesion; only they have a day-to-day means to express outraged convention. We are going to have to get ourselves together before we can deal with all that is conventional in America which they represent. (c) New York Post Thfe news- -Penta 1% 4 "One small step for taxpayers! . .. One giant leap for tax reforn!" Let Ted Kennedy To the Editor: I READ Daniel Zwerdling's edi- ~torial on Ted )Kennedy in 'rues- day's Daily and" I think that, by reducing the issue to sex, booze, and traffic laws you are oversim- plifying to an absurd degree while ignoring the real problems. I don't give a shit if Kennedy was smashed out of his m i n d, screwed his secretary three times a day or drove across the bridge at 100 m.p.h. What I do care about is: At a time of crisis, Kennedy lost his head completely, not just for a few minutes, which is under- standable, but for approximately g ofn stl I ers to the Editor By DANIEL ZWERDLING THE PACIFIC Stars and Stripes, tabloid voice of the Pentagon, carries news of the world neatly folded each week to the embassy offices, bomber bases a n d tiny thatched hamlets of United States strongholds throughout the east- ern world. So when the paper reprinted an article from the Washington Post on the Harvard strike last April, Vietnam N a v y communications officer William Curtis, a former economics major at Princeton University, r e ad it carefully to find out what was going on. He was surprised, consequently, when he received, the original Washington Post article his. moth- er sent him - and discovered the Stars and Stripes reprint distort- ed its entire meaning. The article, by Alan Barth, an- alyzed the growth of violence on American college campuses and - according to the Pentagon version - seemed to take a bitter stand against the student strikers: "THE ESSENCE of the drama," wrote Barth, "was expressed in a tableau staged in the Harvard Yard at the height of the student 'strike.' About 30 pickets were pa- rading in an orderly, if slovenly, maimer bearing placards Which exhorted their fellow students to stay away from classes. As the picketers trudged, they chanted - somewhat listlessly as though they had been at it for a long time - 'U.S. Out of Vietnam -- F i g h t ROTC.' "What had the Harvard Yard come to?" asked Barth. "Here was the b e a s t in its most ferocious form. 'Here was the final end to intellectuality - the outright ap-' peal to hatred and to bigotry. It seemed a terrifying portent." These are strong words for Alan Barth, who used to churn out con- sistently liberal editorials before the Post editorial p a g e became Lyndon Johnson's respectable rub- ber stamp. But the Stars and Stripes ver- sion of Barth's article was some- what abridged. For between those two paragraphs, printed in t h e army tabloid, a third paragraph by Barth h a d been dropped - changing the entire attack of Barth's vignette: "In the middle of the picketers' oval," Barth had also written af- ter the first paragraph, "stood a -lone figure, indifferent to the cla- mor - a quiet little man, not un- known to the Harvard Yard, more composed, m o r e neatly dressed, mor3 dignified than the picketers, carrying a banner of his own with the simple legend: 'Fight the Jew- ish - Communist 'Conspiracy in America.'" THIS WAS BARTH'S "outright appeal to hatred and to bigotry"- not the student strikers of t h e Stars and Stripes. Curtis wrote the Washington Post/Los Angeles Times News Service - whicl teletypes its copy to 275 newspapers like the Stars and Stripes throughout the world - and demanded an explanation. Service editor Robert Keith says "The paragraph was dropped here. We screwed up the transmission, not the Stars and Stripes - so the omission isn't what it looks like." Adds Keith: "Mistransmissions very seldom happen." 10 hours. In our split-second world, quite a bit of chaos could result if the man in charge of a nation is out of it for 10 hours. It has been reported that, un- der optimum conditions, a person in a submerged car could survive as long as 5 hours. It has a1so been reported that Kennedy could have gotten help to the scene in 40 minutes at most if he had act- ed promptly. Thus, it is entirely possible the woman coilid have been saved, and it is also entirely possible t h a t Kennedy's neglect could have been the deciding fac- tor in her death. Kennedy's op- position to the Vietnam war is commendable, but it doesn't lessen his guilt in this death; any life ended needlessly is a tragedy, whether Vietnamese, American or any other. KENNEDY HAS EMADE con- flicting statements. Certainly, po- liticians are liars and people are liars; but a politician who makes it so obvious is bound to suffer. Kennedy informed at least two associates (Gargan and Mark- ham), who also broke the law by not informing autlorities and who also may have contributed to the woman's death by their inaction. It is quite obvious that their pri- mary purpose was not to do the right thing, b u t to shield Ken- nedy. This certainly makes me wonder about the men who would be running this country if Ken- nedy were to be elected president. W ould they also be men who placed, personal loyalties before conscience, law and the rights of others? And since Kennedy plead- ed guilty to a crime, does this not make Gargan and Markham ac- cessories after the fact? When will they be tried? Kennedy's refusal to face press questions leads one to believe that there may be answers he is un- willing to give because.he thinks the voters will consider therm \too damaging to his image. This type of conduct has been known in the past as a "credibility gap." During the last administra- tion, the American people decided they could not trust a man with a credibility gap. Also Kennedy's hiding behind a "curse" was one of the biggest tear-jerking cop- outs I've heard. I half expect him to prove next thatait was all in his horoscope and was, therefore, in- evitable and not his fault at all. ZWERDLING IMPLIES that the Sublic should go easier on Ken- edy be'cause it is unfair to Criti- cize him while Nixon is not being forced to squirm for his various idiocies. The logical way to end this disparity ishto make Nixon squirm more rather than to 'for- get the Kennedy incident. I have a lot of sympathy for vic- tims of tragic accidents, but my sympathy diminishes drastically whenait comes to breaking just laws and neglecting such an ob- vious duty upon which a human life depends. Perhaps Zwerdling feels he could have been a part of the group that applauded Ken- nedy at his church last Sunday, but he should not be so naive as to think that anyone who cares to take a closer look at this man is a gossipping Mrs. Grundy. I am probably as much in agree- ment with his political views as Zwerdling is, but a man t a k e s much more in'fo the White House than just his Senate speeches and voting record. We must look at the whole man not merely the aspects we like. --Mrs. C. P. Steinmetz LSA '64 Grad '65 Letters to the Editor should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced andnormally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. *, w music Blues Festival: Breathtaking tour of a very rich sou nd By NEIL PATERSON Blessed by Ann Arbor's fickle weather the Blues Festival kicked off with an intriguing first night. The program offered a little for any blues fan, though emphasizing the urban blues of the Chicago school and B. B. King. Introduced by famed Chicago disc-jockey Big Bill Hill, who emerged as the Bill Kennedy of the Blues, things got under way with the more traditional blues of Roosevelt Sykes and Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup. Sykes strained vocals have a limited range but this is amply compensated for by his powerful fifteen finger piano style. Crudup has earned a strange con- voluted fame as the source of Pres- ley's early songs. He worked his way through a familiar repertoire includ- ing "Rock Me," "Look on Yonders Wall," "I'm in the Mood." Often blues traditions. He seems almost an anachronism in the evolving soul spund of Chicago, and if not this sound at least its appearance. Jimmy "Fast Fingers" Dawkins heralds the new age, without losing all contact with the past. The small band of Hutto becomes a larger group with two saxophones riffing, moan- ing and gasping. Purple-suited Dawk- ins stand still as a pillar around which saxophonists twirl and gyrate, This tight, tough band is the quin- tessence of modern Chicago blues. The stinging guitar owes much to B.B. King, but is dirtier. As Buddy Guy trips forlornly into the world of soul it is great to see Dawkins de- veloping as a star in a similar style. Vocally Dawkins is much less impres- sive, having a weak loosely strung voice, but his guitar builds up an intensity which even the open sky could not dissipate. * t 4. B. Hutto pounds out his sour 5.,. , .z Ww