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July 29, 1969 - Image 1

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S ir i an


Showers and thundershowers,
clearing by afternoon

Vol LXXIX, No. 53-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 29, 1969 Ten Cents

Four Pages







for clues

JOHN SINCLAIR struggles with a guard yesterday
away to begin serving a ten-year sentence for
Sinclair senten
to 10years in pi
From Wire Service Reports
White Panther leader John. Sinclair was se
to 10 years in prison yesterday for possession
Sinclair was denied appeal bond by Re
Judge Robert Colombo. Spokesmen at Trans-
,4id yesterday that Sinclair is planning an ar
Ike was convicted Friday by a jury of giv
juana cigarettes to undercover police agents
Dec. 22, 1966. Proceedings have been delayed
then. It was Sinclair's third -
conviction 'for possession of
marijuana. Dnsen
"They set me up," Sinclair
shouted as he was led away. "They,
' don't want me out on the street. report
"They put Huey Newton in pris-
on and it didn't stop the Black
Panthers. They put John Sinclair City Council Ia
in jail and it won't stop the White report from City
Panthers." Lax concerning
"This is it, moan, I'm glad," he tion against obs
said, his voice full of emotion. "I graphic literature.
can do the time, I can wait. The Lax said in his
people know now: There's no way ed the greatest
you can hide 91/2 to 10 years for community was
two marijuana cigarettes." Panther Party an
Before the sentencing, Colombo and spoken obsc
included a moralistic lecture, say- parks
ing, "John Sinclair is out to show But, in his op
that he and his ilk (can) violate that many of th
the law with impunity. Well, his tributed in Ann
day has come. You may laugh, but protected by recen
you will have a long time to rulings. "This is
laugh." literature may be
Colombo later said Sinclair that prosecution
would be eligible for parole in six much success," s
years. Lax will consu
Sinclair's attorney, Justin Rav- mendation of cou
itz, had requested leniency noting tists and experts
that Sinclair has a one-year old concerning the e
child and his wife expects another. graphy on minors
Sinclair will serve the sentence further discussion
at Southern Michigan Prison at tion until the cit
Jackson. pletes the study.

in slaying
What began as a search for
Eastern Michigan University
coed Karen Beineman is now
a search for her murderer,
who may be the young man
from whom the coed took a
motorcycle ride when she was
last seen Wednesday after-
Beineman's body was found Sat-
urday afternoon face down in a
ravine in the woods off the inter-
section of Riverside and Huron
River Drive by Prof. Conrad
Mason, who notified County Sher-
iff Douglas Harvey.
Harvey did not announce pub-
licly that the coed's body had been
found until Sunday morning. He
said the reason for the delay was
that the girl's parents had to be
notified first.
The sheriff's department placed
the area where Beineman was
Ifound under a tight security ring.
Hervey did not notify anyone ex-
cept County Prosecutor William
Delhey and deputies who kept a
hidden watch over the ravine.
Due to a mixup in communica-
tions, Ann Arbor Police Chief
. ~Walter Krasny was not informed
w of the finding until a reporter
spoke to him Sunday morning.
The body was taken to Univer-
sity Hospital Saturday evening
and a store mannikin was put in
its place. Sheriff's deputies watch-
-Associated Press ed over the area throughout the
as he was led night on the suspicion that the
as h wasled murderer might return.
possession of Officials in the sheriff's depart-_
ment said yesterday that a man
was seen to go straight up to the
ravine and then rush off into the_
woods. Deputies bolted after him
llllldbut-were unable to find him in the i
woods and undergrowth.
One official said the man did
rison not go farther than within 30 feet
of the body but that he appeared
to know the body had been dump-
ed there.
°ntenced to 9%/2Both Harvey and Dehey have
tencdaritoan12officially denied these reports.
of marijuana. Assistant C o u n t y Prosecutorc
ecorders Court Casper Kast said yesterday thata
-Love Energies there were some interviews but
ppeal. there are no "real suspects" yet.t
fing two mari- Krasny also said he did not knowt
of any particular suspects.v
in Detroit on Delhey said last night that some
in court since clothes were found in the area buto
- officials are not sure yet if they
belonged to Beineman.
ity "I never realized how much 9
clothing is lying around Wash-
tenaw County," said Delhey.t
h r "Thereis enough found i thoseb
hovers' lane to fill a lingerie store."
Delhey also said that deputies
st night heard found some thin wire and burlap,
st nghthead Abut that they were unrelated to
Attorney Jerald the murder.
possible legisla- An autopsy performed by Dr.
scene or porno- Robert Hendrix of the University-
pathology department showed that
report it appear- Beineman's death was caused by
concern in the strangulation. She had also been'
over W h i t e sexually molested. Her head was
nd Argus papers, beaten beyond recognition and
cenity at public identification was made only byl
finger prints compared with those
pinion, Lax said taken from her dormitory room..
ie materials dis- Dr. Hendrix placed the time of
Arbor would be death at sometime Wednesday
nt Supreme Court evening.;
not to say the Ray Loeschner, EMU vice pres-f
unpalatable but ident of administrative affairs.
would not stand said yesterday the university is
aid Lax. requesting that all female studentsv
ilt under recom- sign out when they leave thec
ncil social scien- dormitory and indicate when th'ey
in the University will be back and where they ares
ffects of porno- going. The girls will also then sign
. Council delayed in when they return.
on any legisla- Beineman is the sixth slain coed
*y attorney corn- in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area
since March.!

Going O L I lack Odyssey'
George Norman, creator of the "Black Odyssey" pictorial history exhibit, poses before one of the
several hundred panels of the exhibit. It will be on display from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and to-
morrow on the third floor of the education school building.
ConTference on student unrest

on landlords
A federal antitrust suit filed last March against Ann Ar-
bor landlords by eight local tenants was dismissed Saturday
by District Judge Fred W. Kaess in Detroit.
Kaess also dismissed a countersuit filed by the landlords
charging the tenants with conspiring to violate leases and to
encourage others to do so.
Kaess, who heard arguments from both sides on Thurs-
day, ruled that the tenants''suit did not involve interstate
commerce as required for prosecution under the Sherman
Antitrust Act. Instead he told the tenants to "seek their rem-
edy under state law."
"The state of Michigan specifically provides regulations
for and safeguards against!
'restraint of trade' through its' a *
own and adequate laws," the Vic110
judge said.
A similar case is already going
on in Circuit Judge William Ager's 1
court in A n n Arbor. Landlords
have filed a suit charging the "so-
called" Tenants Union with con- !
spiracy to violate future and ex- I 1iTh u s
isting leases by withholding rent aion
and to obtain libelous articles in
The Daily. The tenants have filed A $35 reduction in $900 rent
a counter suit charging the land- owed o Campus Management
lords with conspiring to violate was awarded yesterday to
leases and antitrust statutes.
Court proceedings are scheduled rent strikers Elizabeth Hueb-
to begin Aug. 21. ner, Susan Willis and Marlene
In his judgment Saturday, Milewski.
Kaess dismissed the tenants' claim After approximately 30 minute
rbor has an effetbusinessint rstat of deliberation the six-man jury
commerce because high rents re- issued the verdict. The foreman
sulting from the landlords' alleged to two pairs of Willis' shoes valued
violations of antitrust laws-com- t w ar f ils he vle
"""""''" "*""at $15 and $20.
bining to restrain competition in
the Ann Arbor housing market- Robert Reed, attorney for Hueb-
restrict potential out-of-state ten- ner, Willis and Milewski, said the
ants from ;coming to the area. girls 'were not obligated to pay the
"It is clear from the complaint full rent because= the landlord had
that the restraints alleged relate not fully met his obligations. Reed

only to the rental of real estate cited thebatyw hwaeste
pred ictseventu lSocialc ange:n the Ann Arbor area.'Thisai the batyoom wicaied yte
ventualCgcal commerce and the compe-wtogfm
tition allegedly restrained and in- freezing cold,
EAST LANSING tJ --A group and have little patience for any recommendations of a group of 21 terfered with vs local in nature," Brian Urquhart, attorney for"
of college administrators, students other kind of~setting. Republican congressmen who re- Kaess said. Campus Management, suggested
and legislators meeting at Mich- Julian Bond, a black legislator ported to President Nixon. Pettis The federal antitrust suit was the water problem was "somewhat
igan State university agreed yes- from Georgia, agreed that young and the others toured troubled not officially connected with the of an exaggeration.
n tUne-people are going to remake societycampuses..Tenants Union or the rent strike, Also yesterday in district court
terday that the new generation because the adults lack the "moralTh uded although some Tenants Union testimony was presented in a claim
will eventually change society. capacity" to change t e gup recommen crea- members were plaintiffs in the for $666 back rent filed by Cam-
The session cage soty, cpit"oit. tion of a higher education com- federal suit. 'pus Management against rent
Teed sesionn campu turmoil Bond warned that both univer- mission, draft reform, expanded The suit was undertaken as a strikers Anya Gendler and An-
opened yesterday. sities and corporations are aloof opportunities for youthful partici- "class action" by eight Ann Arbor nette Johnson Boer. Final argu-
I'm not talking just about a to the real needs of the people. pation and involvement and low- tenants. "Class action" means that ments and the verdict will be given
few eloquent radicals, but a whole Colleges still resort to the "whip ering of the voting age in addition the tenants represented all those today at 10 a.m.
generation of youth," said Dr. and spur" toikeep students in line, to taking of no repressive meas- Reed, who also represented
William Boyd, president of Cen- Bond said. ures against student protesters. Gendler and Boer, maintained the
tral Michigan University. "I'm "None of the old ways of doing Pettis added, however, that non- A mass meeting to discuss girls were not obligated to pay full
be g ntheir ulimate tri- things work any more," Bond said disruptive students must be allow' foreign students' problems and rent because the landlord "has
m eRep. Jerry Pettis (R-Calif) ed to use university facilities with- their relationship to American breached his obligations."
Boyd said the youth of today agreed that repressive legislation out interference. students at the University will Reed cited eleven housing code
were brought up in a family at- E is not the answer to student pro- be held at 7 p.m. tonight in violations including no screen door
mosphere of openness and honesty tests. Pettis said he endorsed the Robert Powell, president of the Room 3524 of the Student Ac- 'on the kitchen window; no wall
- - National S t u d e n t Association, tivities Bldg. light switch in the kitchen and
* charged that universities are not one of the bedrooms; one electrical
only symbols but fundamental outlet in one of the bedrooms--
ca H arv ey d riv e causes of the ills plaguing Amer- who are living in the area now or city housing code stipulates two
can society. 'hve lived here in the past four are needed; lack of adequate hot

t he
to hodms etn

Powell charged universities con-!
tribute to social problems not only
because of what they teach, but
also because of what they fail tor

years. . water and heat; and use of one

A mass meeting of RECALL, a drive to remove Washteriaw "One of the bitterest anonaliesj
ounty Sheriff Douglas Harvey from office, has been calledis that universities are so barrenI
of real teaching. The knowlegei

The plaintiffs in the federal
suit which was dismissed were
Steve Marston, Barry Rubin, Jon-
athan Moselle, Helen Cooper,
Drew Bogema, Daniel Zwerdling,
Kurt Wiener and Laura Magzis.,
Their attorney was Mrs. Virginia
Davis Nordin.
The case being beard in Ager'si
court was filed directly against

room as a bedroom which is at
least 22 sq. feet under minimum
housing code standards.
Dwaine Lighthammer, president
of Campus Management, said the
apartment in question at 317 E.
Ann St. No. 4 is/ "represented ;t
being for one bedroom and a
Boer, called to the ; stand by

for 8:30 tonight at RECALL headquarters, 203 E. Ann.
The meeting will be an effort to organize volunteers to
work one evening each week, explained Cindy Kleinsmith,
chairman of RECALL's petition committee.
She said the group presently has only 1100 of the 15,000j
signatures needed to force a recall election. The signatures
must be collected within a three month. period. Kleinsmith
said another 600 petitions are now in circulation,
A flyer containing what RECALL members say is docu-
mented material which vindicates charges against Harvey
_ will be circulated along with
the petitions, she added.

technicians have driven true edu-
cation from the campus," he said.

The universities, Powell said the "so-called" Tenants Union and Reed, said she was told by a secre-
its associates, although 12 persons tary from Campus Management
are "governed by force and coer- were named as defendants in the that the apartment could be used
cion." conspiracy charge. as a two bedroom place "


Bylaw negotiations planned

The S e n a t e Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
(SACUA) has agreed to estab-
lish a negotiating committee
with Student G o v e r n m e n t
Council in order to resolve dif-
ferences in drafts of the pro-
posed Regents bylaws approved
by SOC and by Senate Assem-
SACUA is the executive com-
-mittee of the Assembly.
SGC approved the proposed
bylaw draft last week, but also

ficient agreement exists to war-
rant sending the draft to the
Regents anyway.
The major disagreement be-
tween the two groups concerns
section 7.07 of the proposed by-
laws, which deals with student
conducthstandards related to
academic activities.
Specifically SGC citeci sec-
tions 7.09 (1) and (3) as un-
acceptable. These sections give
the faculties of the schools and
colleges the authority to set
standards for and determine
curriculum, levels of compe-

policy board tighter control over
the vice president for student
services (now vice president for
student affairs), requiring the
vice president to follow and ex-
ecute its' decisions.
This amendment relates to a
current controversy b e t w e e n
SGC and the administration.
SGC is demanding that the poli-
cy board be given power to man-
date the vice president to sup-
port the board's p o s i t i o n
when before the executive of-
ficers or the Regents.

be chosen at the end of the
One administrator, to be ap-
pointed, will sit in on the meet-
ings with no vote. According to
Payne, "This will help both sides
to become better informed."
Marc Van Der Hout, SGC ex-
ecutive vice president, said that
"both sides will have to be flex-
ible" in discussing the amend-
ments. However, Knauss said he
was confident there would not
be much disagreement except in
the area of committee structure.
He said he hoped the commnittee

RECALL member John Bowers
said that a research committee is
working on finding out facts about
Harvey previously not made pub-
1ic. He said a brochure containing
this data should be printed with-
in the next few weeks.
Dr. Edward Pierce, a past Ann
Arbor Democratic Party chairman
and present member of its execu-
tive board, is trying to convince
the party to take a stand on the
issue. Pierce believes that the
party will support RECALL.
Bowers said that RECALL needs
students to work on the drive be-
cause most people working on the
campaign have jobs which take
top priority and keep them away
from the drive. He believes stu-
dent support could give the move-
ment the momentum it needs.

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