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August 02, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-08-02

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Great weather for
a blues festival

Vol. LXXIX, No. 57-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 2, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages





or urban education
Detroit educator Leonard F.
ix Sam was named lecturer and
coordinator of urban educa-
tion for the education school
yesterday by Dea Wilbur Co-




Sam, an expert on black student
. problems, will set up both formal;
x :. and informal programs for urban
>0 education at the University.
His duties will include helping
operate a $5 million federally-
{ .funded urban education program
S...proposed by Professors Tony C.
Milazzo and Matthew J. Trippe.
The program is aimed at develop-
r { ing new teaching methods for ur-;
ban educators and training expen-
ienced educators and graduate.
students to use these methods in!
participating D e t r o i t public
Sain has been involved in De-
troit area schools as a teacher,
counselor and principal for more
than 20 years. Until his appoint-
ment at the University, he was
Dean Wilbur Cohen Leonard Sain assistant to the superintendent
and a member of the High School
FUN ING: Study Commission in Detroit.
* EEK FUNDINI The announcement marks Sain's
second appointment to the Uni-
versity. He was previously hired.
f st d en ts for mto pinpoint black students' car'b-
ra st de ts form ms in attaining higher education
and left a position in Detroit as
1 assistant principal to become a
Central researen unit eaissiont to the director
pecia admssistant
He also served as director of the'
For years graduate students doing research for a doctoral University's Project on the Negro
degree have had -to fit their projects into the limits imposed in Higher Education until return-
by the l h ing to Detroit as principal of Ket-
by e people who are paying the bills. tering High School in 1964.
And the people paying the bills have not always been A graduate of LeMoyne College
willing to finance the research that the students themselves in Memphis, Tenn., Sain received
A want to do. a masters degree in vocational
guidance from Columbia Univer-
So, for the past five months a group of graduate students sity in 1950. He earned a masters
has worked towards initiating a Research Development Group in educational psychology f r o m
to find so far untapped sources of research support for doc- Wayne State University four years
toral candidates especially in the social scienes later, and in 1965 received a doc-

Col ins arrested for
S Ry Oeieman
slaying of Benra
John Norman Collins, 22, an Eastern Michigan University
senior, was charged yesterday with the first degree murder of
EMU coed Karen Beineman, the eighth young woman slain
in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area in the last 25 months.
Police arrested Collins Thursday night, but did not re-
lease the, information until yesterday morning, just before
the suspect's arraignment in Ypsilanti District Court.
Collins stood mute before District Judge Edward Deake
and an Aug. 7 preliminary examination date was set. Collins
is being held without bond.
Key evidence which led to the arrest came from Collins'
uncle,,Cpl. David Leik, a state trooper.
When Leik returned home Monday with his family from
a two-week vacation, the corporal noticed that "things were
not proper, things were not as
they should be," reported Col.
Frederick Davids, state police
coordinator of the murder in-
Davids would not elaborate
about the condition of the
house that caused Leik to
notify his superiors, but there
is allegedly strong physical
evidence linking Collins with
the killing.
Collins had had access to
the house-where police now
believe Beineman was killed-
because Leik had given the al-
leged killer a key so he could
feed the family dog.

-Associated Press
JOHN COLLINS, 22. an EIU student, is led off by police after his arraignment in Ypsilanti Dis-
trict Court yesterday on charges of murdering EMU coed Karen Beineman. Collins was arrested
Thursday after key evidence was reportedly found at the home of his vacationing uncle, State Police
Cpl. David Leik. At right is the police composite drawing of the motorcyclist who was last seen with
the slain young woman. f


IgflFI t f r0arIondi, n IN~

,n t p it has bee dfiu o i resarch. t
In the past it has been difficult to finance research that 1

students themselves want' to
one of the originators of the
4plan 'for Fall

do, explains Howard Wachtel,
group. But, adds, the group is
going to make every effort to
change that.
Wachtel says t h a t the group
will also act as a clearing house
of information for students who
are working on similar subjects.
The University administration
has agre-ed Mo rnvidp nn tlm

Members of the Phoenix Anarc- "" epar-Lme
indeendhen t salaries for two or three doctoral
hist Coalition, anf-indedet students who will operate the of-
group formerly affiliated 'withfice for the new Research Devel-
Students f o r a Democratic So- opment Group.
ciety, m e t yesterday to discuss The idea was born in the minds
plans for late summer and fall. of a dozen or so doctoral students.
Members said Phoenix will base all in the social sciences.
much activity in the fall around Wachtel explains that in many
a class in anarchism at the. two- cases students' ideas for social re-,
year-old Free University of Ann search draw faculty interest but
Arbor. no monetary support. For these!
Also planned is a discussion of cases, the new group will attempt
anarchism which will be held at to seek funds from other sources.
Guild House in about three weeks. Such sourcesrmight be appar-
Phoenix members are currently ently unrelated institutes or cen-"
preparing literature on anarchism ters in the University, or govern-
for these projects. The group will ment agencies which act in diverse
be meeting every week from now a r e a s, or private foundations
on, probably on Fridays. which have funds but not prom
The Phoenix group was loosely inence.
affiliated with Students for a In addition, the group will be
Democratic Society until the na- able to "package" dissertation pro-4
tional SDS convention in June. posals in the quest for funding. Ac
when Phoenix members officially foundation which would not both-z
withdrew from SDS. er to support one student's work
The group originally splintered in violence m i g h t be willing toI
off fromVoice, the A n n Arbor support the work of eight students
SDS group, last winter, in t h e approaching the same subject
schism which also produced the from different angles, Wachtel ex- t
Radical Caucus. plains.E
At yesterday's meeting the group At present there is no way of.
also adopted a new constitution. grouping such proposals.t
The only officer of the group is a The group will work closely withi
secretary chosen by lot and al- the graduate school, individualc
ternated monthly. Meetings a r e departments, and t h e Office of
informal and non-structured. Research Administration.

toral degree there in guidance and -L- AV tom " AV U 0' «/1-/'02 -® £4'ffi 2 County Prosecutor William
counseling, school administration, Delhey asked for an arrest STATE POLICE Cpl. David
educational psychology and socio- warrant Thursday, and Col- Leik, uncle of accused murderer
logy. John Collns
Between 1967 and 0168 s a i n f lins was arrested at the State
served on the midwest's regional Crime Laboratory n Plymouth while he and his ,attorley
advisory panel of the College En- were talking with officials. The suspect had been taken to
trance Examination Board. He has; An expected decline in the num- gental action last January to end;of dormitory applications, the the lab for questioning.
mittee on services for disadvant- ber of freshman students applying mandatory dorm residence for all housing office has again this year Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny said yesterday that
aged students since 1965, and the for places in the residence halls freshmen and sophomore women. accepted a number of students Collins had been "brought to our attention" after Beineman
advisory committee for the com- has failed to materialize, Director At that time, Feldkamp predict- equal to 102 per cent of the capa- was reported missing late July 23.
parative guidance and placement of University Housing John Feld- ed about a 10 per cent drop in city of the dormitory system. Delhey said officials had Collins under surveillance since
program since 1968. kamp said yesterday. the number of freshman seeking About 22 per cent of those ac- last week, and that he had reason to believe that Collins was
San is also a past member of In addition, Feldkamp said, residence in the dormitories. cepted either do not show up. or the motorcyclist with whom Beineman took a ride earlier
the Urban Adult Education Insti- there has been an increase in ap- There was, however, a noticeable leave school during the first few
tute's regional advisory commit- plications for students in every drop in the number of applicants weeks, Feldkamp explains. that day-the last time she was seen.
tee and has served as principal of graduating class - including a among sophomore women. About Nonetheless, to assign each stu- Collins was questioned by police twice earlier this week,
Detroit's adult education and sum- higher return rate than in previous 370 have elected to leave off-cam- dent a place in the dormitories, but officials did not believe they had enough evidence to hold
mer school programs. Since 1965 years. pus for the coming year. The hous- singles and doubles in South Quad, him at that time.
he has been a part-time instruct- University housing officials had 'ing office had estimated that 420 West Quad, Stockwell Alice Lloyd Police also gained orioborating evidence when they
or and consultant at Wayne State predicted a decline in- freshman would use this new option. and Couzens have been temporari- showled Collins' t r to two clerks at a wig shop in
University. applications as a result of the Re- With the continuing high rate ly converted into doubles anddphotographkg hp
-------- ---------triples respectively. Ypsilanti where Beineman made a purchase before taking the
After the first few weeks of motorcycle ride.
school, the housing office will The two clerks-who had been among those who earlier
know which students have not aided police in drawing a composite of the motorcyclist-re-
shown up, and students in over- portedly identified Collins as the man with whom Beineman
se r1. .,p a ion in. eor ia s hoo s opionof moving to the vacated was last seen.
emCli'tiyytin G emadia schools crowded rooms will be given h

WASHINGTON P) - The gov-t three weeks ago, if the state di
ernment brought its largest school not take steps to comply wit
desegregation suit ever yesterday, federal desegregation standards.
charging the state of Georgia with The suit marked the first tim
encouraging continued racial seg- a state board of education ha
regation in its 192 public school been the target of a governmen
systems. complaint.
Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said The Justice Department sai
the complaint filed in Atlanta fed- the suit would enable federa
eral court, accused Georgia school funds to be restored to 30 Georgia
superintendent Jack P. Nix and districts which had been cut of
the state board of education with from federal assistance by th
failing to take adequate steps to Department of Health, Education
dis-establish a dual statewide; and Welfare.
school system based on race. An HEW spokesman said, how
The action had been threatened; ever, that 30 districts will not be

U' student credit union to open

A total of 60 freshman have! dence which is being held against Collins, but county officials
d; eligible for federal money until a indicated they will live the com- refused, saying they preferred not to release any information
h final court order is entered in the munity during the coming year, until the preliminary examination next week.
but Feldkamp notes that "this teiveistinae en
case after all litigation, including about the same as before." Even All officials connected with the investigation are being
e appeals, is resolved. beore th e saboied man tight-lipped about information they have in order not to
d H sidHEWwa wrkegfuore te egentsablshedman-
d He said HEW was working out datory dorm residence, some prejudice the case.
t arrangements with the Justice freshmen were allowed to live with Davids did say Collins has "several" motorcycles. And a
d tricts that may have been under nearby relatives, car believed to be owned by Collins is being inspected at the
tricts tat may hve been nder Th;o is presently a waiting liststecrm laotry
l consideration for aid terminations. for freshmen wishing t n live is state crime laboratory.
a The government claimed that the dormitories this fall and up-Davids also said that Collins resembles the police com-
e Georgia not only maintained a perclass applications are no long- posite drawing of the motorcyclist seen with Beineman.
n segregated school system, but that er being accepted, Feldkamp said. Although Davids reiterated that none of Beineman's
the educational opportunities pro- In addition, he said, there is; clothes were found near the ravine where her body had been
- vided for Negro youngsters were presently a serious shortage of discovered, the state police director refused to say whether
decidedly inferior to those pro- University housing for married diyco the sttef pdliedLektoe.
vided for whites. students. any clothes were found at the Leik's home.
The suit affects more than one A new married student apart- Collins is being charged only with the premeditated
million Georgia youngsters-in- ment project, Northwood V, is still murder of Beineman, although some police officials say he
cluding 734,000 whites and 360,0001 in the planning stages See COLLINS, Page 3
The suit said only 15 per cent of >
the Negro pupils attended pre
dominantly white schools last year
And unless restrained by thet
courts, the suit charged, "the de-i
fendants will continue to oper ate w
the public schools of the state of e'#'o
Georgia in a discriminatory man-
ner denying Negro children equal -
protection of the laws, in violating'
onf the 14th Amendment of the
The government asked for a'
court order to ba~r Nix and the
school board as well as "their
successors in office, agents. em-~
ployes, and all persons acting in
concert or participation with any
of them from discriminating
against Negro students in the
' Ctanrpl on.nhl in cnhrnl ,ca.l-m rn

A Student Credit Union will begin opera-
-.0 tions at the University next week, fol-
lowing approval of its charter earlier this
week by the State Financial Institutions,
The union-apparently the first all-
student credit organization in the country
--is one of the major programs in Student
Government Council's plan for reducing
the cost of living for students in Ann Arbor.
Members of the union-any students who
pay the five-dollar entrance fee-will be
able to obtain low interest loans and main-
tain, saving accounts with dividend re-

the credit union will be worked out at the
first meeting of the newly-elected directors
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in room 3548 SAB.
This meeting will also be open to all union
Average loan rates, says Tom Brown,
assistant director of student-community
relations, will run from nine to 12 per cent.
Most banks charge between 111/'2 and 18
per cent, he notes,
Members of the credit union will also
earn annual dividends, based on the net
earnings of the operation. Most credit
unions have given members up to 51/ per

Savings in the union will be "insured"
under the Michigan Credit Union League
stabiliation fund, which consists of con-
tributions from other state unions. ,
If any union becomes, insolvent or goes
bankrupt, the stabiliation fund is used to
purchase the outstanding loan accounts
and repay all the savings plus some ad-
ditional interest.
Few unions, however, have ever needed
the fund, which Brown says is "as good or
better" than the nationally used Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation.-
Work on establishing the credit union

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